
Zucchini Companion Plants: What to Plant With Zucchini 

 May 28, 2022

By  admin

Planting with zucchini is easy and can be done in a wide variety of ways, but if you are looking for plants that will go well together, try these. These companion plants will give your garden structure without overtaking it all.

The “bad companion plants for zucchini” is a question that many people have asked. They are wondering what to plant with their zucchini crop.

Zucchini Companion Plants: What to Plant With Zucchini

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Grow a large harvest of zucchini by pairing it with companion plants.

You’ll need lots of sunshine, warmth, space, and hydration to grow zucchini well — they are thirsty plants that want to spread out.


If you already have these four things figured out, that’s fantastic!

You may be seeking for a little more aid to encourage your zucchinis to grow in order to achieve the finest crop possible. Do you know what companion plants are?

What is companion planting, and how does it work?

When you cultivate plants close to one other as companions, they may benefit or compliment one another.

This is often done for three reasons: to enhance soil and growth conditions, to attract pollinators, and to deter pests.

It’s not a new form of gardening, but with the rise in interest in organic gardening, you may have heard it mentioned more recently. 

Companion planting is effective, because it eliminates the need for pesticides to control pests.


Zucchini, like many other plants in your vegetable garden, may benefit from the presence of companion plants.

They don’t enjoy coming too near to certain plants, however! Continue reading to learn more.

Plants that go well with zucchini

Below you’ll find a rather complete list of zucchini companion plants.

We’ve also discussed how each of these zucchini companion plants may assist.

Choose some pals for your zucchini from this list to aid in the growth of your bountiful harvest!

Pollinator-friendly zucchini companion plants


To produce zucchini, zucchini blooms must be pollinated. As a result, you’ll want to attract as many pollinators as possible to your patch.

Borage (seen above) is a particularly noteworthy partner in this way. Bees and other pollinators are drawn to this lovely blue-flowered plant. It also goes well with your vegetables.

Phacelia (seen below) is another fantastic zucchini companion; bees enjoy this purple-flowered plant.


Companion plants for zucchini to keep pests at bay


This is when a bouquet of lovely flowers comes in helpful. Pests will be attracted to nasturtiums and marigolds, which will keep them away from your zucchini.

Plant them in groupings near your vegetables. Instead of eating your zucchini, flea beetles and aphids will eat your flowers. The plant stems will be coated with blackfly.

Despite being assaulted, these tough’sacrificial’ plants will continue to blossom for months — you simply can’t keep them down, bugs or no pests!


Grow some herbs near your zucchini, along with your super-powerful flowers. Herbs’ pleasant fragrances might help keep pests away.

  • This is when parsley, dill, lemon balm, mint, and oregano come in handy.
  • Yarrow (seen below) makes a great zucchini companion plant. It has an unpleasant odor that aphids dislike. Yarrow also attracts aphid-eating insects.
  • Garlic functions in a similar way; many insect pests detest the pungent odor, and aphids are turned off by it.
  • Zucchini pests, such as squash vine borers, are similarly deterred by corn and radishes.


Companion plants for zucchini to boost growth conditions

Some of the greatest plants for growing zucchini near them serve to improve the soil. Peas and beans are two examples of such plants.

They are nitrogen-fixing organisms. This means they take nitrogen from the air and fix it in the soil, increasing the condition of the soil. This promotes the growth of other plants, such as your zucchini.


In Native American gardens, beans, maize, and squash (including zucchini) are often cultivated together.

This is often regarded as the ideal combo, and it’s easy to see why. Beans help the other two plants by improving the soil.

Corn acts as a trellis for beans, while corn and squash like similar growth conditions and hydration amounts.

Squash leaves also provide shade to the soil, and their spikiness deters pests from snacking on maize and beans. These three plants are excellent companions.

Spinach is a fantastic zucchini companion plant that should not be neglected.

It enjoys the shade provided by the zucchini plant and, in exchange, gives minerals to the soil to aid in the growth of the zucchini.

The plants that are the most difficult to cultivate with zucchini

Types of Potatoes

In the same bed, potatoes and zucchini do not get along. Potatoes, in reality, prefer to develop alone, without the company of other plants!

It’s also a good idea to keep your pumpkins and zucchini apart. They belong to the same family, and if they pollinate each other, your zucchinis and pumpkins may not develop correctly.

zucchini companion plants

Do you want to learn more about vegetables? Check out the following:

Tomato Plants: 15 Different Types with Pictures

With Pictures of 23 Different Types of Lettuce Varieties

When Is the Best Time to Start Growing Potatoes?

Zucchini is a great plant to grow in your garden. It can be used as both a vegetable and a ground cover. However, it needs some help from other plants. These companion plants will help the zucchini produce more fruit and keep away pests. Reference: cucumber companion plants.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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