
Write for Us 

 May 28, 2022

By  admin

Hello! We are a publication for people looking to write about their latest ideas and experiences. If this sounds like you, we want to hear your voice too.

Write for Us is a platform that allows you to write articles, or even blog posts, and get paid for it. You can also make money by sharing your content with others.

Write for Us


Write for YardSurfer

The Mission of YardSurfer

We at YardSurfer are dedicated to encouraging and supporting people’s passion for gardening, yards, our wonderful planet, and the great outdoors. We’re also here to assist you prepare for your outside job by frequently reviewing tools and accessories. If you’d like to submit a product review to assist other gardeners, please do so!

Yard Surfer is searching for knowledgeable authors, thought leaders, and gardeners who have something important to say.

Please check the list before sending us your message to ensure that you have:

  • At the start of your piece, provide your name, email address, and a 3-5 phrase biography. You may also add a link to your website and social media accounts, but they are not necessary!
  • I signed up for a Gravatar account. (The email address you supply us must be the same as the one you use for your Gravatar account.)
  • You wrote your article in an editable Google Doc and sent it to us.
  • Your PayPal email address was included.

Once you’ve completed those steps, you’re ready to submit an article to us!

What Our Community Is Interested In

Here are three of the numerous possible writing topics for your article. However, this does not imply that we are restricted to these issues.

1. Tips and Inspiring Design Ideas for Green Thumbs (with lots of photos)

Many individuals assume that only those with “green thumbs” can make their garden and yard flourish. Show them they’re incorrect. Allow your essay to serve as an inspiration to anybody who wants to use greens and reds outside their home but doesn’t know how. Teach children the value of dedication and devotion to their work.

2. Garden Lovers, Unite!

Do you have a personal story about gardening that you’d like to share? Write about the first time you began gardening or fell in love with your backyard. Share what you appreciate about landscaping with the readers, as well as what will help others enjoy the activity as well.

3. The Most Effective Gardening Equipment

Every garden enthusiast (particularly newcomers and the economical among us) enjoys hearing firsthand accounts of outdoor items. Give us advice on which gardening equipment to use — items that won’t break the bank.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

What constitutes a good piece of writing? If you provide recommendations that are useful to a wide range of readers and concentrate on either DIY step-by-step instructions or personally, emotionally connecting anecdotes, your post will be successful.

Will I get compensated for my contribution? Yes, we pay $30-40 for approved entries, depending on the amount of editing work necessary on our end. Payments are made using PayPal.

What should the length of my article be? The article must be at least 900 words long.

Is it okay if I put links in my article? Yes, you should offer links that will be useful to your viewers. Paid, sponsored, spammy, or affiliate links should not be used.

What are your post-style rules in general?

  • On the internet, paragraphs with a maximum of 3-4 phrases are the most readable.
  • Bullets, subheadings, and numbered lists should be used wherever feasible throughout the article.
  • If you’re going to utilize a lot of rare terms, make sure you clarify them beforehand. (We like picking up new terms.)

Is it necessary for me to create a headline? Yes, we do appreciate a few of recommendations. We may change headlines for style, SEO, or just to make your writing more appealing.

Will you make any changes to my post? Yes. We do make changes for clarity and substance. We will, however, make every effort to maintain the essence of your original text and voice.

Will I get a response to my email after I’ve sent it? Yes, we will notify you if your piece is accepted for publication. Unfortunately, due to our tiny editing staff, we are unable to utilize all of the submissions. If we do not plan to publish your work, we will not respond to your email.

We’re excited to see what you’ve come up with. Submissions should be sent to [email protected].

“Write for Us” is a service that allows people to write about their homes. People can create blogs, share photos, and receive feedback from the community. Reference: “write for us” + home.

Related Tags

  • write for us health
  • write for us free
  • general write for us
  • write for us blog
  • write for us + education

Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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