
Wax Begonia: How to Grow and Care? 

 May 23, 2022

By  admin

Wax begonias are a popular home house plant that’s easy to grow and care for. This article will teach you how to find the right plants, where they’re commonly found, what types of light they need, and more.

The “wax begonia winter care” is a plant that can be grown and cared for indoors. It requires little light, water, and nutrients to grow.

Wax Begonia: How to Grow and Care?

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Are you a novice gardener who enjoys planting year-round flowering houseplants? Or are you seeking for a blooming plant with beautiful colors to brighten up any room in your house? If you answered yes, the wax begonia plant is a wonderful addition to your garden.

Warm, perennial wax begonias (Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum) are popular among skilled gardeners. The name comes from the spherical, glossy, waxy leaves of the plants. They’re recognized for their waxy leaves, which are dark green or bronze in color and shine.

These plants produce a lot of flowers and may bloom all year. Blooms come in a variety of hues, including red, pink, and white, and many species have two types of flowers on the same plant.

These plants have been popular in gardens and houses since the Victorian era and are still popular now. The blossoms are also linked to pumpkins and melons, and the majority of them are edible with a citrus taste.


Wax Begonia Characteristics

Wax begonias have fleshy stems and green to bronze leaves and are compact, mounded, succulent, and fibrous-rooted plants. The blooms may bloom single or twice depending on the kind, and they come in a variety of hues and bloom from spring through frost.

These plants are low-maintenance and may reach heights of 6 to 12 inches tall with a comparable spread. Wax begonias grow fast in warm, sunny areas and respond to a broad variety of light conditions once planted. Not to mention, they demand soils that are somewhat humus-rich, well-drained, and use less Fertilizer each month.

Wax begonias with bronze leaves do better in brighter spots, and mulch and compost help preserve roots and keep the soil wet.

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Wax Begonias Come in a Variety of Colors

  • Super Olympia Series: Wax begonias from the Super Olympia series have glossy green leaves, are perennial, and blossom in full bloom in the garden, producing bigger blooms with better colors. The plant may reach a height of 10 to 12 inches.
  • The Queen Series is a double-flower begonia breed, which means it can regularly produce two kinds of blooms on the same plant. This plant’s exceptional heat tolerance is one of its most noticeable characteristics, making it an excellent option for tough gardening situations.
  • Coco Mix: The Coco Mix breed is recognized for its rounded leaves and double flowering qualities. The blooms of this cultivar range in color from white to crimson, and the leaves have a distinctive burgundy tint.
  • Wax begonias of the Cocktail Series have solitary white blooms with yellow centers and bronze or maroon leaves. The plants are compact, have a lower height, and bloom throughout the summer.
  • Varsity Series: Wax begonias of the Varsity series are shorter and more heat resistant than other begonias. They feature bright or dark green leaves and produce red, white, or pink blooms. Even better, these plants thrive in pots or containers.
  • Victory Series: Similar to the Varsity series of wax begonias, this type has red, white, or pink flowers with dark green leaves. The perennial plant may reach a height of 8-10 inches.
  • Paint Splash Pink: This wax begonia variation has a brighter foliage and green leaves with unique cream spots. The plant has light pink blooms that provide a striking contrast and make it appealing to the eye.

Wax Begonias are a kind of Begonia that may be grown in a

Propagation, which will be explained later in this article, is the greatest technique to grow wax begonias. You may, however, cultivate the plant from seeds. The following are the methods to growing a healthy wax begonia plant from seed.

  1. Plant the wax begonia seeds on well-drained, organically rich soil around 12 weeks after the winter season ends.
  2. Gently press the seeds into the earth, but don’t bury them too deeply. To germinate, wax begonia seeds need direct sunshine. Artificial sunshine is also a good option if natural sunlight isn’t available.
  3. To keep the soil wet, cover the pot with a plastic bag or a humidity dome. A humidifier may also be used to do this.
  4. Be patient as the wax begonia seeds may take a long time to germinate.
  5. Ensure that the seeds are kept warm and moist, with enough of sunshine. Using a heating pad to place the plant on may help speed up the germination process.
  6. When the germination process is complete and leaves begin to emerge from the baby plant, it’s time to split the plants and put them outside in separate pots.

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Wax Begonias: How to Care for Them

Wax begonia plants, as previously indicated, need less care and are hence an ideal option for new gardeners and collectors. They’re also simple to cultivate compared to other begonia kinds, and they only need a few basic growing conditions.

Let’s take a look at how wax begonias should be cared for.


Wax begonias like direct sunshine for growth and blooming, however various subspecies and localities have variable lighting needs.

If the plant is growing in an area where the summers are hot and humid, make sure the plants are getting enough indirect sunlight by giving some shade. On the other hand, if the plant is grown in a temperate area, direct sunshine is a superior alternative.

Keep in mind that wax begonias with bronze leaves demand more direct sunshine than their green-leaved counterparts.

Keep them in areas with lots of bright sunshine all day if you’re growing them indoors. However, if the interior environment is unsuitable for the plant, semi-transparent curtains will suffice.


Wax begonias don’t need any particular soil types, as long as the soil is well-drained to avoid dampness or overwatering. For optimal development cycles, any light, well-draining, humus-rich soil or a general-purpose potting mix should be used.

For wax begonia plants, loosening the soil is critical. Peat moss or any other organic product may be used to loosen the soil. This aids in the smooth movement of water inside the potting mix, avoiding soil sogginess.


Remember to water the plants on a regular basis by according to a set watering schedule, which may vary based on the weather. Water the plant at least once or twice a week to keep the soil wet.

When the top half to one inch of the topsoil dries up, water the plants. Wax begonia plants like moist soil, but overwatering may cause root rot.

Also, avoid allowing water to accumulate on the plant’s leaves, since moist leaves encourage fungal development, which is harmful. Water around the plant’s base, around the soil, to avoid doing so.

Mulch surrounding the roots also aids in preserving the soil’s water retention capability.

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Humidity and Temperature

Plants native to Central and South America are wax begonias. As a result, they favor warm, humid settings. If the plants are kept warm throughout the year, they may be cultivated as perennial perennials outside.

The plant requires an average temperature of 14 to 16 degrees Celsius at night and 18 to 24 degrees Celsius during the day for optimal development. They are, however, unsuited to low climates and cannot withstand frost. As a result, bring the plants inside throughout the winter to keep them safe from the cold.

In their native environment or outside, these plants thrive in heavy humidity. Place the container on a tray of stones if you’re keeping the plant inside. Fill it halfway with water, making sure it doesn’t touch the pot’s bottom. The humidity surrounding the plant will be maintained by the evaporating water from the tray.


Wax begonias don’t need much fertilizer throughout their development, therefore a general, lesser fertilizer will suffice. Use balanced, granular, liquid fertilizers every month throughout the plant’s early developing stage to boost growth.

Apply a half-diluted liquid fertilizer to the soil of indoor plants once a week. Every third or fourth week, use a high-phosphorus fertilizer to aid in the plant’s healthy development.

Compost is an excellent fertilizer substitute. Not to mention, using well-rotted manure for aged compost mulching provides the same benefits as using an artificial fertilizer.

Additional Wax Begonia Care Techniques

It’s possible that the begonias may grow out of shape, or that some overgrowth will need to be pruned to make the plants seem even more attractive.

These plants have certain special needs for care.


Wax begonia plants don’t take much upkeep once they’ve finished growing, but they do require some particular treatment when winter arrives in order to withstand the cold. The plants must be removed from the ground since they may perish owing to the intense cold. As a consequence, the plants must be moved inside in order to create a warm and long-lasting atmosphere.

Overwintering refers to the process of bringing plants inside to protect them from the cold. To avoid root rot, make sure the plants are in a container with well-drained soil while transferring them.

Make sure there are no drafts (cold air coming in via a leak in the window during the winter) since they may kill the plants. Keep wax begonias inside until the winter is through, since they might perish in cold weather.

Bonus Read: Are you planning on creating a room to overwinter your wax begonias? Here are 13 backyard shed ideas to help you create a safe environment for your DIY gardening endeavors to flourish.


Wax begonias are cultivated in big nurseries in large quantities alone. As a consequence, plants do not develop correctly from seeds, but may readily be propagated through leaf cuttings, commonly known as sprigs.

To begin propagating a wax begonia plant, follow these steps:

  • During the spring season, remove a three to four-inch sprig off the plant using a pair of clean snips.
  • Remove the leaves that are approximately two inches from the bottom of the container.
  • Immerse the severed end in a rooting hormone, such as agar.

Finally, place the sprig in wet, well-drained soil. Place a plastic bag upside down to preserve moisture as the infant plant develops gradually to maintain it in a humid atmosphere.

Alternatively, instead of using an agar solution, set the sprig in a jar of water and wait for the roots to develop, which might take up to a week. Transfer the sprig to the soil after the roots are approximately an inch long, and a new plant will emerge.

Replanting and Potting

Replanting and Potting is an essential element for wax begonia plants due to the Overwintering process.

For general purposes, try using a small pot containing peat-based potting mix. Since the plants are root bound in nature, they don’t require much repotting, just once or twice in their lifetime. In most cases, expert gardeners today prefer planting the cuttings of older plants and promoting Propagation rather than Replanting and Potting the same plants.

Pest and Disease Control

When it comes to pests and diseases, wax begonia plants are particularly sensitive. As a consequence, steps must be made to ensure the plant’s continued health. The following are some of the threats that these plants confront.


Botrytis, powdery mildew, gray mold, and pythium are all fungal diseases that may affect these plants.

To help control fungal infections, drip irrigation or pouring water straight from the hose onto the soil and mulch is preferable. If a fungal danger arises, apply a copper-based fungicide and maintain adequate plant spacing to avoid the spread of the disease.


Wax begonias, like wax begonias, are vulnerable to pests. As a consequence, keep an eye out for aphids, thrips, and caterpillars on your plants.

Aphids are little, soft-bodied insects that feed on sap and may be found on the developing ends of leaves and stems. Plants may become stunted and distorted as a result of an aphid infestation.

Thrips mostly feed on the top surface of leaves, causing them to lose their luster. Pollen from flowers is also consumed by them, limiting pollination.

Caterpillars mostly eat on plant leaves and stems at night, diminishing the attractiveness of the plant.


To sum it up, wax begonias are unquestionably one of the most attractive perennial blooming plant species. The contrast and beauty of their bronze to magenta-hued foliage and vividly colorful blossoms is mind-blowing.

You may produce a DIY neem-based soaping mix to preserve the gorgeous blossoms and bronze or maroon leaves while also repelling pests and insects.

Are you wanting to expand your garden collection with a new blooming plant species? To brighten up your landscape, consider planting the China doll plant!

Wax begonias are perennials and can be grown as houseplants or outdoors. They need a lot of sun and water. They also need to be planted in soil that has been amended with compost, peat moss, and sand. Reference: are wax begonias perennials.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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