
Wandering Jew Plant 

 March 13, 2022

By  admin

The Wandering Jew Plant is a common and familiar houseplant found in many households. Although this plant is not native to North America, it has become a popular fixture because of its short height, adaptability to low light conditions, and ease of care.

The “wandering jew plant” is a plant that grows in the soil. The name of the plant comes from its wandering roots and stems.

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Wandering Jew, often known as spiderwort, is an evergreen perennial plant that is one of the most popular in-house plants. Wandering Jew is one of 75 Perennial herbaceous plants of the Tradescantia genus, which is native to Mexico.

These plants are resilient, fast-growing, and need little care. Their stunning purple-silver leaves droop, spread, and climb, making them particularly lovely in hanging flower baskets in any home corner. Several species of the Tradescantia genus, however, are Toxic to animals, so keep your four-legged companions away from these plants.

Because these plants are resilient, they will thrive in warmer climes, but cultivating them inside during colder and drier months may need additional work. This should not deter you from picking Wandering Jew Plant, as it is well worth the time and work required to nurture these lovely evergreen decorative plants.

These plants are vines, which means they will climb and crawl as their height increases. As a result, you may control their rising direction and arrange them whatever you like. We can attest to the appeal Wandering Jade Plants will exude throughout the year, attracting comments.

Doesn’t it sound appealing? We’re certain it is. So, let’s have a look at how to cultivate and care for these plants at home.

Allow us to assure you that growing your own Wandering Jew Plants is not difficult.

The Essentials of the Wandering Jew Plant

Before we get into the specifics of how to produce Wandering Jews Plants, let’s review some fundamental facts about them.

Name in generalinch plant, spiderwort, flowered inch plant, wandering Jew
Name of the plantTradescantia
TypePerennial herbaceous
Zones of HardinessUSDA hardiness zones 9 and up
SunlightLight that is both direct and indirect
Requirements of the Soila little moist
pH of the soilAny
Height Limits6 feet tall
ToxicityToxic to animals
Native toMexico

Wandering Jew Plant Types

If you’re unfamiliar with Wandering Jew Plants or spiderwort, it’s a good idea to discover more about them.

Wandering Jew refers to three species of the Tradescantia genus: Fluminensis, zebrina, and pallida.

Tradescantia Zebrina, No. 1

The leaves of Tradescantia zebrina, also known as Zebrina pendula, resemble zebra skin. The leaves are blue-green in color, with silvery stripes on top and purple stripes on the bottom.

Tradescantia Pallida (#2)

Purple secretia, purple-heart, and more common names for Tradescantia pallida exist. This variety is distinguished by its purple, elongated and pointed leaves. They produce little, three-petaled white, pink, or purple flowers in addition to being evergreen plants.

Tradescantia Fluminensis (#3)

Tradescantia fluminensis, another variety of Wandering Jew Plant, with dark-green, pointed leaves that are shiny, glossy, and somewhat surfaced.

Planting the Wandering Jew

Whatever kind of tradescantia you choose, they are all rather simple to cultivate and maintain. As long as you give your evergreen perennial tradescantia lots of light, wet soil, and clip it regularly, you should be able to enjoy it.

This plant may be easily grown both outdoors and inside. However, you should plant these species outdoors in movable pots so that you may move them inside during the winter months. Apart from wet soil, make sure your plant has enough bright light, a warm temperature, and a high humidity level to grow.

Keeping this in mind, let’s look at the various growth circumstances that these plants need.


The location is the most important factor to consider while developing Wander Jews. The conditions for sunshine, soil, water retention, temperature, and humidity should all be optimum.

In the garden, Tradescantia may be used as a border plant. You may trim them to give them the shape you choose, and since they’re evergreen, your garden will stay green all year.

You should be aware that your tradescantia is a hardy plant that may grow in a variety of environments. Choose a place that gets strong sunshine, has wet soil, and does not have water clogging to get the most out of them. To avoid leaf browning, never plant them in direct sunlight.

Spiderworts trail attractively and may be grown inside in hanging baskets and containers. As a result, place your indoor planter on high shelves or window sills that get enough of sunlight.


Tradescantias thrive in both direct and indirect sunshine. As a result, attempt to position them in a location that gets at least 6 hours of strong light every day. Keep your plant out of direct sunlight, particularly in the afternoon, since it may burn the foliage.

But be careful not to over-shade it, since this may hinder the leaves from growing.


Wandering Jew Plant grows best in moist, well-drained soil. You may use regular houseplant potting soil. However, natural compost may be used to improve the soil. Combine the following ingredients in equal quantities for soil amendments:

  • Soil for gardens
  • Humus
  • Perlite or sand
  • Organic or nutrient-dense compost (a handful)
  • a little lime sprinkling

Mulching the dirt around the roots might help to keep moisture in the soil.

pH level

You don’t need to think about the pH balance of the soil much, as your plant will survive at any pH of the soil.

Temperature & Humidity

A temperature range of 50 to 80 degrees is good if you wish to grow your plant outside. During the winter months, though, temperatures below 45 degrees might be a cause for worry.

In terms of humidity, this plant thrives in humid settings, however additional care may be required when the humidity level drops.

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Taking Care of the Wandering Jew Plant

It makes no difference whether you cultivate your plant outdoors or indoors. However, there are certain fundamental plant care guidelines that you should adhere to in order to keep your plants alive and well. But don’t worry; these plants are low-maintenance, and you won’t have to devote much time to them.


The next thing that springs to mind once you’ve planted your tradescantia is watering it. Tradescantia species, on the other hand, need wet, well-drained soil. Watering them on a regular basis is essential, but don’t overwater them.

When the top of the soil seems dry, water your plant. Watering these plants from the bottom will allow them to absorb up more water.

If you’re growing plants inside, in pots or baskets, leave a hole at the bottom. It will allow for appropriate water drainage.


Wandering Jews aren’t big eaters, so you won’t have to fertilize them very frequently. However, feeding them once in a while will not damage them.

You may fertilize them with a half-strength liquid fertilizer from spring until summer. You may also use a once-a-year application of a slow-release fertilizer. During the winter and autumn, however, do not fertilize them.

Chemical fertilizers should not be used since your plant may be susceptible to them.


Wandering Jew Plants love to spread, and they expand quickly, thus they must be pruned on a regular basis.

Remove any new growth, as well as any leggy, weak, or dead leaves, by pinching or clipping them off your plant. You may also cut the long tendrils if you want to keep the plant dense and thick.


Frost and temperatures below 45 degrees are not suitable for Wandering Jew Plants. If you have plants in transportable containers, you should move them inside during the winter months.

Pests & Issues

WanderJew Plants, as previously said, are not very pest-prone. Regardless, you keep a watch on your plant to see whether it has been infested by pests.

Aphids and spider mites are two frequent pests that this plant may encounter. Because these pests feed on dry leaves, maintaining a high level of humidity or spraying your plant on a regular basis is one of the best strategies to keep them at bay.

If the infestation is severe, you may also wash the plant with water or apply pesticides.

You may face the following challenges, among others:

Rotten Roots

Wandering Jew Plants are unable to tolerate obstructed water for lengthy periods of time. If the soil or planter is too damp for an extended length of time, decaying stems and yellowing leaves may appear.

Wandering Jew Plants are unable to tolerate obstructed water for lengthy periods of time. If the soil or planter is too damp for an extended length of time, decaying stems and yellowing leaves may appear.

Leaves that are fading

If your plant does not get enough sunshine, it may develop facing leaves. As a result, find a light and airy location for your Wandering Jews Plant.

Curling Leaves

While overwatering may induce root rot, underwatering can create curled or dry leaves in Wandering Jews. However, since aphids and spider mites prefer to feed on dry leaves, this might lead to pest problems.

However, if you observe mature, yellowed leaves that have fallen, don’t be alarmed. It’s entirely natural!

Leggy Development

After a few years, tradescantias will naturally get leggy. If you’re having trouble with your plants, trimming or propagating them can be the best option. If the newer and younger plants have the same problem, you could examine the watering amount and regularity. Plant growth might become lanky if there is too much light on the water.

How to Grow the Wandering Jew Plant

Now comes the interesting part: propagating tradescantias via propagation is rather simple. These plants may be propagated in the soil and water at any time of year.

Soil Propagation is a method of propagating plants in soil.

  1. Cut a few of stems from your plant using a sterilized garden shear. Make careful to make a 45-degree angle cut under the leaf node. The clipped stems might be anywhere from 4 to 6 inches in length.
  2. Remove the leaves from the end of each cutting’s stem.
  3. If you wish to bring your Wandering Jew inside, you’ll need a 6 inch container or hanging planter. Poke two or three holes at the bottom to allow water to drain.
  4. Fill the container halfway full with potting soil. Fill the container to the top, leaving a 1-inch space.
  5. Make holes uniformly (of 2 inches) along the borders and one in the centre, depending on the size of the pot.
  6. In each hole, plant one stem-cutting.
  7. Pat the earth around the fresh cuttings to ensure they are properly planted.
  8. Finally, keep the soil wet by watering it.
  9. Place the pot in a well-lit, indirect spot.

(Note: If you’re planting in the garden, you may use the same procedure as above.) Simply add compost to the soil and plant your tradescantias.)

Water-based propagation

  1. Cut a few of stems from your plant using a sterilized garden shear. Make careful to make a 45-degree angle cut under the leaf node. The clipped stems might be anywhere from 4 to 6 inches in length.
  2. Remove the leaves from the end of each cutting’s stem.
  3. Fill a vase or container halfway with water and place the cuttings in it. Remember to completely immerse the leaf nodes in the water. New roots may be seen sprouting within a week.
  4. Transplant the freshly rooted plants into an all-purpose potting soil after approximately 2 weeks.


Your tradescantia will roam and crawl about. So, if your plant seems to be constrained in its current container, consider repotting it in a larger container. You have the option of selecting a new container that is 1- 2 inches larger than the present one.

Remove the root ball from your plant’s existing pot and put it in the new one during repotting. Fill the new container approximately a fourth of the way with wet, well-drained soil. Make sure the new container has drain holes at the bottom.

After that, place the plant in the new pot and adjust the dirt as required. Then fill to at least 2′′ below the new container’s edge. Push the potting mix down gently to secure the plant. After that, give the freshly potted plant plenty of water.


1. Do Wandering Jew Plants have a perpetual or annual life cycle?

Wandering Jews are perennial evergreen perennials that need winter maintenance.

2. How quickly do you think your plant will grow?

Ans. If you give your plant proper care, it will grow quickly. In fact, these plants may grow up to an inch every week under optimal circumstances, earning them the nickname “inch plant.”

3. Are flowers produced by Wandering Jew Plants?

Ans. Yes, if you give them enough water and fertilizer, they will produce little blooms, mostly white, purple, and pink.

4. Is it possible for tradescantias to survive in water?

Ans. Overwatering can be fatal for your plant. Although Tradescantias can sustain for sometimes in excess water, they will eventually die by Rotten Roots.

5. Are Wandering Jews Toxic to animals?

Ans. Although Wandering Jew Plants are not poisonous, they may cause digestive and skin problems in pets if they eat or come into touch with them.


So, by now, we are sure that you have learned all the basic things about growing and Taking Care of the Wandering Jew Plants.

These plants are attractive and simple to care for. They don’t need much attention; propagation is simple, and you just need to water them on a regular basis.

You can cultivate any variety of tradescantia since the basic maintenance and growth procedures are the same for all. So, what do you have to lose? Go ahead and start growing your own Wandering Jew Plants.

To you, a joyful Tradescantia!

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Wandering Jew plants are a type of plant that can be grown in the home. They typically live for about three years. Reference: how long do wandering jew plants live.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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