
Utility Wagon Products by Tricam 

 May 7, 2022

By  admin

Tricam is a family owned business that manufactures high-quality stainless steel utility wagons. From the traditional to the modern, they offer a wide variety of options for your home and garden needs. They also sell their products through retail stores in Utah and online on Amazon.com.,

Tricam is a company that makes utility wagons and carts. They have a wide variety of products, including tricycles, wheelbarrows, and more.

Utility Wagon Products by Tricam

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Utility Wagon with a 400-pound capacity from Tricam

This utility wagon, while having the lowest weight capacity in the Tricam family, can nonetheless transport up to 400 pounds at a time.

The storage compartment may assume two distinct forms, which is a unique feature of the design. The sides may be folded down to make a flatbed cart, or the cart can be used with the sidewalls up.

Utility Wagon

Check Amazon for the most recent price.

The sturdy deck is 1834 inches long and built completely of steel. This utility cart’s deck and sides are composed of steel diamond mesh, which enables water and dirt to pass through while securely containing heavier goods like plant pots and tools.

The wagon’s 10-inch diameter pneumatic tires make it easy to handle across all sorts of terrain.

The front tires are coupled to a movable handlebar that may be turned left or right.

A little bicycle pump may be used to fill the tires.

Utility Wagon with a 600-pound capacity from Tricam

Utility WagonYou’re absolutely correct.

This garden cart from Tricam includes a convenient dumping option and is capable of moving up to 600 pounds of waste.

Soil, gravel, compost, and other loose items may be placed into the plastic bucket, which can then be simply emptied by raising it on a hinge at the disposal location.

Users may raise the bucket on its hinge with the front handle, emptying the full load in one swift motion.


The bed is composed of tough plastic and has a dump mechanism that is easy to use. The conversion handle allows the yard cart to be pushed by hand or tractor.

Even when loaded to the full, the Tricam utility wagon glides over the ground thanks to four large 15-inch pneumatic tires.

The bucket is properly balanced to make dumping simpler.

If you like this article, you may be interested in learning more about Rubbermaid carts.

The “tricam industries skinny mini” is a utility wagon that has been designed to be used in the home. It can carry up to 500 lbs, and it has an 8 inch wide wheelbase.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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