
Sunflower Companion Planting: 11 Plants to Grow with Sunflower 

 April 28, 2022

By  admin

Sunflowers are a popular plant grown in America and around the world, but they serve more than just as beautiful flowers. Sunflowers grow well with many companion plants that make up their natural ecosystem – some which are also used for food.

Sunflowers are a popular flower to grow in your garden. They require little care and are easy to grow. If you want to plant sunflowers near other plants, make sure that there is enough room for the sunflower’s roots. The “how far to plant sunflowers from other plants” will help you with this task.

Sunflower Companion Planting: 11 Plants to Grow with Sunflower

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Sunflowers are stunning, aren’t they? Their beautiful yellow petals and large seeded core are a sure-fire way to brighten up your yard.

Sunflowers, on the other hand, are a little more difficult to grow. They aren’t very difficult to cultivate, but they aren’t the nicest of plants. 

If you attempt to plant sunflowers alongside the unsuitable species, they may have a negative impact on the overall development of your garden. As a result, we’d like to offer you the finest sunflower companion plants to help you avoid this.

You’ll find all you need to know about sunflowers and their relatives in the sections below. Take a look!


Why Should You Use Sunflowers as a Companion Plant?

Sunflowers are self-sufficient. You don’t need to give them much attention as long as you give them enough light, good soil, and enough water.

However, you’d be losing out on the advantages that sunflowers provide to other plants, and vice versa. If you want to boost the possibilities of a beautiful and healthy sunflower, plant them with appropriate companions. 

Companions may also aid in the attraction of pollinators as well as the repelling of pests. This boosts the sunflower’s chances of having a long life. 

Companion plants, it goes without saying, are always worth a shot. You should attempt them if you wish to make a flower garden. Some of these companions are listed below.

Sunflower Companion Plants are the best companion plants for sunflowers. 

We discovered a variety of plants that would grow with your sunflowers. We choose to discuss the four most prevalent and then offer you a basic sense of what more you may try:

Onions are number one.

Sunflowers, despite their hardiness, are susceptible to insect infestations. You may use deterrents like onions to avoid this. 

They share identical nutrients without interfering with one another’s health. More significantly, onions have a strong odor and contain compounds that are toxic to squirrels, deer, and other animals. Sunflowers may benefit from this.

Sunflower also provides some shade to the onion leaves and soil, allowing them to develop at the proper temperature. The garlic plant, like onions, flourishes in the presence of sunflowers. 

Tomatoes are number two.

The tomato plant is quite vulnerable, particularly when it comes to insects like aphids. They consume the stalks and leaves of the plants, reducing yields. Aphids may even destroy the tomato plant in the worst-case situation.

In such scenario, guess who can assist tomatoes? You guessed it correctly. Sunflowers are like a superhero in the tomato world. They keep aphids away from tomatoes by attracting them to their stalks and blossoms.

Sunflowers are very beneficial to tomatoes when planted in groups. It’s also a win-win scenario since tomatoes attract pollinators. 

Squashes (#3)

Sunflowers are very beneficial to vegetables such as zucchini and squash. For starters, sunflowers provide the necessary shade for these plants to grow. Second, these plants are greatly reliant on pollinators. They struggle to pollinate when their large leaves obscure their blooms.

Sunflowers can assist them in both situations. They provide enough shade for other plants since they are huge blooms with thick bodies. Pollinators adore getting around them because of their beautiful yellow blossoms.

Squashes, if planted near enough to the sunflower stem, may help keep maggots away.

Peppers (#4) 

Pepper is another excellent sunflower partner. Because they are prone to aphid infestations, they may get irritated when left alone. However, if you plant them near sunflowers, the aphids will stay away from the peppers.

However, this is insufficient. Sunflowers also prevent peppers from being scorched. Because most sunflowers are huge or thick, they provide shade to the short pepper plant, protecting it from sun damage.

Sweetcorn (#5)

Maize is a well-known sunflower companion plant that is sometimes ignored. Given how quickly corn grows and how many nutrients it requires, it seems counter-intuitive. Sunflowers, on the other hand, are unaffected by this.

They share compounds and other qualities that enhance the flavor of maize when grown together. Sunflowers also attract some of the pests that maize plants despise. 

Shade-Loving Plants #6

All of the plants that grow well in the shadow might make excellent sunflower companions. This is particularly true of the larger sunflower species, which produce enormous flowers. The blossoms are often huge enough to cover wide sections of soil, even parts that may be destroyed by the sun’s rays. 

You should think about the following species:

Flowers (#7) 

Some of the most beautiful flowers will thrive in the presence of sunflowers. This is because the large, brilliant blooms tend to attract a lot of bugs, keeping them away from the delicate flowers. These other blooms will flourish if this occurs.

Planting sunflowers among other species in a flower garden bed, for example, may be a great idea (not to mention it will look a lot nicer!) . Consider the following flower species: 

  • Coreopsis
  • Cornflowers
  • Dahlia 
  • Daylily 
  • Nettles that have died
  • Iris 
  • Lantana 
  • Lupines 
  • Marigolds
  • Nasturgens
  • Carnation in pink
  • Purple Coneflower (Purple Coneflower) 
  • Periwinkle 
  • Rose
  • Zinnias

Along with sunflowers, there are a variety of other plants that flourish. Stick with them, however, if you want a no-fail experience. 

#8. Plants with a Vine

Every kind of ivy plant you can think of would make a great sunflower companion. Why? Sunflowers are often large and have a sturdy stem. Because of their size and girth, they create excellent frameworks for plants that like to climb and knot around things.

There are a variety of viny plants that work well with sunflowers, including:

  • Susan with Black Eyes 
  • Clematis 
  • Ivy (common)
  • Grape
  • Moonflower
  • Glory of the Morning
  • Nasturtiums
  • Hops for decoration
  • Fruit of the Passion
  • Pumpkins
  • Pea (Sweet)
  • Watermelon

Be warned that flowers, veggies, and fruits may be found here. They all complement sunflowers, particularly those that demand a lot of shade. 

#9. Beans & Peas

While peas and beans may readily be grown as vines, they benefit from sunflowers in quite different ways—most beans, for example, like the same soil types as sunflowers. Both plants will grow as long as the soil is somewhat acidic (pH of 6.5 to 7.5).

Beans, on the other hand, provide a little amount of nitrogen to the soil. This boosts the sunflower’s growth by a factor of ten. 

The following are some of the beans and peas to consider:

  • Bush Beans are a kind of bean that grows in the
  • Beans, green
  • Lima beans are a kind of legume.
  • Peas in a Snap
  • Peas (Snow)
  • Beans made with wax

It’s worth noting that they all behave differently when it comes to the sunflower. Having said that, they are all successful. 

#10. Shrubs & Ornamentals

Sunflowers, believe it or not, make a wonderful landscaping border plant. As a result, they may blend in with your shrubs, hedges, and other similar decorative plants. 

These include the following species:

  • Boxwood 
  • Hibiscus sabdariffa
  • Cotoneaster 
  • Hawthorn
  • Heuchera
  • Laurel
  • Yew
  • Jasmine Winter

The key benefit is that sunflowers provide adequate shade for these plants while they mature. They also help sunflowers combat pests as a bonus. 

#11. Herbs & Grasses

Finally, basic plants such as grasses and herbs should be considered. They may benefit from the small shade provided by sunflowers while the soil remains fertile. This is particularly true for plants, which often need some sun protection. Herbs may have a good impact on soil chemistry.

The following are some of the species to think about:

  • Basil
  • Bermudagrass
  • Centipede Grass is a kind of grass that looks like a centipede
  • Chives
  • Bluegrass music is popular in Kentucky.
  • Lavender
  • Lemon balm is a herb that is used to treat 
  • Mint
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme 
  • Grass of Zoysia

Unlike other plants, virtually all of them can grow quite close to sunflowers without harming them. They’re great for herb gardens and yards. 

Sunflower’s Worst Companion Plants 

The finest companions have been discussed. But what about the most heinous of them? What are the plants that should never be planted near sunflowers to avoid damage?

1. Potato

You’ll be relieved to learn that the potato is probably the only plant you should avoid. It’s right, you read that correctly.

Verticillium dahliae, a disease that attacks sunflowers, infects potatoes. This disease produces discolouration and might cause the flowering season to be shortened. It may prevent potatoes from even developing or generating crops. 

If you’re planting potatoes near sunflowers, keep them at least a few feet away. Not just because of the sickness, but also because of the bugs that feed on both plants.  

2. Beans on poles

Some plants may be harmed by the compounds found in sunflowers. However, this isn’t always the case. However, when it comes to pole beans, it’s best to avoid growing them too close together. 

When planted beside sunflowers, pole beans struggle to develop and even germinate. If you’re not cautious, you can wind up throwing away some seeds or harming an already developed plant. 

Sunflowers as Companion Plants: Are They Toxic?

Sunflowers have been recommended as excellent plant partners for a variety of plants. However, we also discussed how they might harm others, such as pole beans. 

Sunflowers are a little poisonous, therefore this occurs. Because of their toxicity, they are harmful to other plants, particularly during their germination stage.

It’s all due to the fact that sunflowers create biochemicals that remain in the soil. These compounds may harm other plants by limiting their development, particularly during germination.

Allelopathy is the name for this phenomenon. It produces allelochemicals, which are occasionally beneficial. However, in large concentrations, particularly from seed shells, it harms soils and young plants. 

Sunflower Planting Types

Is this true for all varieties of sunflowers? Yes, of course. However, depending on the kind you choose, you’ll receive radically different outcomes. Let’s have a look at some examples:

1. Sunflower ‘Lemon Queen’ (Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’)

These sunflowers are significantly greener than others and are known for their slightly “lemony” tint. These are perennials that reach a maximum height of around 5 feet. 

What distinguishes them is their ability to attract a large number of pollinators. Sunflowers may become a preferred partner for plants that struggle to do so.

Sunflowers with bees, butterflies, and even birds may also be seen. They also capture the majority of bugs that consume other plants. 

2. Sunflowers that bloom every year (Helianthus annuus)

The annual sunflower, one of the biggest blooms, may reach a height of nearly 10 feet in certain situations. They do, indeed, cover a lot of territory and give a great deal of shade. This may be quite beneficial to plants that need sun protection.

Their extra-tough stems and blossoms, on the other hand, set them unique. They must be tough to endure all types of insects, particularly aphids and maggots, since they attract so many. And, believe it or not, they do.

As a result, they make excellent partners for keeping pests away from other plants. 

3. Sunflowers with Willow Leaves (Helianthus salicifolius)

The willow-leaved sunflower is one of the tiniest varieties. These have a distinctive thick stalk with hundreds of leaves sprouting off it, reaching no more than 3 feet tall. The blossoms are the tiniest of all sunflowers, which adds to their uniqueness. 

Willow gets its name from the thick “hairy” look it has. As a result, they make excellent shade-giving plants, keeping practically everything around them cool and protected from the sun’s rays.

They also attract pollinators, making them ideal partners for plants that have trouble pollinating. 


Sunflowers are a wonderful addition to any garden since they are both beautiful and simple to cultivate. But there’s nothing like figuring out which plants to use to grow them with.

You’ll have a lot of fun with your sunflowers if you use the companion plants listed above. So why don’t you give them a shot? There’s a lot to try, so get your hands dirty right now!

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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