
Spinach Companion Planting: 10 Plants to Grow with Spinach 

 March 17, 2022

By  admin

Spinach is a great crop to grow with other vegetables, but it also has some risks. Here’s what you need to know about the 10 companion plants that make growing spinach easier (and healthier).

The “what flowers can i plant with spinach” is a question that many people have asked. There are 10 plants to grow with spinach, including sunflowers and roses.

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Spinach is one of the simplest plants to cultivate and makes a wonderful addition to practically any vegetable garden. It’s very easy to harvest and doesn’t need any extra care. It can, however, always improve. 

Using the finest spinach companion plants is one of the most effective strategies to increase its development. These species not only grow well with spinach, but they also aid in its growth, making it healthier, larger, and quicker. We’d like to discuss them here.

You’ll learn about all of the spinach companion species, why they’re so beneficial, and how to get the most out of each. More significantly, we’ll explain why some plants should be avoided. 

So, are you prepared to take your spinach-growing skills to the next level? Then look at the list below!

Why Use Spinach Companion Plants?

While most people believe that just growing veggies is the best option, this is not always the case. In fact, planting the right partners will help them develop faster, among other things. Here are some reasons why you should grow spinach alongside other plants:

Better Space Utilization

When planting spinach alone, split the plants into rows and columns, providing plenty of room on the sides and surrounding them. You may plant the seeds closer together with buddies and not squander a single inch of space.

Fewer Pests & Diseases

It is easier for illnesses to spread when spinach is grown too near to other spinach plants. Diseases will not have to strain to spread from one plant to another, even if they aren’t too tight. Pests are the same way; if there are no plants to attract or repel them, they will devour all of your spinach.

Increased Vegetable Flavor

Surprisingly, certain partners make spinach taste even better. Plants that supply certain nutrients to the soil will improve the taste of the spinach over time. 

Increased Growth

Some plants may shelter spinach from the sun and ultimately give beneficial minerals to the soil, allowing it to grow quicker and healthier. This is particularly true when the spinach is just starting to sprout. 

With all of these advantages in mind, let’s look at the plants you should think about!

Spinach’s 10 Best Companion Plants 

We discovered a number of species that you should try with your spinach. We didn’t concentrate on specific plants, but instead provided a more generic list that you may utilize. Here are some plants to consider if you want to increase the development of your spinach: 

Brassicas, for starters. 

Brassica vegetables, commonly known as the mustard family or cruciferous vegetables, are among the greatest spinach complements. 

What makes them so useful? Simple: spinach and brassicas don’t compete for nutrients at all. You should be able to put them within a few inches of one other with no problems. Brassicas and spinach collect nutrients at various levels, allowing them to thrive without interfering with each other. 

There are a variety of brassicas to choose from, including: 

The radish is the one that sticks out the most among all of them. Its leaves have a distinctive density that distinguishes it from other brassicas. This attracts pests such as leaf miners, which feed on spinach.

You may wonder whether the radish will be affected if the leaf miners attack it. In a nutshell, yes and no. Leaf miners won’t be an issue if the radish is already mature. However, if the radish is young, it may be harmed. 

Radishes, on the other hand, grow quite quickly. Even if the leaf miner succeeds in killing the radish, it will take a long time. Most of the time, you’ll be able to harvest the radish before the leaf miners can do any serious harm.

2. Leafy Vegetables (Other Leafy Vegetables)

Spinach is a leafy vegetable from which you may choose from hundreds (including brassicas). As a result, it’s reasonable to assume that you can grow other leafy greens alongside spinach.

You’ll have to choose your battles wisely here. At the same soil level as spinach, several organisms absorb almost the same nutrients. You can wind up with plants fighting for nourishment if you’re not cautious. 

What leafy veggies should you think about? Here are a few examples:

The major advantage of eating these veggies is that they help to avoid the spread of common ailments. They also attract a variety of pests that aren’t interested in spinach. This repels pests and ensures that both the spinach and its partner thrive. 

Alliums, number three

You might alternatively call all the plants in the onion family alliums, which isn’t incorrect. They’re really beneficial for a variety of reasons, the most important of which is that they keep pests away from spinach. 

Consider the following alliums:

It’s important to realize that these plants may provide a variety of advantages. Leeks, for example, will keep carrot rust flies away from the spinach. Garlic, on the other hand, repels practically all other pests, including beetles, aphids, spider mites, and a variety of others.

Garlic, on the other hand, has a distinct edge. Sulfur builds in the planting area. This helps to keep pathogens away from spinach and other plants. Garlic and spinach release saponin, which has a similar effect, therefore they create a practically indestructible garden.

4. Lampshades

Nightshades are adored by everybody. Pepper and eggplants, for example, never go out of vogue. But, more significantly, they complement the spinach nearly perfectly. They have diverse tastes in settings and don’t eat each other’s nutrients.

Consider the following nightshades:

There’s evidence that planting nightshades and spinach one after the other produces good results. They leave nutrients in the soil that are advantageous to the second crop.  

Cucurbits (number 5)

Cucurbits, often known as the melon family, may help your spinach grow faster and healthier. They don’t cover or harm the spinach since most of these plants generate viny vegetation. Apart from that, they don’t eat the nutrients, therefore spinach may live peacefully with them.

What exactly are these cucumbers? Here are a few examples:

Cucurbits have a tendency to outgrow spinach. If you plant the spinach after the cucurbits have already begun to develop, the spinach will almost certainly cover the sprouts. In the near run, this might have unfavorable consequences. 

6. Beans & Peas

Peas and beans, although being completely different plants, may also be used as spinach partners for the same reasons. They allow for more effective use of space while also providing shade for the spinach. The greatest benefit comes from the nitrogen, which both peas and beans create in large quantities for the spinach to consume. 

You can grow almost any bean or pea with your spinach, such as:

When it comes to peas, there is a little difference. They leave a lot of nutrients in the soil, but they also leave important compounds that protect the spinach root. 

Umbellifers, no. 7

These plants may be utilized as both an aromatic and a vegetable. Some of them are also referred to as herbs. In any case, don’t be alarmed if you’ve never heard the word umbellifers before.

Their advantage with spinach stems mostly from its capacity to keep pests at bay. Leaf-eating pests are kept at bay by the pungent aroma emanating from their blossoms. 

Consider the following umbellifers:”

Celery stands out among them since it needs the same amount of light and moisture to flourish, so it pairs well with spinach. 

Dill, on the other hand, should only be used after the spinach has grown a third of the way. The nutrient-sharing actions begin as the dill grows and the spinach matures, resulting in bigger and better-tasting spinach while also assisting the dill’s growth.

It’s worth mentioning that too developed dill might harm spinach, so use it carefully. 

Strawberry No. 8

The majority of berries are also good to eat with spinach. None of them, however, is as effective as the strawberry plant.

Their capacity to assimilate nutrients from a different soil level is one of the reasons. The second reason is that strawberries keep the soil cold and wet, which is ideal for spinach.

Strawberries benefit greatly from this, since spinach grows higher than strawberries, providing the berries with beneficial shade. Furthermore, the saponin produced by spinach is very good to strawberries, avoiding common illnesses when grown near together. 

When you plant them together, you’ll receive higher harvests and healthier development in the short and long term for both plants. 

Nasturtium (number 9)

The nasturtium is one of the greatest pest-controlling plants you can cultivate alongside your spinach. The bright-colored blossoms, regardless of the type, will capture bugs and aphids, preventing them from devouring your spinach. 

10. Tansy

Tansy, in contrast to nasturtium, has yellow blooms that repel pests rather than attracting them. These blooms’ distinct scent will mostly attract pollinators. 

That’s not all, however. Tansy raises the potassium level in the soil. Surprisingly, this is something from which spinach really benefits.

Tansy is a little poisonous, so keep that in mind. If you’re growing them with your spinach, they should only be used as decorations (keep them away from animals and children).

Spinach’s Worst Companions

Now that you know what species to keep near your spinach, let’s look at which ones you should avoid at all costs. These are some of them:


There aren’t many plants that grow nicely with fennel. Spinach, for instance, despises it.

This is because fennel releases harmful substances that may inhibit the development of spinach. Fennel is nearly the worst partner you can have since it uses the same nutrients. 


The potato is another plant that will compete with your spinach for nutrients. We do not advocate potatoes, despite the fact that many people think they are a suitable partner.

Because potatoes are such thirsty plants, if they are planted too close together, they will absorb all of the spinach’s nutrients. Worse worse, potatoes may harm the soil, making it hard for the spinach to grow. 


Now that you know everything about spinach companion plants and which ones to avoid, it’s time to put your newfound information to use.

Get some spinach in your garden with the appropriate neighbors and you’ll get faster, tastier, and healthier results. Are you prepared for it? Then don’t spend any more time and get down to business!

The “kale companion plants” is a list of 10 plants that are good companions to grow with spinach.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does spinach grow well with?

A: Spinach grows well in fertile, moist soil with plenty of organic material. It also has a preference for cooler temperatures at night and can be grown outside or indoors year-round as long as the room temperature is kept between 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

What can you not plant with spinach?

Can you plant spinach close together?

A: Im not sure if you mean a whole row or close together. If you are just talking about one end, the answer is yes.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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