
Recycle Waste Into Plant Feed Using A Wormery 

 May 27, 2022

By  admin

A wormery is a small area specifically designed for raising worms that are then used to create compost. A typical home wormery will contain the following: soil, water, food scraps, and an enclosure for your worms or other edible insects. You can use these materials in order to raise enough additional bacteria needed to turn kitchen waste into valuable plant feed every week!

“Wormery liquid fertilizer” is a type of fertilizer that can be made from waste. It is typically used to create plant feed for gardeners and farmers.

Recycle Waste Into Plant Feed Using A Wormery

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Recycle Waste Into Plant Feed Using A WormeryMost kitchen trash may be recycled using a wormery, which is a simple and clean method. Did you know that over a third of all food purchased is discarded and dumped in landfills?

The large quantity of food thrown out each year not only costs people money, but it also has a negative effect on the environment.

Degrading food in a landfill creates methane gas, which escapes into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by the big trucks that carry the trash.

It is critical to pay more attention to the rubbish we discard and to recycle and reuse these items in ecologically beneficial ways.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution to retain money in your pocket while also making use of food that would otherwise be thrown away.

Wormeries are just a compost container with worms that break down food waste into very efficient fertilizer and plant compost.

The worms transform regular rubbish into something valuable for your house in a rapid and effective manner.

Of course, there are certain restrictions on what you may put in the composter, so here are some pointers.


Advantages of Wormery

Using worms to break down deteriorating food items, sometimes known as “vermicomposting,” is really fairly straightforward. Worms are put in a particular container to which you add material on a regular basis.

The worms will set to work on transforming the material right away. Not only will the worms generate solid plant food, but they will also make compost tea, an unique liquid plant food.

Look for a worm composter with an easy-to-use tap to extract the tea for use in your garden to get the most out of this system. Worm compost may be used on a variety of plants, including flowers and grass.


What Is a Wormery and How Does It Work?

Although backyard worms might be used in these systems, most worms are deep burrowers and are not the ideal option. Consider employing specific composting worms for the best results.

These worms devour the food that is just below the surface of the water. What is the significance of this?

When you wish to remove finished compost from your system, you usually start at the bottom. You won’t come into touch with the unique worms during extraction since they keep just below the surface. This also eliminates the possibility of the animals being mistakenly removed from the system.

Another advantage of the specialized type is that you won’t have to touch or come into contact with the worms when you put fresh food to the top.

When setting up your system, you should search for two kinds of worms in particular. The Red Tiger (or Brandling) worm and the Dendra worm are the two most often utilized and extremely successful species.

When employing these species, you can’t go wrong, and many composters already have them. Many of these systems come with the worms packed in a special box that keeps them alive throughout the journey, even when purchased online.

Use 500g of worms per cubic meter as a basic rule of thumb. (This is around 1000 worms.)

Wormeries need to be maintained.

You may be asking what type of maintenance is required to keep one of these machines running. In reality, it’s a fairly low-maintenance procedure. You can go on a lengthy vacation without worrying.

Simply dispose of rubbish in the container before leaving, and the worms will have enough to eat. The worms will remain in the container for as long as you possess it, so there is no need to remove or restock it.

They are specialists at maintaining population balance and reproducing at the optimum pace for the size of your composter. They’ll adjust to the quantity of rubbish you put in as well.

These systems may seem to be designed for use outside, yet they also work well inside. Keep the unit at or near room temperature in your kitchen, garage, or wherever else for optimal results (10-25 C).

Consider bringing it inside during the winter or summer months if you live in a location with harsh weather.

The worms will not function correctly or, in the worst-case scenario, perish if exposed to high temperatures.

Harvesting Time

So, how long will it take to generate compost that is ready to use? A wormery has the additional benefit of producing quicker results than a compost bin.

A composter’s worm-free atmosphere is less efficient in breaking down the material. Depending on the size of your container and the quantity of material within, worms may have compost ready in a few weeks.

The majority of manufacturers will provide this information on the packaging or in the product description. The majority of the trash is turned into liquid. This “liquid feed,” as previously said, is a very nutritious plant feed.

You may tap the jar for this liquid and utilize it on your garden in around three months.

What Composting Materials Are Used?

There are two types of waste that may be fed into the system. These are known as “greens” and “browns,” and they both play an important part in the system’s equilibrium.

  • Veggies (generic type)
  • Browns are a team that has a lot (generic type)

Green material degrades fast and provides necessary nitrogen and moisture to the system. Brown materials decompose more slowly but provide more carbon and fiber.

Browns should make up one-third of your rubbish, on average. This is the ideal amount to keep the wormery compost from becoming too runny and to maintain a neutral acid level.

So, what qualifies as “green”?

Food leftovers include the following:

  • peels
  • fruit
  • bread
  • grinds of coffee
  • Grass clippings and other garden waste are green as well.
  • Greens made from rotting manure and herbivore feces, such as rabbit dung, are wonderful.

As you can see, many of these items, particularly those from your kitchen, may be recycled and reused.

What about Brown, for example?

Browns may also be found in a variety of materials. These are some of them:

  • Cardboard
  • sawdust
  • paper
  • straw
  • twigs
  • bark
  • leaves that have fallen

You will almost certainly be able to discover at least some of these objects if you have any form of backyard.

A few additions that don’t fit into any of these categories might be valuable to include. Every couple of weeks, apply anti-acid lime mix to boost worm function and eliminate excessive acidity.

Egg shells contribute minerals to the mix while also lowering the acidity. Natural fibers such as wool and cotton, as well as hair, function well and may be recycled.

Certain items should not be placed in the container, particularly those that are extremely acidic or attract insects. The scent of fish flesh and pieces might be unpleasant. While the worms can digest the fish, just introduce a little amount at a time.

Wormeries are a terrific method to protect the environment while also saving money. They are perfect for households of all sizes because to their cleanliness and simplicity of usage.

These systems are available in a variety of sizes to meet your specific requirements. Common household items may be recycled into nutrient-rich compost that can be used to plant new crops.

After the setup, no more direct interaction with the worms is required, which is ideal for individuals who are afraid of animals.


Related Articles:

Worried about worms? Using a back porch compost tumbler, try composting the traditional manner.

For additional information on organic gardening, go to Organic Garden Fertilizer and read their composting page.

The “are wormeries cruel” is a question that has been asked many times. The answer is no, because wormeries are an eco-friendly way to recycle waste into plant feed.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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