
Peruvian Apple Cactus Facts and Information 

 April 23, 2022

By  admin

This plant is so prevalent in Peru, it has given the name to their national fruit. The apple cactus can grow up to twelve feet tall and reaches a width of 10-feet across, with its leaves being 2-5 feet long. When mature enough, these plants will produce fruits that are usually orange or red on some varieties but yellow on others
Introduction: For more information about this beautiful type of cacti visit https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plantlife/cactuses/apple-cacti

The “peruvian apple cactus fruit health benefits” is a plant that grows in the Andes of Peru. The plant has been used for centuries to treat digestive problems, inflammation, and allergies.

Peruvian Apple Cactus Facts and Information

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We’re not talking about a guy model who is tall, hefty, and attractive. The Peruvian apple cactus is what we’re talking about.

This plant, as a spectacular specimen, can enhance the attractiveness of any setting without even attempting it. What’s more, it, like other succulents, takes minimal maintenance.

There’s a lot more to like about this lovely, low-maintenance plant.

We’ll go over all of the specifics below so you can decide whether it’s a good fit for your garden or not.


The Peruvian Apple Cactus is a kind of cactus native to Peru.

Cereus peruvianus was the species’ original scientific name. Cereus repandus is another name for it. Whatever you name it, it’s one of the biggest cactus species, and definitely one of the top five most popular. 

The Peruvian “apple” is what makes it different. The Cereus fruit is a tiny fruit produced by the plant. Other cacti may generate yields as well, but they are not suitable for human use. The Peruvian Apple, perhaps? This is it.

It blooms at specified periods of the year because it yields fruits. These flowers bloom at night, much like those of other cactus species. Regardless, it’s a beautiful sight to see. However, pollination is dependent on creatures like as moths and bats.

Another noteworthy trait is how tall it is in comparison to other comparable cacti. It may easily reach a height of many feet. 

The Peruvian Apple Cactus is, in any case, one of the most gorgeous of its species. We go through it in more detail further down. 

Facts about the Peruvian Apple Cactus 

So, let’s get down to business. What distinguishes a Peruvian apple from a non-Peruvian apple? What is the maximum height it can reach? What happens when it blooms, and when does the fruit ripen? All of these questions, as well as others, are answered below: 


The plant is native to South America, as its name implies. But, contrary to its declared country, the scheme originates in Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia. While this cactus may be found in parts of Peru and Chile, it really originated in more tropical locations far from the Andes. 


The Cereus Peruvianus may reach a height of 30 feet depending on its location. The plant may reach a height of 110 feet when grown in terrariums and artificial surroundings. 


The diameter of the stem is expected to range from 4 to 10 inches. Given how tall it may grow, that may seem little. However, as you would expect, the cactus grows vertically, much like bamboo.


The cactus has a gray-to-green tone, occasionally with blue tones, regardless of its height. When the plant is young, it has a lighter tone. 


Every Peruvian Apple sprouts straight from the stem of this cactus. There isn’t a single branch or stick emerging from the plant. 

These fruits are violet in hue, but may also be yellow or pink in tone. The white section of the apple is the part that may be eaten. The seeds, interestingly, are also tasty and crispy. 


The blossoms, on the other hand, are only visible at night. This is how the cactus got its moniker of night-blooming cereus. Regardless of color, the blossoms are typically pink to cream in color, with a few green tints.   


The Peruvian Apple, like other cacti, produces little pups as it develops. Every Summer and Spring, these offsets develop close to the root. 

Health Advantages

The Peruvian apple cactus fruit Health Advantages are pretty interesting. Being a slightly acidic fruit, it contains high amounts of Vitamin C and beta-carotene. The interior contains a lot of fiber that makes it surprisingly nutritious and excellent to add to any diet. 

Peruvian Apple Cactus Care & Needs

Now that you’re familiar with the principles of this plant, let’s go through everything you’ll need to plant and cultivate it. 

Space & Potting

Cereus repandus, like other cactus, may be found almost anyplace. Pots and other containers are included in this category. It thrives in gardens as well. 

It also doesn’t need a lot of room. It takes up very little room in the first few years, considering it is a cactus. After a decade or two, it will most likely get big enough to need a diameter of more than 8 inches. The plant may grow in small pots for decades if it has a suitably deep foundation.  

This is only feasible if it is not regularly cut. Otherwise, it will likely spread swiftly to other locations and need a diameter of 10 to 15 inches to survive. 

Soil & Fertilizer

It, like a cactus, requires well-draining soil to grow. The plant will thrive better if the soil is as similar to a natural desertic setting as possible. 

Any cactus mix would be a fantastic choice for the soil. The soil will drain even faster with a little additional sand, increasing the likelihood of fewer illnesses and better nutrient absorption.

However, it still requires adequate fertilization. However, since it is a desert plant, you should not utilize it excessively. The job may be done using a modest slow-release granular fertilizer.

However, if you use fertilizer, the cactus may grow too rapidly and need repotting. It will also generate offsets more quickly. 

Water & Humidity 

Given its preference for well-draining soil, it’s no surprise that it dislikes dampness. And you would be correct.

This plant can survive with just once-weekly irrigation. It may not need to be watered at all in humid climates.

As a general rule, only water the plant when the soil is completely dry. Otherwise, let it to continue to develop without drowning it. When it comes to humidity, most cacti are rather delicate. 

Light & Air

The plant needs at least 6 hours of sunshine at all stages of its development. The plant would enjoy it if you can give it more than that. The plant, on the other hand, will suffer if you feed it less.

It’s worth noting that when it develops in dark locations, it prefers to grow towards the light. It will provide the same results if grown indoors. To avoid it taking on an odd form, give it as much natural sunlight as possible.

It doesn’t need much air since it isn’t a strong drinker or blooms excessively. However, it still favors well-ventilated, low-humidity environments. 

Temperature & Environment

What is the lowest temperature that a Peruvian Apple cactus will tolerate? For a short period of time, that would be about 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Is there a limit? It can withstand temperatures of above 85 degrees without issue.

Keep it between 55 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit to promote the optimum development. 

You may grow it either indoors or outdoors, according on your preference. Indoor gardening, on the other hand, is strongly reliant on sunshine. When cultivated in this manner, its development is often stunted.

As a result, it’s suggested that you keep it outside instead. It wants places where it can obtain as much sunshine as possible since it is a huge species. 

Peruvian Apple Cactus Propagation

Let’s imagine you followed our advise and began growing your Peruvian Apple at home. So, what’s next?

Over time, you’ll appreciate both the blossoms and the fruits. But it’s when the offsets start to materialize that things become really intriguing. These pups may be detached from the mother plant and transplanted into new pots for propagation. 

Cuttings are a second strategy to propagate the plant. Cutting the stem at the top and planting the cutting may develop into a full-fledged Cereus peruvianus, believe it or not. Maintaining a high temperature of at least 70 degrees is critical for success. It’s a good idea to let the cutting dry out first. 

Finally, seeds may be used to reproduce the cactus. This is the most usual method since the seeds germinate quickly. It necessitates the most resources since the seeds germinate quickly, and the plant begins to eat a lot of nutrients far sooner. 

The Peruvian Apple Cactus Has a Lot of Problems

Despite the fact that cactus are a tough species that seldom has difficulty growing, they might nevertheless have a problem or two. The following are a few of the most common: 


Overwatering is a common concern with cactus. Most succulents, like the Peruvian Apple, thrive in conditions where there isn’t a lot of dampness. When this happens, they begin to decay from the roots up. The cactus may ultimately die as a result of this.

To prevent this, attempt to create a drought-free environment. That implies you should only water once or twice a week.  

Soil with a lot of moisture

Overwatering does not occur in all circumstances. However, following rainfall, the soil may remain damp. This might lead to long-term consequences. Overwatering causes the roots to decay, which may result in stunted development or worse. 

Nothing beats adding extra sand to the soil mix as a remedy. Perlite and other soil-loosening materials also aid in preventing moisture damage by allowing the soil to drain properly. 


Despite the fact that Agave plants and cacti are seldom plagued by pests, the Cereus peruvianus is often attacked by slugs and snails. Mealybugs may also be problematic.

Fortunately, the cactus is a tough tree that can endure pesticides without harm. If everything else fails, you may simply spritz them with alcohol or another DIY remedy. 

Pollination is lacking.

Finally, since it does not pollinate, the Peruvian cactus has a hard time surviving. While this has no direct effect on its development, it does have an impact on its reproduction by stopping it from producing fruits (that carry seeds).

This is due to the fact that the cactus blooms at night, when the majority of pollinators are asleep. The only option if there aren’t enough bats or moths in the vicinity is to personally pollinate it. All you have to do is transfer pollen from male blossoms to female blooms to achieve this. 

Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

We may not have addressed all of your concerns regarding this facility in the previous section. As a result, we included a few more questions along with their answers: 

Is it possible for the Peruvian apple cactus to self-pollinate?

No, other Peruvian cactuses or similar species, such as the Mandacaru cactus (Cereus Jamacaru) and Hedge Cactus, are needed to pollinate the cactus (Cereus Hildmannianus).

Is the fruit of the Peruvian apple cactus edible?

Yes. You can consume the fruit without any negative consequences. 

What is the rate of growth of Peruvian apple cactus?

A Cereus Repandus may grow up to 2 feet in a single year. In only ten years, that’s enough to reach a height of almost 20 feet. 

What is causing the yellowing of my Peruvian apple cactus?

When any plant, whether it’s a cactus, another succulent, herbs, or even flowers, turns yellow, it’s an indication of dehydration. Cacti, despite their drought tolerance, require to be watered at least once a month. Otherwise, they will become yellow, brown, wrinkle, and eventually die. 


The Peruvian apple cactus may transform the look of your yard without having to work too hard. It’s a plant that lasts a long time and is simple to cultivate. More importantly, it grows tall and provides a sense of majesty to any setting.

Don’t hesitate to plant it in your succulent garden, on a hillside, or in any other arid environment. It’s a plant that’ll become your favorite no matter where you put it. 

The “peruvian apple cactus flower” is a plant that is native to Peru. It has a long history of use in the Andes region and its flowers are used as an ornamental plant.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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