
Moses in the Cradle Plant: Tradescantia Spathacea Care Tips 

 March 27, 2022

By  admin

Most of the plants in your house are native to North America, but Moses In The Cradle Plant is a popular new addition. This begonia-like plant has small white flowers and leaves that resemble pine needles. If you’re looking for low-light plants for shade or a moist location near the front door, this plant will be perfect!

The “moses in the cradle plant care” is a plant that is native to Central America and Mexico. It can be found in many colors, but it’s most common form is white. The “moses in the cradle plant care” needs bright light, moist soil, and average temperatures to thrive.

Moses in the Cradle Plant: Tradescantia Spathacea Care Tips

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Moses in the Cradle, also known as Boatlily, is a flowering plant found in Belize, Guatemala, and southern Mexico are just a few of the countries in the region.. It’s a sculptural herbaceous perennial plant from the tropics. Rhoeo discolor (scientifically) was the original name, which was altered to Rhoeo spathacea before being renamed Spathacea Tradescantia.

It’s related to the well-known Wandering Jew Plants and Spiderworts in the same family. It’s also known as Oyster plant, Boatlily, Moses-in-a-Boat, Cradle Lily, and Moses-in-the-Bullrushes, among other names.

Moses in the Cradle, like other tradescantia varieties, is hardy, prolific, and low-maintenance. This tradescantia thrives in a well-lit, somewhat shaded environment and makes an excellent attractive house plant. However, it cannot withstand the cold and must be taken inside during the winter months.

These stunning purple-green plants may be used as garden border plants. Grow them in indoor planters or flower baskets if you want some color to show indoors. Spathacea Tradescantia requires the least attention, and you won’t have to worry about their survival day and night.

This trait makes this tradescantia highly popular among gardeners who are new to the hobby. If you’re unfamiliar with Spathacea Tradescantia, check for the purple undersides of the leaves and the unusual bract-enclosed blossoms to distinguish it from bromeliads.


Moses in the Cradle: The Most Important Facts

Let’s go over some basic facts about Moses before we get into the mechanics of raising him in The Cradle Plants.

Name in general Boatlily, Cradle Lily, Oyster Plant, Moses-in-the-Bulrushes, Moses-in-the-Bulrushes, Moses-in-the-Bulrushes, Moses-in-the-Bulrushes, Moses-in-the-Bulrushe
Name of the plant Spathacea Tradescantia
Species Spathacea
Type Perennial
Zones of hardiness USDA zones 9 through 11
Sunlight Light that is both direct and indirect
Soil prerequisites Soil that is light, wet, and well-drained
pH of the soil 5- 6
Height limit Approximately 1 foot
Propagation removing the stems
Toxicity Yes; the harshness is moderate.
Native to Belize, Guatemala, and southern Mexico are just a few of the countries in the region.

Moses as a Child in the Cradle

As stated above, tradescantias are pretty straightforward to grow and care for. And if you follow the tips we are providing here; you can enjoy your evergreen perennial Spathacea Tradescantia all year round.

Tradescantias do best in well-lit but partially shaded areas. So, you can grow these plants outdoors as well as indoors. The sections below have been dedicated to exploring the most suitable conditions for Moses as a Child in the Cradle plants.


The optimum position for your Moses in the Cradle or Boatlily, like with any other tradescantia kind, is one that gets at least 6- 8 hours of strong sunshine. However, avoid planting in a location that receives direct, hot sun exposure.

Your plant will have strong foliage and blossoms all year if it is exposed to indirect light and is in a warm environment. It’s important to note that if you cultivate your plant in a very shady area, you’ll receive green leaves rather than purple.

Another thing to bear in mind when it comes to placement is that your plant should never be kept in an area that gets frostbites. In chilly regions, your tradescantia will perish. As a result, bring your plant inside during the winter and attempt to maintain it on the eastern windowsill.


Keep your Boatlily in direct sunshine for the best results. As previously said, find a location that gets 6- 8 hours of daily solar exposure. Avoid direct sunlight, which may cause your plant’s leaves to burn, particularly in the afternoon.


The best soil for Boatlily plants is light, wet, and well-drained. As a consequence, they should be cultivated in a loose, moisture-retaining potting soil that drains quickly. Furthermore, loose potting soil prevents the plant root from being too moist for too long, reducing the risk of root rot.

pH Level

In terms of pH, your plant would thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5- 6.

We recommend that you examine the pH level of the earth or soil where your Moses in the Cradle plant will be grown.

Temperature & Humidity

A Moses in the Cradle plant thrives at temperatures ranging from 60° to 85° F (16° to 19°C) during the day, and about 10° at night.

In excessive humidity, this plant will grow. So, when the air becomes a bit dry in the winter, you may use a humidifier (in the case of indoor growth) to enhance the humidity level in the air. If you’re growing your plant outside, make sure it’s resting on stones.

You may also arrange many plants together to create a greenhouse effect, which will help to maintain the humidity level in the air.

Moses in the Cradle: Taking Care of Him

Moses in the Cradle is a low-maintenance tradescantia plant with the same qualities as other tradescantia plants. However, you must first follow the fundamental guidelines to guarantee that your plant flourishes and produces vibrant leaves and blooms.

And, to assist you, we’ve compiled a set of helpful hints and instructions in the areas below.


Boatlily grows well in damp soil, as you already know. The most important thing to remember while watering this plant is not to overwater it. Instead, before rewatering, check to see whether the top layer of the soil is dry.

Drought and damp soil may be tolerated by mature plants for a limited time. Still, it’s best not to put your Moses in the Cradle in any of these instances. Check for dryness in the top 1 or 2 inches of soil by prodding it with your fingertips and water as needed. If you see any wetness, wait 1-2 days before rewatering.

In the late autumn and winter, when the plant is not actively developing, lower the quantity of watering.


Spathacea Tradescantia is a very light feeder. So, Fertilizing them too often is not advisable. Also, you may never need to feed your outdoor Boatlilies. But if you are growing them in containers or baskets indoors, you can apply liquid or slow-release fertilizer.

Fertilize these plants only in the spring and summer, not in the winter. Also, remember to dilute the fertilizer to 1/2 the dosage advised.


Because your Moses in the Cradle is a fast-growing tradescantia, you’ll need to trim it aggressively in the spring to maintain it in excellent form.

To improve the look of the plant, remove any dead or decaying leaves. Don’t panic. Spathacea Tradescantia is a fast-growing plant that will eventually return to its former glory.


Spathacea Tradescantia cannot stand cold. Hence, if the air temperature drops lower than 50°F or 10°C, you must bring your plant inside and keep it in a bright warm area. In this case, we recommend planting your Moses in the Cradle in portable containers so that you can transport them indoors during the winter months.

Pests & Issues

If properly maintained for, boatlilies are resistant to pests and illnesses. Even if you’re growing them inside, you should keep a watch on them to see if they have any insect problems.

Mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, and scales are among of the most frequent pests that may harm your Boatlily plant. Spider mites are very small and difficult to see with the naked eye. Mealybugs may be noticed on the plant and are pale, cottony, or waxy. Whiteflies, on the other hand, are little flying insects that, when disturbed, might seem like a cloud.

You may either hand remove the insects off the surface of the leaves or wash them away with water. Insecticidal soaps, horticultural oil sprays, and chemical pesticides may all be useful in high-insect infestations.

Aside from insects, your plant may be plagued by illnesses such as root rot, curled leaves, leaf drop, and so on. To alleviate these problems, provide Moses in the Cradle with a suitable warm atmosphere, indirect strong light, and a high degree of humidity.

Moses’ Propagation in the Cradle

The simplest methods to propagate a Moses in the Cradle plant are by cutting stems or separating roots. A well-established plant, on the other hand, could develop side branches that can be clipped and replanted.

Remove a cluster of stems near the base of your plant to split it. After that, put the potting soil in a mew container and plant the freshly cut portion.

To propagate this plant by removing the stems, you need to cut a 4-5″ portion of steam from a healthy plant.

Place the removing the stems in a container of water. You should see new roots appearing after a few weeks. Wait until the new roots are about 1″ long before transplanting the stem-cutting to its final destination.

Spathacea Tradescantia is very quickly disseminated by seed. The flowers can self-pollinate. Insects pollinate them, and the wind disperses the seeds.


Although Moses in the Cradle plants are attractive, they are poisonous. Yes, you read it correctly. These plants have a class 3 toxicity, which means that although they are unlikely to be lethal, they may cause skin irritation if you come into contact with their sap.

Boatlilies may also induce gastrointestinal ache, sore throat, oral irritation, pain, and other problems if consumed in high numbers. To prevent any allergic reactions or irritation in your dogs, keep them away from this plant.

The plant is utilized for medical reasons in Mexico and Southeast Asia, despite its deadly sap. The leaves and petals of Moses in the Cradle plants are used to cure cancer, fungal infections, coughs, and diarrhea in certain locations.


Boatlilies, like other tradescantias, creep and spread quickly, as you’ve discovered. In reality, Boatlily infestation may be seen in certain gardens. Repotting your plant may be necessary if the roots have completely filled the current container.

Spring is the optimum time to repot your plant and use a pot that is the same size as the old one. Make sure the new container has one or two holes in the bottom to allow water to drain.

Now, take your plant’s root tip out of the old pot and insert it in the new one. Fill the container with wet, well-drained soil, leaving about an inch or two below the rim. Finally, water the freshly repotted plant on a regular basis.


Q1. Can a Moses plant be grown at home?

Ans. Yes, growing a Moses plant at home is simple. To maintain a healthy and blooming Moses in the Cradle plant in your garden or inside, follow the growing and care guidelines listed above.

Q2. Is Moses in the Cradle hazardous to your health?

Ans. Moses plant or Spathacea Tradescantia could be toxic, if not lethal. Both humans and animals can get affected by its level 3 toxicity.

Q3. Is it safe to eat the Moses plant?

Ans. No, it is never advisable to ingest Spathacea Tradescantia. Doing so may cause abdominal issues, mouth ulcers, sore throat, and other diseases.

Q4. When does this plant begin to bloom?

Ans. Spathacea Tradescantia produces tiny white blossoms, and its blooming time is spring and summer. This plant goes into a dormant state during the autumn and winter months.

Q5. What issues can I encounter if I come into contact with Moses plant sap?

Ans. If you come into contact with the sap of this plant by accident, you may have skin irritation and associated disorders such as dermatitis. But don’t worry; the symptoms are just temporary, and you’ll soon be free of them. Consult a dermatologist if you have chronic difficulties.


To summarize, we can state that Moses as a Child in the Cradle is pretty straightforward and hassle-free. All you would need is to give your plant some primary care, and they are good to grow and thrive.

By now, we are sure that you have learned how to take care of Spathacea Tradescantia. Treat it like any other house plant. Please place it in a warm spot, feed it with indirect sunlight, water it regularly, and prune it from time to time. That’s it!

These plants need practically minimal care from you in exchange for a year-round display of color. What more could you want?

So go ahead and start your Moses plant business as soon as possible.

The “Moses in the Cradle Plant: Tradescantia Spathacea Care Tips” is a plant that has been around for a long time. It needs to be pruned regularly to keep it healthy and happy. Reference: moses in the cradle pruning.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you care for a Moses cradle plant?

A: The Moses cradle plant requires very little care, and will live in most soil. If you notice that your plant is not growing well or showing signs of stress, it could be due to poor lighting conditions. Try moving the pot closer to a window for better light exposure.

How often should you water a Moses in the cradle plant?

A: The best option is to do it 2-3 times every day. However, some people may need to only water the plant once a week or even less often than that depending on how much your house needs watering.

Is Moses in the cradle indoor plant?

A: No, Moses is not an indoor plant.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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