
Monstera Varieties: 17 Different Types You Should Know About 

 May 6, 2022

By  admin

Monstera is a genus of plants commonly known as the cabbage palm. These tropical trees have large leaves that are often used as a house plant or in landscaping. Some varieties have interesting features, such as mucus and spines on their trunks and veins near their leaves. They can prove to be an enjoyable addition to any home’s decor.

The “monstera varieties with pictures and names” is a plant that has many different types. It is also one of the most popular plants in homes. This article will list the different types of monsteras, as well as their common name.

Monstera Varieties: 17 Different Types You Should Know About

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This eye-catching plant has long been a topic of conversation among gardening aficionados all around the world. What’s more, its one-of-a-kind and lovely leaves are attractive to the sight.

They’re often utilized as backgrounds in publications and in creative social media postings. It’s thought to be an excellent idea for a variety of interior wallpaper designs.

Did you know that there are 50 distinct species of Monstera plants? It’s tough to locate all of them in a local nursery. This page contains information on the most popular Monstera types that can be found online and at local nurseries.

We’ve also included information on a few unusual species to make this an interesting read for DIY gardeners.

Bonus Reading: If you’re having trouble starting your own garden, here’s a great place to start.


Monstera Varieties of Various Types

Monstera Deliciosa, No. 1

Deliciosa, the most common Monstera type, is as well-known as the Swiss Cheese Plant to many people. It is known for its extra-large holey leaves and gorgeous dark green cut foliage in the form of a heart.

When you go plant shopping, you will easily be able to find them since they are commonly accessible and in great demand.

This plant has large leaves that may grow up to 3 feet tall. They reach maturity when the leaves develop holes or splits, also known as fenestrations, which are a common feature of all Monstera species.

The splits on this species’ leaves extend all the way to the edge of the leaves.

Except for watering it once every two weeks and pruning it to restrict growth, this easy-to-grow plant takes very little attention.

Fun Fact: Because of the delectable (Deliciciosa) fruit it produces, this plant is also known as the Mexican Breadfruit plant.

Monstera Borsigiana (no. 2)

Monstera Deliciosa is a subspecies of Monstera Deliciosa. Small leaves and narrow stems with a lengthy internode characterize this plant. It also develops significantly quicker than the above-mentioned variety.

Because of the many similarities between these two species, the easiest method to tell them apart is to examine the stems. Simply defined, Deliciosa has leaves connected to the stem, whereas Borsigiana does not.

The plant is also a climber that thrives only when supported vertically by a moss pole.

The water and light needs of this cultivar are similar to those of any other Monstera plant. It may, however, need further pruning to regulate its variegation.

Albo Variegata (#3)

Monsteras with variegated leaves offer a wide range of colors. The stunning beauty of this plant is unrivaled, because to its pure white shade and vibrant green tints.

Albo Variegata is distinguished by its white/cream and green color patterns. These plants are more difficult to locate and more costly than the others due to their unique color combination.

It has a dynamic and thrilling aspect because to the beautiful green and white combination. Furthermore, it gives your home a rich sensation of freshness and pleasure.

Fun fact: The leaves seem to break into smiley forms.

Because it enhances the sensation of warmth and connection, this plant may be given as a sign of long-lasting friendship.

Monstera Adansonii (no. 4)

Adansonii leaves are short and thin, and they look a lot like Deliciosa leaves. The leaf perforations of an Adansonii plant are closed while the margins of Deliciosa are open.

Because this Monstera climbs up and forms vines, it is sometimes referred to as a cheese plant or cheese vine. In addition, the plant may reach a height of 4 meters.

This little plant is easy to cultivate and maintain. To get a healthy appearance, you may let it trail all over a pole or have it fall from the pot. Not to mention that it needs a well-designed drainage system and thrives in strong indirect light.

However, the plant’s leaves and stems are short, making it seem smaller than other types.

#5 Peruvian Monstera

This complex plant, also called as Monstera Karstenianum, grows swiftly in a home and fills it with tropical splendor.

The plant has tiny, leathery, crumpled leaves that are robust and stiff and shine brilliantly in the sun. If you’re having trouble identifying them, keep in mind that they have no holes or cracks and are completely covered.

Kindred Monstera Peru, like Adansonii leaves, thrives with the aid of a sturdy moss pole or a basket.

This plant is relatively simple to care for and develop. Put it in a hanging basket in the shade and water it twice a week — that’s all there is to it!

Fun Fact: Peru plants have the advantage of being adaptable to a wide range of décor situations.

Bonus Read: While you’re out choosing the most beautiful Monstera, don’t forget to check these garden tool bags to keep all of your gear together.

Monstera Dubia, #6

In its juvenile state, this attractive Monstera type is often known to as the Shingle Plant, and it resembles a houseplant.

This plant’s heart-shaped leaves, which are patterned wonderfully in light and dark green veins and are a sight to see when coated in dew, are an extraordinary characteristic.

The plant uses its ariel roots to climb higher in order to acquire enough sunlight. The leaves alternately grow between the stalks as the plant develops, giving it an attractive look.

The leaves of a fully grown Dubia plant are enormous, become a deep green color, and have extensive fenestrations. When the plant is grown in a home, however, this is not the case.

Growing the plant on a moss pole allows the shingle leaves to flourish organically.

Monstera Pinnatipartita (#7)

From the Monstera family, this is yet another popular cultivar. It’s a lovely climbing plant with a similar appearance to Deliciosa that varies greatly with age.

Monstera Pinnatipartita has a low internode spacing and a compact stem development. Because the plant nodes are piled so closely, they can’t be seen under the leaf petioles.

The plant’s stems are strong and durable, and the leaves have a beautiful emerald green hue. The deep grooves that cut across the middle of the leaf further distinguish it from the others.

This plant is a sluggish creeper that may grow without the assistance of a moss pole.

It grows under the same conditions as other Monsteras in terms of light, soil, and water. It grows nicely in families with minimal care and attention.

Monstera Siltepecana (#8)

This plant family’s silver fox is a fascinating and unusual species. In its juvenile form, the Siltepecana is stunning, but in its adult form, it is quite different.

The leaves of the plants are entirely lance-shaped at this stage. Unlike Dubia plants, there will be no holes in the leaves until the plant is fully grown. The leaves are tall and pointed towards the tip, with a magnificent silver colour and dark green veins.

To reach its full potential, Siltepecana need a moss pole or support to rise up towards the light. Keep in mind that reaching maturity will take a few years of upkeep and maintenance.

The Silver Monstera’s uniqueness makes it an excellent choice for indoors. Despite the fact that these plants are difficult to come by, don’t pass up a chance if you do!

Monstera Obliqua (#9)

This uncommon Monstera species, sometimes known as the Unicorn plant, is another rare Monstera species. This variety’s paper-thin, incredibly fragile leaves contain more holes than leaves. The fenestrations are designed to resemble holes in a leaf with threads connected.

This kind is highly sought after, and it needs more upkeep than other species. It also requires regular humidity, to the point that you may need to invest in a humidifier to keep the plant alive.

Its leaves will shrink and become yellow if not given enough moisture.

It will burn in direct sunlight, much as other Monsteras. It also need peaty soil with a well-developed drainage system in terms of soil.

Obliqua plants grow slowly because they need more leafy surface area to create adequate chlorophyll, so keep that in mind for all your skilled DIY gardeners.

Monstera Standleyana (#10)

Standleyana is a Monstera cultivar that is accessible in its purest form. On their leaves, check for dots that are white, creamy, or yellow.

The plant features enormous oval leaves, as opposed to Deliciosa’s heart-shaped leaves. The leaves are particularly unusual in that they point upwards rather than downwards towards the earth. It may also grow up to 5 feet tall in captivity and up to 20 feet in the wild.

It requires additional light to compensate for the loss of chlorophyll due to the presence of variegated leaves.

Monstera Acuminata (#11)

The Acuminata plant is regarded as the younger brother of the Adansonii. Its growth habit is that of a low prostrate plant that grows horizontally.

The leaves’ perforations or cracks do not reach the margins. The form that these species take on makes it easier to tell them apart. Curvy leaves with tiny holes in the middle and one side broader than the other.

This type develops like a shingle plant as a young plant. The plant also grows huge perforated dark green leaves as it matures. Remember that the holes in the leaves become obvious until they reach a length of over a foot.

This plant need assistance to grow vertically in order to become more conspicuous in a residential environment. For the greatest results, use a lantern or shielded candlelight illumination.

Monstera Subpinnata (#12)

The Subpinnata is a plant with broken leaves that has a beautiful appearance. Its leaves are broad and wide, and its foliage is slightly dashing compared to other Monstera species.

It’s simple to cultivate a tropical plant, and the stems seem narrow and thin in their early stages. For the plant to grow, try to cultivate wet soil that is abundant in organic matter.

The potted plant may thrive in colder climates, but it must be brought indoors before frost and temps drop below freezing.

Tip: Rotate the plant on a regular basis to ensure strong development on all sides and to prevent dust off the leaves so the plant may photosynthesize successfully.

Monstera Esqueleto (#13).

If you’re thinking about getting one for your garden, keep in mind that Esqueleto plants are a bit more sophisticated and demand a lot of upkeep.

If you’re a hardy gardener who enjoys relaxing in your yard, this plant will reward you with a bounty of lovely, delicate fenestrated leaves that will brighten up the space. When fully mature, it may resemble a valuable diamond in your houseplant collection.

The leaves of this monstera species are strongly fenestrated and have a lot of space between them. Even if it isn’t as uncommon as the Obliqua. Simply defined, these leaves have a degree of fenestration that falls between between Adansonii and Obliqua.

The plant, like the other Monstera family members, needs about the same amount of attention. But don’t forget to install a good drainage system to keep it safe from overwatering.

#14 Monstera Mini

This plant, also known as the Rhaphidophra Tetrasperma, is a tropical vine with easy-to-care-for aerial roots. Even the most inexperienced gardeners will benefit from shorter growth cycles.

As their aerial roots seek stability for dispersing nutrients, these plants thrive with the help of a moss pole.

When planting this plant on your lawn, choose a location with plenty of humidity and loose, rich soil. In addition, make sure you get enough indirect sunshine or direct morning light.

This plant like to be kept wet and requires somewhat more water than its relatives. For the plant to reach its full potential, gardeners should water it at least twice a week.

Monstera Karstenianum (no. 15)

Adding a distinctive plant species to your landscape is always a good idea. The Monstera Karstenianum is a gem, and every ambitious gardener should start cultivating them right away.

Indirect sunshine, frequent watering, and organic draining soil are the only prerequisites for this design to thrive.

The plant has leathery green leaves that are somewhat harsh to the touch. The texture and design of the leaf stand out much more. And, like the vines, the stems are lengthy and twisted.

Because it’s a climbing vine, it’ll need a burlap pole to wrap around because it grows so quickly. The only drawback to cultivating this plant is the insects that it attracts.

Monstera Thai Constellation (#16)

Thai Constellation is a beautiful Monstera variety that is simple to cultivate, has a strong floral personality, and is one of the prettiest in the family. Even better, the leaves of this plant are variegated with dashes of white-cream coloration.

The leaves of this plant are not fully green, and there are well-developed patterns spread over the leaves in tiny portions. It was given such a cosmic moniker because it reminds us of stars in a galaxy.

This lovely cosmic plant belongs in your collection, whether it’s in your kitchen window soil or by the patio entrance.

It bears fruits that can only be eaten once the scales have been removed. If eaten before they are fully mature, these fruits might cause stomach distress.

Because of its spectacular and eye-catching leaves, this plant is in great demand. Its leaves, like those of other Monsteras, split with time, which is a common feature.

Monstera Acacoyaguensis, #17

This species resembles Adansonii in appearance, and its huge, glossy green leaves may reach a height of six feet. The upright shape of these young plants makes them ideal for both small and big backyards.

Each leaf on the plant is like a work of beauty in its own right. This lovely plant is also known as the Swiss Cheese plant because of its huge, distinctive holes.

In most cases, they thrive in enclosed spaces. As a result, keeping them inside would be a prudent decision. They bloom broad enough to make your landscape appear like a forest floor while interweaving with their nearby plants.

This plant’s development takes very little attention and maintenance. You’re okay to travel as long as you stay away from frigid temperatures.


With a handful of these Monsteras around, your ambitions for a unique houseplant collection will seem aesthetically stunning.

Drop by a local nursery and don’t be afraid to pick up more than one of these exotic species, since the bulk of these plants are reasonably priced.

Bonus read: Do you want to create a garden where you can get away from your everyday charades? Take a look at these do-it-yourself backyard ideas.

The “philodendron monstera varieties” is a plant that can grow up to 10 feet tall. It has large heart-shaped leaves and greenish-white flowers. The “philodendron monstera varieties” are also known as the “mother of all philodendrons.”

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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