
Kiddie Pools: Keeping them Clean and Safe 

 April 14, 2022

By  admin

If you have kids, chances are they’ve been swimming at one of the city’s many kiddie pools. These splashtacular aquatic havens feature wading areas, a slide and a shallow end for tot-sized divers to enjoy. But what do you do when your pool is no longer safe? A recent study found that some 75% of public pools in DFW were infested with bacteria like E coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa which can make it dangerous for swimmers if these waterborne germs get into their eyes or mouths

The “how to keep inflatable pool water clean with salt” is a great way to keep your kiddie pool clean. It is important to be careful when using this method, as it can damage the fabric of the pool if not done correctly.

Kiddie Pools: Keeping them Clean and Safe

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Summer backyard fun does not have to be expensive. A family might spend $100 or more on a single visit to the local swim park. If you have little children, they will probably enjoy wading in a kiddie pool just as much as you do.

These little pools have sturdy walls, can be filled with normal hose water, and are often less than $20.

Having a swimming pool at home, even if it’s only a little plastic kiddie pool, may be really beneficial to your young children. During the hot summer days, everyone, even the dog, enjoys playing in the kiddie pool.

And kiddie pools aren’t only for fun. Kids may learn fundamental water safety techniques in kiddie pools, ensuring that they remain safe while in the water. In addition, your dog may have access to a play center where they may cool down on hot days.

Inflatable pools are not the same as plastic kiddie pools. They’re generally composed of hard plastic and are smaller than an inflatable pool.

Even newborns and toddlers who are too small to swim safely in a full-sized pool may enjoy a few inches of water in a hard plastic kiddie pool.


How to Maintain a Clean and Safe Plastic Kiddie Pool Throughout the Summer


These mini pools are lightweight, portable, and only have a one-foot depth. For extra amusement, some versions have a built-in water slide.

Continue reading to learn about correct maintenance and safety precautions that are required for safe enjoyment.

Pools for children must be cleaned on a daily basis.

In compared to a full-sized pool, hard plastic pools carry a relatively little amount of water.

It’s also not essential to add sanitizing chemicals to the water, unlike a bigger pool.

Do you want something more than a kiddie pool? See how to create an above-ground pool deck in this post!

As a consequence, after each usage, the water in a hard plastic kiddie pool should be drained away.

Bacteria from the bodies of the youngsters may build up in the water if this is not done. Mosquitoes love standing water, and it may be a breeding site for them.

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Do not allow your children to swim in mosquito egg water; instead, wash your hard plastic kiddie pool after each use.

Washing the pool after each usage may seem tiresome, but it’s really rather simple. To be honest, filling a tiny pool doesn’t take long.

Inflatable kiddie pools may also be emptied and cleaned after each use since they are tiny.

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Drain or dump the water, then wipe off the empty pool with a bleach-water solution (read the label for cleaning ratios). When cleaning, make sure you’re using rubber gloves.

To cut through the filth, you may also use a moderate dish detergent.

When cleaning the pool, one part bleach to five parts water is recommended. As an alternative to bleach, white vinegar and water may be used.

After cleaning the pool, allow it to dry in the sun for a few hours before using it for another wonderful day of swimming.

If you have a slide, be sure you clean it every day to keep germs at bay and everything clean.

Pool Safety for Small Pools

Smaller pools are thought to be safer for youngsters, however this is a frequent fallacy. Children have been demonstrated to drown in water as shallow as 1 inch, significantly less than a hard plastic pool full to the brim.


Adults must be responsible and constant in their supervision of their children when they are in the pool.

Many parents have left their children for just a few minutes only to discover their youngster at the bottom of a pool.

Pool Games for Kids

With the correct equipment, a modest plastic above ground pool may become a water playground.

Small balls, squirt guns, and floating/sinking toys may make your pool more enjoyable. Some children just like splashing water with their hands.

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As your youngsters splash water onto the ground, be ready to replenish the pool. 

Year-round usage is also possible with kiddie pools. The kiddie pool may be used as a ball pit for toddlers and newborns. It’s the ideal setting for children to securely play.

Otherwise, youngsters may engage in a toss game such as ring toss, and the swimming pool is the ideal size for your dog to enjoy on a hot day.

Creating a Children’s Pool

Because they don’t need to be inflated, little plastic pools are relatively simple to put up. Furthermore, the hard plastic construction minimizes any discomfort caused by the pool’s lying on pebbles.

Remember that pebbles may puncture the bottom of inflatable pools, so stay away from them at all costs. The location should be visible from a neighboring residence.

It’s normally best to find a flat and smooth surface, such as a lawn or plain ground.

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Make sure it’s within the garden hose’s reach. If the area is muddy, try putting down a sheet for the kids to walk on so that they don’t drag dirt inside the house.

Towels to dry off may be stored nearby on a small stool.

Tips for Kiddie Pools Made of Hard Plastic


  • Despite the fact that these pools only store a little quantity of water, children should always be monitored.

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  • A hard plastic kiddie pool’s size must always be taken into account. While additional pools may be bought, some children prefer to have their whole family and friends in one pool. This is simply accomplished by providing a huge plastic pool. These days, kiddie pools aren’t only confined to the traditional circular shape. Many of them, in fact, come in unusual forms including squares, rectangles, and ovals.
  • These pools appeal to youngsters because of the colorful plastic and cool-looking imprints.

Toys for Kiddie Pools Made of Plastic

There are a variety of toys that may be utilized in combination with a hard plastic pool, even if they aren’t large enough to float in.

In the clean waters, bedroom toys with no metal hardware are more than welcome.

Rubber ducks and inflatable figures may bob around on the water’s surface.

When you add a few of portable water guns to the mix, the fun really begins. If the kids like diving under the water’s surface, goggles may be required.

As the youngsters play, be ready to replenish the hard plastic pool. Splashing and kicking may rapidly deplete the play pool, particularly if it is used by more than one youngster.

Consider moving to a small inflatable or hard-sided pool when the kids become older.

These pools, which are made of nylon, come in bigger sizes and may be used by the whole family. They’re still tiny enough to be enjoyed by youngsters.

Soft pools can be folded up and stored in a compact space, and some even come with storage bags.

Inflation may be made easier with the use of an electric pump. Hard-sided pools don’t need to be inflated at all.

Prepare to have years of water-based enjoyment in your backyard!

Check out Yard Surfer’s most recent posts!

The “how to keep a kiddie pool clean with salt” is an easy way to keep your kiddie pool clean and safe. You can do this by adding a little bit of salt to the water before going swimming.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you keep kiddie pool water safe?

A: There are a few ways you can keep your pool in good shape. First, the most important thing is to clean it on a regular basis with chlorine or other chemicals recommended by the manufacturer of your filter system. Next, make sure that if you have children who might be jumping into the pool without adult supervision (which is never safe) that theres something keeping them from completely diving in and getting wet. Lastly, dont forget about vacuuming!

How do you keep a plastic kiddie pool clean?

A: You need to get a hose, spray the pool with the hose and rinse it out.

How do I keep my inflatable pool water clean naturally?

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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