
Kale Companion Plants: What to Grow with Kale? 

 April 6, 2022

By  admin

Kale is a popular vegetable in the United States, but it’s hard to find space for this leafy green. As an alternative crop that requires little work, kale can be grown with other vegetables and herbs you already grow at home.

Kale is a member of the cabbage family, and has been cultivated for over 2,000 years. Its leaves are shiny green and can be eaten raw in salads or cooked as greens. Kale’s popularity has exploded recently because it is high in nutrients and low in calories. Read more in detail here: what not to plant with kale.

Kale Companion Plants: What to Grow with Kale?

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Kale is one of the most popular and simplest cruciferous plants to cultivate at home. Kale flourishes in practically any area since it is resistant to cold temperatures, many pests, and most illnesses.


While kale grows well on its own, it is always best to combine it with other plants. Here, we’ll show you which kale companion plants you can’t ignore if you want your kale to thrive properly.

There are several benefits as well as various plants to consider. We’ll go through what plants are, why they exist, and how they operate in the sections below. Check it out!


What are the Benefits of Planting Kale with Companions?

kale companion plants

Companion planting is essentially bringing diverse species together to exchange advantages and prosper. But it isn’t that easy. Following that, you’ll learn how companion plants may help kale (and any other plant) thrive:

Repel & Attract Pests


Many plants, such as rue, catnip, and marigold, as well as vegetables like alliums and herbs like cilantro and Lemongrass, benefit from attracting pests from other plants. Simultaneously, they may attract insects, allowing plants like dill, buckwheat, and Hairy Vetch is a kind of vetch. to pollinate crops.

Enhance Nutrients & Growth

Nutrients from the earth are used by all plants. However, some of them, particularly nitrogen, aid in the renewal of these nutrients. Marjoram, pole beans, and savoury summer are examples of this. They help the plant grow and develop quicker by releasing chemicals and changing the soil’s composition.

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Provide Cover & Shade

Small plants that develop soil blankets, such as oregano or cilantro, and blooms like Alyssum is a lovely flower., may dramatically reduce ground temperature. Other plants that grow big and densely, such as tomato, Hairy Vetch is a kind of vetch., and sorghum, may also provide protection from the sun’s rays.

As you can see, growing kale with other plants has a lot of advantages. We’ll go through how they individually function and how to get the most out of them in the sections below.

Kale Companions: Vegetables

Another veggie is probably the greatest form of plant to grow with kale. By substituting another vegetable for a companion, you may get the full range of advantages that a companion can provide.

However, most other plants will use a lot of nitrogen as well. You’ll need a little more fertilizer than normal if you’re growing kale alongside other vegetables.

Here are a few veggies we think you should try:

Alliums are a kind of onion (Onion Family)


Onions and garlic, shallots, and even chives fall within this category. These alliums are all good in repelling pests while also removing them.

What’s more, alliums are low-maintenance, don’t deplete soil nutrients, and grow at about the same rate as other plants. The majority of alliums are near-ideal kale partners.

Onions, for example, are inexpensive and insect-repellent. Onions have a mild acidity that repels bugs. 

Chives are an excellent allium partner. They can survive on very little food while still repelling insects. 

Then there are leeks. Some varieties of leeks may reach a size that provides shade and improves the soil’s nutrients.


kale companion plants

Even though some individuals believe peppers are invasive, they are not. Peppers don’t need much nitrogen from the soil, but they do keep a lot of pests away from kale.

Parasitic wasps, which often leave their larvae on plants, are among these pests. This may be avoided with the use of peppers.

You may use any sort of pepper for this, including habanero, Zavory, Fresno, and Cayenne. They’re all designed to keep pests away from kale.


kale companion plants

Tomato is one of the most popular selections on the list since it provides shade and attracts pests to kale. Diamondback moths, for example, prefer tomato over kale, so you won’t have to worry about them eating your greens.

This may be done with almost any sort of tomato. For even better results, concentrate on the thickest and tallest tomato plants. More significantly, since tomatoes use a lot of nitrogen, keep the garden highly fertilized.

Beans are a legume (Most Legumes)

kale companion plants

Beans as partners cause some consternation. The pole bean is considered a go-to alternative by some. Other varieties, such as the bush bean, may have varied outcomes. Overall, if you want consistent and outstanding results, don’t allow bean plants outgrow the kale.

When grown together, beans will provide additional nitrogen to the soil, acting as a natural fertilizer, and will grow at almost the same rate as kale. As a result, they make excellent crop mates.

Other Vegetables to Think About

While the majority of the vegetables listed above are simple to grow and pair well with kale, they may not be suitable for your requirements. If that’s the case, consider the following:

Vegetables to Stay Away From

Some veggies should be avoided while growing kale alongside them. Anything from the Brassica family of cruciferous vegetables qualifies.

Because of their comparable fertilizer intake, height, and total watering requirements, they grow well together and are susceptible to the same diseases and pests.

If you grow brassicas alongside kale, there’s a good possibility you won’t be able to keep pests and illnesses at bay later.

Herbs as Kale Partners

Herbs, like other vegetables, attract a lot of pests, which keep them away from kale. Herbs, on the other hand, utilize little to no nitrogen while providing ground cover to help regulate temperatures.

Herbs do something that other plants do not: they attract useful creatures, namely insects. These animals will aid with pollination and will consume or feed bugs that might otherwise feast on the kale.

We may think of a number of herbs that are good kale mates, including:



Catnip attracts predators that consume bugs on your kale, making it a virtually ideal herb. Pollinating insects are also attracted. What’s more, catnip often attracts cats and dogs, which deters creatures like moles and rabbits from visiting the crops.


kale companion plants

Cilantro is another beneficial herb. It’s the ideal supplement for attracting pollinating insects like hoverflies, which aid with the growth of kale.

More significantly, cilantro uses very little nitrogen while yet growing densely, which helps to shade kale over time.



Dill is almost as good as cilantro in attracting beneficial insects, and it works wonders for pollination. When you grow dill beside your kale, you’re more likely to attract wasps and hoverflies, which are great for both keeping the plants alive and eating insects that won’t let them.

Dill uses very little nitrogen while yet covering the ground to keep temperatures cool. Dill may also be used as a shade plant if it gets big enough.


kale companion plants

Enough lemongrass beside your kale may be quite beneficial in a variety of ways, including repelling dangerous insects and attracting beneficial ones. Furthermore, it is very simple to cultivate and grows at about the same temperatures as kale, making it one of the most suitable vegetables available.

Other Herbs to Think About

If you are unable to grow any of the above plants for any reason, you may substitute the following herbs:

  • Basil
  • Chamomile
  • Lavender
  • Marjoram
  • Mint
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • savoury summer
  • Tarragon
  • Thyme

Herbs to stay away from

Fortunately, there aren’t many herbs that can make kale go bad. In fact, we were unable to locate any that were worthy of consideration. Planting herbs (of any sort) may be a problem-free experience if you want to maintain your kale healthy. Even so, it’s a good idea to think about the ones listed above — there are lots to pick from.

Kale Companions: Flowers

The majority of flowers serve as pollination aids for veggies. However, some of them may act as repellents due to their odors and compounds.

We’ll go through some of these flowers and how they pair with kale in the sections below:


kale companion plants

Marigolds have a strong odor and are well-suited to attracting aphid-eating hoverflies. They also have a lovely orangey tone that is difficult to ignore. Marigolds provide a distinctive touch to the landscape when planted with kale.

Some marigolds don’t grow very tall, making them great ground coverings for maintaining a consistent temperature. More significantly, they eat little nutrients, allowing kale to flourish.



Nasturtium is a strong crop protector and is ideal for chilly conditions where kale flourishes. It may also deter cabbage loopers, which feed on kale. Similarly, predatory insects that consume aphids and other pests are attracted to it.

The beautiful orange to yellow tones of nasturtium blooms are what makes them so appealing. Nasturtium plants only reach a height of a few inches, making them ideal soil coverings.

Alyssum is a lovely flower.

kale companion plants

Alyssum is one of the shortest yet densest flowering plants available. It has a distinctive purple bloom hue with white petals that attracts some of the greatest predatory insects, such as hoverflies.

At the same time, the modest height completely covers the whole earth, providing a cooler environment for kale to grow in.

Finally, because of its low-maintenance requirements, it uses minimal nitrogen, making it a good companion plant.

Other Flowers to Think About

If none of these flowers appeal to you or seem to be feasible options, consider the following:

  • Borage
  • Cosmos
  • Petunias
  • Peas (sweet)
  • Zinnia

Flowers to stay away from 

Many people think sunflowers are a great addition to their vegetable garden because they attract pollinators, but they may also harm the soil. The allelochemicals produced by sunflowers have been shown to have a deleterious impact on the metabolism of kale and other cruciferous vegetables.

Aside from that, sunflowers attract squirrels and other creatures, which may feast on the kale in the long run.

Grains as Kale Partners

People believe that grains crops are useless when grown alongside vegetables. They may, however, protect vegetables far better than any flower or plant.

Furthermore, grains give your landscape a distinct look. They improve the overall attractiveness without putting in a lot of effort.

And, when they decompose after harvesting, they contribute lots of nutrients to the soil, allowing kale to grow in an organically rich environment.

However, keep in mind that most of these grains need a lot of nitrogen. When planting grains as friends, it’s critical to maintain your garden well-fertilized.

Here are a few to think about:


kale companion plants

Buckwheat is a superb cover crop for the first few weeks of development because it keeps the soil cool and moist. After that, as the buckwheat becomes bigger, it may provide shade.

Buckwheat attracts helpful insects that consume pirate bugs, caterpillars, and aphids as it grows.

Hairy Vetch is a kind of vetch.


One of the densest crops you can grow is the Hairy Vetch is a kind of vetch.. It produces super-thick covers on the ground that leave no space for sunrays to dehydrate the soil. More importantly, it tends to break down and grow super-fast, adding tons of nutrients to the soil in the process.

Furthermore, the purple blooms it produces can attract beneficial insects while also improving the appearance of your yard.



Sorghum stands out among grains for its ability to keep veggies parasite-free. Sorghum, when planted alongside kale, is a very protective alternative since it grows big and gives a lot of shade.

Some sorghum varieties may be harvested, while others are just decorative. You may choose any one based on your requirements and obtain the same results.

Other Grains & Crops to Consider

Many other plants flourish with kale and provide many advantages. These are some of them:

  • Clover of Berseem
  • Clover crimson
  • radish in oil
  • Mustard white

Avoiding Grains

Some grain varieties take much too many nutrients from the soil while growing far too big to support other plants. Corn, oats, and barley, for example, grow to enormous proportions, leaving little room for the kale to get sunlight and sucking up the majority of the nutrients.


While kale does not need a companion plant to thrive, we strongly advise you to do so. This may dramatically enhance your performance while also avoiding frequent flaws that might create difficulties over time.

If that’s the case, our list of kale companion plants will come in handy. When it comes to growing kale, don’t be afraid to follow our advise. You’ll get far better outcomes.

Were there any kale companion plants that we overlooked? Please share them in the comments section below!

Kale is a hardy plant that can be grown in many different ways. These companion plants will help your kale grow strong and healthy. Reference: companion plants for kale and collards.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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