
John Deere 318 Tractor 

 April 4, 2022

By  admin

John Deere has been producing farm equipment for over 130 years. The company is a name known worldwide, with their tractors and combines used in nearly every country on earth. Their newest model, the 318 Tractor, was designed to power through any terrain or condition imaginable — even being able to climb slopes of up to 45 degrees!

The “what is a john deere 318 tractor worth” is a John Deere 318 Tractor. The John Deere 318 Tractor has been in production since the year 2000 and it features an engine with a horsepower of 56.

John Deere 318 Tractor

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John Deere 318The 18-horsepower Onan 2 cycle gasoline engine of the John Deere 318 tractor is suited for lawn and garden applications.

The Model 318 is suitable for both commercial and domestic usage, with the ability to mow large areas of land or employ a number of special attachments such as snow blowers and plows.

On this newer 318 John Deere, attachments compatible with the preceding 300 and 140 series may be utilized. A front power take-off (rear PTO is available) and hydrostatic power steering help this two-wheel drive tractor.


As a replacement to the 317, the John Deere 318 was developed.

The 318 received several modifications, including enhanced comfort, hydrostatic power steering, and a 26-inch turning radius. Following the public relations challenges connected with the 317 model, John Deere began from the ground up with this new model.

They created a tractor that was very powerful, comfortable, and trustworthy.

In the tractor market, the 318 is still in great demand and has outstanding resale values. The 318 sold over one million copies, exceeding all other models.


The robust 18 horsepower Onan engine provides the necessary power to tow just about anything. The engine is supported by a rubber mount, which reduces vibration and improves comfort. The twin cylinders run quietly and effectively. With a 4.5 gallon tank, the 318 has enough gasoline to get started and accomplish the task. From 1983 to 1987, two separate Onan motors were utilized in production: the B43G from 1983 to 1987 and the P218 from 1987 forward. Both are air-cooled, although the P218’s rated RPM (3500/3600) and displacement (43.3/47.7ci) are significantly greater.


The John Deere 318 accepts all attachments that were previously utilized on prior versions. Two additional tools, a two-stage blower and a front broom, were also introduced to function with the 318.

The back frame construction of the 318 was changed, enabling the 2000 RPM rear Power Take-Off to power these useful attachments:

  • Tiller powered by the rear Power Take-Off (48 Inch)
  • Tiller Hydraulic (30 inch)
  • Grooming deck mounted on the back (50 and 60 inch sizes)
  • Material collecting system powered by a rear power take-off (one featuring hydraulic dumping)
  • Front-mounted loader No. 44


A single 12v battery onboard provides 255 cold cranking amps. A 20 amp alternator is used to charge it.


Infinite forward and backward capabilities is provided by the 5 qt. hydrostatic transmission. The forward speed is 7.3 mph, while the reverse speed is 3.7 mph.

You can’t seem to get enough of John Deere? Consider adding a John Deere snow plow to your collection.


Tractors by John Deere

John Deere 318 Tractor is a tractor that can be used for various purposes. It has a wide range of attachments, which includes a mower, sprayer, and more. Reference: john deere 318 attachments for sale.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the John Deere 318 so popular?

A: The John Deere 318 is a popular tractor because it has high horsepower, durability and efficiency. Its easy to operate as well.

What year did they make John Deere 318?

A: John Deere 318 was made in 1980.

Is the John Deere 318 A good mower?

A: The John Deere 318 is a medium-sized tractor with many features that make it versatile and easy to use. It has an engine of 190 horsepower, 8 forward speeds, and the ability to reach up to 26 mph on hilly terrain

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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