
John Deere 317 Garden Tractor 

 April 4, 2022

By  admin

The John Deere 317 Garden Tractor is the perfect tool for all your gardening needs. The 322 horsepower engine allows this tractor to cut through even the toughest of ground, and it features a self-propelled mulching system that will help you keep up with your garden’s demands without worrying about having enough power or hours on hand.

The “john deere 317 garden tractor for sale” is a John Deere garden tractor. It has a 3-point hitch, and it can be used on grass, gravel, or concrete surfaces.

John Deere 317 Garden Tractor

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John Deere 317

The John Deere 317 has a long and illustrious history.

From 1979 until 1983-84, the John Deere 317 tractor represented the “deluxe” series of 300 class hydrostatic tractors.

John Deere opted to include numerous new design elements, including the relocation of majority of the steering equipment to the chassis’s left side. Deere used a three-cylinder tractor in a 300 series tractor for the first time.

Although the horizontally opposed 17 horsepower Kohler engine seemed to be a good concept, the 317 was plagued by engine troubles. Engine failure was often caused by inadequate lubrication of the connecting rod journals on the crankshaft.

The lubrication system utilised Pressure Spray technology, which failed to deliver enough lubrication at 5 psi.

Kohler’s Reaction

Kohler was slow to react to the problem, but finally updated the engine to include full pressure lubrication and phased out the Onan P218G.

The oil pressure on this new and upgraded engine, known as the KT17 Series II, was substantially greater, ranging from 25 to 50 PSI. Kohler also pierced the crankshaft crosswise to enable pressured lubricant to reach the journals. These enhancements resulted in a higher-quality, longer-lasting engine.

When buying a John Deere 317 tractor, look for a specification number of 24300 or above to identify the new KT17 engine.

The new Kohler KT17 became standard on the 317 late in its last year of manufacture, but this upgrade may have come too late, as the 317’s reputation had already been established. Today, individual vendors are still offering 317s for sale. Make sure to look for one with a Kohler engine.

KT17 (engine):

A Kohler 2-cylinder gasoline engine powers the upgraded KT17. It has a 17-horsepower engine and is air cooled. 3600 RPM is the rated RPM. The bore/stroke dimensions are 3.125 x 2.750 inches, with a displacement of 42.18 cubic inches.


The hydrostatic transmission of the John Deere 317 features a limitless forward/reverse speed.

The 317 is exclusively available in two-wheel drive.


Tractors with other attachments:

The “john deere 317 engine” is a garden tractor from John Deere. The John Deere 317 Garden Tractor has a 3-point hitch, and is made for gardening tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What year was the John Deere 317 made?

A: The John Deere 317 was made in the year of 2005.

What is the difference between a John Deere 317 and 318?

A: The John Deere 317 is a gas-powered, four-wheel drive tractor while the 318 is a gasoline-powered, four wheel drive tractor. They are both available with different engine sizes and horsepower ratings.

What does a John Deere 317 weigh?

A: This John Deere 317 weighes about 1,700 lbs.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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