
Installing Pavers Over Concrete 

 March 25, 2022

By  admin

When a homeowner decides to install pavers over concrete, there are many factors that need to be considered.

Concrete is a great material for many things, but it’s not the best choice in every situation. If you’re looking to install pavers over concrete, there are some problems that you may run into.

Installing Pavers Over Concrete

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Concrete patios, driveways, and pathways are common among homeowners. Those who find the grey slabs unappealing may choose to replace them with pavers.

Some paver firms recommend breaking down the old concrete to make room for new pavers on a sand/gravel foundation. However, if the proper technique is followed, pavers may be installed over concrete.

Pavers come in a variety of materials, including cobblestone, brick, flagstone, and concrete. When laying pavers on concrete, be prepared for the following:


Surface Prerequisites

Pavers should only be installed on concrete surfaces that are in great condition. Any imperfections in the concrete foundation might create issues in the future.

The concrete slab should be examined for major and minor fractures. Concrete putty may be used to mend smaller fractures. Large cracks may need more substantial labor and may not be repairable.

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Cleaning the concrete with scouring chemicals and a brush is recommended. These chemicals are strong, but they’re perfect for getting rid of stuck-on residue.

Cleaning of the Surface

There are several different ways of installing pavers over concrete, all of which start with Cleaning of the Surface. The first step is to decide if you want to put a layer of sand on the concrete before laying the pavers.

Mason’s sand should be used in a thin layer over the concrete unless the surface is exceedingly level and homogeneous. This balances out any abnormalities on the concrete surface and ensures that the pavers are level.

Placement of Pavers

The paver installation procedure is straightforward. Begin at the closest perimeter to your house and work your way outward. The pavers should face the house and be put flat. Some pavers will almost certainly need to be trimmed to fit correctly in the edges and corners.

A paver cutter leased from a tool supply shop may be used for this. To create a compact and robust framework, each paver should be forced closely against the next. Sand will be brushed between the pavers afterwards.

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Over concrete, pavers must be “locked” into place by putting mortar beneath the pavers’ edges. Every paver that runs along the edge of the concrete must be mortared in place. Using a special spatula, mix and apply mortar to the concrete surface is pretty simple.

The Sand of Mason

The final step is to sweep The Sand of Mason into the cracks between the pavers. This is important in preventing water from seeping in between and under the pavers. In cold environments, water can freeze under the pavers and cause them to shift. Simply sweep this fine sand into the cracks to form a tight seal. Finish off by washing your newly paved surface.

If you want to install pavers over concrete, it is important that you use mortar. This will ensure that the paver stays in place and doesn’t shift. To do this, mix a small amount of sand with cement and water. Reference: install pavers over concrete with mortar.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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