
Installation for Swimming Pool Slides 

 April 28, 2022

By  admin

The pool slides are a great amenity for family and friends to relax in. They offer numerous benefits, from giving you access to the water without getting wet all day, to providing an outdoor space that’s perfect for lounging around on your deck or patio with some wine. The installation process will take about two hours by one person per slide. Please note that this project is not expected to be completed before November 2020.,

The “pool slide installation near me” is a swimming pool that is installed in your backyard. This can be done by the homeowner, or they can hire an installer to do it for them.

Installation for Swimming Pool Slides

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Swimming Pool SlidesPool Slide Installation Instructions

Swimming pool slide manufacturers are quite careful about how a slide is placed, and for good reason. A pool slide installed incorrectly might cause catastrophic damage. It’s critical to adhere to the exact instructions included with your slide. The following material is meant to supplement, not replace, a handbook on pool slide installation.

Assembly of the Flume is the first step. The flume is the slide’s primary sliding surface, and it may be transported in many segments. To minimize scratches, the flume should be put on a smooth surface while in use. Protecting pool slides on a deck with a cardboard box is a good idea. Locate the openings for the support pipes by turning the flume upside down. The provided hardware should be used to connect all of the support pipes. Because these pipes will bear the whole weight of the slide and its passengers, proper installation is essential.

Connecting the Ladder and Handrail in Step 2 Begin by using the proper fasteners to attach the two ladder rails to the flume. After that, align each of the treads between the rails and secure them in place. Anti-seize compound is included by certain manufacturers and should be applied to all bolt threads. Before tightening down, double-check the alignment of each tread. The slide should be able to stand on its own at this point. Each of the top handrails should be positioned and secured to the top of the slide as shown in the figure. Handrails must always be included in the construction phase since they are necessary for slide safety.

Step 3: Anchoring the Deck Place the slide along the deck’s edge, following the safety precautions outlined in your handbook. The bottom of the flume must be positioned 3 inches or more above the deck’s edge. This prevents users from being hurt on the deck’s edge. Mark the location of each mounting hole using a marker.

Each of the bolt holes in the deck surface should be drilled using a masonry drill. Make holes in the deck as straight as possible using the suitable drill bit. Remove any remaining debris with a brush or vacuum. Wedge anchors are tapped into the earth, and the whole slide is bolted down. A torque wrench may assist in tightening the bolts to the desired torque. To avoid harm, cover the bolts with the provided vinyl covers.

Step 4: Connecting Water For increased traction, many swimming pool slides may be connected to your pool’s filtration system. The intake port on the flume is linked to a hose from the filtration system, which is clamped in place. During this time, the pool pump should be turned off. Using the proper threaded adapter, attach the other end of the hose to your pool’s return port. When not using the slide, the manufacturers include a specific adapter that enables for easy separation of the hose and return to regular pool operation.

The “recirculating pump for water slide” is a must have item that will allow your guests to enjoy the pool slides without having to wait in line.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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