
How to Take Care of a Coral Cactus and Grow Them Properly 

 May 7, 2022

By  admin

You’ve probably seen a coral cactus in your local gardening store or home improvement center. They’re lovely, vibrant and colorful plants that can grow so big they require lots of room to spread out their stems. But if you don’t know how to take care of one correctly, it could become an expensive plant as its leaves won’t be able to support the weight–and it may even die! To make sure your coral cacti stay healthy for years on end, follow these simple steps for proper care:

Coral cacti are beautiful plants that need to be cared for properly. This article will teach you how to take care of a coral cactus and grow them properly. Read more in detail here: how to care for coral cactus.

How to Take Care of a Coral Cactus and Grow Them Properly

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Euphorbia Lactea is how gardeners refer to it.

It’s also known as the coral cactus.

We believe it to be a MUTANT. (It is literally true.)

This plant has such a distinct look that it finds it difficult to go undetected wherever it is.

It looks like a cross between a cactus and an out-of-water coral. 

And it’s really stunning! 

If you’re wanting to liven up your yard or bring a cool plant within, this may be the plant for you.

However, growing and caring for plants may be perplexing. That’s why, with our guidance below, we’ve made it simple. Take a look!


What does a Coral Cactus look like?

Let me start by giving you a heads-up…

The scientific name for the coral cactus is Euphorbia Lactea, but it’s also known as the Dragon Bones Tree or the Mottled Spurge.

Whatever it’s named, you’ll note that all of its names are strange. It’s also not surprising.

A succulent and another succulent were combined in a greenhouse to create the plant. It’s evolved into a fully fleshed species (although a peculiar one!).

This is a combo you may try out, believe it or not (and will have to in case you want to grow the plant).

Is it strange enough for you? If not, have a look at it. 

As you can see in the image above, the branches resemble succulents, while the leaf resembles a cactus. It comes in a variety of hues, from purple and white to red, pink, and green (sometimes even yellow). What’s more bizarre is that it has spines.

It does, however, prefer arid surroundings, as do most succulents and cacti. It is native to Africa and Asia and thrives in somewhat arid environments. As a result, growing and caring for it is usually a no-brainer.

How large can a coral cactus grow? 

They may reach a height of 20 inches when healthy (or a bit more). The lifetime of a coral cactus may range from a few years to many decades, therefore it might take a few years for it to reach that height. 

The unexpected element is that cats get poisoned by coral cacti. It generates “latex,” a sap that may cause severe dermatitis and other skin issues. It is deadly hazardous to pets and children.  

Finally, it flowers once every several years or so. However, under hazardous settings, it may have none. 

What a Coral Cactus Plant Requires 

So, what exactly are unfavorable circumstances for the coral cactus? We may say the exact opposite:

Potting and Space

This succulent thrives in practically any environment. It would be quite OK to grow it in the garden. It might also be used in a pot.

The plant just requires a few inches of living space. It thrives in tiny places, much like a succulent, so there’s no need to be concerned.

Just remember that as a succulent, it needs well-drained containers. If you’re going to grow it inside, make sure the pot doesn’t become too wet. 

Humidity and Water 

How much water does a coral cactus require? 

It should only be watered when it’s almost dry as a safe quantity. This usually means every one to two days. 

However, it’s critical not to overwater. While it prefers a certain amount of dampness, too much might cause root rot. It prefers dry soil over humid soil, like do most succulents.

Fertilizer and Soil

The coral cactus plant, on the other hand, prefers well-drained soil. This soil must be sandy yet well-fertilized to guarantee low humidity and no illnesses.

If you have access to cactus or succulent soil, utilize it. That’s a fantastic option. If desired, add some mulch or gravel to the beginning mix.

You don’t need much fertilizer. Every month, a slow-release fertilizer should sufficient. The plant won’t mind if you fertilize it less often. 

Air and Light

When we say it needs as much sun as you can give it, we are not kidding.

If you reside in a sunny region, the best option is to leave it outdoors for at least 8 hours. Growing it inside may not provide these circumstances, thus at least 6 hours of sun exposure is recommended.

Allow 4 hours at the very least. Anything less will most likely destroy the plant in the long run.

Fortunately, it flourishes in every environment, much like a succulent. However, particularly in humid places, it’s good allowing some ventilation (this prevents mildew). 

Environment and Temperature

So, like other succulents, does it need a warm environment? You guessed correctly.

Temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit may pose problems for the plant. Keep the temperature between 70 and 80 degrees for the best results.

It thrives in the open air, among other similar plants, rocks, and sand. You may even grow it indoors if you use good soil and a well-draining container. 

How to Care for a Cactus Coral 

Coral cactus requires very little maintenance.

As long as you provide a suitable habitat, the plant may survive almost anyplace. This incorporates all of the previous criteria. 

Follow these instructions if you want it to live a long time and BLOOM when it’s time:

Water in the best possible way

Watering is the most critical aspect of caring for a coral cactus.

It is impossible to overwater. If you do, it will quickly deteriorate. There’s no turning back once root rot sets in.

In humid seasons, you should only water once a week (fall and winter). You should not water at all during rainy seasons.

Water just once every two or three days throughout the heat and spring. More than that might be problematic. 

Only water 1 inch every session if feasible. Also, check to see whether the soil is already moist before watering. Otherwise, you’ll encourage overwatering (WHICH YOU DO NOT WANT!).

Maintain Fertilization

Although succulents seldom need fertilizer, the coral cactus will benefit from it.

Because it is not a heavy feeder, the plant likes slow-release fertilizer. As a result, you may only need to apply fertilizer once a month or less. Every several months, some compost may be beneficial. 

When it comes to meals, go for something high in nitrogen. This is the nutrient that this plant favors. 

Prune Frequently (Without Fault)

When you examine the plant, you’ll realize that pruning will be difficult.

How does one trim a succulent that looks like a cactus?

Well, it’s simple. 

You simply need to get rid of the dead portions and the branches that seem to be unhealthy.

When the leaves’ brilliance fades, it’s time to get rid of them.

What are the benefits of pruning? These ill parts, on the other hand, prefer to devour nutrients. Getting rid of them encourages the healthy components to develop more quickly. More significantly, it stops the spread of harmful portions. 

As a result, you may wish to trim the plant whenever it produces anything you don’t like.

Pest Control

Pests shouldn’t bother a strange succulent, right?

You’ll be pleasantly pleased!

Bugs ranging from white mealybugs to rough brown scales assault this plant in a frenzied manner. The plant is really a dessert for certain insects because to its “toxic” sap.

The plant is unlikely to capture any pests if grown inside. However, if you prefer to grow it outside, use caution.

At least once a month, inspect your home for indications of insect damage. If you come across insects, removing them with a cotton swab and alcohol should be simple. 

Soaps and pesticides should be avoided. They cause harm to the plant. 

Common Diseases to Avoid

Powdery mildew may be identified by brown dots on coral cactus. Another factor might be fungal rot caused by very low temperatures (which is not suitable for a succulent like this). 

Keep the plant as dry as possible, away from other ill plants, and in direct sunlight for the most of the day. It’s less prone to get infections when it’s healthy, so that’s what you want to make sure of.

How to Care for a Coral Cactus

When it comes to expanding, there are a few measures to take, but nothing out of the norm.

Once you provide the coral cactus with the correct habitat and soil, it will almost develop on its own.

Here’s how to do it:

Prepare the Slices

You may start with a seedling or a cutting. You’ll have to prepare it any way.

However, unlike many other plants, acquiring the seedling and planting it is not as simple.

One Euphorbia lacteal and one Euphorbia neriifolia are required instead. 

The “neriifolia” will be the foundation plant. That is, it will be buried immediately. The strange alien-like portion on top is called “lacteal.” 

You’ll need to cut a piece off of each succulent. You’ll need a complete stem for the neriifolia. You’ll also need a branch for the lacteal (preferably one that can be inserted inside the nerifolia).

Cut a V-shaped portion from the Euphorbia neriifolia and then a V-shaped form from the lacteal that fits on the cut from the neriifolia after they’re all together. 

This should help to keep them together. Then you may start planting them.

Prepare the Soil

If you can get a cactus or succulent soil mix, it should suffice.

Otherwise, try mixing some compost into a sandy or light soil mix. You may also add some slow-release fertilizer to boost the nutritional content.

Prepare the Pot or the Garden

After the soil has been prepared, you may pour it into the pot or garden as needed. If the pot doesn’t have any, be sure to open the drainage holes first.

Otherwise, just prepare the planting area’s soil. It should be enough to cover the plant’s bottom by at least a couple of inches. 

The Coral Cactus should be planted.

Set the strange mutant in when you’ve finished with the pot or garden.

There’s no need to be too excited. Simply plant the neriifolia a few inches deep in the dirt. That should do the trick.

Just in case, compress the dirt a bit more afterward. This can keep the plant from toppling over (if the soil is too loose or the portion on top is too heavy).

Allow the Plant to Grow

There isn’t much more to do, as you can see. After that, all you have to do is wait for the succulents to grow.

It’s critical to understand that the plant does not need immediate watering. Allowing the plant to adjust to the new soil is really beneficial. For a few days, this means no irrigation.

Then, every couple of days, begin watering the plant and watch it grow. It should look like this after a few months:

Start growing that coral cactus!

So, do you think a coral cactus will look great in your yard or as an inside decoration?

Then go ahead and plant it right now!

You shouldn’t have any excuses now that you know how to care for it and how to get started.

Once you realize how lovely that plant may become… You will not be disappointed.

So, what do you have to lose?

Coral cacti are a type of succulent plant that can be grown in the home. They have beautiful leaves and they require little care. Reference: coral cactus growing leaves.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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