
How to Repaint/Refinish Old Wicker Chairs 

 May 27, 2022

By  admin

Wicker is a popular material for outdoor furniture and other household goods. It can become discolored from sun exposure, rain, or just plain old age. Luckily it’s easy to rejuvenate this classic piece of furniture if you have the right tools.

Painting wicker furniture can be a daunting task. If you’re looking for an easy way to paint your old wicker chairs, try using a brush.

How to Repaint/Refinish Old Wicker Chairs

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Wicker ChairsOnce the strands begin to split, wicker chairs may be difficult, if not impossible, to repair. When owners see signs of normal wear and tear, they should act swiftly to safeguard the chair. This may be accomplished by reapplying paint, using a liquid protection, or a combination of the two. Continue reading to find out how.


How to Refinish a Wicker Chair

  1. The chair should be cleaned.
  2. Get rid of the old paint.
  3. Wait. Allow the paint remover to perform its magic.
  4. Plastic is used to Defend the Ground.
  5. Pour in the lacquer. 

The chair should be cleaned.

To remove stuck-on dirt and particles, start by washing the chair with a garden hose. Dirt collects often within the wicker strands, where it cannot be seen.

Continue to wash the chair until the water running off it is clear. Alternatively, you may use a moist cloth to manually wash the outside. You may produce a clean surface for paint to adhere to by eliminating the dirt.

Get rid of the old paint.

If the chair has already been painted, the old paint must be removed. Apply paint stripper to all the nooks and crannies with a tiny brush while wearing a mask and working out in the open air.

For this phase, toothbrushes and stiff-bristle paint brushes work nicely.


Allow 15 minutes for the paint remover to settle on the wicker chair, or until the paint begins to “melt.”

The paint may readily be wiped off with a cloth in this form.

With your brush, go into all of the microscopic places.

Clean your cleaning utensils in a pail of water on a regular basis. Only a little amount of paint should remain on the wicker chairs’ outside after they’ve been painted. Allow 1-2 days for the chair to dry before proceeding.

Defend the Ground

Make a workable workplace by laying down a plastic cover or using newspapers. Apply aerosol primer to the whole surface of the wicker chair and let it cure for the time suggested on the container.

Always begin at the top and work your way down the article. The paint of your choosing may now be used.

Choose a paint made for wood, especially one with UV protection built in.

Apply the first application, then a second coat 1-2 days later.

Pour in the lacquer. 

Alternatively, consumers may add a transparent protection to show the wicker’s original color. Lacquer, shellac, and varnish are all good options for wicker protection.

UV-blocking protectors are also superior at shielding wicker from damaging sunlight that may discolor and distort it. Protectors are available in a variety of finishes, from matte (no shine) to high gloss (very shiny and reflective).

Which finish to chose is a question of your choice.

Method of Advanced Cleaning

Instead of using water to clean your outdoor wicker chairs, try using detergent. TSP or similar cleansers are effective. If the wicker chair has mildew, use 1 cup of normal bleach to each gallon of cleaning solution. Mildew may be identified by black splotches on the wicker.

Allow the mixture to rest on the chair for five minutes before rinsing it with water. Allow for thorough drying in the sun.

The “rustoleum wicker spray paint” is a product that can be used to refinish old wicker chairs. The product is easy to use and will not damage the chair.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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