
How to Remove Snow From Your Roof in 5 Steps 

 April 7, 2022

By  admin

It can be hard to know what steps you should take when it comes to removing snow from your roof, but this article will help. We’ll cover five different methods of stripping the snow off of a roof without causing damage and how much time they typically take.

Snow is a common problem that can happen to anyone. This article will show you how to remove snow from your roof in 5 steps.

How to Remove Snow From Your Roof in 5 Steps

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Remove roof snow securely — and prevent snow accumulation in the first place!

Roof snow removal may be a dangerous and freezing task. Getting up a ladder in snowy, slick weather isn’t much fun, and it’ll likely add more weight to your already-heavy roof, maybe resulting in an accident.

Even if you have a steeply pitched roof, if the gutters are clogged with ice, snow will not always glide down. Snowfall that is too heavy may put strain on load-bearing walls and possibly cause your roof to collapse. If you have a flat roof, this is very concerning.

With our step-by-step guidance, we’ll look at the best technique to deal with roof snow removal in this post. We’ll also teach you how to prevent snow from accumulating on your roof in the first place.

How much snow on your roof is too much?

It would assist if you can determine how much snow is excessive. This is dependent on the snow kind. At around 5 pounds per square foot, dry snow is rather light. Wet snow, on the other hand, has a density of around 20 pounds per square foot.

Most contemporary structures have roofs that can withstand up to 40 pounds per square foot of snow. However, if your home is older or has a flat roof, you may not be able to count on that guarantee. We’ve included a simple computation below so you can easily determine whether or not you need to take action.

To calculate how much roof snow you have per square foot, do the following:

  1. How many inches of snow do you have on your roof?
  2. Use the following formula: 1 inch of snow equals 1.25 pounds of weight.
  3. To get the pounds per square foot, multiply the number of inches by 1.25.


Your roof has 6 inches of snow on it. 7.5 pounds of snow per square foot (6 x 1.25).

As previously stated, a contemporary roof should be able to readily withstand a 20-pound snow load per square foot. If you’ve done the math and determined that there’s much too much snow on your roof, follow our instructions for the safest approach to get it off.

Signs that your roof has too much snow on it

Keep an eye out for indicators that your roof is buckling under the weight of snow and ice.

  • Noises of creaking, cracking, or popping
  • Walls have developed new fissures.
  • Interior doors that won’t open or shut in the middle of the home
  • Materials for sagging ceilings
  • a lot of leaks

If you’re concerned about your roof’s structure and the impact of large snow loads, see a professional before the next winter begins. Examine what may be done to improve the situation.

Roof Snow Removal in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Make use of the appropriate tool A rake may be used to clear snow from a sloped roof. But make sure you’re using the appropriate kind of rake. A long-handled snow rake is intended primarily for removing snow off roofs. Because you’ll be raising it over your head a lot, these rakes are lightweight. They generally come with a telescopic handle that may stretch to around 20 feet.
  2. Keep your feet on the ground. When possible, avoid using a ladder. The rungs will get slick. By climbing up and leaning on your (possibly sagging) roof, you might put even more weight on it. You can remain on the ground if you have a long-handled snow rake.
  3. Look about you to see what’s going on. Take note of any electrical wires or tree branches that you don’t want to get tangled in with your rake before you begin. When you probe the snow with the rake, don’t stand directly under it since you can get buried if it changes unexpectedly.
  4. Begin on the outskirts. Working inwards, take little portions off the roof margins. Don’t attempt to remove all of the snow. If you are too enthusiastic, you may damage your roof tiles. It’s acceptable to leave a couple of inches of snow on the ground; it’s the weight you need to worry about.
  5. Know when to seek assistance. Get a professional snow removal service in if you fear you have too much snow on the ground and are concerned about the roof falling. It is not as costly as you may believe. If the structure of your home is threatened by the snow load, it might save you a lot of money. Get off the roof if you don’t want to do harm to your building and yourself!

What about removing snow off the roof using ropes?

This is perilous since you’ll have to climb onto the roof to secure the rope, which increases to the weight. This isn’t a smart idea if you have a lot of snow to move and you’re not sure how much weight your roof can handle.

Solar Panels for Roof Snow Removal

To ensure that your solar panels operate properly, you need carefully clean snow from them. Use a long-handled rake from the ground to remove the snow, being cautious not to harm the solar panels while doing so.

How to Avoid Having to Remove Snow from Your Roof

There are a few things you can do to keep snow from accumulating on your roof. This means you won’t have to deal with roof snow removal in the winter. Ice and ice dams are one of the most common challenges you’ll encounter.

What is the definition of an ice dam?

An ice dam is a build-up of ice on your roof that prevents snow from falling off. When snow on your roof partly melts, flows down the roof, and then freezes in the gutters, ice dams may develop. Ice is very heavy, therefore in addition to producing a blockage, it will add a significant amount of additional weight to an already burdened roof.

How to Keep Snow and Ice Off Your Roof

Investing in heating wires for your roof can prevent ice from forming. Insulated electric-powered wires may be stretched over the roof, in the eaves, and along the gutters.

They’re reasonably priced, but you’ll need to keep an eye on the energy bill and only use them when absolutely necessary.

For further information and guidance, go to:

A buyer’s guide to the best snow blower Snow shovels of the highest quality

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to remove snow from your roof?

A: There are a few options you could use to remove snow from your roof. You might be able to accomplish this by using a broom, but it is likely that the snow will come back in a short period of time. A better option would be regular paper towels or an old cloth rag which can easily pick up any remaining ice as well as collect the excess water and leaves on top of your roof.

How do you remove snow from steps?

A: The best way to remove snow from steps is with a hairdryer. This will soften the ice and make it easier to slide off of your shoes or boot/slipper covers as you walk up and down them.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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