Prayer plants are easy to grow and can add beauty to your home. They come in a variety of colors and sizes, so you’ll find the perfect match for any room. If you’re ready to get started, look no further than these simple instructions on how to propagate them!
Prayer plants are a great addition to any home. They require little care and can be propagated easily in water. Read more in detail here: how to propagate prayer plant in water.
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The prayer plant is such a lovely creature that you forget it’s real—its colors and patterns seem to come straight from a dream realm.
Taking care of this plant, on the other hand, is a difficult task. If you do it incorrectly, it may die.
Isn’t it something you don’t want to happen?
So, what’s the answer? To make it happy (and yourself! ), learn to propagate and care for it.
Don’t let that prayer plant get wilted and unattractive. With the tips we’ve provided here, you can keep it flourishing for a long time.
What Exactly is a Prayer Plant?
The Maranta leuconeura is a South American, African, and Asian herbaceous perennial belonging to the Marantaceae family.
Its scientific name derives from an Italian botanist named Bartolomeo Maranta, who found the plant in the sixteenth century.
What is the significance of the name “Prayer Plant”? Because the plant sits flat during the day and curls up at night, as if praying.
It may reach a height of 12 inches and a width of 12 inches. Prefers to be in tropical settings. In the spring, it blooms with little orchid-like flowers.
The stunning display of colors distinguishes it from other plants. It nearly seems like a picture, with yellow, purple, light, and dark green tones, and even black tones on the leaves. To make it even more appealing, the undersides of the leaves are purple.
It also grows slowly, thrives inside, and adds a lot of visual interest to any setting.
Consider the Different Types of Prayer Plants
The prayer plant has around 50 different species. Here are three that you should think about because of their popularity and attractiveness:
Nerve of the Red (Maranta leuconeura var. Erythroneura)
Because of its unusual palette of colors, it is the most popular of all prayer plants. The name “Red Nerve” stems from a vivid pink-to-red vein that runs all the way through the middle of the leaves and sideways.
The Red Nerve, with its dark and light green tones and a deep purple underbelly, will brighten up any space.
Rabbit’s Foot is another frequent Maranta. The name stems from the distinctive markings on the leaves, which resemble the traces left by rabbits in the soil.
It has velvety leaves that are pale green in color. When it’s young, the markings are dark brown, and when it’s older, they’re practically black.
Maranta Fascinator (Maranta leuconeura var. leuconera ‘Fascinator) is a species of Maranta leuconeura.
You might argue that the Fascinator is a cross between a Red Nerve and a Rabbit’s Foot. The Red Nerve has velvety leaves and a beautiful mix of hues.
The tempting pink-to-red patterned midrib, along with the light-green to yellow tones, makes for a stunning plant.
How Much Time Does It Take to Grow a Prayer Plant?
This might take anything from a few weeks to a month or more, depending on the strategy you choose.
The goal is to let the root system to develop long enough to be readily transferred into the soil. Propagating from seeds, on the other hand, may take a lot longer (up to 2 months to see results).
For propagation, where should you cut a prayer plant?
Just below a node is the best area to cut a prayer plant for propagation. This is the node from which leaves and roots sprout.
Nodes may be distinguished from the rest of the stems and branches by their slightly different hue. Nodes are also prone to bulging. For best outcomes, choose a node that is near to the roots.
What Does the Prayer Plant Require to Proliferate?
It is a warm-climate plant that enjoys moderate humidity and loves highly rich soil due to its origins in the tropics. It is not a sun-loving plant like other tropical species, and it can be grown in pots or gardens rather readily.
Below, we go through everything in further detail:
Planting and Spacing
The prayer plant takes up very little area to grow. As a result, unlike other tropical species, it is not an invasive species. It also doesn’t need a lot of area to flourish.
If you want to keep it happy, plant it in pots as small as 6 inches in diameter. It may also be planted in any garden and should grow quickly after being propagated.
Fertilizer and Soil
As long as the soil is rich enough, a prayer plant will thrive. Plants thrive on soils with pH values between 5.5 and 6.0. However, the best soils are those that drain well.
It may grow in any kind of potting soil as long as it is well-fertilized. Fertilizing every two weeks is sufficient. Slow-release fertilizer or diluted fertilizer is preferred by the plant, particularly during the coldest months. Overfertilization has a tendency to burn it.
Humidity and Water
Plants in the tropics prefer damp conditions over dry ones. The same might be said for the prayer plant. It prefers wet environments to dry ones. It will suffer if there isn’t adequate humidity.
Watering at least once every two days might help to create a humid soil and atmosphere. A humidifier may also be placed near the plant (indoors). It’s also possible to use a grow tent.
The Sun and the Wind
Given that it is a tropical plant, you may believe it requires a lot of sunlight. And you’d be mistaken.
While it doesn’t mind being in direct sunshine, it prefers to be in the shadow. For this plant, 4 to 6 hours of direct sunshine every day is more than plenty. Its leaves will begin to burn if exposed to direct sunshine for more than 6 hours.
Given that it is a tropical plant, it demands some breeze. However, this is mostly due to the fact that it thrives in humid environments. So a little mist here and there would be nice.
Environment and Temperature
A tropical plant that does not thrive in warm climates isn’t really a tropical plant. This one is no different.
Hardiness zones 11 and 12 are ideal for the prayer plant. It can only thrive if the temperature stays above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. It can, however, endure temperatures as high as 85 degrees if there is sufficient humidity.
This plant may be kept inside or outdoors, according on your preference. However, since it is a humidity-loving plant, it likes enclosed settings with higher humidity levels.
Three Ways to Grow a Prayer Plant
Let’s get to the meat of the matter. You should explore the following three strategies for propagating this plant:
1. Take cuttings from the prayer plant and propagate it.
Nothing beats cutting propagation for efficiency and speed. It is also the simplest approach. And the reason for this is the plant’s propensity to thrive when cut right from a node (roots grow quick from it).
How to produce a prayer plant from cuttings is as follows:
- Begin by inspecting the plant from which you wish to take a clipping. Examine all of the nodes and sections that produce leaves. Choose the thickest and healthiest node you can find.
- After you’ve found the node, you may begin cutting it. We propose cutting it out with shears or pruners directly below the node rather than on it. The node, once again, should be essential.
- Dip the sliced area in water while holding the node cutter in your palm. After that, dunk it in rooting hormone. After that, you may soak it for a time in water.
- Water should be kept in a glass or container that can be sealed with a plastic bag. Wait until the root begins to grow before removing it (1 to 3 weeks).
- After the root grows, the cutting may be transplanted to a pot or garden. For the greatest results, choose a potting soil combination that drains well.
- While the cutting is growing in the soil, keep it in direct sunshine. Ascertain that the environment is sufficiently humid for the plant to grow.
The plant should take 3 to 6 weeks to properly develop roots, acclimatize to the new soil, and begin growing as a stand-alone plant.
2. Propagate by means of slips
The slide technique is another approach to reproduce a prayer plant that is more successful but less feasible for the original plant.
A slip is a prayer plant stem that has its own roots. It’s similar to a cutting, except it’s taken straight from the rhizome.
Here’s how to put together a prayer plant slip:
- Begin by inspecting the most healthy stems from a prayer plant. To help the plant establish quicker, use the most vigorous one available.
- We propose digging with a shovel and your hands to get the slip out. Cut the part of the root immediately attached to the slip after you’ve reached the rhizome. After that, clean the root of any excess dirt (preferably leave it clean).
- Bring a potting medium to a pot, ideally nutrient-rich and well-draining soil. Insert the slip into a tiny hole where the rhizome will fit.
- If required, use many slips or divisions in the same pot. However, it is generally preferable to use only one.
As long as you follow the procedures above, this strategy seems to work well. However, it’s critical to clip the slip gently so that the original plant isn’t harmed.
Once the roots are established, the slip should begin to grow on its own in no more than 3 weeks.
3. Start with a seed and grow from there.
Marantas may be propagated from seeds in a variety of ways. It isn’t the simplest technique, however, since prayer plant seeds may be tough to come by.
The apparent approach is to wait for a prayer plant to bloom and then use the dried blossoms as seeds. Buying the seeds may assist, but that isn’t the same as propagating.
If you do manage to locate the seeds, here’s how to get them to work:
- Make a potting soil mix with enough fertilizer for your plants. Then, for the task, apply a slow-release fertilizer.
- Check the soil temperature, which should be between 55 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If that’s the case, go ahead and plant it.
- Cover the container with a plastic bag or something similar while the seed germinates. Maintain a humid atmosphere surrounding the soil by keeping it wet.
- Keep the soil wet enough for the seed to grow by watering it at least once a day.
Within 6 weeks after seeding, the seeds should grow. For best results, start from seeds in the spring.
Prayer Plants: How to Care for Them
It’s critical to maintain the plant growing once you’ve successfully propagated it (and hopefully propagate again later on). However, you should follow these guidelines:
Direct sunlight should be avoided.
The Maranta leuconeura is a tropical plant, although it is not a full-sun species as you would imagine. Given the velvety leaves that flourish in damp environments, it really prefers partial shade to full sun exposure.
As a result, you should limit your exposure to sunshine to no more than 6 hours every day. It should be possible to complete the task in as little as four hours.
Don’t Leave Them Unattended Outside
Prayer plants are one of the most pest-resistant plants available. If you leave them outside for too long, aphids, mealybugs, and, more often, spider mites will devour the plant.
The answer is to keep them out of the sun for as long as possible. Also, properly clean them before bringing them inside.
In the winter, keep the soil dry.
They like humidity, but only when the weather is warm. In colder climates, such as the winter, the plant prefers dry soils. It should be able to stay hydrated due to the season’s wetness.
If you wish, spritz it with a warm mist to keep it moisturized. In the winter, however, avoid overwatering, particularly if the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is the cat toxin in the praying plant?
Cats and dogs are not poisoned by it. If consumed, however, it may cause moderate gastrointestinal problems.
Is it possible to grow prayer plants from cuttings without the use of a rooting hormone?
Yes. If you cut precisely below a node, it should root without issue over time. Keep in mind that the rooting hormone hastens the process.
Why do the leaves of prayer plants fold up at night?
Because the plant is native to tropical climates, it spreads throughout the day to gather rainwater. Then, at night, it folds up to let water to seep down its stem and into the soil.
What is the best location for a prayer plant?
After it has been propagated, it should be placed in a location that gets sufficient light and maintains humidity. It’s best if you hang it near a window.
Is it possible to place a prayer plant outside?
Yes. Given how vulnerable the plant is to pests, this is not the greatest option. However, it is still beneficial to do so in a secure setting. It won’t mind as long as it gets indirect light and humidity.
Now that you’re aware of all the ins and outs of the procedure, propagating a prayer plant shouldn’t be too difficult.
You won’t have to wait for the plant to get ill before you can reproduce it. If you follow all of the tips we’ve provided, you’ll have a flawless experience. Now is the time to put it all to the test!
The “how to revive a prayer plant” is the process of propagating new plants from old ones. The “care for them” is the process of taking care of newly-propagated plants.
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