
How to Grow Sweet Potatoes and Care for Them 

 April 22, 2022

By  admin

It’s hard to find recipes for sweet potatoes, especially ones that can grow them in a small space like the average home garden. This handy guide will walk you through the basics of how to start and care for your own plants so when harvest time comes, you’ll have plenty on hand!

The “how to grow sweet potatoes in containers” is a process that takes some time, but is worth it. The process includes selecting the right type of pot and soil for your growing season. You will also need to know how much sunlight you get and when to plant your sweet potato seeds.

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Are you considering planting sweet potatoes? Tips for achieving flawless roots

growing sweet potatoes

If you’ve never tried growing sweet potatoes before, we strongly advise you to do so. They’re delicious. They’re high in vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and nutrition. They also have lovely leaves and blooms that make a lovely addition to any garden.

There are many advantages to cultivating sweet potatoes. They are adaptable.

They may be grown in the garden, in pots, on a patio, on a trellis, or as a trailing houseplant. They’re also great as a temporary groundcover.

growing sweet potatoes

They’re equally at home in the kitchen as in the garden. Sweet potatoes may be boiled, fried, or baked and used in casseroles, soups, and salads. Sweet potatoes also have a higher vitamin C content than regular potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are a warm-weather crop, so plant them in a sunny spot with lots of heat. If you reside in the north, consider growing your sweet potatoes in a conservatory or inside until the weather warms up.

Growing sweet potatoes has a lot of advantages, so why not give it a shot? Here you’ll find everything you need to get started.

Sweet potato growing instructions

Sweet potatoes thrive at temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius.

You’ll be planting sweet potatoes as soon as the weather warms up in the spring if you live in a warm region.

Sweet potatoes may be grown in a conservatory or on a windowsill until they are ready to put out in the summer, around late May or early June, in cooler climes.

Here are some guidelines for cultivating sweet potatoes step by step.

growing sweet potatoes

Sweet potato cuttings are a great way to start growing your own sweet potatoes.

Planting the sprouts (called as’slips’) that grow out of the sweet potato is how they are cultivated (known as a tuber). You may either purchase ready-to-plant slips or wait for tubers to grow, then snip off the shoots and plant them.

Purchase your slips from a reputable nursery or through mail order.

Store-bought sweet potatoes are frequently treated to prevent them from sprouting on the shelf, so growing them from them may be difficult. Store-bought types aren’t necessarily suitable to home garden conditions, though.

If you wish to attempt growing sprouts from a sweet potato tuber, follow these instructions:

  • About 6 weeks before you intend to sow the sprouts, prepare your tubers.
  • To stimulate sprouting, lay tubers in a tray of damp sand, perlite, sawdust, or leaves and maintain them in a warm environment.
  • Cut the shoots cleanly off the potato with a sharp knife after they are 6-9 inches long.
  • To avoid sickness, cut off the bottom inch of each slip.
  • Plant your slips in compost pots and keep them warm and well-watered until they take root if you’re growing them inside. As they become larger, repot them. If you’re planting outside, keep reading for additional information.

growing sweet potatoes

In the garden, you may grow sweet potatoes.

The timing of planting your sweet potato sprouts will be determined by the weather in your area.

In the north, you’ll need to start prepping the ground in late March and cover your sweet potato crop with black polythene to let the soil warm up.

You’ll give your indoor-grown plants the greatest chance when you put them out in late May and early June if you warm the dirt and keep weeds at bay.

If you reside in a hot climate, you should have no problem getting your sweet potatoes to thrive outside.

Here’s a perfect setup for In the garden, you may grow sweet potatoes.:

  • Choose a sunny, warm location with wet, well-draining soil.
  • Dig in some compost, but don’t use too much nitrogen-rich material, since this will promote leaves rather than roots.
  • Make 10-inch-high ridges of dirt 10 feet long, with approximately 3 feet between rows. A 10-foot row yields around 10 pounds of potatoes.
  • Cover your growing space with black polythene to keep the heat in if you live in a chilly environment. Make slits in the plastic to plant. To keep the heat in, you may also add fleece.
  • If you’re asking how deep to plant potatoes, the answer is 4-6 inches deep, with just the top leaves visible. Each plant should be spaced approximately a foot apart.
  • Firm the dirt around each plant and give it plenty of water.

What is the best way to take care of sweet potatoes?

You’ll want to keep an eye on your plants after they’re in to watch how they grow.

If you aren’t using black plastic, use a mulch two weeks after planting to help keep weeds at bay and conserve moisture in the soil.

If the weather is dry, be sure to water the plants once a week. However, avoid overwatering. Sweet potatoes can withstand times of drought well, and the last thing you want are rotting roots that are damp.

Consider training your sweet potato vines up canes or a trellis to create a charming feature. Growing in this manner might also provide plants with additional room and light.

growing sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes grown in containers

Sweet potatoes may be grown in pots or grow bags in your conservatory or on a warm sunny patio.

Because you can train them on a trellis and the foliage and blossoms are gorgeous, they form a lovely highlight.

Enjoy the scenery throughout the summer, then harvest your potatoes in the fall — it’s a win-win situation!

  • In containers, use a peat-free mix and make sure there are lots of drainage holes.
  • Keep your containers wet at all times.
  •  Use a potassium-rich diet.
  • Avoid nitrogen-rich fertilizers; you’ll end up with a lot of foliage but stunted roots.

How long do potatoes take to grow?

Growing sweet potatoes takes roughly 4 to 5 months. When the leaves begin to turn yellow and die back, you’ll know they’re ripe. The optimum time to harvest them is now. 

You don’t want to harm the skin if you’re going to store them, so be cautious while digging them up.

Sweet potato kinds to grow in the backyard

We’ve chosen three of our best sweet potatoes for gardens and pots, with consideration for both hot and cold climes.

  • Georgia Jet is a strong orange color that is ideal for northern settings.
  • O’Henry is a small sweet potato that grows well in pots on the patio.
  • Beauregard Improved is a hardy root with a lovely pink-orange flesh.

growing sweet potatoes

What’s stopping you now that you have all the information you require? Begin planting your sweet potato patch now and explore what works best in your area. 

Remember that even if you don’t have a lot of space, there’s always place for a container or two.

Sweet potatoes may also be grown inside on a bright, warm windowsill. Don’t forget to water your plants!

Do you want to start growing your own food? Continue reading:

When Is the Best Time to Start Growing Potatoes?

Planting Chart for Friends

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The “how to grow sweet potato vine” is a tutorial on how to grow and care for your own sweet potatoes. The article also includes pictures of the process.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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