
How to Grow Spinach and Care for Them 

 April 17, 2022

By  admin

Do you want to grow spinach but don’t know how? This article will teach you everything you need to know about the care and cultivation of this healthy vegetable. You’ll learn what it takes, including seed types, waterings, light requirements and more.

The “how to grow spinach at home” is a blog post about how to grow spinach and care for them. The article includes a list of different vegetables that can be grown in your garden, as well as information on how to start your own organic garden.

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Do you want to learn how to cultivate spinach and how to care for it? This comprehensive guide covers everything about spinach, from selecting the correct kind to cultivating it.

Did you know that spinach is high in Vitamin A and C, as well as iron, magnesium, B6, and calcium? It also tastes fantastic in salads or just sautéed with lemon and garlic. In fact, spinach may be used in a stunning 31 different ways.

To top it off, it’s a really simple plant to cultivate. So, if you have a garden and want to cultivate your first plant, what could be better than the deliciousness and relative easiness of growing spinach?

The majority of spinach types grow well in mild circumstances, and although it is simple to cultivate, it does take some attention, which may be perplexing for first-time gardeners. 

But don’t worry, YardSurfer has your back as usual. Here’s all you need to know about growing and caring for spinach plants.

How to Grow and Care for Spinach

Step 1: Select the appropriate kind

how to grow spinach

The first and most important step is to choose the appropriate spinach kind. Savoy Spinach, Semi-Savoy Spinach, and Smooth Leaf Spinach are the three types of spinach. There are also more varieties, such as New Zealand Spinach and Malabar Spinach.

And the kind you pick is determined on the weather and your particular preferences.

For instance, if you reside in a hot climate, Malabar Spinach and New Zealand Spinach are the ideal choices. Malabar Spinach has a moderate taste and a bright crimson stem that brightens up the garden.

New Zealand Spinach, on the other hand, has juicy, succulent leaves, so if you want green juices with spinach, this is the spinach for you.

Savoy Spinach, such as Bloomsdale, is good during chilly weather. It produces a high yield and a thick, crinkled leaf with a powerful taste.

Smooth leaf spinaches, such as Space Spinach, are a good choice if you’re weary of cleaning your fresh crop and want something easier to grow in your yard. 

It’s simple to clean because of the smooth leaf texture. It also lasts longer than other spinach kinds, therefore it’s available frozen or canned.

Red Carnival is my favorite smooth leaf spinach. The red veins not only give the landscape a colorful appearance, but they also blossom the quickest.

Step 2: Prepare the planting place

how to grow spinach

  • It is critical to get enough sunlight.

Even spinach, like any other plant, need a daily supply of vitamins and minerals, and if you remember your biology studies, you’ll recall that the sun is one of the finest sources.

Since a result, make sure you choose a location that receives the most sunshine, as this will help you boost your yield. Slightly shaded regions will also function, although the yield will be lower.

Yes, plants need water, and although flooding works for some plants, such as tomatoes, spinach requires a modest quantity. 

But, since I have a lot of plants in my garden, how can I keep track of how much water I’m using? That’s where raised gardens come in helpful, so don’t worry. It takes some time to construct these, but the effort is definitely worth it.

However, since Cedarwood is water-resistant, make sure you utilize it. Oh, and if you don’t have time to work on a raised garden, keep in mind that spinach has smaller roots, so even a little space apart from other plants should suffice. This is one of the greatest spinach growing tips.

The optimum sort of soil for a spinach plant is one that is acidic, with a pH of 6.5 to 7. Calcium and magnesium are the two most important nutrients to monitor. If your magnesium levels are low, use dolomitic limestone; if they are high, use calcitic limestone.

Limestones take 2-3 months to sink into the soil, so make sure you apply it well ahead of time and double-check the pH. If everything seems normal, it’s ready to go on to the following phase.

Spinach prefers nitrogen-rich soil, so make sure you’re utilizing nitrogen-rich fertilizers. Organic manure, alfalfa meal, and soybean meal are other viable options. 

Do not include any pebbles or hard clumps of dirt while applying the fertilizers. No, you don’t have to do it with your hands; a bow rake is the perfect tool for the task.

Also, remove any weeds or other plants that are growing in the area from the soil. This is because it makes the spinach plant more susceptible to disease. Furthermore, it may consume all of the nutrients, leaving your spinach plant weak and unproductive.

Planting the Spinach in Step 3


The next step is to choose the optimal planting season. Because most spinach plants prefer a milder temperature, autumn or spring would be excellent. The autumn season is recommended since the plants provide a more consistent output.

Another viable alternative is to overwinter. While the winters remain dormant, the next year’s crop will be early.

How to Plant Seeds Correctly

One of the most crucial aspects is to ensure that the seeds are fresh. Plus, you don’t want the plants to compete for space, so allow plenty of space between them.

Most spinach plants want a spacing of 2-4 inches, but if you’re planting seedlings of space spinach, the spacing should be 12 to 18 inches to allow the roots to spread.

Seedlings may readily be purchased from a local nursery, but we suggest starting with fresh seeds. 

That’s because you’ll have to transfer seedlings, which is a time-consuming operation that may also harm the plant’s roots.

Cover the seeds with dirt once they’ve been planted, but don’t compress it too much. As long as the dirt is fully covered and not exposed to the wind, a gentle pat should suffice.

Mulch the ground.

You want the soil to stay in the greatest possible condition, and mulch does exactly that by holding moisture. It also inhibits the development of weeds. Mulching may be done using hay, straw, leaves, or grass.

Remember to water the plant.

Watering every plant is crucial, but with spinach, it must be managed, as we discussed before. Do not leave the hose in the garden unattended. Sprinklers or a water bucket may be used.

When the temperature rises, you’ll need to keep the soil and surrounding area cold. We recommend utilizing cold frames or strong row coverings for this. Plant a few extra seeds as well as a backup.

How to Look After a Spinach Plant

Now that you know how to plant spinach, it’s time to look after it so you can reap the benefits of a high yield and a beautiful, green yard. So, here’s what you need to do.

Tip 1: If you haven’t been able to properly spread out the plants, don’t worry. Trimming them down as seedlings will still keep them from vying for space. This will result in increased growth and, as a result, increased production.

Tip 2: We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: spinach doesn’t like wet soil since it inhibits development, but it does need to be watered. Using a sprinkler or a water can, wet the soil at least 2-3 times, or more depending on the weather conditions. 

Tip 3: If the temperature in your location rises beyond 80°F (26°C), try shading the soil with any fabric, since most spinach varieties cannot withstand the heat and may burn.

Tip 4: Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the plants to protect them from slugs and snails.

Tip 5: Is your spinach plant not growing as quickly as it should? Organic fertilizers based on nitrogen may assist. Simply follow the instructions on the packaging and water it on a regular basis.

Tip 6: The plant will need protection in the winter, just as it does in the summer. Low tunnels are appropriate for this, and PVC pipes are recommended since they allow for ventilation.

Harvesting Techniques for Spinach

how to grow spinach

The first topic to address is when should a spinach plant be harvested. 

When the leaves are approximately 4 inches long and 2-4 inches broad, spinach plants are ready to harvest. In the 7th or 8th week, it should be about this size.

The plant may now be harvested in two ways.

You may either squeeze the leaves at the base of the petiole with your fingers or use shears to remove them. 

The second option is to pull the whole plant out of the ground. It’s also simpler to take out spinach since its roots are looser (you don’t have to be a hulk for this one).

However, snipping the leaves off rather than taking the plants out is a better option since it won’t completely destroy the plant. In fact, the inner leaves would develop larger, boosting the likelihood of a higher harvest (can you say no to that now?).

How to Keep Spinach After It’s Been Harvested

how to grow spinach

Because you’ll be harvesting more than you’ll need at once, storing the rest is crucial. The leaves won’t survive more than 2-3 days if left untreated, so here’s what you should do.

Make sure the leaves are clean and free of debris. Once they’ve been washed, rapidly dry them with a wet towel and store them in the fridge for up to 6-7 days. Do not, however, fold or damage the leaves.

Consider freezing it or drying it if you have a dehydrator if you want it to last longer. Once dried, powder the spinach and use it as a garnish on baked bread and soups. 


Popeye is a big fan of spinach, and for good reason. Growing spinach in your garden, whether for yourself or your children, provides everything you need to become stronger and brighter.

And, thanks to our comprehensive guide, you’ll know all there is to know about growing and caring for spinach. Please contact us if you have any further questions about producing spinach or if you’d like to contribute a suggestion or two.

Spinach is a type of leafy green vegetable that can be grown in many different parts of the world. It requires fertile soil, adequate sunlight, and water for growth. Reference: spinach seeds.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you take care of a spinach plant?

A: Spinach will grow best in cooler weather and require lots of sunlight. It can also be grown indoors if kept in a very bright room with plenty of ventilation, but it may lose some flavor.

Will spinach grow back after cutting?

A: Yes.

How do you harvest spinach so it keeps growing?

A: Well, a lot of people will let the spinach grow in water where it can soak up all that extra liquid.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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