
How to Grow Snow Peas? 14 Tips to Plant & Grow 

 April 8, 2022

By  admin

Did you know that snow peas can grow on the sides of houses? Is there a way to make them more likely to thrive in your garden? One way is by planting three rows. This will give each row its own space, ensuring they don’t crowd together and compete for resources.

If you want to grow snow peas, then you need to know how to plant and grow them. Here are 14 tips to help you get started growing your plants in containers.

How to Grow Snow Peas? 14 Tips to Plant & Grow

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Snow peas are one of the few vegetables that are both beneficial and delicious. Snow peas are a must-have in every garden because of their fast growth and diversified crop.

That’s why learning how to cultivate snow peas can be so enjoyable. You’ll know the labor was always worthwhile when you see the pods hanging in spring, ready to be eaten.


But, in order to do so, you’ll need to know precisely what to concentrate on, from selecting the best kind to planting in the proper soil, and much more.

We’ll go through each and every important component so you can get these legumes to grow and generate a life-giving crop. Do you want to learn more about these elements? Then have a look below!


What are Snow Peas, exactly?

how to grow snow peas

Let me give you a heads-up beforehand. Snow peas are a kind of legume. They grow in pods, much as beans and other peas. There are hundreds of these beans in each of these pods. Snow peas, on the other hand, are ready to eat straight from the pod, unlike most other legumes.

What is the nature of the plant? Scientifically, it’s known as “Pisum sativum var. macrocarpum.” This name derives from the “Pisum sativum” pea family, which includes hundreds of distinct pea species. One of the most popular vegetables is the snow pea.

Snow peas are said to have originated in Asia. As a result, they’re often referred to as “Chinese peas.” They may also be found in Africa and Europe.

As a result, you can probably guess that they aren’t the most difficult species to cultivate. They do, however, need some work. Basically, you must accomplish the following:

14 Tips for Growing Snow Peas

1. Select the Most Appropriate Growing Method

how to grow snow peas

Initially, you must decide whether you want to cultivate peas from seed or seedlings. Because seeds are generally simple to sow and develop quickly under optimal circumstances, there is a significant difference here. Seedlings, on the other hand, are a little more difficult, owing to the plant’s dislike of transfer.

However, there is an important point to be made here: seedlings develop more faster. Seedlings will produce peas in as little as 40 days after planting, while seeds need 50 to 70 days to produce pods.

So, what are your options? Seeds are the way to go if you want to have an easier time growing. Picking seedlings, on the other hand, is a good option if you want to get things done quickly.

2. Select a Sufficient Cultivar

how to grow snow peas

While choosing the perfect cultivar isn’t required to produce snow peas effectively, it will help you appreciate the yield more.

Golden Sweet, Oregon Giant, Oregon Sugar Pod, and Mammoth Melting Sugar are just a few of the options.

The sizes and development periods of these cultivars vary. Golden Sweet, for example, takes more than 60 days to yield harvestable pods. Despite this, the vine may reach a height of 6 feet. Interestingly, the pods are often golden, thus the name “Golden.”

An Oregon Giant plant may reach a height of 4 feet and mature in as little as 70 days. The pod, on the other hand, develops bigger than those of other types. This is the origin of the name.

You receive a similar experience with Oregon Sugar Pod as you do with Oregon Giant. The plants reach a height of approximately 3 feet, and the pods are large and ripe after 70 days.  

Finally, the Mammoth Melting Sugar produces the biggest pods, although the plant seldom grows more than 4 feet tall. It takes 70 days from planting to harvest, much as other cultivars.

3. Plant at the Appropriate Time

how to grow snow peas

It’s critical to start at the right season, regardless of the variety you choose or the planting technique you choose. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time assisting the plant’s growth.

What season is it, exactly? Generally, before the arrival of spring but before the final frost. Frosts will make it difficult for the seeds to thrive if you sow too early. Any seedling will suffer the same fate.

They need a temperature of at least 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the soil. Any temperature below that will make it difficult for the peas to survive.

If you’re using seedlings, start around 4 weeks before the final frost for the greatest results. Begin planting seeds 6 weeks before the final frost date.

4. Locate a Location That Is Sufficiently Sunny

how to grow snow peas

Snow pea plants, despite their ability to flourish in frigid climates, need a lot of sunshine. This usually equates to 6 to 8 hours every day. If you can put them somewhere that gets that much light, the plant will grow larger and healthier.

In fact, if you sow the seeds in a bright enough location, the sprouts may appear in as little as 8 days. Without the sun, it might take up to 14 days. 

5. Use Soil That Is Well-Drained

how to grow snow peas

Aside from locating a location where the sun shines for a long period of time, it’s also critical to utilize soil that drains properly. Snow peas like chilly, humid settings, but if the soil remains moist for too long, plants can acquire illnesses.

Ensure that the soil is ready for planting at the same time. This usually entails loosening it up to allow the seeds to sprout securely. When you drop a fork vertically and it stays in place, you know the soil is ready.

6. Fertilize it on a regular basis

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You’ll need enough fertilizer in addition to well-drained soil. Peas may thrive in almost any soil, although they prefer it when it is suitably nourished.

However, just adding compost, sulfate, or dolomite is the best remedy. Any fertilizer addition to the soil that increases its nutrient availability will suffice.

Snow peas like soils that are somewhat acidic. Adding compost to the soil to make it more acidic (pH of approximately 6) is a great idea.  

7. Don’t Plant on Soil That Has Been Used Before

how to grow snow peas

It doesn’t matter how well-drained or fertilized the soil is; for the greatest results, you must utilize healthy soil.

What exactly does this imply? It will be risky if the soil was previously used to grow other legumes. It’s possible that diseases and fungus that feed on snow peas are still present.

Sterilize the soil after planting to guarantee that the plant does not get diseased.

8. Select a Large Enough Container

how to grow snow peas

Snow peas are known for their ability to grow tall and broad. They’re also vine-like, climbing and creeping all over the place. It will quickly overgrow if you do not use an adequate container.

As a result, you must concentrate on containers with a minimum diameter of 12 inches for snow peas. In the correct spot, the plant shouldn’t grow too big and yet give a good crop after a few months.

Small snow pea plants, such as Oregon Sugar Pod, are a great addition to your balcony garden.

9. Make Use of the Correct Companion Plants

how to grow snow peas

If you’re growing directly in garden soil, the appropriate companions may always assist. Brassicas, such as kale and brussels sprouts, are included in this category. Other vegetables, such as garlic, onion, and turnip, may still be used. Planting near mints might result in a more flavorful pod.

As long as you grow them at the same time, black-eyed peas and other legumes make good partners. This boosts nitrogen levels in the soil, allowing them to grow bigger and faster.

10. Plant with caution and caution.

how to grow snow peas

You may begin planting after selecting a section of the garden, preparing the proper soil, and ensuring that the seeds or seedlings are ready.

However, we propose first drilling a tiny hole. This hole should be no deeper than 1 inch (for seeds) or 3 inches (for plants) (for seedlings). You may immediately put the seeds and/or sprouts in.

It is critical to fully cover the seeds. Lightly tap the dirt to consolidate it for optimum results. Use your hands and be cautious not to injure yourself. After then, it’s only a question of waiting.

11. Consistently yet Carefully Water

how to grow snow peas

It’s critical to prevent dry soil as you wait for the plant to develop. You shouldn’t, however, water excessively.

Once the plant reaches 3 inches in height, you should begin watering it once a week. In humid climates, once or twice a week should enough. Water once a day in locations where it seldom rains and the weather is dry.

You may add a mulch layer and just water once a week to get the ideal balance. The mulch will keep the moisture in the soil and allow you to water less. If you reside in a humid environment or are planting during a wet season, skip the mulch.

12. Provide a Climbing Structure

how to grow snow peas

Snow peas, as previously said, grow like vines. They like crawling and climbing. They will grow bigger and healthier if you provide them with a place to do so.

Nothing works better than a trellis foundation in many cases. A wooden trellis or a section of a wire fence might suffice to provide the plant with adequate space to flourish. Stakes, poles, or sticks may be used instead, and the plant should be alright.

This isn’t true of all types; the Golden Sweet, for example, prefers to grow in bushes. The others, on the other hand, will greatly benefit from having a location to build a trellis on.

13. Keep it safe from outside threats.

how to grow snow peas

After you’ve planted the plants and they’ve begun to grow, you’ll need to keep them safe. Against thrips, mites, and caterpillars, snow peas are quite vulnerable.

If you reside in an area where there are a lot of moths or butterflies, you may wish to use a fence or cover to protect the plant. Similarly, pesticides may be used to boost its safety and keep undesirable insects away.

Don’t let it freeze at the same moment. While snow peas can withstand cold temperatures, they do not thrive in temps below zero. If at all feasible, keep it inside or sheltered from snow and frost.

14. Ensure Growth through Harvesting

how to grow snow peas

From the time you planted it, the plant will be ready to harvest in 8 to 10 weeks. When this time comes, don’t leave any pods alone.

If you select the pods as soon as they develop, you’ll encourage them to grow even more. This also helps the plant produce more pods by extending the blooming season.

Snow pea plants have the benefit of producing a large number of edible pods that may be eaten right once or preserved for weeks if needed. Harvesting them on a regular basis has no disadvantages.


You’ll have no trouble making snow peas flourish after you’ve mastered the art of growing them. This species isn’t very fussy, which is a huge plus if you’re just starting out.

Regardless of your background, be sure to follow all of the tips we’ve provided. We’ve compiled the most relevant and up-to-date information so you can get started producing snow peas right now.

So, with a legume like this, do you want to take your gardening to the next level? You’ll succeed if you follow every suggestion to the letter!

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The “how to grow peas in pots” is a question that has been asked many times. The following are 14 tips to plant and grow vegetables, such as snow peas.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should snow peas be planted?

A: You should plant your snow peas about 1 inch deep and not any deeper.

What month do you plant snow peas?

A: Snow peas are best planted in the spring.

Do snow peas need full sun?

A: Snow peas are a herbaceous plant, so they dont need full sunlight to grow. They can be grown in partial shade or indoors under fluorescent lights.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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