
How to Grow and Care for White Sage Plant? 

 March 13, 2022

By  admin

White sage is a plant native to the western United States, and it’s often used in spiritual ceremonies. It grows between 6-12 inches tall, with leaves roughly twice as long as broad. White sage can be grown indoors or outdoors depending on where you live. The plant has dark green needlelike leaves that grow opposite one another from top to bottom on each stem.

White sage is a plant that can be grown in pots and it’s very easy to care for. It needs to be watered every day, but it doesn’t need a lot of sunlight or water.

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Burning white sage has long been used for its medicinal benefits and ceremonial purposes. Through a technique known as smudging, it is said to expel bad energy and potentially aid in the treatment of some mental disorders. 

The following are some additional advantages of the white sage plant: 

  • Iron, vitamin K, and calcium are just a few of the minerals found in this fruit.
  • Antioxidants in abundance
  • It has antibacterial characteristics that are effective.
  • It’s possible that it’ll aid with menopausal symptoms. 
  • Aids in the treatment of a sinus infection as well as a sore throat. 
  • Aids in the removal of germs from the air.
  • It’s possible that it’ll aid with memory and general brain health.

The white sage herb is simple to include into your diet. You may drink it as tea or add it to a few recipes to give them an earthy taste. Remember, it’s the plant’s many health advantages that make it worthwhile to cultivate and care for. 

What Does a White Sage Plant Look Like?

The white sage plant is a huge herbaceous plant with a unique bloom form. In ideal circumstances, it may reach a height of 1.3 to 1.5 meters, making it one among the biggest salvias. It also has a smooth texture and many basal branches with clusters of light grey and thicker leaves. The plant is particularly lovely since it contains small lavender-flecked blossoms.

Salvia apiana, bee sage, and sage stick are some of the other names for it. Because of its ability to attract bees, it is called “apiana” and “bee sage.” It also has its own group of pollinators. The bloom can only be pollinated by bigger bees such as carpenter bees and bumblebees. This is due to the fact that only bigger insects may access the plant’s nectar.

The white sage plant has various magical powers and is revered as a ceremonial herb by Native Americans. 

Learn about the many varieties of sage plants and their look as a bonus read! 

What is the best way to grow a white sage plant?

Seeds and cuttings are the most common methods to cultivate a white sage plant. Both methods are successful and recommended for growing the plant. You can cultivate a white sage plant in your garden by following a few simple procedures. 

The following are two methods for growing a healthy white sage plant:

Seeds to Fruition

The most common way for growing white sage plants is from seeds. However, since this plant has a poor germination rate, it may take a long time to develop. To compensate for the poor germination rate, you may need to overplant. 

Because of the good weather circumstances, it is best to start sowing the seeds in the spring. Instead of immediately spreading the seeds in the soil, you should start by sowing them in a tray or tiny pots. Because the plant’s germination rate is already low, try to spread the seeds in the best weather and soil conditions possible. 

To ensure optimal germination and development, you need purchase a seed beginning soil mix. Soil mixtures aid in moisture retention and guarantee that no large chunks of wood or other debris are present. 

Follow these instructions to grow the plant from seeds after you have the tray and soil:

  • Fill your tray halfway with soil mixture.
  • Sprinkle your seeds evenly around the dish and mist them with water. 
  • Place the seeds in an area that is kept at room temperature, between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  • Because the seeds need sunshine to flourish, consider putting them in direct sunlight. 
  • It’s important to keep the soil wet but not saturated.

It takes around 2 weeks for the sprouts to appear. You should only transplant them when they’ve grown to a height of at least 3 inches.

Check out this assessment of the 7 finest seed starting mixes as a bonus read.  

Taking Cuttings and Growing 

Fall is the most appropriate season to grow white sage plants from cuttings. Keep in mind, Taking Cuttings and Growing is faster and has a higher chance of germination than Seeds to Fruition. However, it is a challenge too. Mainly because the germination rate from cuttings is yet only around 20%. 

To begin, combine equal parts perlite, medium-grained sand, and seed-starting compost in a soil mixture. Follow these procedures to grow your plant once you’ve prepared your container and soil:

  • Place the dirt in the container after moistening it. 
  • Take 4-6″ cuttings from a white sage plant with freshly developed leaves.
  • Dip the cuttings’ ends in the water and rooting powder.
  • Remove any excess powder before placing the cutting in the soil.
  • 12″ below the soil surface should be the lowest group of leaf nodes.
  • Hold the cutting in place until it is secure. 
  • Place the pot in a somewhat shady area (70-85F degrees is the favorable temperature range for the plant to grow)
  • After 4-6 weeks, gently tug on the plant to see whether roots have grown. 
  • You may now gradually begin to acclimate your plant to adequate sunlight. 
  • Water the plant only when the soil seems dry after the roots have formed. 

On a bi-monthly basis, increase your plant’s exposure to sunshine. You may transfer the plant after it seems to have hardened.

How to Look After a White Sage Plant 

White sage is hardy and simple to care for. It cannot, however, be overlooked. It despises the cold and will die every winter. It will, however, resurrect after winter is gone if it is not exposed to temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit for an extended period of time. 

The following requirements should be kept in mind when How to Look After a White Sage Plant. 


Because white sage is a desert plant, it is vulnerable to overwatering. It loves drier circumstances, and too much water might bring mildew or even death to the plant. 

The plant should get roughly 12 inch of water each week throughout its first growth season. As the root system matures, you should minimize the amount of water used. 

Unless drought-like circumstances prevail, the plant does not need further water after the root has developed. 

Tip: If it’s hot outside, water the plant sparingly; otherwise, don’t water it at all. 


The white sage requires full sun to develop, and it need at least 6 hours of sunshine every day to flourish. When putting your plant, try to stay away from shady places. Choose the location in your garden that gets the greatest sunshine and position your plants in comparable areas. 

If you reside in an area where the winters are harsh, with temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, you might consider transplanting the white sage. Gardeners might put the plant in a container inside with artificial lighting and appropriate heat in this situation. 


The soil you choose should have strong drainage capabilities, since the plant cannot thrive in wet circumstances. The soil should also be sandy and permeable. You might also use a cactus growth mix if the soil in your area isn’t ideal for producing white sage plants. 


Mulch aids in the retention of moisture in the soil, the prevention of weed development, and the cooling of the soil. Mulch is mostly used in very hot or extremely cold situations. A heavy layer of mulch spread in the autumn will also help the plant. 

More importantly, mulching in hot weather is critical for reducing soil moisture loss. Using mulch in the winter prevents the roots from freezing. If you’re looking for anything to use as mulch, try shredded wood or bark. 


It is not necessary to fertilize white sage, however it may benefit the plant if given in very small amounts. 

Because it is a light feeder, too much fertilizer might harm the plant. However, a one-inch covering of old compost applied in the spring will keep the plant healthy. 

In the spring, you may also use slow-release flower food instead of aged compost. Test your soil, and if it has a serious deficit, you’ll need to provide fertilizer to the plant. 

Bonus Read: If you’re unsure which fertilizer to use, check here for a list of some of the finest fertilizers.


White sages are mints with a fast growth rate. Pruning your plant is necessary to foster fresh growth. 

During its development phase, this plant may become unmanageable. As a result, it’s ideal to keep it in a spot where it won’t intrude on other plants. These characteristics need the pruning of white sage leaves and branches. 

To prune effectively, follow these basic steps:

  • To eradicate plant illnesses and infection, use a sterilized sharp knife.
  • Early in the spring, before the blooms show, cut the shoots.
  • Dead leaves and branches should be removed. 
  • Remove any stray branches. 
  • Avoid cutting the plant straight or giving it an odd form. 

Pruning below the node junction, where new leaves grow, is not recommended. 

Controlling pests 

Controlling pests for sage depends on the type of pest which has infested the plant. 

Treatment options for the most common insect infestations include the following:

  • Insecticidal soap or neem oil may be used to treat aphids and whiteflies. 
  • For severe slug infestations, slug baits may be utilized, and coarse debris can be sprinkled all over the ground to avoid infection entirely. 
  • To get rid of caterpillars, just pick them off the plant, or treat the younger, newly born caterpillars with Bacillus thuringiensis.

These are the most frequent pests that infest white sage plants. Infestation may be avoided by maintaining a healthy feeding atmosphere for your plant. 

Disease Prevention and Control 

Three kinds of diseases wreak havoc on sage plants. They are described in detail below, along with treatment options. 

  1. Powdery Mildew is a frequent issue with white sage, but it’s easy to prevent with a little care. Even inexperienced gardeners can spot it by looking for white patches on the plants’ leaves. Because fungus spores spread via the air, they are infectious and may harm other plants. 

To treat and manage the condition, follow these steps:

  • Ascertain that your plant gets enough ventilation. 
  • When the weather begins to chill, spray it with neem oil, paying specific attention to the undersides of the leaves. 
  • You may even use potassium bicarbonate to eliminate the spores immediately on your plant. 

Because white sage is a desert plant, it is particularly vulnerable to humid-loving fungi. As a result, specific precautions must be taken to prevent infection. 

  1. Mint Rust is identified by little, dusty orange spots on the underside of your plant’s leaves. It’s possible that the new shoots may seem pale and deformed. Worse, vast regions of leaf tissue may begin to die, causing the leaves to shed. 

Follow these actions to manage the disease:

  • Plants and rhizomes afflicted with the disease should be removed. 
  • Roots are treated with heat.
  • The roots should be submerged in hot water (111 degrees Fahrenheit) and then cooled in cold water.
  • Water the plant from the bottom up, rather than from above. 

You can prevent infectious illnesses from spreading to other plants by following a few basic procedures. These actions will also assist in keeping the afflicted plant healthy in accordance with its lifecycle needs. 

Harvesting and Keeping 

Once your plant has achieved full size, you may begin harvesting it. In the first year, don’t eliminate more than 30% of the new growth. When harvesting the plant, it’s also vital to simply clip the tops. You won’t see any new growth through the plant if you clip the woody stems too far down. 

When the dew has dried, you should harvest the plant. Harvesting is best done in the afternoon when the oils in the leaves are at their peak concentration. To keep the leaves, you may even air-dry them. Another option is to dry them in a small basket or on a drying rack. Finally, try hanging the pieces in groups of two or three to allow for optimum air circulation. 

In the summer, it normally takes about 10 days to dry, although it may take a bit longer in the winter. Remember that the leaves are dry when they crack in half and produce a sharp sound. 

Sage leaves may be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days, but they must be eaten after that. Another method for storing the leaves for a longer period of time is to freeze them in an airtight container. 


The herb is useful in the cooking as well as for its therapeutic benefits.

The following are some simple methods of application that any gardener may use: 

  • Salads and other foods using the leaves
  • Using sage leaves to make tea
  • Smudging with a little amount of sage to clear bad energies

As previously said, sage has several advantages, making it a highly valuable herb. 


What is the maximum amount of sage that a single plant can produce?

It’s impossible to say how much one sage plant can provide. The amount is determined by the size of your plant, its health and output, and how much you’ve pruned it. 

If your plant is less than a year old, don’t trim it, and don’t trim it too much in the second year.

What is the method for applying potassium bicarbonate to the plant?

You may use a spray bottle filled with water to administer the potassium bicarbonate. In most cases, the directions are printed on the packaging. 

Why are my white sage plant’s leaves becoming red?

Drought stress is to blame for this. To bring the plant back to life, spritz a little water at the base. 


Because of its many advantages, white sage is becoming threatened in the wild. You may utilize your sage plant whenever you want now that you have it. 

Most significantly, smudging has raised the demand for white sage. In any case, after you’ve grown the plant, you may utilize it to propagate it by cuttings. 

Read our assessments of the best useful garden tool bags in 2022 as a bonus. 

The “white sage seeds” is a plant that can be grown and cared for in a variety of ways. The white sage plant has many uses, from being used as an herb to being used as a part of smudging rituals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does white sage come back every year?

A: White sage comes back every year.

Where should I plant white sage?

A: You can plant white sage in the backyard of a structure that you plan to place it near. In general, White Sage will do well with most shrubbery and plants.

Can I grow white sage indoors?

Related Tags

  • how to grow white sage indoors
  • how to grow white sage from seed
  • how to grow white sage from cuttings
  • growing sage for smudging
  • how to grow white sage from seed indoors

Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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