
How to Grow and Care for Sansevieria Cylindrica? 

 March 20, 2022

By  admin

Sansevieria is a plant native to the coastal regions of Africa, Asia, and Oceania. The foliage has long been used by many cultures as ornamental plants in home decoration and medicine. It’s easy to grow in temperate zones with bright light or indoors under fluorescent lights. This article will teach you how to care for your Sansevieria properly so that it’ll flourish

Sansevieria cylindrica is a succulent that can grow up to 8 inches tall. It has a round, fleshy stem and leaves that are similar in shape to an onion. The plant’s leaves are triangular with three lobes at the top of each leaf. Sansevieria cylindrica does well in bright light and needs to be watered every day.

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The Sansevieria Cylindrica is a plant that requires so little maintenance that you’ll forget you have one.

And that’s fantastic.

It’s a great option for first-time gardeners and those who don’t have a lot of time to devote to plant maintenance. With little to no effort, even youngsters may begin developing one of these.

However, although cultivating it is quite simple, you may want to learn all there is to know about it first. We’ll show you exactly what we’re talking about right now. 

Sansevieria Cylindrica (African Spear Plant) is a kind of Sansevieria. 

Sansevieria cylindrica is a synonym for Dracaena angolensis, the scientific name for the plant. Despite the large, cylindrical leaves with a pointed tip, it is nonetheless known as the African Spear plant. 

This plant, like others in the Sansevieria genus, is native to Africa, however it may also be found in Asia and Oceania. In any case, you might say it likes tropical climates. 

But it’s not only a tropical plant.

The African Spear is a succulent plant that grows throughout Africa. And it’s one of those succulents that can become rather large. They may grow to be over 7 feet long and have a distinctive look of green-gray “spear” leaves. One of these leaves may grow to be 1.5 inches in diameter under the appropriate conditions. 

The plant’s invasiveness is one of its most intriguing characteristics. The Sansevieria Cylindrica is often likened to bamboo because of its propensity to outgrow other plants. It produces pups from rhizomes that may cover a huge area.

The Dracaena angolensis blooms when it isn’t overtaking other plants. Yes, you read it correctly: this apparently desert-loving plant with spear-like leaves may really produce flowers. They’re also lovely, having a cream-white hue. These blossoms may grow up to 3 feet in length. 

It has to be in the correct conditions to achieve optimal development and blooming season. We’ll explain what it is down below. 

What does Sansevieria Cylindrica need to thrive?

You’ll be relieved to learn that this plant may be found practically anyplace. It does, however, favor dry places with well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight. This is why:

Spacing and Potting

Sansevieria Cylindrica may be grown in pots or gardens, much like most other succulents. However, there is a catch.

Gardening is probably not the greatest option. It’s best to maintain the plant in pots since it may be rather invasive for a succulent. 

Growing in pots, on the other hand, implies the plant will not develop as much and will not generate as many pups. If you’re not much of a propagator, this shouldn’t be an issue. However, if you plan to do the reverse, it might be a disadvantage.

Fertilizer and Soil

Dry soil is one of the most critical factors for this plant’s survival.

It thrives in cactus soil mixtures due to its succulent nature. Any succulent mixture will suffice. Otherwise, sand-based solutions are always an option. 

The goal is to create soil that drains quickly and does not retain water. Too much humidity may cause root rot, which is one of this species’ most prevalent ailments.

Apart from that, if at all feasible, utilize fertilizer. While not essential, it may help it develop a little faster. Slow-release fertilizers perform wonders, especially in low-nutrient soils. 

Humidity and Watering

Again, too much humidity is not good for this plant. 

Make sure you don’t water it more than once or twice a week if you want it to develop securely. If you live in an area where it rains a lot, you may want to avoid watering your plants extensively.

As a result, you may probably assume that it favors dry environments. It flourishes in areas where it rains seldom and the soil is sandy. If that describes your house, you’ll have no trouble expanding it. 

Air and Light 

If there’s one thing this plant enjoys, it’s most likely the sun. 

It enjoys sunny conditions with 4 to 10 hours of direct sunlight. What is the explanation behind this? It has thick, succulent leaves that get its vitality from UV light. 

Don’t worry if your house doesn’t match these requirements. You may also plant it in partial shade, however this would somewhat slow down its development.

Also, don’t expose it to too much sunlight. It’s best to maintain it at up to 6 hours of sun exposure every day in tropical places with minimal moisture and searing solar rays. If not, the leaves may begin to yellow (a sign of too much heat). 

It makes no difference whether it’s wind or air. It thrives in both windy and non-windy environments, much like other succulents. 

Environment and Temperature 

Given the soil, humidity, and light requirements, it’s no surprise that it enjoys hot weather. You wouldn’t be entirely correct.

Sure, it favors locations with moderate temperatures (below 50 degrees Fahrenheit). But it doesn’t like it when the temperature rises over 85 degrees.

In reality, the ideal temperature range would be between 60 and 75 degrees. Yellowing leaves and root damage should be avoided as a result of this. 

This also implies that, if necessary, you may grow it indoors. That might turn it into a magnificent ornament.

Sansevieria Cylindrica Care and Maintenance

The African Spear plant, like any other succulent, is not a difficult species to grow. In fact, the reverse is true. 

Here’s a quick checklist to get you started:

Pick a Healthy Puppy

The puppy is a mix of children. It sprouts from the rhizomes or roots at the bottom of the plant. 

Obviously, you should choose a puppy that seems to be in good health. It’s simple to remove. Simply find a section of the pup’s rhizome and snip it off (with part of the root).

The remainder of the procedure is outlined below. 

Choose the Correct Location

If you’re going to plant in a pot, ensure sure it drains adequately. A minimum of one drain hole is required. Terra cotta pots are also a good choice since they dry the soil quicker than plastic pots or bags.

If you’re going to plant in a garden, make sure it gets at least 6 hours of sunshine every day. Otherwise, the plant may have difficulties.

Soil Preparation

It also necessitates well-draining soil, as you are aware. If feasible, use a cactus or succulent potting mix for this.

If you’re going to plant in a garden, fertilize the area beforehand. Make sure it’s not a too damp garden soil, since this can cause the plant to suffer later on.

Puppies should be planted (s)

The pup won’t be much of an issue now that you have the pot/garden ready, as well as the dirt planting.

Try to bury them as deep as you could when they were initially chopped off. The goal is to create an atmosphere that is similar to what they were used to so that they may adjust to their new surroundings more quickly.

Allow them to develop.

You shouldn’t have to do much more than irrigate once a week if the puppies are in the appropriate spot. 

Get your puppies out in the sun for at least 6 hours a day if they’re in a pot.

The rest is only a matter of time. Given that it is properly nourished, hydrated, and in the suitable habitat, it should take around 6 months to reach at least 1 foot of growth. 

Sansevieria Cylindrica Care Instructions 

You can pretty much let the plant to develop on its own and it should be OK. If you want to guarantee the healthiest environment and long-term development, however, we urge that you follow these guidelines:

Don’t Water Too Much

It is critical, as previously said, to prevent overwatering the African Spear plant. What is the explanation behind this? Its rhizomes are delicate, and root rot is common when there is too much dampness. 

Watering once a week in normal not-too-hot and not-too-cold surroundings is the best approach to avoid this. Watering twice a week in arid environments should adequate. In damp places, though, it may not need any irrigation at all.

Only use pesticides that are shown to be safe.

The vine weevil is one of this succulent’s few enemies. This insect, which looks like a beetle, prefers to nibble the tops of the leaves. Later on, this might lead to additional issues, such as fungal infections. 

Safe insecticides, such as neem oil, are the best approach to avoid this. Stick to natural alternatives and handmade alternatives with little chemicals. This plant, believe it or not, is somewhat vulnerable to severe chemicals.

Overgrowth may be controlled by pruning.

This isn’t required, but it may be advantageous if you don’t want to overcrowd your garden or damage other plants.

The easiest method to accomplish this is to remove the puppies as soon as they begin to develop.

You may also need to clip off brown or yellow leaves now and again. Cut off these colored leaves using pruners or shears if feasible, since they are typically an indication of illness (fungal). 

Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs)

There’s a chance we omitted anything out of the categories above. To make up for it, we brought a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. Look them up on the internet:

What is the best way to spread Sansevieria cylindrica?

Division is the most effective method of propagation. This entails removing the pups or offsets from the rhizome and transplanting them elsewhere. 

It’s important to note that planting pups individually produces better results. When they’re together, they have a hard time finding space and may end up fighting for it. 

Sansevieria cylindrica is a deadly plant for dogs.

Not only dogs, but all types of animals. They’re also harmful to youngsters. What is the explanation behind this? It has a broad range of natural yet deadly compounds in its fleshy leaves. If you wish to avoid poisoning at home, keep the plant away from central locations where dogs or children may get to it. 

What is the lifespan of a snake plant?

A normal Sansevieria cylindrica may survive anywhere from 5 to 25 years, depending on a variety of circumstances. You may easily make it to two decades under the correct circumstances. However, in cooler climates with damp soils, the plant will likely live for 5 to 10 years at most. 


If you follow our advise and suggestions, growing the Sansevieria cylindrica will be a breeze.

It’s important to remember that it’s a dry-loving plant that flourishes in warm climates. If you can find a location like that, with enough of sunshine, you should have a great time.

So, what do you have to lose? Follow the steps outlined above to help it flourish. You will not be disappointed. 

Sansevieria Cylindrica is a plant that is native to Africa. It has many benefits, and can be grown easily. The Sansevieria cylindrica care instructions will help you grow this plant. Reference: sansevieria cylindrica benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you take care of a Sansevieria cylindrica?

A: This plant requires little to no care. It is a succulent that can grow in most environments and still retain the same shape as it was when you bought it.

How often should you water Sansevieria cylindrica?

A: You should water Sansevieria cylindrica about once a week.

Why is my cylindrical snake plant dying?

A: Your snake plant is probably experiencing a problem with overwatering. The plants need to be on top of the soil and not in it, or they will suffocate. It may also be that you have been over-watering your pot for too long (a couple weeks).

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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