
How to Grow and Care for Brussels Sprouts: Ultimate Guide 

 April 9, 2022

By  admin

Brussels Sprouts are the perfect addition to your diet. They’re packed with vitamins and minerals, low in calories, and ultimately delicious! For an easy guide on how to grow these sprouts successfully at home, keep scrolling down for my ultimate Brussels Sprout care guide.

Brussels Sprouts are a type of cabbage plant that grow in the fall. They can be grown indoors or outdoors and have a long life span. This article will show you how to grow and care for Brussels Sprouts.

How to Grow and Care for Brussels Sprouts: Ultimate Guide

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Brussels sprouts are rich in fiber, which is necessary for good digestive health. One cup of Brussel sprouts is filled with vitamins C and K, minerals, and antioxidants. This vegetable may potentially have other health advantages, including as the ability to lower cancer risk. 

Brussel sprouts have also been shown to have anti-histaminic and anti-inflammatory effects. 6 grams of carbohydrates and 28 calories are found in 78 grams of these sprouts (one cup). Considering their many health advantages, they are surprisingly easy to cultivate in your own yard.


Plant Profile: Brussel Sprouts

brussel sprouts

Brussel sprouts are a member of the Brassicaceae family of cruciferous mustard plants. Broccoli, cabbage, and bok choy are all members of the same family. Brussel sprouts are a mainstay of the Christmas season and resemble small cabbages.

Brussel sprouts are often used in side dishes and entrées, but they may also be used in the main course. On a cool winter morning, sautéed Brussel sprouts are a delicacy and a wonderful pleasure. They are not only healthy but also simple to prepare, making them a convenient alternative.

Planting Brussel Sprouts: How to Grow Brussel Sprouts

how to grow brussel sprouts

By no means is planting Brussel sprouts a difficult undertaking. However, caution must be used while growing them as pepper companion plants. 

The greatest time to harvest brussel sprouts is when the weather is crisp and frosty. Brussel sprouts grown in humid and hot conditions, on the other hand, have a distinct bitter flavor.

If You’re Growing Outside

how to grow brussel sprouts

Brussel sprouts and other cruciferous Brassicaceae plants (such as kale, collards, and broccoli) are susceptible to diseases that have been developed in the soil. As a result, it’s critical to cycle between different regions of the garden each season. Plant Brussel sprouts where you previously cultivated cruciferous vegetables.

  • Step 1: Brussel sprouts should be planted during the chilly days of early spring.
  • Step 2: Improve the soil quality before planting by adding nitrogen-rich compost or humus. This will result in a higher crop production.
  • Step 3: Cruciferous plants need a lot of room to develop and spread out. Brussel sprouts should be spaced 18- 24 inches apart.
  • Step 4: Make sure you’re planting in a location that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunshine every day. This will aid in the growth of the sprouts.
  • Step 5: Plant in rich, well-drained soil with a slightly acidic pH. (6.5 to 6.8)
  • Step 6: Check soil moisture on a weekly basis and provide 1 to 1.5 inches of water to plants.
  • Step 7: To ensure a plentiful harvest, feed the Brussel sprouts with Epsom salt or plant-based fertilizers on a regular basis.
  • Step 8: Cover the soil with a 3-inch layer of mulch to keep it wet and prevent weeds.
  • Step 9: Keep an eye on the sprouting sprouts on a regular basis to keep bugs and other diseases at bay.

If You’re Growing Indoors,

how to grow brussel sprouts

Obtain dwarf Brussel sprout seed kinds of containers. You will be able to learn how to produce Brussel sprouts indoors as a result of this. To begin the planting procedure, place seeds in seed pots or directly in the selected containers.

  • Step 1: For seed germination, keep the temperature between 45 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (7 and 30 degrees Celsius).
  • Step 2: For the brussel sprouts, get a regular planter that holds around 6 gallons. If you want to produce healthy Brussel sprouts indoors, you must do this. Keep in mind that such little pots can only support one plant. A 15-gallon container is ideal for growing more than one of these plants at a time. 
  • Step 3: Plant the seeds at least half an inch below the surface of the potting soil.  
  • Step 4: Let the seedlings rise and break through the soil for 2 to 4 days. This might take anything from 5 to 20 days. 
  • Step 5: After the seedlings have sprouted their first pair of leaves, trim them out and preserve the ones that are the healthiest.
  • Step 6: Transplant the seedlings outdoors after they reach a height of a few inches. 

Don’t have enough room or don’t want to deal with the inconvenience of producing Brussel sprouts indoors? Consider getting transplants from a nursery in your neighborhood. 

Basic Requirements for Growing Brussel Sprouts 

how to grow brussel sprouts

After you’ve finished planting your brussel sprouts, there are a few things to keep in mind. The part on how to cultivate Brussel sprouts follows the section on how to plant Brussel sprouts. This section covers the soil, water, light, temperature, and fertilizer needs for growing Brussel sprouts. 

1. Area

The planting location for Brussel sprouts may make or break the plant’s development. Plant the seeds inside at least a couple of weeks before the last spring frost for DIY gardeners who live in an area with exceptionally harsh winters. Plant the seeds outside in mid-summer if you live in a location with poor winters. This should result in a crop in the autumn. 

If you live in a hotter climate, try sowing the seeds outside in the summer for a late-winter crop. 

2. Soil 

Like other Brassicaceae plants, Brussels sprouts like rich, well-drained, wet soils with lots of organic matter. For best development and to avoid clubroot disease, the soil pH should be about 6.8. Get the soil tested to be sure about the pH.

3. Thermometer

Temperatures between 45 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for brussel sprouts. The taste of these growing gemmules is improved by freezing conditions and a little frost. Brussel sprouts are also not a warm-weather vegetable. 

Furthermore, sprouts that grow in hot or humid conditions will be bitter and fragile.

4. Natural light

Brussel sprouts thrive in full sun, but they may also thrive in moderate shade. Plants that get less than 6 hours of sunlight each day will not grow as stocky leaves as others. The flavor of the plant, however, will not be impacted in any circumstance. 

5. Water

To achieve a high-quality crop, keep the soil surrounding Brussel sprouts equally wet. At the base of the plants, there is water. Remember that Brussels sprouts need at least 1 inch of water every week. 

Mulching the plants throughout the summer is a terrific way to keep the soil cool and prevent the loss of moisture. The roots may decay if they are overwatered.

Brussel Sprout Harvesting

Brussel Sprout Harvesting

After learning how to produce Brussel sprouts, the next step is to harvest them, which will be detailed here.

The growth of sprouts is acropetal. This procedure takes many weeks to complete. When the little heads are solid, green, and 1 to 2 inches in diameter, brussel sprouts are ready to harvest. 

Sprout heads may be removed by spinning them one by one until they break away from the stems. You may also remove diseased or rotting leaves while you’re harvesting the lower sprouts or sprout heads for a greater harvest. This allows the plant to climb higher and produce additional leaves and sprouts. 

Harvesting Brussel Sprouts: Tips

Continue to prune the leaves to encourage larger, more stocky sprouts and a plentiful yield. Although this cannot be done in a home garden, some planters remove every single leaf to increase the speed and efficiency of the harvest. Extract a maximum of three leaves each week from a home garden. 

Leaving many of the healthiest fully developed higher-positioned leaves intact is always a good idea. You may also use a frost blanket to protect the plants. This prevents the cold from penetrating the crop while still sweetening the taste. 

Keep an eye out for these common pests and diseases.

brussel sprouts diseases

Pests and other diseases are particularly vulnerable to cruciferous plants in general. It becomes critical to recognize the start of these illnesses’ symptoms in order to effectively treat them.

Fungal Infections


Before above-ground symptoms become evident or significant, the fungus may entirely destroy your crops. Worse, the diseased roots are made incapable of allowing water to penetrate while also consuming nutrients. Furthermore, top growth is slowed. 

Lower leaves that are close to the root may turn yellow and fall off.

Leaf Spot on Alternaria

With black concentric rings coming from the black patches, they resemble a target. A bright aura surrounds them as well. As the fungus eats away at the plant, the leaves become more susceptible to wear and strain. The necrotic leaves decompose quickly and fall off on their own.

Brussel sprout heads may also develop black patches, rendering the product unmarketable.

a dark rot 

Symptoms of a dark rot showcase an ugly, charred and smoky outlook all throughout the leaves. V-shaped yellow abrasions spread out centrally, slowly moving towards the ends. This destroys the leaves and makes them unable to transport water and nutrients that is essential for their sustenance. 

The bacterium that causes this illness prefers to develop in damp environments and may be a serious threat.


 pests brussel sprouts

Aphids on Cabbage 

As fall approaches, these Aphids on Cabbages emerge as a familiar nuisance. Although aphids are beneficial in a few cases, their disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Tiny braconid wasps help with Aphids on Cabbage control, but ladybeetle larvae and other aphid eaters avoid this species. This is primarily because aphids accumulate bitter mustard compounds as they feed on cabbage family crops. 

To get rid of an infestation in the damaged plant, try spraying it with several herbal oils.

Army Worms Or Cabbage Looper

Army worms or cabbage loopers are the green caterpillars that consume brussel sprouts. These pests’ larvae feed on the leaves, stems, and roots of a variety of crops. The caterpillars are dark green in color and crawl down the leaves in large numbers.

However, no effective pesticide exists to combat these pests. Bt Brussel sprouts, a genetically modified form of ordinary Brussel sprouts, are the only viable alternative. It secretes an inert poison that activates in the stomach of the caterpillar and kills it instantaneously.


With the aid of this detailed tutorial, you’ve already learnt how to cultivate brussel sprouts. We’ve also provided you with a comprehensive overview of the plant profile and its needs. Investing in and applying the right organic fertilizer allows the crop to flourish as well.

Stir-frying brings forth the greatest flavor in brussel sprouts. The oils bring out the plant’s delicate sweetness and give it a deep scent. Brussel sprouts are a must-have in your diet since they are nutrient-dense and high in antioxidants. You may eat them as a snack or include them into a meal, depending on your preferences. 

Brussels sprouts have seen a gourmet comeback. Chefs have begun to highlight them, and even youngsters are beginning to appreciate the Brussels sprouts’ rich taste. You may join in on this healthy trend now that you know how to produce Brussel sprouts.

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Brussels sprouts are a beautiful and delicious vegetable that can be grown in many different ways. They grow best when planted in the fall, but they will also grow well during the winter months. The “brussel sprouts growing problems” is an article that provides detailed information on how to plant, care for, and harvest these vegetables.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you grow brussel sprouts successfully?

A: Brussel sprouts need about 6-8 weeks under the right conditions to grow. The key is having enough room for them, good drainage and soil that has been well amended with compost.

How do you care for a brussel sprout plant?

A: To keep a brussel sprout plant healthy and happy, you should water it as often as necessary. Make sure the soil is not too wet though or else they wont be able to absorb in the moisture because their roots are close to the surface of the ground.

What nutrients do Brussel sprouts need to grow?

A: Brussel sprouts need a lot of nutrients in order to grow, including phosphorous and nitrogen. They also require a moderate amount of potassium.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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