
How to Grow and Care for Blue Star Creeper {Ground Cover} 

 May 10, 2022

By  admin

Blue Star Creeper is a variety of perennial ground cover that has become increasingly popular in the last few years. This succulent plant grows best in full sun and warm climates, as well as fertile soil with good drainage. It also needs consistent moisture year-round, so it’s not appropriate for arid or watertight areas or where rain doesn’t fall regularly .

The “is blue star creeper poisonous to dogs” is a question that many people ask. The answer is no, it’s not.

How to Grow and Care for Blue Star Creeper {Ground Cover}

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Are you sick of your ordinary-looking lawn? NOTHING MORE TO SAY!

You’ll be shocked at the difference when you have a Blue Star Creeper lawn!

What makes Blue Star Creeper unique? Because it is one of the most effective ground cover options available. 

It’s stunning. It’s simple to expand. And it flourishes in practically every situation.

More significantly, it grows in a similar manner as your lawn, allowing it to completely replace it. 

Do you want to learn more about it? Everything is explained in detail below!


What exactly is a Blue Star Creeper?

To begin, its botanical name is Isotoma fluviatilis (or Laurentis fluviatilis). However, it is most often known as the Swamp Isotome or the Blue Star Creeper. 

Given how quickly it grows, it is the most popular name. What’s more significant is how it grows. 

It’s easy to mistake it with grass since it’s a fast-growing plant with lush leaves. It is, nonetheless, a herb. 

What is the distinction? Rhizomes are how it grows as a herb. These rhizomes may cover huge regions in a single year, often spanning over 18 inches (per seed). 

The actual difference, though, is the plant’s sturdiness. It can withstand a variety of weather conditions. It may be grown in areas with little moisture and will keep healthy for far longer than grass. It may even be grown in humid environments, as long as the soil is well-draining.

It also just grows 3-4 inches tall and has lovely blooms. These blooms are usually white with hints of pale blue or light purple.

In somewhat colder climates, the plant is more likely to blossom. However, since it is native to Australia and New Zealand, it can tolerate hot and sunny conditions.

Finally, when it isn’t flowering (which is most of the year), it appears nearly identically like grass, making it an ideal grass carpet for your backyard or patio. 

Blue Star Creeper Types to Consider

If you’re just learning about the plant, you’ll be happy to know there are various Blue Star Creeper Types to Consider. Here are two of the most common:

Fluviatilis Isotoma (ssp. Australis)

The Australis subspecies has significantly bigger and thicker leaves than the common Blue Star Creeper. It prefers humid environments over dry environments. The bloom of this species is often light-purple or pink in color. 

Fluviatilis Isotoma (ssp. Borealis)

The Borealis subspecies is sometimes mistaken with the Australis. However, the blooms on this one are much different.

The Australis features purple to pink corollas, whilst the Borealis has mostly white blooms with a hairy core (often yellow). 

The leaves are smaller and less thick than those of their Australis relative. 

What is required of the Blue Star Creeper?

Are you finished with the types? Let’s have a look at the prerequisites. 

Planting and Spacing

It depends on whether you’re planting it to replace a lawn as quickly as possible or just to have it as a decorative.

You should sow as many seeds as possible at 8 inches apart for grass renewal. If you’re expanding from divisions, it’s the same. This would allow it to traverse more ground in less time.

If you’re just planting it for decoration, space it out 12 inches apart and make sure it doesn’t crowd out the other plants.

This one is also ideal for folks who like growing herbs in pots. It doesn’t mind as long as you keep it in a well-draining, non-soggy pot. 

Fertilizer and Soil

As long as the soil is well-draining, you may grow the Blue Star Creeper practically anyplace. Across fact, it thrives in a wide range of pH values, from 6.0 to 7.8.

The plant is so simple to grow that it may be planted in unfertilized soil and flourish. After planting, no fertilizer is required. In most circumstances, fertilizing the plant is counterproductive since it causes it to grow too quickly.

However, if you want to make sure it receives all the nutrients it needs, simply apply a slow-release lawn fertilizer once or twice a year (especially at first). 

Humidity and Water 

This plant also thrives with little to no irrigation. It thrives in a variety of environments, including arid, nearly desert-like ones, as an Australian and New Zealand native. 

However, this does not imply that it is a desert plant. In fact, it prefers high humidity levels. It will grow better and resist the cold of winters if there is enough rain in the warmest seasons.

You should water it at least once a week in general. You should avoid overwatering in humid areas since the rhizomes are prone to rotting. 

Air and Light

The Blue Star Creeper, like other plants, thrives in the light. As a result, we suggest planting it somewhere with at least 6 hours of direct sunshine every day.

It will function in partial shade, but it is not recommended. Lack of sunshine may be harmful to plants, especially in damp settings (or prevent it from growing properly and even blooming). 

It can grow without any breeze. 

Environment and Temperature

While the plant can survive in temperatures as low as -6 degrees Fahrenheit, it favors hardiness zones 9 and 10. (at least 20 degrees Fahrenheit). Anything greater than that can pose some problems, but it’ll still make it. If you go lower, though, the plant may not grow.

It is, however, a winter-hardy plant. It will not be killed by frosts or thick snow. It will continue to bloom in the spring following that. 

It may be grown both inside and outdoors. However, it suffers in confined spaces, so be cautious. 

Blue Star Creeper Care Instructions

You should plant it and assist it flourish now that you know what it requires. The following are some measures to take:

Choose a method to use.

The Blue Star Creeper may be grown from seed or from a division.

You’ll have to wait up to 15 days for the seed to sprout if you use the seed technique.

It is critical to have entire rhizomes before dividing. In a week or two, the plant should begin to grow in this location.

Using seeds, on the other hand, takes longer and is more involved. However, it provides the whole experience. If you choose divisions, you will be able to do it quicker and more simply if you plant it appropriately.

Soil preparation 

You need the right soil whether you’re growing in a garden, lawn, or container. Fortunately, this isn’t a major issue.

Only a seed starting mix is required for seeds. In this situation, you won’t even need fertilizer since the mix is usually pre-boosted. 

For divisions, though, you’ll need regular grass soil or something that drains well enough. Then you’ll need to combine it with fertilizer.

Plant the Creeper of the Blue Star

Now you may start planting if you have the soil ready in the container, lawn, or garden.

To plant seeds, make a tiny hole, ideally no more than 1 inch deep, and place the seed inside. Cover the hole and lightly compress it. If you’re planting a lot of seeds, make sure they’re at least 6 inches apart. 

To divide the plant, make a hole big enough to encompass the complete rhizomes (roots). This is often 2 to 4 inches deep. To avoid divisions from absorbing each other’s nutrients, leave at least 8 inches between them. 

Care for the Plant

In humid areas, you only need to water once a week, and in dry areas, every 3-4 days. 

Ensure they get enough sunshine at the same time. This is particularly important for seeds. Place the pot in a well-lit place for at least 8 hours each day. 

They should also be well-exposed to sunlight for divisions. 6 to 8 hours each day is ideal. 

Allow the plant to develop and you will notice benefits quickly. It should take two weeks for the seed to grow. Within a week, the divides should begin to expand.

The plant will begin to develop and spread in 3 to 4 months. That means you’ve correctly planted and cultivated it. 

What to Do If You Have a Blue Star Creeper

Despite the fact that the Blue Star Creeper is a hardy plant that seldom suffers, it is nonetheless suggested that it be given proper care. 

The following are examples: 

Make sure it’s well-drained.

A fungal infection is the most harmful thing for the Swam Isotome. It nearly often occurs as a result of overwatering or poorly draining soils.

That is why you must concentrate on watering JUST ENOUGH, that is, just when the soil is completely dry. Keeping the plant in regions where the soil might dry out is also vital (pots that drain well and gardens with direct sunlight exposure).

When Pruning Is Necessary

You may always trim the plant after it reaches 2 or 3 inches in height. Why is that? After that, it will begin to grow much more thickly and elegantly. You may keep it smaller, especially before winter, to get to spring with fewer hardy parts that need to be revived. 

Control Its Expansion (If Needed)

This is more of a cautionary note than a caring suggestion. If you don’t slow down the plant, it will quickly outgrow other plants and take over the whole garden.

You may always turn the dirt over and get it out in specified locations to avoid this. As a roadblock, we propose utilizing stones and pavement. 

Questions Frequently Asked (FAQs)

Is the Blue Star Creeper toxic to dogs?

It is harmful to dogs, as well as cats, bunnies, rabbits, deer, and even people. The plant is poisonous and may cause significant skin injury in persons who are allergic to it. So be cautious while near it. If possible, place it in a secure location. 

How quickly does the Blue Star Creeper spread?

It is one of the quickest-growing plants, reaching up to 3 inches in only two years. It can also cover regions up to 15 feet in less than three years. 

Is the Blue Star Creeper a weed?

Yes. It grows so quickly that it will most likely overrun an entire garden or lawn before you realize it. 

When is the Blue Star Creeper in full bloom?

In the spring, it flowers like most other plants. However, it may bloom in the late autumn, allowing you to enjoy its blossoms throughout the year. 

Is the Blue Star Creeper an annual or perennial?

Yes. The plant may endure a lifetime without difficulties as long as the environment allows it.


Do you think the Blue Star Creeper would be a good fit for your garden?

Do you think it might possibly replace your lawn? 

Love how lovely the blooms are?

You can start developing it straight immediately in any case. 

This plant is beautiful and may be used in lieu of grass. So, what do you have to lose? IT isn’t going to expand on its own, so get to work!

The “blue star creeper winter” is a ground cover that grows well in the winter. It will provide a nice contrast to other plants and flowers, but it can also be used as a container plant.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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