
How to Grow and Care for Angel Wing Begonia? 

 May 18, 2022

By  admin

Angel wing begonias are a traditional home crop. They need relatively low light, less water than most plants and little care once established. This is how you can grow them successfully in your garden or household container:

The “begonia angel wing types” is a plant that can be grown and cared for easily. The plant has long, delicate leaves that look like angel wings.

How to Grow and Care for Angel Wing Begonia?

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These tempting South American plants have two folded wings with a striking heart-shaped pattern cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval They are popular for their foliage because of their big leaves. The delicious appeal that the angel wing begonia gives to your outdoor or indoor garden will leave you speechless once flowering starts.

Although they may reach a height of 10 feet, simple level trimming is sufficient to keep them manageable. Even better, anticipate various intensities of orange, white, red, and pink hues depending on the Conditions of Lighting this perennial blooming plant lives in.

We’ll go through the precise growing and care needs for angel wing begonias in this post. You’ll be pleased you took on this DIY gardening project, even if they may be somewhat harmful to children and dogs.

Bonus Read: Even the most experienced DIY gardeners can benefit from the variety of gardening products available. Look over this list of 57 gardening equipment that are easy to use.


Mediums for Cultivation

Here are four main Mediums for Cultivation for growing angel wing begonias indoors:

Fibrous Rooted Begonias (#1)

The stems of these upright plants and fragile evergreen perennials may become exceedingly uneven. They are noted for producing silver leaves with striking forms and patterns. Although some gardeners like this cultivar for its showy blossoms, the majority of backyard greenery aficionados yearn for it.

Maintain it out of direct sunlight, expose it to high humidity, and keep the water level close to the surface for upkeep. Furthermore, anticipate mildew to ruin the appearance of your plants in humid settings if you do not give enough ventilation.

Ensure that the compost does not flow off while also avoiding overwatering. Feed fibrous-rooted begonias every two weeks from May to September after they’ve established themselves. Remember that the plant food you offer must have a high potassium concentration.

Cane-stemmed Begonias (#2)

These woody evergreen perennials are similar to fibrous-rooted begonias. The bamboo-themed stems, which also possess swelling nodes, are responsible for the woodiness. Cane-stemmed begonias, which are native to Brazil, are prized for their capacity to produce enormous, long-lasting drooping blooms as well as their stunning foliage.

While most management practices are identical to those for fibrous-rooted begonias, gardeners should be aware that watering cycles should be reduced in the winter. Hardy branches and many blooms will also benefit from good Conditions of Lighting.

Rhizomatous Begonias (#3)

These sensitive evergreen perennials bloom from a growing outwards rootstock. The majority of rhizomatous begonias are also noted for their shiny and appealing leaves.

During the summer, these plants need more shade and need to be watered more often. Above all, the soil must have appropriate drainage characteristics. And, while we’re on the subject of fertilizers, wait until May to start feeding it heavy nitrogen fertilizers every two weeks until September.

Semi-tuberous Begonias (#4)

These plants are a cross between two begonias and bloom mostly in the winter. This cultivar is usually identified by a florist. Gardeners normally halt the cultivation cycle and utilize the blooms after blossoming is completed. Plant nurseries can now accommodate these plants throughout the year thanks to modern growing procedures.

Expect profuse blossoming if you keep the temperature between 50 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit during the flowering period and keep it in partial shade.

Bonus Read: Not sure how to play the fertilizer game? The finest fertilizers for yards and gardens in 2022 are listed below.

Angel Wing Begonia Growing Instructions

Angel wing begonias may be grown either inside or outdoors, depending on the climate. Simply simply, if the temperature outside consistently falls between 50 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit, bring the plants inside. Also, before bringing them inside, make sure they’re in pots.

Here are some more considerations to bear in mind while producing angel wing begonias:

Requirements for watering and nutrition

While these plants are prone to browning leaf edges, which may result in shorter lifespans, you can prevent this by watering them often. However, do not allow excessive volumes of water to pool in the soil or container. This kind of overwatering may quickly result in root damage and slowed development.

Avoid conditions that might result in misting since they flourish in damp environments. Misting, however, causes an increase in brownish markings on the leaves.

Remember that the illumination has an impact on these plants’ nutrient intake. If you want your flowers to bloom quickly, establish an atmosphere with more light and higher temperatures. Dimly light settings, on the other hand, will result in broader, healthier-looking leaves.

Most home gardeners like a combination of quick blooms and leafy foliage. To do this, apply a 10-10-10 NPK fertilizer to the plant and place it in a bright but indirect light area. A magnificent combination of greens and various blooms will result from the balanced fertilizers and proper illumination.

Conditions of Lighting

Angel wing begonias are endemic to South American woodlands where they are overshadowed by bigger plants. This covering protects the plant from the sun’s direct rays and has done so for centuries. As a result, it’s ideal to keep it out of direct sunlight while yet allowing a modest amount of light to enter.

The position should have some shade and some light, but neither should be considerably more than the other. Plant them at a time when they are nearly ready to bloom in cooler areas. This is because they can handle more sun in the winter months, when morning natural illumination doesn’t bother them as much and shielding may be used to avoid the harsh afternoon sun.

In a nutshell, direct sunlight inhibits flower development, but indirect sunlight promotes blossom production.

Temperature Requirements

Angel wing begonias flourish as a houseplant since they like general indoor temperatures of 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Also, avoid interior spaces where powerful gusts of wind or a chilly breeze are permitted. Keep it away from heat sources like vents and in-house heaters as well.

Finally, since the plant cannot take cold, bring it indoors when the temperature dips below 55°F.

Suggestions for Pruning

A curiously chaotic garden arrangement is the last thing you want. Make sure you prune these tall plants regularly, as they can quickly become a mess if left untreated. Finally, disease transmission via gardening tools is not a fiction.

Before cutting anything, always wipe your pruning shears clean. If not, don’t be surprised to see current pests and plant-centric damage doing havoc on the angel wing begonia.

Chopping the region just below a joint in these canes is a sensible move. Even better, the cutting provides you with more resources to start growing a comparable plant. Above importantly, this induced cutting starts the process of the parent stem producing a second shoot. In the long term, this will make your plant more lively, bushy, and stunning.

Use beautiful trellises to keep the heightened canes from being stressed by the weight of huge foliage.


Because of its acclimation to such temperatures over time, this kind of plant thrives in high humidity situations.

If feasible, sprinkle the plant with a water spray on a regular basis. Over-spraying the plant may easily result in rot on the leaves. Even worse, over-spraying will hasten the spread of fungal diseases.

If you place a humidifier near the plant, it will naturally increase the moisture content in the air.


To begin, DIY gardeners may take the efficient approach by placing a clipping into a jug of water. Transplant the cutting to an appropriate, refined potting soil habitat as soon as roots emerge and flourish.

Second, you might place the cutting in a sterile growth medium while keeping it wet. In a few days, try spreading the projecting stem outwards to see whether the root system is developing underneath.

All gardeners, whether novice or professional, must keep the following two details in mind:

  • Begonia seeds with fibrous roots must be sown in seed compost pots at the start of the year. Ensure that a thin coating of silver sand is applied to the compost surface. Begin potting the seedlings as soon as the first leaf appears. The temperature must also be between 73 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Plant leaf cuttings of certain hybrid begonias in the middle of the year. It is critical to choose only newly grown leaves. Begin by slicing off the leaf’s stem, then cutting through the principal veins. 2.5cm should be the spacing between these cuts. Continue by placing the leaf’s surface on a compost tray.

If you want your begonias to thrive in your backyard or indoor location, make sure the vein cuttings are in touch with the compost. Also, make sure the propagator’s temperature is between 64 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Plant the plantlets in 7cm pots after they have at least two leaves.

An Angel Wing Begonia Is Affected By Pests And Diseases

Unless pests and illnesses disrupt the development cycle, angel wing begonia is not difficult to cultivate. Let’s have a look at some of the most frequent pests and illnesses that may wreak havoc on these magnificent plants:

Powdery Mildew (#1)

A powdery greyish or white covering forms above the leaves, flowers, and stems, indicating the presence of this fungal disease. It’s not only a prevalent fungus among begonias, but it’s also difficult to cure. Gardeners may use commercial fungicides or make their own compost if they are professionals at backyard gardening.

Remember to take action as soon as you notice this illness.

Because wet soil is the major source of fungal infections, if the soil seems dry, always sprinkle some water on it. Use fertilizers sparingly since such delicate succulents are more susceptible to illness.

Start your planting phase by spacing your plants one foot apart for the greatest outcomes. This allows for ample of air circulation and is an excellent method for nutrient delivery.

Whiteflies (#2)

Whiteflies are large flying bugs that deposit waxy residue on flowers and plants. In this instance, you have a few possibilities. Either pick the sick leaves or use sticky yellow booby traps to keep the pests at bay.

Pesticides should not be used on the angel wing begonias. While pesticides may kill a small number of whiteflies, they also destroy important insects like pirate bugs and lacewings. These insects’ predatory instincts would otherwise be crucial in eradicating the whiteflies.

You may also treat the whole plant with insecticidal soap spray and take preventative steps to minimize drought affecting the plants. Especially since dry conditions create more dust, which attracts whiteflies.


This is a fungal infection that causes splotches on begonias. The leaves get soggy and brown as the visually unpleasant splotches spread.

The angel wing begonia is on the verge of dying if Botrytis is not treated. Reduce watering to the plant’s head and enhance ventilation to the plant’s interiors if you see this fungal condition.

Cut off the brown zone, or even better, slice the damaged cane, to get more control over the spread. After that, disinfect the cutting with methylated spirits. Finish by removing any fallen leaves or blooms from the plant. You don’t want them to repeat the process of producing new fungus spores because you’re a DIY gardener.

Leaf Spot Bacterial

The angel wing begonia’s leaves develop small, pimple-like marks as a result of this problem. A closer examination under suitable illumination after a few days will show that the pimples have transparency features.

These small patterns accumulate over a week or two and wound the plant. A slimy substance pours from the incisions and drips down onto other portions of the plant.

Remember, if the illness isn’t fatal, prune the affected leaves and remove them from the plant as soon as possible. However, if the illness is serious, the plant must be uprooted and discarded.

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Questions Frequently Asked

Here are some of the most Questions Frequently Asked when it comes to growing and caring for angel wing begonias:

Q1. Why isn’t my angel wing begonia blooming?

When it comes to blooming, angel wing begonias demand a certain mix of light. Despite being very bright, the light must be diffused. Start giving the plant nourishment in the form of potassium-rich fertilizers, and blooming cycles should appear in three to four weeks.

Q2. What other pests and illnesses are an angel wing begonia vulnerable to?

Apart from the pests and diseases listed above, crown gall, root-knot nematode, foliar nematode, cottony rot, and Armillaria root rot may also affect these plants. To prevent recurrence of such issues, discard and burn the contaminated bits, then clean the cutting shears with rubbing alcohol. Furthermore, remove and discard any dirt involved.

Q3. Will mealybugs harm my begonia angel wing?

Mealybugs are known to eat the undersides of leaves, particularly at the joint regions of leaves and stems. Even worse, when mealybugs congregate in swarms, they take on a cottony, waxy look. Unfortunately, this coating will inhibit any insecticides utilized. Instead, switch to horticultural oils and apply them often enough to completely remove mealybugs.


For DIY gardening professionals looking to solidify the textural elegance of their backyard plants, angel wing begonias are an exceptional choice. Provided you follow maintenance practices and conduct timely checks on the soil, watering, disease, and Conditions of Lighting, you’ll be blessed with a sight to behold.

Bonus Read: It’s nearly pumpkin pie season! This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to cultivate pumpkins in pots.

Angel wing begonia is an easy plant to grow, but it needs a lot of care. It’s important to know how to stake the plant, as well as how to water and fertilize it. Reference: how to stake angel wing begonia.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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