
How to Get Rid of Spider Mites 

 March 17, 2022

By  admin

Spider mites are a common pest of homes and yards, but can be difficult to get rid of. Here is how you can do it yourself.

Spider mites are a common problem for indoor plants. They feed on the plant’s leaves and cause them to turn yellow and die. The best way to get rid of spider mites is by using soap, water, and rubbing alcohol.

How to Get Rid of Spider Mites

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Mite infestations are unheard of, and it’s impossible to predict when one will occur. You can sometimes see the mites and sometimes you can’t. Spider mites, meanwhile, are small pests that are practically imperceptible to the human eye. 

Spider mites often attack houseplants, and it may not seem that anything is amiss at first. Light spots may appear on the foliage, and as the infestation progresses, the leaves may become bronze or gray in hue. The leaves turn yellow and fall off not long after that. The harm done by spider mites to your plant cannot be reversed once they have taken possession of it.

Still, you have a chance to halt the mites and rescue your plant. That, on the other hand, requires perseverance and hard effort. This article will identify several indicators of infestation and provide surefire techniques to get rid of them to aid you in the mite management procedure.

Continue reading to learn more!


What are Spider Mites and How Do You Get Rid of Them?

The arachnid class includes spider mites, often known as web-spinning mites. Spider mites usually proliferate quickly in hot, dry conditions. In certain places of California, though, these mites have gained the capacity to breed all year. A new generation grows in less than a week when given the right circumstances.

Spider mites thrive in hot, dusty, and dry environments. Plants that are close to roads, highways, or are just under water stress are particularly vulnerable to infestations.

Spider mites feed on the juices and fluids that run down the underside of the leaves. When these mites are present in modest quantities, they aren’t dangerous. However, if they replicate sufficiently to cause obvious harm, immediate action should be done. 

How Do Spider Mites Appear? 

Spider mites are often brown, bronze, or reddish in color. They frequently look as dust particles on the leaves since their sizes are about 1/20th of an inch. The dust, however, seems to be moving when seen through a 10X magnifying lens. 

Adult mites have eight limbs and an elliptical body, according to careful inspection. Their eggs are round and transparent. Keep in mind that as the eggs are ready to hatch, they become cream in color. 

Have you observed bugs in your yard, as well as spider mites? To be sure, read our article on how to get rid of aphids.

How Do You Know If You Have a Spider Mite Infestation?

Because there aren’t as many mites and they’re practically invisible, a spider mite infestation might be difficult to see at first. Leaf stippling or a few brown specks may be seen. Furthermore, the leaves may become yellow or reddish in color and fall off. 

Spider mite colonies grow on the undersides of leaves as the invasion progresses. The leaves will be weak and stunted. In addition, the leaves will seem pale and withered. These mites will be significantly more damaging to plants under water stress.

The presence of webbing is a distinguishing feature. The webbing covers leaves, stems, twigs, flowers, and even fruits as the infection spreads. 

Hold a sheet of white paper beneath an infected plant and shake a leaf if you need further proof. The mites will fall to the ground like grains of dust, yet they will move. You may also water the plants gently to make the webbing noticeable. 

What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Spider Mites?

Let’s look at some alternative strategies to get rid of spider mites now that you’ve identified and confirmed the infestation:

1. Wash them down with a hose 

Spider mites are extremely difficult to eradicate after they have established a stronghold on the plants. Get a yard hose and spray those tykes down as soon as you discover early symptoms of infestation or even a few spider mites.

Make sure the valve is set at a pressure that isn’t too high for your plants. Also, make an effort to completely clean the plant from the stem to the underside of the leaves.

Pro tip: Complete the task as soon as possible in the morning. The mites would be simpler to eradicate since the weather conditions would be unfavorable for them at this time. You may also use a hand-held sprayer loaded with ice-cold water for little plants.

It’s also a good idea to keep the spider mite population down by watering the surrounding plants.

2. Inviting the Mite Predators is a good idea.

Many birds and beneficial insects prey on mites. These predators will not affect the plant in any way, but will eliminate spider mites. Ladybugs, damsels in distress, big-eyed bugs, glowworms, and firefly larvae are among them.

You’ll need to offer food and shelter for these wonderful bugs in order to summon them. Grow annuals, perennials, trees, and shrubs to achieve this. Buying some of these insects and introducing them to the plants would be a simple method to do this. 

3. Planting Companions 

Another organic mite management strategy involves growing a variety of plants that repels mites. 

Consider putting some radish plants among your tomatoes if you’re going to cultivate them. This would not only scare the spider mites away, but it would also cause them to move their webs. 

Are you looking for the greatest veggie companion plants? For additional information, see our companion planting chart.

4. Stay away from chemical miticides.

When spider mites are frequently exposed to chemical insecticides, they develop a natural resistance to all pesticides. When these mites are subjected to chemicals like carbaryl and parathion, they have been reported to multiply at an even faster pace.

As a result, avoid utilizing any substances that might act as an aphrodisiac for spider mites. Stick to natural mite repellents, such as the ones listed below.

5. Use a solution of ammonia

Another excellent pesticide option is to use an ammonia solution. Instead of serving a single goal, this method will kill the spider mites while simultaneously providing a little bit of nitrogen to your plants. This manner, you’ll get a light fertilizer and a powerful miticide in one package. 

1 tsp dishwashing liquid, 2 tsp ammonia, and 2 liters water are all you need for this powerful two-in-one solution. Simply combine all of the ingredients and spray the spider mites with a hand-held sprayer. For three weeks, repeat this method every five days. 

Unsure of the suitable amount of nitrogen for your plants? This nitrogen fertilizer & nutrient guide is for you! 

Glue Trap (No. 6)

Scale insects include spider mites, which are a kind of scale insect. This word refers to insects that feed on plant sap while also constructing a scale or web around the leaves or central stem. Smaller infestations may usually be hosed down. 

If the mite invasion has progressed to the point that this is no longer an option, use the glue trap method. This entails spraying the plants with a solution of white glue and water. When the glue dries, it will cling to the scale or web, allowing it to be easily pulled away.

To do so, combine 2 gallons of warm water with an 8-ounce container of white glue (such as normal Elmer’s glue). Fill a handheld sprayer halfway with this solution and spray it all over the affected leaves and stems. The scale will get stuck and will come off easily with the adhesive.

Mite-Free Formula is a formula that is free of mites.

You can’t simply sit back and watch your plants die because spider mites are sucking the life out of them. They may be difficult to deal with, but this solution will help you get rid of them quickly. 

5 lbs. white flour, 1 pt. buttermilk, and 25 gallons water are required for the recipe. Combine the ingredients in an airtight container and store the solution. Before each usage, stir the mixture and pour it over the plants once a week until the invasion is finished.

Remember that, although being organic, the combination may hurt certain mite predators. As a result, make sure only the spider mites are sprayed.

Insecticidal Soap (number 8)

Spider mite infestations may also be treated with simple insecticidal soaps prepared at home. Insecticidal soaps may be prepared in a variety of methods depending on the components used. 

One cup of any organic oil and one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent is a standard recipe. The soap is then blended with warm water in the proper quantities for each usage. It’s best to just prepare enough soap for a single application.

Remember to stay away from dishwashing products that include degreaser, bleach, or other harsh chemicals. These substances might be harmful to your plants.

9. Alcohol for Rubbing 

Rubbing alcohol is a substance that is often found in most homes. It’s as simple as mixing it with water and spraying it straight on the plants. It may also be used manually to wipe off the leaves if just specific sections of the plant are impacted.

For fragile plants, use a solution with one part alcohol to three parts water. To get rid of spider mites on tougher plants, use rubbing alcohol and water in a 1:1 ratio.

Herbal Insecticide Tea (No. 10)

This is a simple DIY miticide that can be made using readily accessible components at home. Simply follow the instructions outlined below.

  • Collect the necessary materials: 2 tbsp. Italian seasoning, 1 tbsp. ground cinnamon, 1 tbsp. ground cloves 
  • Bring a quart of water to a boil with these ingredients. 
  • Add 2 tbsp. smashed garlic when it has cooled down.
  • Once the mixture has cooled, strain it. 
  • Dishwashing liquid (a little quantity)
  • Shake thoroughly before spraying on plants every three days for two weeks.

Horticultural Oils (No. 11)

Certain oils, such as neem and rosemary, may provide a long-term and successful option for spider mite management. Because these oils are organic, they can get rid of spider mites more faster than conventional pesticides. 

You’ll need one and a half teaspoons of oil concentration, one teaspoon of liquid soap, and a liter of lukewarm water to make an adequate oil mix at home. Combine all of the chemicals in a spray bottle and spray the affected plant.

Hot pepper wax sprays may also be used in addition to these.

How Can Spider Mites Be Prevented From Reappearing?

Do you have a problem with spider mites in your garden? That is, provided the plants continue to give them with sufficient circumstances to grow. It’s also possible that you never got rid of them fully. 

However, there are a number of reasons why this occurs. Clothes, pets, and even a dry atmosphere may help them return to the plants. 

To keep spider mites at bay, follow these steps: 

  • Water the plants: Spider mites thrive in hot, dry environments, so dry plants are especially vulnerable. As a result, properly hydrated plants are safe.
  • Avoid overfertilization: Plants that get too much nitrogen do not benefit in any manner. The leaf sap, on the other hand, gets sweeter, attracting more mites.
  • Remove an infected plant from your garden: If you have an infected plant in your garden that is severely damaged, don’t compost it. It is preferable to discard it in order to guarantee that mites and their eggs are completely eradicated from the garden. If it’s only a few leaves, you should get rid of those as well.

As a result, keep an eye on the plants and take care of them on a regular basis to avoid reinfestation.

Have you seen wasps in your yard as well? Check out these 10 wasp-removal methods.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

Is vinegar a good way to get rid of spider mites?

Acidic media are toxic to spider mites. As a result, spraying the plant with vinegar combined with baking soda, a few drops of liquid dish detergent, and water will aid in the eradication of these pests.

Are spider mites dangerous to humans?

In most cases, they don’t. They do, however, bite people who come into close contact with the plants. Their bites resemble little pimples. A rash develops when many bites occur in the same location.

What is the lifespan of spider mites?

Spider mites have a lifespan of 2 to 4 weeks. Female spider mites may lay up to 20 eggs every day, which can hatch in as little as three days if circumstances are ideal. In around 5 days, the newest generation reaches sexual maturity, and the cycle begins again.

When spider mites are harvested, do they die?

Yes. When leaves are plucked, their cellular fluids and juices evaporate. Because these liquids are a source of food for spider mites, they will seek out additional food sources. Some mites will die if they stick around after the harvest.


To summarize, entirely eliminating spider mites is a lengthy and arduous task. Regardless, you will have to put up the work to ensure the health of your prized plants.

Choose the strategy or approach that works best for your plants from the list above. Take immediate action to preserve your plants!

10 Best Compost Tumblers to Make Your Own Compost (further reading)

Spider mites are a common problem for many people, but there are some natural ways to get rid of them. One way is by using neem oil. Reference: how to get rid of spider mites with neem oil.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kills spider mites instantly?

A: Spider mites die when exposed to direct sunlight as UV rays destroy their bodies.

Can a plant recover from spider mites?

A: Spider mites are a type of pest that is known to spread plant diseases. However, with enough time and patience, many plants can recover from spider mite infestations if the correct methods are used.

How do you kill spider mites yourself?

A: To kill spider mites, you can use a spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol and water to seep into their nooks and crannies. Or, if the infestation is severe, you may need to hire an exterminator from your local pest control company.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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