
How to Get Rid of Garden Lizards? 

 April 23, 2022

By  admin

If you have a garden, chances are there is a lizard or two lurking around. Luckily, trapping and removing these pests may not be too much of an inconvenience for you. However, if it’s been years since the lizards got into your garden and they’re now spread throughout your yard or building, this article will help guide you through the process of humanely getting rid to them once and for all.

The “smells that repel lizards” is a great idea. The best way to get rid of garden lizards is to use smells that they don’t like. Smells such as ammonia, vinegar, and citrus are all good choices.

How to Get Rid of Garden Lizards?

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Inside houses and gardens, lizards may be found. Their very existence may cause anxiety in certain individuals, resulting in frightened feelings. Lizards are unwanted due to their looks and the illnesses they transmit.

Although house lizards are neither particularly dangerous or poisonous, they are pests to be avoided. In reality, scientific investigations show that lizards keep bug populations in control and contribute to environmental balance.

However, you probably don’t want lizards in your garden. However, killing them isn’t necessary to get rid of them. Instead, you may simply coax them away from your garden using more humanitarian ways. 

So, if you’ve recently had a lizard issue, we’re here to help with some easy fixes. You can simply get rid of these pesky pests from your backyard or garden if you follow the recommendations below. 

But first and foremost, why are there lizards in my garden?


Why are there lizards in my yard?

To find answers, we must first comprehend the causes of the issue. So, before we go into lizard repelling techniques, let’s have a look at what may make your yard a lizard-friendly environment.

#1. You Have Insects in Your Garden

Because of the profusion of insects in your yard, lizards have taken over!

It’s right, you read that correctly. Insects are lizards’ favorite meal, so image what they’ll do if you have a lot of them in your garden. They will be successful.

As a consequence, those who have lizard infestations in their gardens may use insect repellent to lower the quantity of insects in their yard. Although it is difficult to completely eradicate all insects from the garden since they will return, it is possible to maintain their number under control.

#2. Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetable plants are more likely to be found in a garden. Possessing them, however, may result in lizard problems. We say this because, in addition to insects, lizards consume fruits and vegetation.

If you find yourself in a similar scenario, it’s time to consider eradicating these pests from your garden before they completely destroy all of your plants. Another reason to get rid of lizards is because fruits and vegetables nibbled by them may cause food poisoning if eaten by humans.

#3. There’s Water That’s Stagnant

Water is essential for lizards, as it is for all living creatures. Because water makes up approximately two-thirds of a reptile’s total mass, it is essential for its health and survival. As a result, if there is a reliable water supply in your yard, they may opt to remain.

Keep a watch out for leaky pipes, stagnant water in planters, and other such things to keep lizards away of your garden’s water sources. You should also clean your yard on a regular basis to keep it nice.

#4. Hide-A-Ways 

Lizards may flourish in your garden by hiding behind holes or burrows. In other words, shelters may help these pests continue to exist. As a consequence, keep an eye out for lizards hiding inside bushy bushes, rock piles, or stone heaps.

You Do Not Use Weed Killer #5.

In a garden, weeds and pests are prevalent. And if you don’t believe in utilizing weed killers or fertilizers in your yard, you’re putting your garden at danger of lizard infestation. 

#6. The Local Environment

While there are many things you can do to keep lizards at away, not all of them can be addressed directly. Lizards may be more likely to visit your garden if you live in a warmer climate. If you reside in the United States’ state of Florida, you may have to cope with a large lizard infestation both inside and outside your house.

Even if you live in a hot environment, it doesn’t imply you’ll never be able to keep them out of your home. So keep reading to learn about other ways to get rid of these pesky bugs without difficulties.

Garden Lizards of Various Types

We’re quite confident you know what lizards look like in real life. However, you may be surprised to learn that there are over 4,000 different species of lizard. They may be found all over the world, with the exception of Antarctica, which has a particularly frigid environment. 

Here are some of the most frequent garden lizards in the United States. You may begin preparing to entice them away as soon as you discover their infestation.

  • Green Anole is a kind of anole.
  • Brown Anole is a kind of anole.
  • Skink with a broadhead
  • Skink with five lines
  • Gecko
  • Legless Lizard of Northern California
  • Lizard of the Western Fence 
  • Lizards that look like alligators 
  • Gila Monster is a fictional character created by Gila Monster (most venomous)

How can you know whether your garden has been invaded by lizards?

You must first assess if lizards are a menace to you and your garden before you begin your lizard-repelling operation. Keep in mind that a few lizards may help your property by keeping insects at bay.

In reality, several lizard species eat garden pests such as slugs and other dangerous invertebrates. Garden lizards, on the other hand, serve as a health indicator for their surrounds. 

Having lizards in the yard also means using less pesticides and hazardous chemicals, which ensures organic plant development.

How to Get Rid of Lizards in Your Garden in Six Easy Steps

Let’s get to the fun part: getting rid of the lizards in the garden.

But, before we get started, we’d like to point out that the best way to keep these pests out of your garden is to address the elements that attract them. Then, after you’ve recognized them, choose one of the tips below to maintain your yard tidy.

Please keep in mind that all of our lizard removal solutions are compassionate. You may accept any of them without feeling bad since we abhor violence and the taking of life. est 

#1. Make Your Own Repellents

Several objects around your home may assist keep lizards out of your yard, patio, or garden, even if you aren’t aware of it. These DIY solutions will cost you nothing and will help you to get rid of the bugs in a natural way.

So go ahead and search your kitchen for items you may use in your garden afterwards.

In every home, eggs are one of the most commonly accessible items. Keep the shells after you’ve used the eggs and boil them to use on the garden. Fortunately, lizards dislike the scent of eggshells, so if you use this strategy for a few days, they will leave your garden.

For the greatest results, identify the most lizard-infested areas and distribute the cooked shells thickly in those areas. Make careful to dry the eggshells before using them to preserve their strong aroma.

Another common household ingredient that might be utilized is garlic. Garlic also deters lizards, in addition to vampires.

The strong stench of garlic repels lizards. As a consequence, by scattering garlic cloves over your yard, you may efficiently repel lizards. Remember that the garlic’s stringy odor may startle you at first, but you, not the lizards, will become used to it with time.

As a consequence, with this method, patience is essential.

The onion is both a great culinary ingredient and a reptile repellent. To lizards, onions, like garlic, are repellent. As a consequence, onions may be hung over the garden or placed near lizard hiding places. You may also spray your yard with a simple combination of onion juice and water to deter these reptiles.

Pepper spray is effective not only in driving lizards away from your yard, but also at keeping them away. 

Fill a spray bottle halfway with black pepper powder and the rest with water. Spray the solution where there are a lot of lizards from time to time. Pepper is said to irritate lizards and cause them to have an allergic response. As a result, they will not only flee, but will also avoid your garden.

Other culinary products that may be used include chili flakes, tabasco sauce, and tobacco. Because they have the power to kill lizards, these items were left off our list. We’re more concerned with frightening and driving these reptiles out of the garden than with killing them.

#2. Feathers of Birds

If you can’t take the smell of garlic or onion and don’t have time to create sprays, we have a ready-to-use option for you. 

We’re talking about the feathers of birds, notably peacocks. 

In the wild, peacocks are thought to be lizard predators. Although their feathers do not act as reptile repellents, they may surely frighten away these pests. In reality, lizards are frightened by the aroma of these feathers. As a result, this is another another non-lethal method of lizard eradication.

However, hanging peacock feathers in your yard might be difficult. So, rather of hanging them, place them near lizard hiding places.

#3. Cats

You’ve already won half the war against the lizards if you have a pet cat.

Cats aren’t only good at hunting rats; they can also hunt lizards, as long as you don’t obtain a GARFIELD! As a result, if you don’t already have one, buy one—they’ll attract lizards away, potentially kill some, and make fantastic cuddle babies.

#4. Plants that repel insects

Planting insect-repellent plants is another great strategy to keep lizards out of your yard. These plants will keep these reptiles at away while also improving the foliage and appearance of your yard.

The following are some of the plants to consider:

  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Tirucalli Euphorbia
  • Plants such as Herb-of-Grace, etc.

#5 Maintain Order in the Garden

There will be lizards wherever there is a mess or litter. One reason for the mess is because lizards may hide in stone heaps, pits, and other crevices. As a result, make sure your landscape is kept clean and neat. 

Sweep patios and sidewalks, cut bushes, and eliminate standing water sources to keep these pests at bay.

#6. Pest Management 

If none of the other options work and your yard is filled with lizards, the final resort is to hire a professional pest control firm. A competent pest controller will investigate your yard and its surroundings extensively, establish the degree of the lizard problem, and create a humane and practical method to permanently remove the lizards.

Also check out: How to Get Rid of Grasshoppers in the House and Garden.

Preventing Lizard Re-Infestation is a top priority.

It’s not enough to keep lizards out of your garden. To keep your garden serene and cheerful, keep a watch on the reptiles’ re-infestation.

We recommend that you take the procedures mentioned below to avoid having to spend any more time or money dealing with these annoying problems.

  • Use insect repellant in your garden.
  • Make a weekly/monthly garden cleaning and mowing schedule.
  • Concentrate your efforts on erecting a barrier.
  • Supplies of water should be kept secure and protected.
  • Please don’t leave any trash in the garden.


Q1. Is it necessary to remove all lizards from my garden?

An invasion of lizards would undoubtedly be the last thing anybody wants in their garden. So, certainly, you must maintain control over them. However, killing all of the lizards is not suggested, since this may generate other difficulties in the ecology. 

Q2. Is it possible to get rid of lizards in a humane manner?

Ans: Yes, you certainly can. Simply follow the guidelines we’ve provided above to find a humane solution. 

Q3: Are lizards poisonous?

In the classic sense, lizards may not be poisonous or venomous. These reptiles, on the other hand, may be unsanitary, bite you, or fall on your head. They may also drive garden plants away. 

Q4. Are lizards dangerous to my pets?

Ans: Your pet is unlikely to devour a large reptile. Eating their excrement or eggs, on the other hand, may be hazardous to them. Additionally, if you have poisonous lizards in your yard, their bites might be dangerous. Furthermore, lizards may transmit small parasites or germs via the skin of your pet, causing allergic responses.

Q5. Do lizards have teeth?

Yes, lizards have the ability to bite.


That’s all there is to it. We hope you found this article helpful in resolving your lizard issue in the garden. It’s important to remember that a small number of lizards isn’t a problem; it’s the invasion that might create problems.

If not controlled, lizards may create health and hygiene issues. Maintain a clean yard and surrounding surroundings to ensure that nothing attracts these reptiles to come to your garden and remain. The solutions we’ve proposed are more humane and do not result in the death of lizards. As a consequence, you may need to exercise patience in order to view the end outcome.

The “how to get rid of lizards with dettol” is a way that you can use to kill garden lizards. It will take about 3 days for the lizards to die.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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