
How to Build Deck Stairs 

 May 4, 2022

By  admin

Deck stairs are a common element of home construction in the United States. They provide safe and easy access to your deck, while also offering an aesthetically pleasing design that is both practical and attractive. With this project, you will learn how to build some proper steps so you can enjoy your new deck without worrying about safety or looking ugly.

The “how to build deck stairs with pre made stringers” is a project that is fairly easy to complete. The steps in this tutorial will show you how to build your own deck stairs.

How to Build Deck Stairs

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How to Build Deck Stairs

Backyard and outdoor chores, such as building steps on your pool deck, may be scary at times. But I’ve discovered that merely having a strategy changes everything every time.

That’s why I put up this easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorial on installing deck steps on your own.

Come see for yourself how simple it is.


Stairs for a Deck:

deck stairsHere are the fundamentals of deck stair construction:

  • Material Selection
  • Measure
  • Construct the Stringers
  • Stringers should be secured.
  • Treads, risers, and rail posts should all be installed.
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Step 1: Material Selection

Wood, composite, or a mix of both materials may be used to make deck steps. The use of wood for the structure and composite for the stair tread is a frequent combination. Each step requires two beams at the top (called the tread).

Step 2: Take measurements

11-1/2" x 42" Bullnosed Stair Tread Wooden Hardwood Staircase Tread for Stair Remodel

Check Amazon for the most recent price.

Place a long level on the deck’s surface, dangling over the edge. Determine the precise height from the ground to the deck using a tape measure.

To get the height of each riser, divide the required number of steps by the overall climb. On a rigid square, write the height of each riser and the width of the tread (minus 1/2 inch for overhang).

Place the square on a piece of 212 pressure treated wood and draw a toothed pattern all the way around it. You’re making an item called a stringer.

Step 3: Construct the Stringers

Cut out each triangle using a jigsaw, being careful not to cut over the specified lines. This stringer may be used to trace out more stringers.

Now it’s time to alter the stringers.

The rear edge of the stringer must be trimmed to a single riser thickness. The bottom ends must be trimmed to a single tread thickness.

Step 4: Stringers should be secured.

Mounting Post for Promenaid Handrail System

Check Amazon for the most recent price.

Brackets may now be used to secure the left and rightmost stringers to the deck. Three-inch screws may be used to secure the middle stringers. (Drive the screw into the backside of each stringer after first driving it through the deck.)

Step 5: Treads, risers, and rail posts should all be installed.:

Begin by screwing the risers in place using 3-inch screws.

The same screws may be used to add four-inch posts to support the railing. Some of the treads will need to be drilled to fit over the deck stair railing posts.

Finally, use screws to secure the remaining treads.

Step 1: Material Selection

Wood, composite, or a mix of both materials may be used to make deck steps. The use of wood for the structure and composite for the stair tread is a frequent combination. Each step requires two beams at the top (called the tread).

Step 2: Take measurements

Place a long level on the deck’s surface, dangling over the edge. Determine the precise height from the ground to the deck using a tape measure. To get the height of each riser, divide the required number of steps by the overall climb. On a rigid square, write the height of each riser and the width of the tread (minus 1/2 inch for overhang). Place the square on a piece of 212 pressure treated wood and draw a toothed pattern all the way around it. You’re making an item called a stringer.

Step 3: Construct the Stringers

Cut out each triangle using a jigsaw, being careful not to cut over the specified lines. This stringer may be used to trace out more stringers. Now it’s time to alter the stringers. The rear edge of the stringer must be trimmed to a single riser thickness. The bottom ends must be trimmed to a single tread thickness.

Step 4: Stringers should be secured.

Brackets may now be used to secure the left and rightmost stringers to the deck. 3 inch screws may be used to connect the middle stringers. (Drive the screw into the backside of each stringer after first driving it through the deck.)

Step 5: Treads, risers, and rail posts should all be installed.:

Start by installing the risers with 3 inch screws. Four-inch posts to support the railing may be installed with the same screws. Holes must be cut in some of the treads so they can fit over these posts. Finally, use screws to secure the remaining treads.

Deck stairs are a popular choice for building decks. However, they can be difficult to build without stringers. This article will show you how to build deck steps without stringers.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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