
Eggplant Companion Plants: What to Plant with Eggplant? 

 May 1, 2022

By  admin

The eggplant is a fruit-bearing member of the nightshade family. These vegetables are loved around the world and come in many shapes, colors, and varieties that grow on vines or as perennials. If you’re looking for new ways to use this versatile plant in your garden, try growing some companion plants with it.

Eggplant is a vegetable that can be planted in home gardens. Eggplant also has companion plants, which are plants that grow well with eggplant. These plants help to fertilize the soil and protect from pests. Read more in detail here: what not to plant next to eggplant.

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We’ve long been proponents of companion planting, and why not? 

It not only adds diversity to your home garden and makes it more attractive, but it also saves you money on herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers.

Yes, there are several advantages to picking the right companion plant, but there are also numerous disadvantages to choosing the incorrect companion plant.

Make sure you select the proper companion plants for your eggplant unless and until you want it to decay. We’re here to assist you with it. 

Here are the finest eggplant companion plants to help your eggplant develop in a healthy setting.

Companion Plants for Eggplant

Legumes and Beans

eggplant companion plants

Eggplants are most susceptible to a bug known as the Colorado Potato Beetle mainly because of their love for potatoes. But the one thing they cannot stand is beans. But that’s not the only reason to grow Legumes and Beans.

In case you didn’t know, Legumes and Beans fix the nitrogen content in the soil. That means it saves you tons of money that would otherwise spend on nitrogen-rich fertilizers.

And this is critical since nitrogen is essential for photosynthesis. Furthermore, being an essential component of amino acids, it has an influence on the plant’s general development and fruit-bearing potential. 

Pole peas and legumes may be grown in rotation with eggplants since they will leave all of their soil-fixing goodness behind, resulting in excellent soil that requires no attention.

If Colorado Beetles are your major worry, you may alternatively go with green beans. In any case, make sure the vines of these plants do not completely cover the eggplant, since this would cut off the eggplant’s access to sunlight, slowing its development.

Bush beans are a good option if you want to minimize the trouble while still getting the benefits of beans. We recommend growing bush beans with eggplants for the greatest results (just make sure you are leaving ample space in between).


eggplant companion plants

Not all insects and critters are necessary for plant reproduction, and here is where thyme shines. This feature makes it an excellent companion plant for eggplant, as well as most other plants (it’s like that man who knows everyone).

This plant has a strong perfume that attracts beneficial insects such as ladybugs and honey bees, who are excellent pollinators, but repels insects such as moths, worms/cabbage worms, and other pests.

You may either plant it with thyme or create a thyme border around your eggplants. We’d choose the alternative planting path if it were up to us. 

If thyme isn’t available, we recommend French tarragon, which has medicinal as well as culinary uses. Aside from that, basil, lemongrass, and oregano are some more insect-repellent eggplant companion plants.


eggplant companion plants

The spinach and eggplant are like a wonderful marriage in that they are always there for one another. While the spinach aids in the development of the eggplant by conserving moisture in the soil, the eggplant protects the spinach from the harsh sun by giving just the appropriate amount of shade. However, make sure you produce smaller spinach kinds.


eggplant companion plants

It makes a wonderful eggplant companion plant if you are ready to put in the effort to prune down the pigweed. Otherwise, they will eat up the eggplant’s space and nutrition.

Pigweed loosens the soil and enables the eggplant’s roots to dig deeper and extend more freely, allowing the plant to absorb more nutrients and water.

Pigweed, which has deep roots, is recognized for absorbing nutrients from deep within the earth and making them available to the plants surrounding it. Oh, and red pigweed, if you can get your hands on it, can help keep insects at away.

Tomatoes and other foods of the nightshade family

eggplant companion plants

Tomatoes and eggplants both belong to the nightshade vegetable family of plants, and hence constitute a neutral pairing. This implies that, although there aren’t any major advantages, they don’t obstruct each other’s progress either. 

Simply ensure that you devote the time and effort necessary to properly lay out your garden beds, since you do not want the tomato plants to overshadow the eggplants (because like every plant, even they need their daily dose of the sun).

Peppers and potatoes are two more nightshade veggies that go well with eggplant. If you’re going to use peppers, keep in mind that both spicy and sweet peppers are wonderful, but we recommend hot peppers for a few reasons.

Infections such as Fusarium infection (a fungal infection) can easily spread in the soil and will quickly reach the eggplant. Hot peppers have chemicals that assist to keep this under control, making eggplant care simpler.

Tomatoes are excellent eggplant companions!


eggplant companion plants

Catnip isn’t like tomatoes or spinach, which you can toss into salads or use in curries, and although this makes it worthless for most gardeners, it is certainly worth considering for others.

That’s because catnip contains components that help improve mood and decrease anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness, making it a perfect cup of tea to unwind with after a hard day at the office.

It also relaxes your eggplants by preventing flea bugs from bothering them because to its powerful odor.


eggplant companion plants

These lovely blossoms are known to attract aphids.

So, why are these plants recommended as companion plants? 

Because of this, they make great trap crops. Simply plant them slightly away from the eggplants, and the aphids will be drawn to them before they reach the eggplants. 

However, you must take steps to destroy them; otherwise, it will only be a matter of time until a few of them find their way to the eggplants. 

Because of their fragrance, even radishes make good trap crops, but they won’t bring the same brightness and hues to your home garden as these flowers.

Marigold is a terrific choice if you’re seeking for something else to do the job. These will again attract beneficial pollinators while repelling pests because to the pungent odor. They’re also great for new gardeners since they’re low-maintenance.


eggplant companion plants

Do you have peanuts growing in your garden? Well, there’s good news: peanuts are fantastic eggplant partners since they’re legumes, which means they have the same nitrogen-fixing qualities as peas or beans.

But bear in mind that growing peanuts isn’t for everyone, and it varies depending on where you live. Because peanuts need 600 to 1500 mm of rainfall and a frost-free period of roughly 150 days, they require 600 to 1500 mm of rainfall and a frost-free time. 

Plants that should not be grown with eggplants


eggplant companion plants

Have other gardeners or internet instructions advised you to plant Geraniums alongside your eggplants? 

That’s because they’re recognized for repelling insects, but Geraniums are susceptible to illnesses like Ralstonia solanacearum, or Bacterial wilt as it’s also called.

This disease also affects eggplants and may be difficult to control once it has spread, therefore Geraniums are a no-no in our eyes.

Trees that produce walnuts

eggplant companion plants

Walnuts are Allelopathic, in case you didn’t know. That is to say, they exude chemicals that are harmful to the development of plants surrounding them, and in some cases, even kill them, making them a no-no. 

Fennel should also be kept away from eggplants, in addition to walnuts.


Always choose a companion plant that fits your needs. Choose herbs like thyme or French tarragon if your eggplant is prone to flies and pests, or tomatoes and spinach if you’re looking for something more daily.

On the other hand, if you think soil quality is an issue, Legumes and Beans make the ideal eggplant companion plants.

In the comments section below, tell us which plant you used as an eggplant partner.

You may also contact us with any queries you have regarding eggplants or companion planting, and we will respond as soon as possible.

Until next time, happy gardening.

Eggplant is a vegetable that can be grown in many different ways. There are many companion plants to grow with eggplant, and these plants will help the eggplant grow better. Reference: are zucchini and eggplant companion plants.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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