
Broccoli Companion Planting: 12 Plants to Grow with Broccoli 

 May 10, 2022

By  admin

Broccoli is a member of the crucifer family, which also includes cauliflower and cabbage. These vegetables produce flowers that attract beneficial pests to control them-a natural form of pest control that can keep these plants healthy without using chemicals.

Broccoli is a vegetable that is easy to grow and can be used in many dishes. The “what to plant next to broccoli” will tell you 12 plants that are good companions for broccoli.

Broccoli Companion Planting: 12 Plants to Grow with Broccoli

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Broccoli seems to be a plant that grows wherever, independent of the environment. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

It will struggle to grow if it is planted with the incorrect plant. It may not even grow in the worst-case scenario. 

In any case, it’s not something you’ll want to put to the test. That’s why knowing the finest broccoli companion plants may be quite beneficial. 

We’ll explain why planting broccoli with the appropriate plants is so important, and then show you which plants to use and which to avoid. Check it out!


Why Use Broccoli Companion Plants?

While relatively simple to cultivate, “Brassica oleracea var. italica,” or broccoli as we know it, demands a lot of room and resources. As a result, it does not flourish when planted wrongly.  

With this in mind, it’s easy to see why the correct companion plants may be so beneficial. Here are a few advantages:

  • Because broccoli plants are huge and may overgrow others, more room is needed. 
  • Superior growth by maintaining efficient nutrient and soil sharing 
  • The chemical combination that certain plants provide improves flavor.
  • Plants with fewer pests and illnesses may be able to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Reduced sun and environmental damage for healthier development

As you can see, growing broccoli with the appropriate partners has a lot of benefits. With the appropriate ones, you may get all of these advantages at once. 

What kind of partners are we talking about? Take a look at them below!

Broccoli’s Best Companion Plants

We picked plants that thrived alongside broccoli while also making it tastier, healthier, and quicker to produce. Consider what each of them has to offer:

1. Beets & Radishes

Beets and radishes are sometimes confused, yet they’re practically completely distinct veggies. 

Both are root vegetables, which means the edible portion grows underground. As a result, they don’t need as much sunlight as other plants. With a broccoli plant nearby, they may get less sunshine and still grow.

Beets and radishes, on the other hand, utilize more nutrients and take up less space than broccoli. Broccolis grow beside these two veggies since they are not competing for nutrients or space. That is a significant advantage. 

2. The Onion Clan

The onion family is said to be one of the most hungry vegetable garden plants. Even yet, with broccolis around, they all grow (and vice versa).

The particular chemical sharing that every member of the onion family has with broccoli makes them an excellent partner. Onions, shallots, and scallions have a delicious flavor that frequently extends into the soil, unlike other plants. This is subsequently absorbed by nearby plants, such as broccoli.

The taste of broccoli improves when these compounds are absorbed. As a result, the often-bitter flavor of broccoli becomes spicier and more bearable (hint for those who struggle to eat greens). 

Rosemary, number three

The simplest of herbs, such as rosemary, might be an excellent broccoli match. Mint, sage, lavender, basil, oregano, and thyme are all mint family members that work nicely. However, rosemary triumphs.

The fundamental reason is because they have similar climatic preferences. While other herbs may suffer if temperatures drop too low, rosemary will grow happily with broccoli no matter where it is planted.

Pests will be kept at bay as a result of this technique. This includes cabbage moths, loopers, and whiteflies, all of which contribute to broccoli being healthier and pest-free for longer periods of time.

We even go so far as to claim that the rosemary does not have to be planted with the broccoli. Gardeners sometimes advise just scattering the herb’s leaves about. Snails, slugs, and other pests are occasionally deterred by this. 

And, if that wasn’t enough, the particular oils and chemicals produced by a herb like rosemary may give your broccoli a flavor boost. That is why it is an indispensable friend. 

4. Celery

Every member of the Apium family, including parsley, cilantro, and carrot, may be a good broccoli companion. But nothing tops celery when it comes to Apium.

The taste is the major source of benefit. Celery is considered to enhance the flavor of brassicas somewhat (mostly broccoli).

Celery takes up very little room as an add-on. You won’t have any trouble keeping them around since they grow shorter than broccoli. 

Chamomile (number 5)

Broccoli pairs nicely with a variety of floral plants. Calendula, tarragon, and Dahlias are examples of plants that grow well. However, nothing compares to chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla).

Why is it the case? There are several explanations for this. 

The first reason is that chamomile attracts pollinators such as bees, hoverflies, and wasps. These are really beneficial to broccoli.

Two, chamomile somewhat increases the flavor of broccoli. The brassica may absorb the scent and oils produced by the blooming plant.

And three, since chamomile is not at all a needy plant. More significantly, it produces lovely white and yellow flowers that enhance the appearance of your food garden. 

Lettuce, no. 6

The lettuce, also known as “Lactuca sativa,” thrives when grown among brassicas. That, of course, includes the much-loved broccoli.

What is the benefit? Simple: lettuce loves the shade that broccolis provide. While the plant needs some sunlight to survive, it bolts much more slowly when grown with broccoli.

The amazing thing about broccoli and lettuce together is how similar they seem. This plant would be a wonderful companion for your broccoli if you want to add some symmetry to your yard.

Spinach, no. 7

Spinach is another lush green that will nearly perfectly complement your broccoli. Not only is it a nutritious food that can be eaten in a variety of ways, but it also greatly benefits broccoli. 

It all boils down to spinach’s capacity to ingest totally different nutrients than broccoli while taking up less space and yet benefiting from the shade provided by broccoli’s large leaves when it’s hot outside.

This list of advantages is more than enough to convince you to give spinach a try. Putting spinach alongside broccoli, especially if you’ve had difficulties producing spinach on its own, might be a tremendous help.

Potatoes (nine)

Potatoes are frequently avoided as a companion plant because they absorb a much of nutrients. However, the “Solanum tuberosum” has less of an impact on broccoli.

While nightshades such as peppers and eggplant loathe potatoes because they use the same nutrients, and root plants such as onions and carrots despise them because it depletes their soil, broccolis adore it.

This is due to the fact that potatoes absorb phosphate and magnesium. Broccoli, on the other hand, prefers calcium and nitrogen. Broccoli grows above ground, but potatoes grow underground.

They’re basically the ideal garden buddies. What’s more, they look wonderful when planted near together. 

Rhubarb (number 9)

The red-stalked plant “Rheum rhabarbarum” will provide a huge boost in disease and insect resistance to any food garden. 

Because rhubarb has a large quantity of oxalic acid in its leaves, it seems paradoxical. Other plants are said to be harmed by this oxalic acid, which might present problems if planted too near to sensitive species.

However, rhubarbs are generally disease-free due to their high oxalic acid content. More significantly, they discourage pests such as the whitefly, which feeds on most brassicas (including broccoli!).

Because of the oxalic acid, planting broccoli too close together might cause harm. However, as long as you keep them at a distance of at least 12 inches, you should be OK. In fact, the rhubarb will aid broccoli growth by making it healthier, safer, and faster. 

Nasturtium 10 

Nasturtium blooming plants are one of the most fascinating broccoli partners available, with a variety of advantages.

The capacity to resist pests such as worms and loopers is the first. Nasturtiums repel them with their distinctive astringent fragrance and peppery tone. When they blossom, they attract bees and other pollinators, which are beneficial to cabbages.

That’s not all, however. Nasturtiums have a viny flavor. As a result, they like to crawl about, shielding themselves from the sun and keeping the soil damp. As a result of the nasturtiums functioning as mulch, the broccoli may grow more sustainably. 

Geraniums (nine)

Nothing rivals the quality of geraniums when it comes to making your broccoli fully pest-free. 

Geraniums protect broccoli from moths and worms when planted around it. Geraniums, however, use little to none of the nutrients that broccoli need, making it a super-safe subterranean companion.

Finally, geraniums provide color and interest to any food garden. Geraniums are usually a good option if you want to make the space appear more inviting. 

Marigolds, number 12

Marigolds, like chamomile, produce blossoms that attract pests. Pests will choose to feast on the marigold blossoms rather than the broccoli, so your broccoli will remain pest-free. 

Another benefit is that various nutrients are consumed. Marigolds do not need as much calcium as broccoli and hence do not compete for it. In fact, the marigold plants will flourish even if the broccoli eats it all.

Broccoli’s Worst Companion Plants

The plants listed above will grow alongside your broccoli, keeping it healthy in some manner. Meanwhile, the ones we’ll discuss later will be the polar opposite. These plants will either stunt the development of your broccoli, introduce pests and illnesses, or just fail to grow as they should. Look them up:

Brassicas (other)

It doesn’t matter what kind of brassica it is, you shouldn’t grow it near your broccoli. Cabbage, kale, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts are among the foods you should avoid. 

Why? They just absorb the same nutrients. Planting them together will prevent them from developing properly, lowering the quantity and size of the crops.

Aside from that, they are both plagued by the same illnesses and pests. When you combine brassicas, you’re more likely to encounter maggots, beetles, loopers, worms, and anything else.

Keep brassicas away from your broccoli, in short. 

Cucurbits 2

It’s OK if you’ve never heard of cucurbits. Pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelons, melons, and calabash are examples. Because all of those plants take so many nutrients (the same as broccoli), they may result in severe malnutrition.

They should be at least a couple feet apart. Otherwise, any plant’s development will be constrained.

3. Lampshades

The nightshade family is another group of plants you should avoid. We’re talking about peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes this time. 

Because nightshades are heavy eaters, they may interfere with broccoli development. However, they also attract the same pests (mostly beetles) that prey on both species. Pests feast on nightshades and broccoli when grown too close together. 

4. Corn

Corn is notoriously difficult to work with. It will take up all the nutrients from the soil before your broccoli can even sprout since it is a fast-growing and heavy-feeding crop.

This is one of broccoli’s deadliest foes since it grows tall and stops brassicas from getting any light exposure, limiting growth. 

Strawberry No. 5

Strawberries are another super-feeding species that few people are aware of. They can absorb a lot of the nutrients that broccoli needs to live. That’s something you don’t want to happen. 

Strawberries are also viny plants with a tendency to spread quickly. In the worst-case situation, strawberries might entirely kill your broccoli plants. 

6. Beans

Broccoli plants are nitrogen-loving plants. They may, however, drown in it. That’s why, when it comes to broccoli, beans, particularly pole and bush beans, may be disastrous. Snow peas are one form of pea that might be mildly harmful. 

This occurs because they may have increased the nitrogen level to the point that your broccoli is unable to absorb nutrients adequately. They may even hinder your broccoli from growing in certain situations. Keep your distance from them. 


It doesn’t have to be difficult to have a steady supply of healthful green broccoli in your home. You won’t have any problems as long as you select the right broccoli companion plants.

Are you ready to take your broccoli production to the next level? Then don’t hesitate to choose one of the nearby possibilities we discussed before (and avoid the worst ones!). You won’t be sorry you gave your broccoli a good growing companion — you won’t believe how healthy they are!

Broccoli is a great plant to grow with other plants because it is easy to keep up with, and can be planted in both cool and warm areas. It’s also a companion plant for many vegetables such as lettuce, kale, peas, and radishes. Reference: can i plant lettuce and broccoli together.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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