
Best Grow Tent Setup 

 April 17, 2022

By  admin

A grow tent is a garden bed that fits over a plant, allowing the plants to receive all the benefits of growing outdoors while retaining much higher yields. This type of setup can be used at home or commercially in greenhouses and hydroponics facilities.

The “best grow tent setup for beginners” is a popular topic. This post will help you decide what the best grow tent is for your needs.

Best Grow Tent Setup

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The time has come… 

You’ve made the decision to set up a grow tent in your house. 

You don’t want just any tent, however. You want the best possible grow tent arrangement. 


We know all there is to know about grow tents, including how to set them up, fine-tune them, and get the most out of them so that everything works out perfectly for your plants.

This isn’t going to be a fast read or a short tutorial. It will be as detailed as possible while being simple to read so that you can learn everything. 

So, are you all set? Take a look at the list below!


What is a Grow Tent, exactly?

They’re often referred to as indoor greenhouses, despite the fact that they’re not the same thing. Others refer to them as “grow chambers” (which is sort of true). 

A grow tent is exactly what it sounds like, whereas a greenhouse is frequently a walking space outside and a grow room may be anything from closets to bedrooms and even part of a kitchen. It’s a piece of plastic equipment that goes inside to give plants with a proper habitat.

Grow lights, carbon filters, trays, netting, hangers, vents, and fans, as well as hoods and a few extras, would all be included in an ideal grow tent. 

It may be any size, although it’s most often tiny, like a pantry. They may be placed in practically any area and give additional space for securely growing plants. 

Grow tents make interior environments more comfortable for plants that might otherwise struggle throughout their germination, growth, flowering, or producing stages. 

Why Should You Use a Grow Tent?

The ease with which you can prepare and operate with grow tents, regardless of what you’re using them for, is what makes them so valuable. 

There are, however, many additional advantages to consider. We’ve listed their most popular items below:

Improved Environmental Conditions

It’s the most important aspect of a grow tent since it improves light intensity, humidity, and temperature. 

Aside from that, it keeps harmful elements out. Bacteria and pests, as well as certain forms of fungus, may destroy some delicate plantsga fast. This is something that a grow tent avoids.

Finally, it protects plants from damage caused by strong winds and dogs. It protects the whole environment, allowing you to grow any plant without difficulty. 

Setup and dismantling are simple.

Grow tents are very handy since they eliminate the need for drilling, fixed items, or adjustments to your home that you may later regret.

Setting up a huge grow tent of over 12 square feet will be a breeze. It’s probably your fault if it takes you more than 2 or 3 hours.

And, if that wasn’t enough, you’ll be required to spend ZERO dollars. Setting up a grow tent is free after you’ve purchased one. 

In the Long Run, it’s Cheap

Grow tents are likely to be a little pricey at initially (some are pretty cheap still). However, they will save you a ton of money in the long term.

Electricity, soil, arrangements, house optimizations, and, most significantly, time are all included. They’ll save you a lot of money on all of these things so you can put it towards something else in the future. 

Accessible & Space-Efficient

Finally, grow tents save a significant amount of room. 

If you live in an apartment or a tiny house and don’t have enough outside area for a greenhouse or garden, a grow tent is an almost ideal solution.

They’re also easily accessible, allowing you to check on your plants and construct arrangements without difficulty. 

What Size Grow Tent Should You Get?

Sure, grow tents will save you a lot of room at home while using everything they need more effectively than anything else.

So, should you simply purchase any grow tent size?

Well, no.

It’s critical to know where you’re going to put anything before you pick it. You shouldn’t be concerned with rooms large enough to accommodate a vehicle. However, if the space is limited, take measurements beforehand.

Grow tents are typically square or rectangular in shape. The smallest are roughly 4 by 4 feet and 6 feet tall, while the biggest are about 10 by 10 feet and 7 feet tall. 

ALSO: Do you want a grow tent that allows you to see inside and move about (big tents) or one that is entirely visual (small tents)? 

What Do You Need for the Best Grow Tent Setup?

Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals, let’s go through everything you’ll need to make a grow tent work. 

Let’s get started…

A Top-Notch Grow Tent


Sure, it’s self-evident. But we’ll say it again since you don’t want any old tent. You’ll need the best tent for the best setup. 

That is why you should first read our post on the best grow tent for gardens. It will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about grow tents, allowing you to choose the best one with ease.

You’ll also get a list of grow tents that you won’t find anywhere else. We chose them because of their high quality, so you won’t go wrong with any of them. 

If you don’t choose one of them, make sure you choose something fantastic. It’s important to understand that settling for bad quality and low cost is like to shooting oneself in the foot. So be cautious. 

Reflectors and Grow Lights

Go for the reflectors and grow lights once you’ve chosen the correct grow tent. However, there are several kinds of grow lights to pick from.

Standard fluorescent grow lights, for example, are great for their super-intense warm hue. There’s also the HPS grow lamp, which is ideal for supplementing the tent. And, of course, the outstanding LED grow lights are always there to assist you.

HID and incandescent lights may also be useful if you’re striving for a more classic look. 

What should you want to achieve? Efficacy and power. LED, HID, and fluorescent lights, for example, are all outstanding on their own. However, LED lights use a lot less energy than HID lights, while fluorescent lights use a lot of energy. 

Then there are the extras, such as HPS lights. These won’t be very useful on their own, but they might be useful as add-ons to maintain the light at the proper level without using a lot of power. 

TIP: The lights should be bright enough but not too bright. Consider lights with a wattage of 200 to 400 watts for small tents and lights with a wattage of 1,000 watts for bigger tents. 

Fans and Vents

You’ll probably want to keep the grow tent at a certain temperature. You’ll need to utilize fans and vents for this.

The fact that you’re utilizing a grow tent in the first place is probably due to the need for ventilation. They, together with the lights, have a huge role in whether the plants develop safely or not. It keeps humidity at a comfortable level and prevents temperatures from becoming too high. 

In most cases, all you need is a powerful fan, a few extraction vents, and a well-designed ventilation system (that allows air to flow around). 

Odor Control and Filters

Like Fans and Vents, you also need filters. These are often hooked to the ventilation system, sometimes a bit apart as extraction systems.

What is the focal point? Keep germs and other undesired pollutants out of the tent. This filter may be a life-saving addition since it will stay closed for 99 percent of the time.

As a general rule, a carbon filter with the appropriate ducts will suffice. A fan may also assist to keep smells at bay.

Measuring Instruments and Meters 

What method do you use to determine the temperature inside the tent? It’s simple: just use a thermometer. The same thing occurs when you use a hygrometer to measure humidity.

Others like to include timers that automate fans and lights, as well as knobs that allow them to adjust the intensity as needed. 

Straps and hangers 

Where are all of the lights, fans, vents, filters, and equipment going to be installed? 

Hangers, straps, trellises, and other similar items will be used here.

There are tons of different ways to go here. Some grow tents come with their own set of Straps and hangers, while others come with none, so you’ll have to buy them separately. Either way, they’ll be essential, so you don’t want to miss them.  

How to Put a Grow Tent Together 

Let’s imagine you’ve acquired all of the stuff you’ll need to get your grow tent up and running. Now we’ll show you how to put them together. 

Take the following steps: 

Prepare the Environment 

Begin by thoroughly cleaning everything. Everything where you’re going to put the grow tent, I repeat.

The goal is to keep any contaminant, like as bacteria or fungus, from sticking around and contaminating the grow tent while it’s being set up.

We suggest that you use chlorine and other comparable cleansers in this region. 

Also, don’t forget to Prepare the Environment, make it comfortable and suitable for the tent. You don’t want it to be unleveled or shaky later (which could cause damage to your plants).

Finally, make sure it’s a location where you can put pumps and outlets are near by (lights and fans will need them).

After you’ve prepared the area, you may begin the assembling procedure. 

Build the Grow Tent

Every tent you’ll come across has its own set of instructions. We can’t tell you anything except to follow those instructions.

However, it’s always beneficial to be aware of how the process works the majority of the time. This is how it normally goes:

  • Begin by identifying the various components (most notably the clamps/brackets and poles). 
  • Assemble the framework as necessary (follow instructions carefully).
  • Tighten and adjust the frame as needed to ensure that it is stable.
  • Place the fabric (mylar and/or plastic cover) on top.
  • Check for any possible entrances ahead of time. Make certain they’re all shut. 
  • After that, you may complete by adding hangers, ropes, straps, trellises, netting, or anything else you choose.

Depending on the scale of the project and your previous expertise, this procedure might take anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. 

Prepare the Lighting

Are you finished with your bare-bones grow tent? Keep the lights turned on.

It’s as easy as putting them on the holders/hangers and programming their controls (if any). If hangers aren’t available, it’s sometimes a good idea to hang them straight from the grow tent. 

There’s not a whole lot to this. Is that the case? 

Typically, all you need to do is double-check that the lights are pointed in the appropriate direction. The goal is to achieve the maximum feasible light intensity. 

Apart from that, you can Prepare the Lighting in ten minutes or less. 

Create a ventilation plan. 

After you’ve finished constructing the lights and the tent’s foundation, you may go on to the ventilation system.

This one is a little trickier than the others. This is how it works:

  • Begin by inspecting the grow tent’s vents. Find them and work on loosening them up. 
  • As required, connect the fans and/or pumps to the ducts. To avoid future separation, make sure the components are well connected.
  • If you desire, you may also add an internal fan. Connect everything else to the power source.
  • Make sure the ventilation is operating properly. The duct system should be drawing air out of the tent. The internal fan should circulate the air.

You’re nearly done putting up that tent if everything is operating well and the duct and fan installation seems to be perfect. 

Examine the Internal Environments 

This is the last and most difficult section. 

Here, you must ensure that the atmosphere within the tent is PERFECT and nothing less.

How do you go about doing that? Install all of the necessary equipment and conduct a thorough inspection of the inside.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Install your thermometer and hygrometer first. Place them in the middle of the room, ideally near the plants and away from the lights and fans.
  • Start the ventilation system after that and let it run for a bit. Allow for around 30 minutes for everything to season.
  • Return to see whether the environment is suitable for the plants you wish to cultivate (humidity, temperature, and airflow).
  • During this time, make sure there are no leaks in the grow tent. More importantly, double-check that the lights, fans, and ducts are all correctly placed and functioning.
  • If everything seems to be in order, shut it and leave it to operate for a bit (30 mins to an hour). Check it one more time to make sure it’s operating properly. 

You’re done after you’ve double-checked everything and everything seems to be in order. You are welcome to bring your plants inside.


As you can see, putting up the best grow tent setup isn’t difficult if you know what you’re doing. 

As a first-time grow-tent user, it won’t be easy. It won’t, however, be rocket science.

You’ll have no trouble setting it up if you follow our advice, suggestions, and quick tips. More importantly, you’ll have a great time doing it.

So, now that you’re aware of How to Put a Grow Tent Together, what are you waiting for? It won’t build itself!

The “grow tent kits for beginners” are a great way to get started. They come with everything you need, and they make it easy to grow your plants. You can also buy them in sets, which will save you money if you’re just starting out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to set up a grow tent?

A: Grow tents need to be covered with something, such as plastic sheeting or newspaper. It is also helpful if a fan is placed inside the tent so that it can circulate air and increase humidity levels. If you are using a grow kit, make sure to put down some kind of barrier in between your plants and any light source.

How big of a grow tent do I need for 3 plants?

A: Generally speaking, you will need a grow tent which is 9×9 feet or smaller. This depends on the type of plants that you have and how much light they need to thrive in their environment.

How big of a grow tent do I need for 2 plants?

A: A 10 by 10 grow tent is the minimum size for one plant. We recommend a 20 long x 4 3/4 wide x 5 1/2 tall grow tent.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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