
Basil Companion Planting: 7 Plants to Grow With Basil 

 May 19, 2022

By  admin

Basil is an herb with many uses. It can be used to spice up salads, as a pest repellent in the garden and more. Basil’s favorite friends are tomatoes, garlic and oregano; being planted near these vegetables will help basil thrive. Besides companion planting with other herbs, there are some plants that should not be planted too close to basil since they can interfere with its growth – chives for example release chemicals into the soil that inhibit it from absorbing nutrients properly.

Basil is a popular herb that can be grown in many places. It’s easy to grow and thrives well with the right companion plants. Here are 7 plants to grow with basil. Read more in detail here: bad companion plants for basil.

Basil Companion Planting: 7 Plants to Grow With Basil

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Basil is a versatile plant with several health advantages. It improves the flavor of any meal by adding the traditional Italian charm. Basil is a natural adaptogen with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities. It also includes antioxidants.


The greatest aspect is that basil is both easy to cultivate and delicious while also being nutritionally beneficial. However, while growing basil, a typical concern is if other plants may be planted alongside it.

Basil, unlike its relatives, does not like being in the company of other herbs. In this instance, it’s critical to understand what works well together in order to achieve maximum development. Here’s a list of 7 Basil Plant Companions that will grow happily in your yard with this fragrant herb.


Why Grow Basil with Friends?


Companion planting, often known as “intercropping,” has a number of advantages, including better area use and higher harvest quality. Let’s look at some of the benefits of combining basil with other crops.

Insect Pest Repellent

Some plants produce natural poisons or odors that repel pests that may harm the crop. Companion planting becomes critical in this situation, particularly for pests that are resistant to herbicides and insecticides.

Beneficial Insects Attract

Pollinators are attracted to basil companion plants such as marigolds. The scent of nectar and the aesthetically gorgeous blossoms on display attract bees, butterflies, and birds. This increases the likelihood of pollination and a plentiful crop.

Nutrients in the Soil

Crops absorb vital nutrients from the earth as they develop. This leaves the gardener with the difficult chore of replenishing the nutrients in the soil at the end of the season. Many companion plants, such as legumes and beans, provide minerals such as nitrogen back into the soil. This contributes to the health and well-being of other plants.

Covering the Ground

Most low-growing plants, such as oregano, operate as a layering above the soil, shielding smaller crops from direct sunlight. For plants that do not need direct, strong sunshine, this helps to drop the temperature by a degree.

Provide the Required Shade

Plants like zucchini and asparagus that grow tall and green may offer welcome shade for sun-sensitive plants underneath them. A plant might be damaged and wither if it receives too much sunshine. Chlorophyll pigment loss has also been seen in severe situations.

Assign Markers

Slow-growing plants are interspersed with fast-growing plants and planted as companion crops when gardeners cultivate them. This is done to mark the location of the slow-growing plants.

7 Basil Plant Companions

The numerous plants that may be planted with basil to obtain the aforementioned advantages will be discussed in this section.

1. Tomatoes as Basil Companion Plants

basil companion plants

Thrips, whiteflies, mosquitoes, and the Tomato Hornworm are all attracted to basil. These gregarious pests and insects are often seen in tomato plants. The aromatic basil plant keeps insects at away, increasing tomato harvest.

Basil herbs, like tomatoes, need at least 6 to 8 hours of sunshine every day to thrive. Plant the crops in well-drained soil as well. Basil does not need a lot of irrigation. Basil should thus be grown in containers with adequate drainage. Pluck the middle sprout away at the 6-week mark to prevent inefficiently faster blooming (which also results in a harsh flavor in your collected basil).

There hasn’t been enough study done to indicate that basil has a substantial influence on tomato taste. Most gardeners, on the other hand, think that planting basil alongside tomatoes boosts the sweetness of ripe tomatoes.

2. Asparagus as a Basil Companion Plant

basil companion plants

Asparagus is a perennial vegetable that grows well in the sun. A full yield might take up to two years to achieve. An asparagus patch may yield for decades after it has been planted. The best asparagus companion plants provide nutrition distribution, disease and pest protection, as well as caring and supplying for beneficial bacteria and insects.

Ladybugs visit the garden when basil and asparagus grow together. Basil and asparagus are a win-win scenario since ladybugs may help clear out the dreaded cabbage aphids. Keep in mind that basil is also known to repel the asparagus beetle, another insect that attacks freshly emerged asparagus plants’ shoots.

3. Chilies as Basil Companion Plants

basil companion plants

Some chilies may yield mature fruit in as little as 60 days after planting, while others might take up to 120 days. Habaneros, for example, require 100 days or more to mature after planting.

Chilies are plants that thrive in a diverse environment. Basil is said to enhance the taste of peppers when grown together. It also repels aphids, spider mites, thrips, mosquitoes, and flies, which are frequent garden pests.

Basil is useful for both deterring plant pests and producing thick ground cover for chiles. Remember that peppers thrive in humid environments, and basil helps to retain heat and moisture.

4. Bell Peppers as Basil Companion Plants

basil companion plants

Bell peppers, like basil, thrive in bright sunshine. Furthermore, dry circumstances will result in bitter peppers, while overwatering would suffocate the roots. If the calcium in the soil is reduced, bell peppers will wither rapidly.

As a result, you must carefully manage your watering with both basil and bell peppers, keeping it as balanced as possible. Staking your bell peppers isn’t necessary, but it may help keep them off the ground and away from pests. This may also help prevent sunscald, which occurs when the pepper is exposed to direct sunlight for an extended period of time in hot weather.

Bell pepper leaves normally offer some shade for basil, shielding plants from the elements. If you reside in an area where there isn’t enough sunshine, black plastic mulch is an excellent option. The light may be absorbed by black plastic mulch, which keeps your ground dirt warm.

5. Potatoes as Basil Companion Plants

basil companion plants

Basil and potatoes are not only delicious together, but they also grow well together. However, selecting the appropriate fertilizer for the plants is critical. Potatoes need a fertilizer with a greater ratio of potassium and phosphorus than nitrogen.

Potatoes have a high potassium content, which is why they need more of it to reach their full potential. Because of the phosphorus level, the plant may produce a larger yield of potatoes. Basil, on the other hand, need a nitrogen-based fertilizer.

Potatoes are a crop that thrives in sunshine and water. Planting specialized plants as partners (that don’t need much sunshine) can, however, postpone the success of the potato harvest. Basil, on the other hand, helps the potato crop flourish. This companion herb will not only help your potato crop grow well and abundantly, but it will also provide aesthetic appeal and a savory herb alternative to your garden.

6. Rosemary as a Basil Companion Plant

basil companion plants

Basil and rosemary plants are grown separately for their aromatic leaves. The two may blossom together under optimal circumstances, which offers various advantages. Because of their close proximity, it is simple to gather leaves from both plant types on a regular basis.

Basil thrives on well-drained soil with an equal mix of needed nutrients and enough of water. Rosemary grows well in well-drained soil, but it flourishes on soil with significantly better drainage for flushing purposes and lower moisture content. In comparison to basil, rosemary requires less moisture. Rosemary repels mosquitoes, cabbage moths, and carrot flies with its woody fragrance.

Regularly pruning flowering plants ensures that the plant produces leaves rather than flowers. Any apparent blossom development on your basil plants should be cut off. This is done mostly because blooming plants produce flavorless leaves as compared to non-flowering kinds.

7. Marigold as a Basil Companion Plant

basil companion plants

Gardeners have historically used marigolds as border plants. They’re often planted alongside separate flower beds and a variety of veggie plots. Marigolds with strong scents repel beet leafhoppers, branching beetle species such as the Mexican bean beetle, and other insects like nematodes. Pot marigold, on the other hand, repels beetles like the asparagus beetle and worms like the tomato worm. Although there is no clinical proof, the Mexican marigold cultivar is said to repel rabbits.

Marigolds and basil are natural insect repellents, so plant them close together to create a powerful scented barrier. First, plant the basil, then dig a hole for the marigold. Allow 18 to 24 inches between the marigold and the basil plant so that the marigold may benefit the basil. It does, however, leave plenty of room for the basil to flourish.

Because marigold seeds germinate quickly, they may be sown around and in between basil plants. When the marigolds reach a height of 2 to 3 inches, thin them out. This has been shown to be useful in reducing crowding. Between the marigold blooms and the basil plants, there should be plenty of room. Overwatering marigolds may cause them to decay if the soil becomes too wet.

Other Plants to Consider as Basil Companion Plants

Other plants that may benefit from being planted with basil include:

  • Borage is a blooming plant with blue star-shaped flowers that attracts a lot of pollinators. The plant is not only beautiful, but it also helps to repel gregarious pests like Tomato Hornworms.
  • Root vegetables have lush green tips that are especially susceptible to soil boring bugs. This is why root crops such as carrots, beets, radishes, and parsnips may all benefit from the pest-repelling aroma of a basil plant nearby.
  • Chamomile, Oregano, and Chives: Basil pairs well with blooming herbs such as chamomile, chives, and oregano.

Plants to Avoid With Basil Companion Plants

It’s critical to understand which plants should not be grown alongside basil, since this might affect the output and development of your basil crop.



Cucumbers are mostly water, so they tend to take on the taste of whatever is growing nearby. Aromatic herbs, such as basil, might alter the flavor of your cucumber, so keep the two plants apart.



Fennel is a crop that thrives on its own. It inhibits the growth of most other plants greatly. Despite the fact that it is quite simple to cultivate, it is not often planted for this reason.


While basil does not necessary need a companion plant to thrive, we strongly advise you to do so. This will significantly increase your produce. You can also keep bugs and other insects from destroying your basil crop’s output.

You may refer to these instructions for pepper, carrots, and kale for further information on which plants are good for companion planting.

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Basil is a great herb to grow in your garden. Basil grows well with other herbs and flowers. There are 7 plants that grow well with basil, which can be planted together for a beautiful garden. Reference: what herbs and flowers grow well together.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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