
Aloe Plant Turning Brown? Causes & Remedies 

 May 21, 2022

By  admin

Aloe plants turn brown due to a variety of factors, including over-watering, increased humidity and not enough light. Here are the most common reasons for aloe plant browning and how you can help prevent it from happening in your garden.

Aloe plants turn brown at the tips when a plant is stressed. This can be caused by a variety of things, and there are many remedies for this issue.

Aloe Plant Turning Brown? Causes & Remedies

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Is the color of your aloe plant fading? It’s possible that it’s under a lot of strain.

Aloes are quite hardy and seldom have issues (as aloe vera plants grow pretty much anywhere).

When they get sufficiently weak, strange things begin to happen, such as progressive browning of the leaves.

If you don’t act quickly, the browning will become worse. Your plant will perish sooner or later.

But you’re not going to let it happen, are you?

You’ve come to the correct spot if you love your aloe and don’t want anything like this to happen to it. We’ll show you EVERY REASON an aloe plant becomes brown, as well as how to restore it. Interested? Then continue reading!


What Causes Brown Aloe Vera?

Damage would be the simple response.

Nothing else except anything causing damage might cause your aloe to turn brown out of nowhere. Something you’re not aware of.

As a result, the aloe’s phenolic chemicals begin to alter. A vivid, rich green will gradually become crimson. Your aloe has developed symptoms of illness.

It’s time to figure out what’s wrong and repair it.

However, this might originate from a variety of sources, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact source.

Don’t be alarmed… There is always a solution (as long as you can identify the root problem).

10 Reasons Your Aloe Vera Is Turning Brown (With Solutions)

So you’ve made the decision to stop the browning. Good choice.

But how can you solve the issue if you have no idea what’s going on? Excellent question.

Here’s a rundown of the many causes of browning aloe vera (and what you can do about it):

#1. Aloe Plant With Too Much Fertilizer

Have you ever heard of an aloe plant being fertilized? Neither do we.

But it does happen. Even if they don’t have to, many individuals like fertilizing their aloe plants.

Guess what happens after that?

The plant begins to deteriorate. Its leaves get dark and mushy, eventually dying.

What causes this to happen?

That many nutrients in the soil are too much for the roots to manage. As a result, they BURNS.

An abundance of nutrients makes it hard to absorb nutrients and fluids, resulting in root burning that finally shows up on the leaves.

ALSO: Ingredients such as urea or salt might be harmful (when you apply cheap fertilizer or it is already salty).

What should you do if your aloe vera is overfertilized?

Despite its rarity, it is completely solved.

These pointers will assist you:

  • Take the aloe out of the container or the yard. Pull it out carefully to avoid damaging the roots, which are already frail.
  • Proceed to clean the plant’s roots and bottom half. Use a hose for this, but be cautious not to harm anything.
  • Then just seek for succulent soil that is healthy and plant the aloe. Gritty soil with a 50/50 mix of sand and potting soil would be ideal.
  • If at all feasible, put the aloe vera in a container. This will make it less likely to suffer in the future (particularly if the land is already fertile).

You’re finished now. Going future, the aloe vera should have no troubles.

BUT BE WARNED. You don’t want to fertilize your aloe vera too much again. Fertilize once a year with a slow-release fertilizer to avoid this.

In most circumstances, fertilization is unnecessary. SO DON’T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN.

#2. A Soil Deficient in Nutrients

Isn’t it true that if an over-fertilized soil produces harm, a nutrient-deficient soil doesn’t? You’re mistaken there.

Fertilized soils can inflict as much, if not more, harm as soils with little to no nutrients.

What causes this to happen?

Why isn’t a mystery.

Plants need nutrient.

If you plant aloe vera in nutrient-deficient soil, it will absorb everything quickly. The roots will weaken if it runs out of water, causing the leaves to turn brown.

The tip of the leaves is usually the first to turn brown (more than the stalks).

How can you grow aloe vera on nutrient-poor soil?

You’d be shocked how seldom this occurs. As a result, the remedy is straightforward: individuals just FERTILIZE.

Follow these guidelines:

  • For this, use a houseplant mix or succulent fertilizer. Choose a slow-release choice that won’t be absorbed too quickly (and causes other types of damage).
  • Water the soil well before adding the fertilizer. This will help the fertilizer work more effectively by activating the soil.
  • Continue to fertilize once a year in the future. This should become standard procedure now that you’ve realized the soil isn’t rich enough.

Within a few weeks, you’ll see how your aloe plant begins to recuperate.

Humidity that isn’t required

There’s a good chance your aloe vera is turning brown because there’s too much humidity in the air.

Succulents like aloe flourish in arid regions with little or no water. If you put it in a damp setting, it will suffer.

As a result, the leaves begin to turn brown.

What causes this to happen?

There are two explanations for this.

  • The roots begin to suffocate. These roots, also known as rhizomes, can’t take too much water before they saturate. It stops absorbing nutrients as soon as this occurs, and the leaves become brown, beginning with blotches all over.
  • On the leaves, there is much too much dampness. This is uncommon, but it occurs when the leaves do not dry up and are not exposed to adequate sunshine. As a result, the leaves gradually become dark and mushy.

By the way, you might be suffering from both of these issues at the same time. In any instance, it’s not a difficult issue to resolve.

How can you help an aloe with humidity issues?

GET THE ALOE TO A DRYER PLACE is the obvious solution. There is no other option.

But it’s not as simple as it seems. In such situation, consider the following suggestions:

  • The simplest solution is to move the plant to a drier soil and location. Allow the plant to dry out completely before replanting or moving it.
  • Simply dig the aloe vera out and put it someplace else for repotting. Clean the roots and let them out to dry for at least three days in the sun (if possible).
  • CUT OFF any leaves or roots that have become mushy to the point of rotting. These regions ultimately attract illnesses that may spread throughout the plant.

Avoid overwatering the plant in the future and maintain it in dry regions. The plant should be OK as long as you maintain watering it at least once a month.

A Thirsty Aloe (#4)

While excessive humidity is the most typical issue, drought may sometimes be problematic.

Because it can’t take nutrients from the soil, a thirsty aloe will suffer. As a result, it begins to get unwell (which will show on the leaves).

What causes this to happen?

You must realize that aloes collect and store water from the earth on their leaves.

That sticky gel that people use to wipe their cheeks and treat various skin disorders is really stored water.

Obviously, the aloe is less likely to generate this gel when there isn’t enough water. Because there is no water to fill the leaves, they eventually dry up and become brown.

In a nutshell, the aloe begins to dry, pucker, and wrinkle.

How can you assist a thirsty aloe vera?

WATER THAT PLANT! This is possibly the simplest option of all.

For a better outcome, follow these guidelines:

  • If the aloe is still thirsty after being watered, consider transplanting it into more absorbent soil (with compost).
  • No soil issues? After that, just water the plant. Make sure the soil is completely damp, if not soaked (only once).
  • Water your aloe at least once a month as a general guideline. If you reside in a dry environment, however, watering once a week is preferable.
  • Mulch will also assist maintain moisture, so the aloe won’t struggle with water no matter what soil you choose.

Within a few weeks after you’ve properly treated your aloe vera, it will begin to heal.

#5: The Sweltering Sun

Aloes belong in the wild. They can be grown inside, but they will not flourish as well.

However, the great outdoors may be dangerous. By wild, we mean dangerous.

Your aloe is ready for 8 hours of sunshine every day. The aloe will suffer in the summer, when the sun feels more like a radioactive laser straight on the skin.

Burns will cause brown dots to emerge on the leaves soon.

What causes this to happen?

Remember how we said that leaves contain phenolic compounds?

The goal of these phenolic chemicals is to protect the plant against stress.

When the sun is too harsh, the phenolics begin to cover the leaves as a defense strategy. To summarize, the phenolics turn the leaves brown.

WORTH KNOWING: The leaves may get wrinkled and dry as a result of this. The brown grows darker as the condition progresses.

How do you treat a sun-scorched aloe vera plant?

This is another another simple adjustment. Consider the following suggestions:

  • Bring the aloe vera indoors. Attempt to keep it in the shade to avoid sun damage. If you want it to have some exposure, make sure it doesn’t take more than 4 hours for it to recover.
  • When the sun is shining, avoid spraying water on the leaves. Sunrays and water inflict much more harm than just sunshine, so be cautious.
  • Water the plant on a regular basis. Start watering once a week if you were previously watering once a month. This will not repair the solar damage, but it will prevent it from becoming sick as quickly.

Your aloe will gradually recuperate till the green tone returns after you start using them. This should take between two and four weeks.

#6. Excessive Heat for Long Periods

The sun damages the leaves because it BURNS them.

Now, how can heat harm you?

The composition of the leaves begins to break down gradually. When temperatures fluctuate too fast, this may happen (from fires, too much sunlight, or climate change).

The aloe is warmed in both cases.

What causes this to happen?

Aloe vera can withstand temperatures of up to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. However, they can tolerate temperatures of up to 100 degrees for a few weeks under harsh situations.

If the heat persists, the stress triggers the release of phenolics. The rest is history.

It doesn’t end there, however. The soil may be affected by excessive heat. This is more common in sandy soils, which absorb heat more readily.

As a consequence, Overheated roots struggle to absorb nutrients, resulting in even more browning.

How do you care for an aloe plant that has been overheated?

This is dependent on what is going on with your plant. If it is overheated, you must first determine how it occurs.

These suggestions may be useful:

  • Remove the aloe plant from its existing spot. If you’re going to be outside, keep it in the shade and near a fan. When moving it from inside to outside, make sure it gets enough of fresh air.
  • Transplanting aloes in gardens may also be an option. When the soil is a factor, this is surprisingly beneficial (it heats up too much).
  • If you’re moving the aloe around, do carefully so the plant doesn’t have to acclimate too quickly. This might potentially be harmful.

Your aloe will heal in a matter of days. Its leaves will quickly recover their brilliance.

Frosts and Cold Winds (#7)

Excess heat creates issues, and cold does as well.

And, surprise, the leaves are also burned.

Just keep in mind that aloes aren’t recommended for chilly climates. Temperatures as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit are no problem for them. Anything less than that is harmful (especially if it happens for more than a couple of weeks).

Frosts and winds, on the other hand, usually occur when temperatures drop below freezing. What’s more, guess what? That bothers aloes.

What causes this to happen?

When the plant is stressed, phenolics, like excessive heat, begin to act on the leaves.

Browning is caused by phenolics, which gradually take over the leaves. Dark patches and freckles will soon appear all over your body.

How can you heal an aloe that has been injured by frost or cold winds?

The answers are self-evident. Consider the following:

  • If it’s getting near to winter, bring the aloe indoors. Burns may be avoided by keeping the aloe free from frosts and chilly winds.
  • Keep it near heating appliances or other sources of heat. This should help to warm the atmosphere and avoid harm from the cold.
  • If you can’t relocate the aloe vera, cover it. Sleeping bags, bedsheets, horticultural fleece, and other frost-resistant goods may be used.

Although aloes are seldom affected in this manner, you may nevertheless ensure that nothing catastrophic occurs. Within a few weeks, you should see the brown areas disappearing.

Diseases & Infections (#8)

Your aloe is tough, but it’s not indestructible.

Your aloe might become brown due to diseases including bacterial soft rot, basal stem rot, anthracnose, and even moderate aloe rust.

Some of them have an impact on the roots, while others have a direct impact on the leaves.

The end consequence is darkened leaves and dots.

What causes this to happen?

There are several explanations for this. Here are a few examples:

  • The bacteria entered the plant via the soil. Other aloes or succulents that were ill in the same spot or near the aloe were most likely infected by transmission.
  • Rot is also caused by wet soil. This is particularly true in the case of basal stem rot, in which the rhizomes get so soaked that they rot and kill the plant.
  • Some fungi may physically travel through the air. Your aloe may contract the fungus and get ill if you’re unlucky. This is how aloe rust develops, for example.

These are the most common sources of infections and diseases. They’re also solvable, as it turns out.

How do you treat an aloe vera plant that is diseased or infected?

There’s no assurance that your aloe vera will fully recover. However, there’s a possibility you can slow down and kill the sickness until your aloe vera heals.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Take the aloe vera plant out of the ground (pot or garden). Carefully handle it to avoid damaging the roots and leaves.
  • Examine and disinfect the roots. Remove any additional dirt and look for rotting stuff. Cut everything that seems to be ready to fall off. After that, clean the roots once more.
  • Follow the same steps with the leaves. Instead of removing the leaves completely, remove just the brown parts. Stalks that have been cut will recover and new leaves will emerge over time.
  • You must dry the plant, whether it is the root or the leaves. This will cause the condition to gradually deteriorate. The drying procedure entails exposing the plant to the sun for three days.
  • Finally, seek for good soil, a container, or a garden to put your aloe in. If at all possible, use sterile soil, preferably straight from a gardening store.

Within two weeks, your aloe vera will heal. But keep in mind that there’s no assurance of it.

#9. Pests

Insects eating your aloe will alter its appearance.

Aphids and spider mites adore aloe, draining the sap from the leaves.

Gnats and mealybugs are two more pests that might create problems.

The aloe eventually becomes unwell and becomes brown.

What causes this to happen?

Phenolics begin to function in the same way that other types of stress do.

They modify the color of the leaves, which you’ll see in the most eaten-away areas.

In addition, insects may transmit illnesses such as those mentioned above. So there you go.

How do you stop bugs from eating your aloe vera?

Aloes are tough and don’t mind chemicals or pesticides, so it’s usually simple.

These pointers will assist you:

  • Prune the leaves that are impacted. Remove any brown pieces that have been eaten. Remove any mushy or drooping leaves as well.
  • The bugs should then be sprayed with pesticide. If you don’t want to purchase herbicides, vinegar and alcohol are fantastic alternatives.
  • Use a gentle cleaning sponge or cloth to clean the leaves. Use just water, no soap or anything else. This should clear the surface of any dead insects.
  • Move the plant to a more secure location. If the pests have taken over other plants in the area, keeping your aloe vera away from them will be quite beneficial.

Your aloe vera may have a few less leaves than previously, but it will most likely recover in a few weeks and begin developing new leaves.

Damaged Leaves (#10)

From time to time, leaves are subjected to direct physical harm. Heat, cold, wounds, bites, scratches, or anything else might cause this.

By default, damaged areas become brown. You may be concerned that your aloe vera is in danger.

What causes this to happen?

Phenolic chemicals strive to heal your aloe automatically.

Browning and calluses are caused by these phenolics. Your aloe will most likely seem darker than normal if the leaves have been severely damaged.

Just keep in mind that damaged leaves will eventually mend on their own. Aloe vera gel is applied on the skin.

How do you handle an aloe vera plant with broken leaves?

There are three options to consider here:

  • Remove the leaves. If the damage is extensive (over 80% of the leaf), remove it before it becomes diseased or falls off on its own.
  • Carefully remove just the affected area. This is useful if the leaf is just slightly damaged and the appearance is unaffected.
  • Allow it to calluse and mend on its own. This is a fantastic option for minor damage, such as tips or small areas.

Damage caused by your cuts or a natural event will heal in a matter of days. As a final resort, just let the aloe vera alone and relax.

Today is the last day to save your Browning Aloe!

See how simple it is to preserve a browning aloe plant?

You may believe that your aloe has no chance, but this is seldom the true.

Aloes are very hardy and can endure practically any situation. You’ll witness spectacular healing in no time if you spot the issue early and treat the plant.

Remember that there are several causes for your aloe becoming brown. So, before you do anything, concentrate on recognizing the issue – otherwise you can wind up inflicting more harm.

What are you waiting for, in any case? NOW SAVE THAT ALOE!

The “sunburnt aloe vera plant” is a common problem that can be caused by too much sun exposure. The leaves will turn brown and the plant will die. There are several remedies for this.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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