
A Comprehensive Guide To Free Landscape Design Software 

 April 24, 2022

By  admin

If you’re looking for a free and easy to use software that can help you design your own landscape, then check out these top picks.

“A Comprehensive Guide To Free Landscape Design Software.” is a blog post that gives a comprehensive guide to free landscape design software. The article includes information about the best landscape design software for beginners, as well as other useful tips.

A Comprehensive Guide To Free Landscape Design Software

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Download 3 Free Landscape Design Programs

Many free landscape design software are accessible for rapid download on the internet. These packages do not replace the expertise of professionals, but they are quite effective at giving you with a terrific approach to organize your landscaping.

This evaluation will assist you in comprehending the options accessible to you and provide you with as much information as possible.

So, what are the software packages that are accessible for download, and what do they include?

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svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCA1MTkgNTE5IiB3aWR0aD0iNTE5IiBoZWlnaHQ9IjUxOSIgZGF0YS11PSJodHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRnlhcmRzdXJmZXIuY29tJTJGd3AtY29udGVudCUyRnVwbG9hZHMlMkYyMDIyJTJGMDElMkZCZXR0ZXItSG9tZXMtYW5kLUdhcmRlbnMtTGFuZHNjYXBpbmctRGVjay1EZXNpZ25lci5wbmciIGRhdGEtdz0iNTE5IiBkYXRhLWg9IjUxOSIgZGF0YS1iaXA9IiI+PC9zdmc+ Blender • User-friendly installation • Reasonable purchasing price • Item weight: 13.6 ounces Get a Quote
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Google.com’s Trimble Sketchup

Sketchup, from Google, is a free 3D modeling program that is more complex and popular.

It includes a variety of landscape architecture and design templates, as well as woodwork and basic design designs.

The following are some of the software’s primary selling points:


  • Excellent 3D rendering: first-rate 2D and 3D design models make it an excellent option for semi-professional landscape ideas.
  • Sketchup is a user-friendly interface that uses Google components, which are things that you can add to your design, such as plants, furniture, decorations, and even humans in various stances.

Sketchup provides a wealth of graphic design capabilities as well as several options for fine-tuning these designs.


  • Free Samples: The Google Warehouse, a website that is accessible to Sketchup users for free, provides a number of samples that you may use as a reference. The patterns themselves are really simple to alter. To achieve the style you want, just add Google components and then select from the various possibilities available.
  • Excellent Support: Sketchup takes a little getting used to before you can get the hang of it, but there are plenty of tutorials and training videos to help you out.
  • Some users have expressed dissatisfaction with the software’s memory management, while others have had issues with the mouse pointer.
  • Sketchup is compatible with machines running the Windows and Mac OS operating systems.
  • Despite having a huge number of downloads, CNet gives this Software Bundle a 3.5 out of 5 rating (1,667,091). (Editor’s Rating: 4.5/5)



Blender seems to be a little difficult to use on the first attempt.

The software is a high-end landscaping program. It allows you to make complex designs. Blender is a full-featured 3D animation, rendering, and texture design program.

The following are some of the software’s features:

  • Blender is a powerful 3D engine that is well worth considering, particularly if you want greater control over your design. It has the processing capacity to produce 3D mountain sceneries, so you can see how serious it is as a graphics software. This is more than enough to perfect your garden landscaping, experiment with statue design, and even alter your driveway arrangement.
  • The program has a comprehensive user interface that allows you to manage shades, lighting effects, and a variety of other settings. There are enough viewpoints and views to see your project from any aspect you can think of.
  • The user interface is comprehensive, giving you more control over the things you want to utilize than any other free software package. In fact, for people who appreciate simplicity, it may be a touch too much.
  • Helpful Tips & Wiki Page: Amazingly, you will find tips on the types of watering systems to use for your garden, testing your soil before buying plants, and similar helpful advice. The wiki page from Blender.org goes on to give you more advice like “Avoid planting close to your home’s walls or you may create a haven for pests who want to go inside.” The wiki page is available at ‘ http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Main_Page ‘. 
  • Blender is free to use and compatible with a broad variety of operating systems, including Linux, Mac OS, Windows, and UNIX, and it is also open source. However, it requires some reading to be able to grasp.
  • Problems reported: Learning and using it takes some time and reading.
  • CNet Ratings: Blender was only downloaded 362,337 times from CNet.com. User Ratings give it a 4 out of 5 star rating (5/5 Editor’s Rating).

Check Amazon for the most recent price.


Smart Draw is an intriguing option for beginners. It’s easy to use, has a variety of tools, has built-in examples, and, most importantly, has a comprehensive help section that covers all of the software’s fundamentals and more.

The following are the main benefits of Smart Draw:

  • Simple 2D Graphics: Despite the many viewpoints and views available, SmartDraw remains simple and straightforward to use. Residential landscape designs, backyard landscape ideas, and residential landscape layouts that the typical user prefers. User-Friendly Interface: SmartDraw is the tool of choice for common users who do not want to create full-fledged designs. It’s simple to use and provides a broad range of tools to cover the essentials. The package includes a list of items that may be added to the design, as well as drawing tools that can be used to make minor adjustments and additions to the project.
  • SmartDraw is compatible with a variety of graphic design file formats, including ordinary jpeg and the more advanced AutoCAD Interchange, and allows you to export your files to other computers for printing or viewing. There are enough examples for whatever sort of design you want to try.
  • Thorough Help & Support: The website offers free support through their website through a contact form. It also offers a Training Page with Three sections: A How To Section with step by step instructions, a Visipedia Section offering an interactive encyclopedia, and VisualCoach, where you can ask an expert instructor for a live Training Session, but costs 400$ per hour.
  • Reported Issues: It’s a pity that the free version is just a trial copy, particularly given the print restrictions, considering the complete package has more features than its competitors and costs about $200 USD.
  • Operating Systems: For the time being, SmartDraw is only accessible on Windows machines.
  • CNET Ratings: With almost one million downloads, the newest edition of the program received 3.5 out of 5 stars on CNet.com’s User Rating Page (5/5 Editor’s rating).

Check Amazon for the most recent price.

There are several options for free landscape design software.

This makes finding the proper one quite difficult.

For individuals who prefer simple solutions, there are a number of options available. Google Sketchup seems to handle the job better than any other free software package available, and is a more practical solution for everyday users. Blender, on the other hand, is a serious option for individuals who want to expand their talents.

Finally, for those who like classic design tools, SmartDraw comes out on top in terms of ease of use, although it is only available in a short trial version.

Before making a decision, several variables must be considered, including computer capabilities, operating system knowledge, and, last but not least, the quality necessary for your project.

Finding a simple answer to your difficulties is always intriguing since it might save you a few thousand dollars when remodeling your house or refurbishing your garden. Of course, the final choice is yours, but maybe this will make it simpler to locate what you’re searching for.

The “do it yourself landscape design online” is a comprehensive guide to free landscape design software. The article will provide a list of the best free landscape design software, and how to use them.

Related Tags

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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