
7 Best Soil Test Kits for Your Garden 

 May 22, 2022

By  admin

When it comes to gardening, you need to know the health of your soil. This can help prevent illness in plants and may also be able to improve fertility or nutrient absorption. Soil testing is an important step for organic gardeners because it helps them figure out what their soil needs–whether that’s more nutrients, better drainage, or even a new location for the plant itself.

The “best professional soil test kit” is a tool that can be used to determine the type of soil your garden has. It will also help you identify what kind of plants and flowers you should plant in your garden.

7 Best Soil Test Kits for Your Garden

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As a gardener, you must ensure that your outside area has enough sunshine, moisture, and nutrient soil, which are the holy trinity of plant development. While sunlight is an external component that can only be controlled by shade or where the seed is planted, moisture and nutrients may be altered as needed.

Nutrient levels are determined not just by what you put into the soil, but also by the soil’s intrinsic quality. To find out, you’ll need to do soil testing.

It is now possible to have an expert examine the soil in your garden by sending a soil sample to one. However, soil testing kits may be purchased for more cost-effective and easy testing.

Here is a list of the top 7 soil test kits, along with a detailed analysis of their characteristics. Choose one from the list below to make a fast purchase.

Our Top 7 Picks for Soil Test Kits in a Nutshell

  1. Professional Soil Test Kit Luster Leaf 1663
  2. Rapitest 1605 Digital Soil Test Kit by Luster Leaf
  3. Soil Test Kit – My Soil
  4. Soil pH Meter Sonkir
  5. Soil Test Kit – Soil Savvy
  6. Soil Kit
  7. Soil pH Test Kit Cipamnel
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Are you undecided on which one to purchase? Don’t be concerned. Our in-depth evaluations will explain and persuade you. Continue reading to learn more about each of the soil testing kits mentioned above.


The Best Soil Test Kits: Detailed Reviews

1. Professional Soil Test Kit Luster Leaf 1663

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  • Chemical analysis kit
  • N, P, K, and pH are all tested.

The professional soil testing kit from Luster Leaf includes enough chemical components to perform up to 80 tests. You’ll be able to determine the pH of the soil as well as its NPK levels, or nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium levels.

Once you’ve determined the balance of nutrients in your soil, the kit includes detailed instructions and helpful suggestions on how to make it healthier. The package also includes a pH preference list for a number of plants. This will assist you in determining the ideal pH and soil conditions for your garden, based on the demands of the plants you have there.

The vials and tubes are packaged in a sturdy container made of polypropylene for storage and transportation. This prevents the glass vials from being destroyed by mistake.

You should take as many as 8 measurements and average them for best results. It’s also a good idea to dry the soil sample before pulverizing it into powder, since this will help you get more precise results.

What We Enjoyed

  • Can be used for a variety of testing
  • It comes with a plastic carrying case.
  • The handbook has detailed instructions.
  • A list of pH preferences for different plants is presented.
  • Simple to use

What We Didn’t Care For

  • After one year, test powders and liquids lose their efficacy.
  • Micronutrients are not tested.

See also: When to Plant a Garden and How to Do It

2. Rapitest 1605 Digital Soil Test Kit by Luster Leaf

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  • Kit for digital testing
  • Results of a push-button test

This is the digital version of Luster Leaf’s famous Rapitest Soil Test Kit. It provides you with rapid and accurate results from the convenience of your own home. 

You must interpret the color changes that show in chemical test kits, which may lead to human mistakes. When you use digital kits like these, on the other hand, the margin for mistake is much decreased since the computer analyzes and presents the result for you.

When the test tubes and capsules included in the kit run out, you can always buy more on the market. You won’t have to buy a new kit as often as you would think. Just make sure the digital display and reader are clean and clear of dust.

To interpret test colors and produce reliable results, the Luster Leaf Rapitest Digital Soil Tester employs cutting-edge LED technology and a digitally calibrated system. The directions are straightforward. After sliding the test tubes into the optical chamber, just press a specific button, and the results will appear on the display. Isn’t it simple and quick?

The package also contains a pH preference list for over 450 plants, as well as a pamphlet that instructs DIY gardeners on fertilizer management.

What We Enjoyed

  • There are enough capsules to test 10 pH samples and 5 each for N, P, and K.
  • It has a dropper for easily transferring the solution into the test tubes.
  • Quick test results with nutrient-specific push-button
  • Batteries, a pH preference list, and fertilizer advice were all included.
  • Step-by-step instructions

What We Didn’t Care For

  • Testing for micronutrients is not feasible.

Bonus: 12 Incredible Gardening Gifts

3. Soil Test Kit – My Soil

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  • Professionally examined samples
  • 12 mineral tests and soil pH testing

My Soil Test Kit is perfect for people who seek the most exact and precise results possible when it comes to the quality of their garden soil. 

The sample is expected to be measured and shipped back to the firm using the provided scoop. The firm tests the sample after receiving it and posts the findings on their website, where you may quickly view them. The nicest aspect is that the sample comes with pre-paid shipping.

Organic and synthetic fertilizer advice are also provided for your soil conditions in the online results. In addition, 13 plant-available nutrient levels are listed, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

My Soil Test Kit is perfect for evaluating lawns, organic gardening, and landscapes. You’ll get instructions for collecting and shipping the sample, making soil testing a breeze.

What We Enjoyed

  • The directions are straightforward.
  • Prepaid return mailing envelope
  • Gardening specialists test the soil for reliable findings.
  • Test findings are accompanied with fertilizer recommendations.

What We Didn’t Care For

  • Only one soil sample may be tested with one test kit.

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4. Soil pH Meter Sonkir

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  • Digital soil tester
  • The soil’s pH, moisture, and sunshine level are all tested.

This is the ideal soil test kit for you if you wish to test the three most critical criteria that influence optimal plant development in your garden soil.

It includes three sensors for each of the three characteristics. You may choose which of the three you wish to test with a simple toggle switch. The pH, light, and moisture tables on the analog meter are calibrated, and the needle points to the proper measurement for the chosen choice.

The kit’s assembly and use are both straightforward. Simply insert the rod’s end into the soil and choose the appropriate choice, and the kit will take care of the rest. It’s vital to note that the meter should only be used on slightly damp soils.

You’ll be relieved to learn that the test kit does not need any extra power, including a battery. In addition, the kit’s structure is meant to be both lightweight and portable while still being sturdy.

What We Enjoyed

  • Toggle switch functioning is simple.
  • Construction is sturdy. 
  • Simple to assemble and use
  • It works without batteries or any other power source.
  • Design is compact and light.

What We Didn’t Care For

  • pH and moisture measurements might take up to 5 to 10 minutes.

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5. Soil Test Kit – Soil Savvy

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  • Test kit for mailing
  • Nutrient analysis for macro and micronutrients is available.

Soil Savvy is one of the finest soil test kits since it is simple to use and provides accurate findings. It’s another popular mail-in soil tester, and it comes with a pre-paid envelope in which to send the sample.

With the aid of the scoop supplied in the package, the sample is collected, placed in a jar, and shipped to the manufacturer. They will then test the soil sample and provide the findings to them through mail. You may also check them out on Soil Savvy’s website, where the findings will be available in a week or two.

When it comes to the tester’s functionality, this kit allows you to test both micro- and macronutrients. Furthermore, the test findings are split down into smaller components to provide a clearer picture of the nutrient levels in your garden soil. For example, when testing nitrogen levels, the test results will also show you the quantities of nitrates and ammonia.

The package also includes tips for changing the composition of your soil in a beneficial manner. Fertilizer information is also available, as well as a guide on determining the best organic and synthetic fertilizer mix.

Finally, the kit analyzes and tests the most common micronutrients required for plant growth. This is in addition to testing for pH and macronutrients. Overall, this Soil Savvy test kit is a good choice if you want a thorough test kit.

What We Enjoyed

  • Micronutrient and macronutrient tests are also possible.
  • The directions are straightforward.
  • Makes fertilizer suggestions based on your need.
  • Shows up to 14 nutrient levels in the soil.

What We Didn’t Care For

  • It takes about two weeks for the results to be released.

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6. Soil Kit

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  • Kit for mail-in testing
  • pH, N, P, K, and micronutrients are all measured.

Soil Kit’s pH, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus testing kit now includes micronutrient testing. A paper collecting bag, full instructions, and a pre-paid return envelope will be provided. All you have to do now is collect the soil sample and return it to the manufacturer. You will get the results in one week.

You’ll also get thorough descriptions of the regions that were tested, as well as recommendations for improving your garden’s soil quality. This will assist you in determining what is ideal for the plants you already have growing there.

Lawns, gardens, and wildlife plots may all be tested using the equipment. It can test up to 10,000 square feet of soil for pH, N, P, K, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron. As a result, it’s one of the most cost-effective soil test kits for determining the most important nutrients in your soil.

What We Enjoyed

  • Simple data gathering, sampling, and analysis
  • The instructions are concise and easy to follow.
  • Up to 10,000 square feet of coverage
  • Inspects both macro and micronutrients in the soil.
  • Scoop and pre-paid return sending envelope are included.

What We Didn’t Care For

  • It might take a week or more for lab findings to arrive.

7. Soil pH Test Kit Cipamnel

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  • Testing tool for soil moisture, pH, and sunshine
  • It’s perfect for both indoor and outdoor plants.

This Cipamnel test kit is basic and uncomplicated, making soil testing look simple to even novice gardeners. Furthermore, no batteries are required for this analog tester. Simply place the sensor probe’s ends 2 to 4 inches into the soil would suffice.

Moving on, using the device is not a difficult chore and can be done with ease even by beginners. To make reading easier, there is a display with contrasting white scales on a black backdrop.

The soil test kit from Cipamnel measures the three most important aspects of gardening and plant development. Sunlight, pH, and moisture are the three factors. The toggle switch at the device’s head may be used to measure all three individually. 

Even better, it employs double-needle detection technology to accurately and efficiently assess the three variables.

What We Enjoyed

  • It’s small and light enough to tote about with ease.
  • pH, light, and moisture are all measured in one function.
  • Visually appealing
  • There’s no need for batteries.
  • Results are quick and pretty accurate.


Understanding what your plants are receiving in terms of nutrients and what they should be getting requires measuring the quality of the soil in your garden. It may seem difficult, but it is not.

There are several ways to get your soil tested. One is by using chemical soil testers, another is to use digital testers. Besides these, you can also use Digital soil testers. And if nothing seems feasible, you can take the help of professionals to test your soil for you. This can be done by using the mail-in soil test kits as mentioned among the reviewed products in this guide.

Whatever kind you pick, be sure to adjust your soil’s nutrient and pH levels according to the instructions in the handbook or the published findings. This will quickly result in a completely flowered garden.

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The “npk soil test kit” is a popular choice for gardeners who want to know the quality of their soil. This kit comes with everything you need to test your soil, including a pH meter and moisture meter.

Related Tags

  • garden soil test kit
  • free soil test kit
  • my soil test kit
  • mail-in soil test kit
  • are home soil test kits accurate

Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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