
5 Types of Mint Plants to Grow in Your Backyard 

 March 28, 2022

By  admin

Mint is one of the most popular herbs around. It’s easy to grow, requires little upkeep and makes a great addition to salads or teas. In this post we look at some different types of mint plants that will help you get started with your own garden. We have compiled all 5 varieties down below so take a quick peek before deciding which one’s right for you!.

The “types of mint plants with pictures” is a blog post that will teach you about the 5 types of mint plants that are easy to grow in your backyard. The post will also include a picture for each type of plant.

5 Types of Mint Plants to Grow in Your Backyard

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Have you ever considered how mint is used in so many of the things we use every day?

Mint seemed to be almost everywhere, from toothpaste and gum to soap and tea.

Except in your own backyard.

We’ll go over five different varieties of mint plants that you may cultivate in your yard in this post. But first, let’s take a look at how to care for mint plants.


What Are the Requirements for Growing Mint Plants?

Mint plants are no exception to the rule that there is no limit to the amount of garden plants you may cultivate in your backyard.

Mint plants need consistent irrigation since they do not tolerate drought. Mint plants need moist soil to grow, so water them whenever you see the soil drying up.

Mint plants need the same amount of sunlight as other plants. Even though some varieties of mint prefer to grow in the shadow or partial shade, they still need enough of sunshine to thrive.

If you reside in a hot climate, though, you should give your mint plants some shade.

Another thing to remember is that mint plants cross-pollinate, which means that when they’re planted close to one other, they may quickly spread, resulting in a mint plant invasion.

Though it may not seem to be an issue, mint plants that spread quickly take more minerals and nutrients from the soil, potentially affecting surrounding crops.

Planting mint plants at a distance from one another will prevent this. You may also grow them with brassicas like cabbage, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower.

Mint plants can protect your yard from undesirable insects in addition to its many medicinal, culinary, and aesthetic advantages.

Planting a couple of them might be more useful than you believe since they’re natural insect repellents that can keep such pests away from your crops.

Mint Plants Come in a Variety of Shapes and Sizes

We’ve chosen a few types of mint plants that you may grow in your garden from the 7000 varieties of mint plants found across the globe.


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Mentha x Piperita or better known as ‘Peppermint’ is among the common Mint Plants Come in a Variety of Shapes and Sizes found in every corner of the globe.

Peppermints aren’t pure-bred herbs, which is a nice tidbit to know. They’re a cross between spearmint and watermint mints.

Peppermint, fortunately, isn’t fussy about the environment in which it grows. All you’ll need is a somewhat acidic soil that’s light and well-drained, as well as frequent watering.

Peppermints thrive in both full and partial sunlight. Because peppermint can not survive cold, it is best to plant it after the final spring or fall frost.

The blossoms of this plant start blooming in June and might endure until September. Peppermint blossoms are small and come in a variety of colors, ranging from white to blue and purple.

Mint Orange

Also known as ‘eau de cologne’ mint and ‘bergamot mint, Mint Orange is one spicy plant that won’t fail in exciting your taste buds or your sense of smell.

Since it’s too pungent for most tastes, Mint Orange is mainly used in cosmetics and perfumes rather than culinary purposes. However, it can still be used in flavoring certain foods.

Because this species of mint demands full sunshine for optimal development, it is often cultivated in the spring or summer months.

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An Mint Orange plant can withstand cold temperatures to a small degree, but it won’t last long as it dwindles in unstable climates.

Moisture-loving soils, ideally acidic clay-like soils, are also required. It will not be difficult for you to care for such a plant as long as you provide it with the necessary quantity of water and sunshine.

Remain aware of the fact that Mint Orange plants grown in pots or mason jars will require more frequent watering than their ground-growing parallels.

At some point from June to September, Mint Orange plants will begin to grow white or pinkish-white flowers. This can attract insects such as butterflies and bees to your garden, which can help pollinate other plants in your backyard.


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People often confuse spearmint with peppermint due to their similar look.

The distinctive form of spearmint leaves gave it its present moniker. Spearmint leaves are thinner and lighter than peppermint leaves, which are rounder and deeper in color.

Plus, the look of these mint plants isn’t the only thing they have in common.

Spearmint grows well in the same circumstances as peppermint. To grow spearmint bushes, all you need is full light and wet soil.

If you’re going to grow spearmint in a pot rather than in the ground, you’ll need to fertilize your plant. When liquid fertilizers are used to fertilize potted spearmint, the greatest results are achieved.

Spearmint blooms, in addition to its leaves, are delicious. When compared to the plant itself, they have a sweeter flavor. The white blossoms of spearmint begin to bloom in June and last until the end of September, when they begin to fade.


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Pennyroyals are distinguished by their brilliant lavender hue. But don’t be fooled by their appearance; this kind of mint plant is very deadly.

The toxicity of pennyroyals is found in their oils. A human’s liver may be severely damaged by ingesting as little as 5 grams of pennyroyal oil. It may lead to liver and renal failure, convulsions, and death in the long run.

Planting them, fortunately, does not do any damage.

Pennyroyals may grow in a variety of soil types. They don’t mind damp, sandy, or clay-like soils if there’s enough water available.

Partially shaded areas are ideal for them. You may also put a pennyroyal plant in direct sunshine, but be sure to water it regularly.

Similar to the Mint Orange herb, Pennyroyal mints are planted during the spring and summer months. Having said that, this lavender mint can hold out against cold weather.

Pennyroyal mint can thrive in temperatures as low as 23 degrees Fahrenheit, which is amazing given that mint plants aren’t known for their ability to tolerate cold.

Furthermore, pennyroyals do not need the use of fertilizers to grow. Adding fertilizers, on the other hand, might weaken these mints and reduce blooming.

Pennyroyals bloom from July to September, when it comes to blossoming. They produce blooms with a lovely violet tint.

By the end of September, the violet had faded to a faint blue. After that, you may pick the blossoms, dry them, and extract the oil from them.

Mint Chocolate

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You can harvest Mint Chocolate and add its rich flavor to various kinds of foods and beverages.

Mint Chocolate earned its name on account of the delicate chocolate flavor you can taste when you ingest one of its leaves.

This plant thrives in water gardens, where it demands moist soil and continuous watering.

Unlike any of the mint plants mentioned above, Mint Chocolate grows healthier in partial shade. For that reason, growing Mint Chocolate herbs indoors is better than planting them in garden beds.

The flowers of this herb start to bloom mid to late summer. They tend to be white in color, but some Mint Chocolate shrubs produce pink, almost mauve flowers.

Moreover, Mint Chocolate flowers are edible. Crushing both the leaves and flowers of this mint plant will give off a special, delicious taste that you can make use of for multiple purposes.


More than merely appreciating the pleasant fragrance of mint, you may profit from the consequence of growing it.

Growing mint plants is a simple task in general. They’re the kind of plant that takes the least amount of attention and can tolerate a little neglect, so you won’t have to work up a sweat caring for them.

The “which mint is best for tea” can be used to make a variety of different drinks. Mint plants are easy to grow and will provide a lot of flavor in your backyard.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of mint is growing in my yard?

A: The mint growing in your yard is probably spearmint.

What type of mint should I grow?

A: Peppermint is a popular mint that grows well in areas with cool winters and warm summers.

How many types of mint are there?

A: There are four types of mint. They are spearmint, peppermint, cinnamon and wintergreen.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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