Philodendron plants are popular in home gardens, but there’s a lot to know before you choose the type of philodendron for your garden. We’ve compiled this list of 26 different types for you!
The “upright philodendron types” is a plant that has many different varieties. There are 26 different types of philodendron plants with pictures.
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You may find it challenging to choose a philodendron since there are over 480 varieties to choose.
That does not have to be the case.
We’ve compiled a list of the EASIEST TO GROW and MOST ATTRACTIVE kinds available to make your decision easier.
Below, you’ll discover the exact kind of philodendron you need for your home or garden!
1. Philodendron Black Gold (Philodendron melanochrysum)
Nothing compares to the Black Gold type in terms of aesthetics. This philodendron has dark green leaves with bright veins running across the face, and it’s quite stunning.
There are whitey tones on the surface, which contribute to the overall attractiveness of the leaves. This philodendron is one of the most attractive you can acquire, thanks to its long and styled form.
This philodendron is a little more finicky than others. The reason for this is because the plant demands drier soils and constant sun exposure to thrive. Apart from that, it’s a climber and creeper that requires at least 6 feet of room to spread.
INTERESTING FACT: The leaves develop to a dark color, yet while young, they seem reddish. Be mindful that these leaves may rapidly grow to be over 2 feet long.
2. Philodendron Brandi (Philodendron brandtianum)
This cultivar, sometimes known as the Silver-Striped philodendron, is EXACTLY what it says on the tin.
A few silver drops cover the leaf’s surface, creating nearly unfathomable beauty. When combined with the dark-green body, the result is a striking contrast that transforms any space.
This is one of the greatest houseplant kinds available, since it can withstand long periods of time inside in low light.
But keep in mind that it’s a tiny typeface. With its viny stems, it may be a good climber and creeper, although it seldom grows longer than 10 feet.
USE CAUTION: This plant is hazardous and should not be handled by children or pets.
3. Philodendron ‘Congo Rojo’ (Philodendron ‘Congo Rojo’)
This kind should be OK as long as it is grown in a warm environment.
The plant is one among the simplest to cultivate, surviving in a variety of environments and producing stunning leaves.
The dark-green foliage and purple tone make it easy to identify. These leaves are very shiny, and they tend to brighten up when exposed to direct sunlight.
It is a little cultivar, only reaching a height of 2 to 3 feet. This philodendron, unlike others, is neither a climber nor a creeper.
ALSO CONSIDER: It’s one of the greatest types to bring inside because of its color, size, and ability to thrive anyplace.
4. Philodendron Cream Splash (Philodendron brasil)
Because of the gorgeous white-lime streaks across the leaves, it’s also known as the Silver Stripe or Cream Splash philodendron.
Heart-shaped leaves, thick and vibrant but not too huge, grow on this two-tone shrub. It’s one of the most stunning houseplants you can acquire because of the mix.
Surprisingly, it may be grown both inside and outdoors in mild weather. Make sure it gets at least 5 hours of sunshine every day for stronger colors.
THIS IS AWESOME: When growing, the plant may have an eye-catching pinkish hue, particularly on the stems.
5. Philodendron fiddleleaf (Philodendron bipennifolium)
Do you have a large garden that requires a lot of water? Then bring a philodendron with Fiddleleaf leaves.
The colors and growth patterns of this triangle-shaped species are the most basic, yet it is still one of the biggest.
A single leaf from this cultivar may easily grow to be 18 inches long. The plant spreads out like a vine, frequently reaching a width of over 5 feet and growing all over the place.
The plant tends to droop down as it matures because the leaves are so enormous and the stems are so large. A stake or pole may be used to maintain the stems erect.
WHAT ELSE TO KNOW: Because the plant grows best beneath bigger plants and trees in the nature, you may grow it well inside.
6. Philodendron ‘Florida Beauty’ (Philodendron ‘Florida Beauty’)
The ‘Florida Beauty’ or ‘Florida Ghost,’ one of the strangest philodendrons, with variegated leaves with a peculiar form.
For the colors, light-green tones with a few creamy accents, as well as a few flecks here and there, are expected. This palette of colors complements the thickness of the leaves, giving them a rich, meaty appearance.
One of the most appealing features of this type is its capacity to thrive in the wettest environments with minimal sun exposure. You may cultivate this philodendron even in wet soil and indoors, and it will flourish.
It’s a little upright type with a maximum height of 4 feet.
EXCITING FACTOR: The plant’s leaves change color over time, from bright green when young to creamier tones as it matures (the more sun it receives, the more variegated it gets).
Philodendron heartleaf (Philodendron hederaceum)
It’s a heart-shaped philodendron, as the name implies.
This heart shape isn’t available on its own. The Heartleaf variety is a skilled climber and creeper that will cling to your home’s walls and other buildings as it develops.
Given how simple it is to grow, it is also one of the most popular varieties. To keep it growing, you’ll need to put in very little work. Indoors, you may reach heights of up to 6 feet in a tropical atmosphere (warm and damp).
Yes, it’s an outdoor species that thrives in direct sunshine as well as a houseplant that thrives in indirect sunlight.
ALSO IMPORTANT: The original heartleaf is dark green, but variegated varieties with creamy and various lighter hues are available.
Mayoi Philodendron (number 8) (Philodendron mayoi)
‘Mayoi’ is the name of one of the most unusual philodendron varieties.
The foliage is adorable, with many lobes protruding from the main stem, like algae. The Mayoi is tough to overlook since its leaves are still thick and have a lovely light green hue.
The nicest feature about this species, though, is how easily it grows. It, like other philodendrons, prefers warm weather, but it doesn’t mind if it grows inside or outdoors as long as it has enough room.
KNOW THIS: Because this plant is both a climber and a creeper, it may take on the appearance of a vine when grown against walls or buildings.
9. Philodendron ‘Moonlight’ (Philodendron ‘Moonlight’)
It gets its name from its capacity to BRIGHTEN when exposed to direct light. This is particularly true in the evenings and early mornings.
This is an interesting feature to have, even if it won’t render you blind with its brightness. It derives from the light-green tone of the leaves, which may occasionally shine with a yellowish hue.
This philodendron is more upright and, unexpectedly, one of the least sun-loving types. Indoors, the plant seldom reaches a height of more than 3 feet.
IMPORTANT FACT: The plant thrives in containers, producing thick, beautiful foliage.
10. Philodendron Naugahyde (Philodendron rugosum)
The Naugahyde is another really popular type.
With a heart-shaped structure and a light green tint, the foliage is basic. It has leathery leaves that enhance to its attractiveness and foliage density.
It’s also notable for being a reliable climber and creeper. It is quite easy for the plant to crawl over walls and other buildings.
It also comes in both indoor and outdoor varieties and may grow to be over 5 feet long.
EXCITING FACT: The leaves of this plant take on a blue-green hue when cultivated inside.
Philodendron oakleaf No. 11 (Philodendron pedatum)
It gets its name from the form of its leaves. It’s tough to miss this distinctive horse-face form with tiny lobes sprouting from the main stem.
It is distinguished by the dark green of its leaves, which are one of a kind. The shape is formed as a result of this.
Aside from that, it’s one of the greatest climbers, and it thrives in pots and hanging baskets. If you want to sneak a few feet closer to trees and buildings, you can make it work.
And, if that wasn’t enough, the Oakleaf philodendron may be grown both outdoors and inside. Surprisingly, it is a cold-hardy variety that can withstand light frosts.
THINK ABOUT IT: If you let the plant climb walls or trees, it may reach a height of up to 10 feet.
Billietiae Philodendron (Philodendron billietiae)
Beautiful thin leaves never fail to please, offering eye-catching foliage that complements any landscape.
The leaves of the Billietiae family are likewise long, reaching over 3 feet in length and little more than 10 inches broad in certain instances.
The leaves are distinguished not just by their size, but also by their hue, which includes dark-green bodies and light-green veins.
The plant has the potential to grow up to 5 feet tall. It’s also a climber type that, if you allow it, can grow even longer if you let it.
Just be sure to expose it to adequate sunlight. It is not a cultivar that can be grown indoors.
ALSO WORTH IT: The orange stems will give a splash of color to your yard.
Philodendron Callosum (number 13) (Philodendron callosum)
You’d believe us if we told you this wasn’t a philodendron. It is, though.
The slow-growing species enjoys creeping about. Unlike other species, this one loves to remain close to the ground.
However, it is not its growing habits that are notable. The broad and rigid laves with an extended oval form make all the difference. It has no resemblance to other philodendrons.
There’s much more to appreciate, like as the capacity to grow both inside and outdoors without difficulty.
WARNING: The zap it creates must be used with caution. While it is safe, it is sticky and might cause minor skin problems.
14. Gloriosum Philodendron (Philodendron gloriosum)
The Gloriosum has the biggest leaves of all the philodendron kinds, with leaves that may grow up to 3 feet in diameter.
The thick foliage produced by these circular heart-shaped leaves acts as a soil cover. The plant only reaches a height of 3 to 4 feet. Despite this, it produces a large number of stems.
Despite being a low-growing variety, it may be considered an upright variety. It is, however, a little finicky as a result of this. To keep it healthy, you’ll need to provide constant warmth and well-draining soil.
WORTHWHILE FACT: The leaves emerge with a light green tone and pink veins, making it a gorgeous addition to any landscape.
Philodendron Grazielae (Philodendron Grazielae) (Philodendron grazielae)
The Grazielae is another philodendron you won’t believe is truly a philodendron.
The glossy leaves with heart shapes are appealing not because of their appearance but because of their size. These leaves seldom exceed 3 or 5 inches in length.
The stems tend to creep quickly due to their size. While the plant seldom reaches a height of more than 3 feet in total, it enjoys climbing and creeping about like a vine.
JUST Maintain IN MIND: It’s one of the humidity-loving species, so keep it in a wet atmosphere if you want it to thrive.
Philodendron Lacerum, No. 16 (Philodendron lacerum)
The Lacerum is one of the most intriguing philodendrons available, since it is both beautiful and unusual.
It has heart-shaped leaves with star-like lobes that grow to reach around 18 inches long. These leaves look great in gardens and are a lovely accent to any setting.
However, it must be kept under strong light. Unlike other types, this one only grows when the sun is shining brightly.
Aside from that, it’s a simple plant to cultivate that thrives in both dry and wet environments.
EXTRA FACTS: Despite its large leaves, this plant is a strong climber. It may grow to be over 5 feet long and can be found near to trees and buildings.
Philodendron Mamei, No. 17 (Philodendron mamei)
It’s tough to find a Mamei philodendron to cultivate at home. However, if you can discover one in the wild, it is well worth the effort.
The light-green foliage and silvery splashes are quite appealing. These heart-shaped leaves are very tiny and veiny, which adds to their attractiveness.
The plant is not the biggest, despite its beauty. It’s one of the tiniest philodendrons, only reaching a height of 3 feet. Having saying that, it enjoys creeping and climbing.
REMEMBER: The bottom section of the stems will be reddish or pinkish in color. This contributes to its eye-catching foliage.
Philodendron martianum (number 18) (Philodendron martianum)
Looking for the ideal houseplant? Take a look at the Martianum philodendron.
With lustrous dark-green leaves that grow straight, this gem of a plant thrives inside without issue. These eaves are thin yet expanded, which makes them stand out from other variants.
It’s still a good choice for pot growing since the leaves don’t become too big and the plant doesn’t go much taller than 3 feet.
It’s also one of the philodendron family’s most cold-hardy types. That’s a significant benefit.
BETTER YET: It prefers damp conditions. Humidity causes it to grow bigger and its leaves to become more thicker.
Philodendron Speciosum, No. 19 (Philodendron speciosum)
The Speciosum may be found among the largest philodendrons.
It is not an exaggeration to state that it is enormous. This variety’s single heart-shaped leaf may grow to be over 3 feet long and 20 inches wide. The plant may reach a height of nearly 6 feet.
In terms of aesthetics, you’ll find it appealing. Dark-green leaves with lighter veins are aesthetically pleasing.
It’s also an upright variety with a very thick stem. To keep it healthy, it needs to be in warm conditions with plenty of sunlight.
SURPRISING FACT: This is one of the few flowering philodendrons. This variety’s 2-foot flowers are INCREDIBLY colorful.
Philodendron Squamiferum (number 20) (Philodendron squamiferum)
The Squamiferum, like the oakleaf philodendron, has very uncommon leaves.
With a light-green tint that glows in the sun, these multi-lobed leaves are quite appealing. They may reach a length of nearly 2 feet apiece.
The crimson stems are an interesting feature of the plant. It develops a crimson tone as it matures, which makes it seem unexpectedly attractive.
It’s also a creeper and climber, so you can plant it next to trees and walls to watch it take over.
WHAT ELSE TO KNOW: If you grow it upright without any climbing devices, it will likely remain around 2 feet long, making it an ideal houseplant.
Philodendron Verrucosum (Philodendron Verrucosum) (Philodendron Verrucosum (Philodendron verrucosum)
There is no other philodendron with such a wide range of hues, which should tell you everything.
The heart-shaped leaves seem to be normal until you notice the brownish veins and the lovely dark-green pattern on top of a light-green body. They seem to be fantastic.
On top of that, there’s even more color on the bottom. The plant takes on a yellowish hue in that area, causing it to SHINE when exposed to sunlight.
Aside from that, it’s a very simple species to cultivate. It flourishes as long as sufficient humidity and some shade are provided. This includes gardens and containers.
Prince of Orange, number 22 The Philodendron (Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’) is a kind of Philodendron.
Prince of Orange is the ideal name for this shrub.
It’s perfect because of the mild orange and red tones. You may also appreciate the modest growth and lush foliage, which adds to its appeal.
It grows wonderfully inside, believe it or not. However, since it will likely grow to be over 2 feet tall, you’ll have better luck maintaining it outside.
It can still grow anywhere as long as you keep it warm at all times.
DON’T MISS THIS: As the leaves mature, they change color from pale green to red, and eventually orange and yellow.
Red Leaf Philodendron (number 23) (Philodendron erubescens)
It’s also known as the Pink Princess. The name originates from the hues, which range from dark crimson, purple, or black to a pale pink as it matures.
Another benefit of this foliage is that it thrives in the shadow. It won’t be an issue to keep it inside as long as you can maintain a steady humidity level.
You won’t have to worry about the plant crawling about since it’s an upright kind (also making it PERFECT for pots).
EXTRA FACTORS: The stems are reddish-brown in hue, enhancing to the already stunning foliage.
Silver Word Philodendron (number 24) (Philodendron hastatum)
The light-green color of the horse-shaped leaves is very lovely.
When these leaves develop, they change green to gray and sometimes take on a blue-greenish hue.
Their vine-like growth characteristics are what distinguishes them. It’s a cute creeper that like to remain on the ground or climb up trees. It looks fantastic because of the leaf shape and color.
This cultivar does not reach a height of more than 3 feet.
IMPORTANT FACT: Because of its propensity to thrive in permanent shadow, it is one of the most popular houseplants.
25. Philodendron with Split Leaves (Philodendron bipinnatifidum)
The Split-Leaf philodendron is a GIGANTIC philodendron.
The leaves have a heart-shaped pattern with narrow lobes, as well as a crispy texture and glossy appearance. Its rich green coloring and ability to produce thick foliage make it an excellent garden plant.
It is an upright type in terms of growth. But it’s how far it can reach that’s most exciting: over 6 feet even inside.
THE BEST PART: One of these specimens may live for almost 30 years.
Winterbourn Philodendron (no. 26) (Philodendron xanadu)
The Winterbourn is a medium-sized philodendron that may grow up to 4 feet tall.
The ruffle-leaved foliage is the most fascinating aspect of this cultivar. You’ll notice how crunchy and thick they are, and how well they complement the dark-green tones.
It’s available as an upright type that can be grown both inside and outdoors. It does, in fact, favor open spaces where it may flourish from all sides.
THIS IS SOMETHING YOU WILL ENJOY: It is an unusual yet unexpectedly lovely cultivar with a central trunk and large stems.
With so many varieties of philodendron plants to choose from, you’ll have no trouble finding one that suits your needs.
Just keep in mind that, despite their similar appearances, each philodendron is unique. Some are uncommon and finicky, while others thrive in the strangest conditions.
In any case, make your decision with care. Check to see whether it’s a plant you’ll like and care for. You’ll understand how amazing of a plant a philodendron is sooner or later – that’s for sure!
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