
20 Beautiful Flowers That Look Like Roses 

 April 25, 2022

By  admin

This article will explore the common features of roses and other flowers that give them their distinct look. One such feature is a brightly colored flower with multiple petals, which resemble those found in rose species. The colors are typically more vibrant than on a normal-looking plant. Some examples of these colorful plants include hibiscus and poinsettia

These “flowers that look like roses but have no thorns” are beautiful flowers that can be found in gardens and parks. They are also known as rose bushes, wild roses, or crab apples.

20 Beautiful Flowers That Look Like Roses

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How many times have you been struck by the beauty of blooms and said, “WOW!” What exactly are those rose-like flowers? – “THEY’RE BEAUTIFUL!”

They were most likely one of the flowers we’ll be discussing.

Keep in mind that roses aren’t the only plants with lovely buds. Hydrangeas, Hibiscus, and Tulips are just a few of the flowers to consider (plus MANY MORE).

We’ll show you how they appear, what they need to flourish, and how to make the most of them.

Keep reading if you’re a gardener who wants to give your flower garden a boost with indisputably gorgeous blossoms.


There are 20 different types of flowers that are similar to roses.

Amaryllis ‘Red Lion’ is number one (Hippeastrum)

When seen from a distance, Red Lion amaryllis blossoms resemble roses. Even from the way they develop, amaryllis blooms are difficult to discern despite having fewer and straighter petals.

Amaryllis blooms, on the other hand, like warm weather and will only grow at temperatures over 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

They like 4 hours of indirect light every day, although they may still grow in bright sunlight. They are also likely to thrive for a long period if the soil is kept wet.

TO CONSIDER: Because this plant grows well inside, you may use it as a decorative item without fear.

#2. Anemones are a kind of flower that grows in a (Anemonastrum)

While they seem different up close, they’re clearly distinguishable from a rose from afar. Among anemone kinds, the Double Anemones are the most similar.

Some anemones bloom in deep red, with purple blossoms on occasion, as well as white, blue, and even pink.

If temperatures maintain between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit, a normal anemone develops to around 15 inches tall.

They love full light, but may also survive inside if the sun is regularly shining.

CURIOUS FACT: The petals of the flowers open as soon as the sun rises in the morning and shut as soon as the sun sets at night.

Buttercups are number three (Ranunculus)

Buttercups and roses are almost identical in size and grow in similar hues, so it’s easy to mix them up (including dark red).

A normal Ranaculus will reach a height of 12 inches and a diameter of 6 inches. In contrast to roses, the petals of this flower stretch out and have a ruffly appearance.

These flowers will need to be kept in direct sunlight. There will be no problem as long as the temperature remains over 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Buttercups occur in a variety of forms, sizes, and colors. Dark red is the most comparable to the rose, although it also comes in peach, yellow, orange, and white.

Camellias are number four (Camellia sansaqua)

These stunning blooms, which have ruffly petals and a vivid brightness that makes them difficult to distinguish from roses, are among the easiest to confuse.

Camellias are available in a variety of colors, ranging from pink through white, orange, purple, and yellow. The one that is most similar to roses will be dark red.

Temperatures must not fall below 20 degrees Fahrenheit for growth to occur. They can resist light frosts and flower in the winter.

KEY FACTOR: Camellias may smell fantastic, and their bustling blossoms with thousands of petals make any space seem a lot more lovely.

Carnations (#5) (Dianthus caryophyllus)

Carnations have pleated petals with brilliant red and pink hues that make them seem virtually identical to roses. Even the size is identical, so they will trick anybody.

These flowers need at least 6 hours of direct sunshine to bloom. You’ll see the flowers every year if the soil is fertile and the temperature is above 50 degrees.

They’re very low-maintenance and will flourish with little effort. Blooms will undoubtedly develop as long as you water them regularly.

ALSO IMPORTANT: They come in a variety of colors, including red, pink, orange, yellow, white, and even variegated, which adds to their appeal.

Common Poppies (no. 6) (Papaver rhoeas)

Poppies come in a range of hues and come in a number of sorts. The common or corn poppy, on the other hand, resembles a rose the most. Many poppies can take on a darker hue, making them even more appealing.

It resembles a rose because of its ruffled petals and crimson color. Despite the fact that the plant is more of a weed than a shrub, a typical poppy blossom may reach a height of 28 inches and a diameter of over 4 inches (ideal for flower gardens).

The bloom will flourish in temperatures no lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 8 hours of direct sunlight.

DON’T FORGET: Many poppies have petals that overlap to the point that they resemble a rose.

Dahlias (#7) (Dahlia)

There are around 60,000 different types to choose from. Some of them are uncannily similar to roses, while others are strikingly similar.

The Red Dahlia is the most frequent. It’s not so much a variety as it is the one that grows in this color. As a result, it resembles a rose from afar while maintaining a close likeness up close.

This one has a lot of petals, with blooms that are over 15 inches around and stems that may easily exceed 5 feet. You’ll need temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees to keep such growth going.

KNOW THIS: Dahlias come in a variety of colors, including pink, orange, purple, yellow, white, and variegated varieties.

Desert Roses (#8) (Adenium obesum)

The name is derived from the ruffled petals, which resemble those of roses. They do, after all, enjoy dry habitats, bright light, and high temperatures (at least 40 degrees up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit).

Their hues range from pink to variegated to dark red, yellow, and even orange. The shrub may reach a height of a few feet, although the roses seldom grow larger than 5 inches in diameter.

These are beautiful when they bloom, and the plant can tolerate hard conditions, making it a simple plant to cultivate.

The plant is more succulent than a shrub or bush like the rose, although the blossoms are quite similar. VITAL FACT:

#9 Dianthus Double (Dianthus barbatus)

The small blooms inside the flower clusters may resemble roses, but the flower clusters themselves may not.

The double dianthus, with its little ruffled petals that may be mistaken for roses from afar, couldn’t be left off this list. Not only that, but the rich red color they acquire may be mistaken for that of a rose.

These blooms may reach a height of around 18 inches and bloom quickly, creating lovely petals practically everywhere. The plant will grow as long as the temperature stays between -10 and 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

WHY IT’S GREAT: While dark red is the most common color, the blossoms may also be pink, white, purple, yellow, or orange in color.

#10 Impatiens Doubles (Impatiens walleriana)

The double impatiens flowers, which are surprisingly similar in many aspects, have rounded and ruffled petals that may easily be mistaken for roses.

It’s not only the form, but also the colors. The majority of impatiens have a pink-and-white look, which contributes to their attractiveness and likeness to other flower varieties.

In addition, the plant grows in a shrubby shape, much like a real rose. Temperatures between 30 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit are also required. A normal flower stem may grow to be 18 inches tall.

WORTHWHILE FACTOR: Because they thrive in partial or full shade, you can easily cultivate them inside.

Tulipa ‘Annelinde’ (#11) is a double tulip variety.

We wouldn’t hesitate to suggest double tulips as the flower that most closely resembles a rose.

While common tulips are easy to distinguish, the double variety has ruffled petals, a full crown, and a thick shape that’s as close to a rose as you can get.

However, these blossoms are rather huge. Stems may grow up to 16 inches tall, with crowns up to 6 inches in diameter.

They need temperatures of less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit and as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit to grow. Even though they need sufficient humidity and light exposure, they may be drought resistant.

Tulips are available in a variety of colors, ranging from orange and white to deep red, purple, pink, yellow, orange, and even bicolored tones. They also have a pleasant fragrance.

#12. Marigold (French Marigold) (Tagetes patula)

At first glance, a marigold does not resemble a rose in any way. However, if you look at the French marigold, you’ll see that it’s really near to one.

This lovely blossom is obviously lovely because to its strong red hue and golden borders. It’s also a tiny variety, with crowns seldom exceeding 5 inches in diameter and rarely growing taller than 12 inches.

The ruffled petals and hue make it seem like a rose. However, it will grow in a similar manner to the shrubby plant, including its propensity for warm conditions (60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit).

INTERESTING FACT: French marigolds are prized by cosmetic businesses for their essential oil, which has a powerful aroma, which you’ll notice in your yard.

Gardenias (#13). (Gardenia)

Is there anything that resembles a rose more than ruffled petals? That’s something gardenias have.

These lovely flowers occur in a variety of colors and sizes, but their shape and petal form are quite similar to that of roses. Gardenias are a great alternative to roses if you’re seeking for something similar.

The colors range from dazzling white to pink to crimson to yellow (sometimes red). In any case, the waxy and aromatic petals will delight you, making them a fantastic addition to any garden.

Gardenias thrive in temperatures ranging from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They need a lot of sunshine and must be in a wet environment (ideal flowers for hydroponics).

ATTRACTIVE FACT: Because of the size of the bloom, it generates a lot of nectar (nectar that has an intense and enjoyable aroma).

Hydrangeas (#14). (Hydrangea macrophylla)

Close examination reveals that hydrangeas are not very similar to roses. However, from afar, their colors are almost identical, and their shapes are difficult to distinguish.

Hydrangeas are one of the most popular flowers due to their capacity to thrive in both hot and cold climates. Furthermore, they bloom from spring to autumn, with the bright bunchy blooms adorning the plants all year.

The macrophylla variety is the species’ largest. These blooms grow in clusters that may reach a diameter of almost 10 inches. Given adequate room, the plant may occupy a significant amount of area in your garden and serve as a focus point.

SOMETHING ELSE: They thrive in both bright and shady environments, so you can be sure it will flourish anywhere you put it.

Lisianthus (no. 15) (Eustoma grandiflorum)

Another flower that is commonly mistaken for a rose is the lisianthus bloom, which has waxy, soft petals that have a ruffled rose-like appearance.

Lisianthus flowers may grow to be many inches tall, with some even reaching 30 inches. Their crowns may reach a diameter of 12 inches, making them one of the biggest on the list. You’ll need temperatures between 30 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit, wet soil, and constant sun exposure to get them to this size.

Furthermore, the hues are stunning, including pink, white, violet, orange, purple, and, on rare occasions, red.

LOOK AT THIS: Lisianthus blooms are also somewhat scented, allowing you to appreciate their beauty as well as their scent in your yard.

Moss Roses (#16). (Portulaca grandiflora)

Few flowers can compare to moss roses when it comes to rarity. By the name alone, you may deduce that they’re somewhat like roses.

A typical moss rose stem is 12 inches tall and has a broad flower that measures 1 to 4 inches across. It might be mistaken for a tiny rose due to the foliage’s short shrubby growth and vibrant red, magenta, pink, yellow, and sometimes burgundy colours.

The plant thrives in warm conditions (above 75 degrees Fahrenheit) and enjoys slightly dry to damp surroundings.

ESSENTIAL FACT: This is a super-easy plant to cultivate since it takes little to no maintenance and thrives in low-nutrient soils.

Peonies (#17). (Paeonia)

Untidy petals are often hard to distinguish from roses. That’s something peonies have.

When completely developed, these flowers may reach a height of over 40 inches and a diameter of more than 8 inches.

You’ll need constant sun exposure as well as wet, well-draining soil. Then you can appreciate their pink colours, which range from bold red to pure white at times. It might easily pass for a rose in your yard, thanks to the bushy growth of the plant’s leaves.

The plant grows best in temperatures between 30 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

INTERESTING FACT: Peonies are one of the most long-lived plants you can cultivate, with some reaching over 100 years of age (blossoming without fault every year).

Roses of Sharon, #18 (Hibiscus syriacus)

Its name isn’t a coincidence: it resembles a rose almost exactly.

In any garden, these generally pink blooms with white, yellow, red, and orange tones are difficult to overlook. Furthermore, their stems may grow to be over 10 feet tall and have a diameter of roughly 4 inches.

The plant is notable for its capacity to flourish in both cold and warm environments, surviving temperatures ranging from -10 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit without difficulty. It requires either full sun or light shade to thrive.

CONSIDER THIS: Because it is a cold-hardy plant, you can grow it successfully in subzero weather if you keep it inside.

Tea Trees (#19). (Leptospermum)

The Leptospermum is a plant that only a few people are aware of. It is a big shrub that grows to the size of a small tree. The limbs are robust yet thin, and the bark is delicate and flaky.

What’s the most thrilling part? It produces small rose-like flowers, making it a strong candidate for the top spot.

These flowers are just 4 inches in diameter and have untidy petals, making them difficult to differentiate from roses.

DON’T MISS THIS: The leaves of these plants are often used to brew tea, which is why they have such an unusual name.

Tuberous Begonias (Begonia tuberhybrida) are #20.

Common begonias have little resemblance to roses. The tuberous variant is EXTREMELY SIMILAR.

The additional petals in the crown give it a denser appearance, thus the name. It is without a doubt the most lovely of the begonia family, and one of the most similar to a rose.

To grow, most tuberous begonias need partial shade or filtered sunshine, temperatures over 50 degrees (they will die below that), and super-fertile soil.

The flowers may grow to be 12 inches in diameter, and a single stem can grow to be 5 feet long, so they have the potential to take over your garden.

WHAT ELSE TO KNOW: Tuberous begonias come in over 13 distinct kinds, each with its own color and form, although they all resemble roses in appearance.

Plant Those Flowers That Look Like Roses!

Your flower garden does not have to be limited to just one type of flower. There are so many flowers that resemble roses that it would be a waste to limit yourself to only roses.

Give these beauties a try if you’re seeking for a different plant or simply something fresh to grow in your yard. You will not be sorry!

The “yellow flowers that look like roses” are a type of flower that have yellow petals and green leaves. The flowers can be found in the wild or in gardens.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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