
17 Wonderful DIY Tree Stump Ideas 

 April 29, 2022

By  admin

With the Christmas rush in full swing, staying at home can be a lot less fun than going out. Rather than putting up with limited design ideas and long lines, it’s easy to do your own thing this season by converting any old tree stump into an oasis of coziness!

This is a list of 17 DIY Tree Stump Ideas. These are all different ways to make a tree stump into something beautiful, and they’re all easy to do.

17 Wonderful DIY Tree Stump Ideas

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A tree becomes harmful when it develops diseased and finally dies. In such situation, chopping it down and avoiding mishaps is crucial. However, the stump—the bottom half of the trunk with the roots—is always left behind.

A stump, although not necessarily unattractive, might seem out of place in your garden or environment. If you don’t want to get rid of anything, there’s always a way to make it usable again. 

You’ll discover how to make use of the lowest bottom section of a tree that remains with our tree stump ideas. Take a look at them all!


You Can’t Miss These 17 DIY Tree Stump Ideas

These DIY-friendly ideas were chosen with the DIYer in mind. People who are willing to put forth some effort in order to make their home appealing and functional. If you’re one of them, consider the following suggestions:

1. A Massive Flower Pot

This is an attractive method to provide a home for your little flowers. Fill the hole in the centre of the stump with garden soil once it has been opened. After that, you may go ahead and plant some flower seeds.

What’s the end result? A lovely natural container that contributes to the aesthetic of your yard while also protecting the blooms. 

Choose the correct flowers to make it even more appealing. Tall flowers, particularly if the stump is large, are recommended for the greatest effects.

Cactus Planter No. 2 

Cactuses are often tiny and low-profile, growing too near to the ground to attract notice. They are often overlooked in the presence of more vibrant and traditionally beautiful plants.

However, by using a stump, you may enhance their beauty, make them more noticeable, and still make the dead tree more useful. With a simple application like this, you’d be enhancing the overall charm of the garden.

Cacti love to be planted directly in garden or potting soil. However, if you’re ready to take a risk, putting it in a stump with a little dirt might be a great option. 

3. Stump of Moss Carpet

Even while this happens naturally, you may speed up the process and turn even the largest tree stumps into mossy works of beauty.

The beauty of a completely covered stump is often overlooked. Moss, with its brilliant green color, may be a great addition to anyone’s yard or garden.

This one is best used in humid climates. Low-temperature environments with a lot of moisture are frequently the ideal conditions for things like this to develop. 

4. Outdoor Tree Stump Sink

You may believe that a stump will only be used for decoration. You would, however, be clearly incorrect. You can turn an apparently worthless stump into a sink with a little imagination and a basic set of carpentry abilities.

You may make a sink by simply drilling a hole in the stump and placing a metal, ceramic, or plastic bowl within. The sink will work well if you use a faucet or hose as the water supply.

Remember to open a drain as well so that the sink can function properly.

5. Grass or a little flowerbed 

A flowerbed or grass may be used in the same way that moss is used to conceal a stump. It’s as easy as cutting a small hole in the top of the stump and putting some garden soil inside. After that, you can grow almost anything. 

However, flowerbeds and grass are two of the greatest choices. Plants that grow thickly and provide a more appealing purpose for the stump are your best chance.

Herbs and other perennials that grow thickly but not too huge are also good choices. Any plant, if planted near enough, may become a lovely addition to any stomp. 

Decorative Carving in the Middle of the Truck 

You don’t need to keep chopping down the tree if it’s large and has a portion of the trunk still remaining. Use it instead to hone your carving talents and create a beautiful sculpture.

Large stumps provide a lot of room to carve over, making this a good option for novices. You may come up with hundreds of different ways to present it if you utilize it correctly.

You can always keep chopping it down if the carvings don’t go as intended. Nothing will detract from the beauty of your garden if you don’t want it to. 

Carving Sculpture is number seven on the list. 

Why limit yourself to basic carvings when you can put your professional abilities to the test? If you want to add a one-of-a-kind piece of art to your yard, a sculpture built from a tree stump may be perfect.

This might take a long time, but it’s still a do-it-yourself project. If you don’t want to do it yourself, find someone who can (this isn’t really DIY, but you get the idea).

In any case, it has the potential to transform your landscape. Any landscape will be enhanced by a stump sculpture. 

8. Christmas Carvings with a Twist

Is it getting near to the Christmas season, and you’ve just put up a tree? Make a face out of the tree stump by cutting and painting it. 

You may make it seem like Santa Claus, an elf, a reindeer, or anything else Christmas-related. It may become a go-to item to unearth every year if you’re inventive enough, decreasing your decorating efforts by a factor of ten.

The Coin Stump (number 9)

Nail a ton of pennies to the tree stump for a fun approach to make it colorful and difficult to ignore. This will polish the stump and be a wonderful conversation starter with everyone who enjoys it.

The nicest part is how inexpensive and simple it is. You may use any coin, including quarters and cents. And all you’ll have to do to secure them is smash them into the wood with your hammer.

Sure, given how many coins you’ll have to nail down to light up the stump, it’ll be a bit of labor. However, the end effect will be well worth it, particularly in hotter climates with little shade. 

10. Wooden Book Stand from the Middle Ages

You may always build the most elaborate embellishments if you want to go the extra mile and put your carving and woodworking talents to the test.

A bookcase, for example, might be a great option. You might also make a bookcase, a chest, or even hidden storage for your children. 

Even the tiniest and dullest of stumps may be transformed into a beautiful artwork if you’re ready to put out the effort to create something unique and appealing. 

11. A Luxurious Seat 

Crabapple, oak, and weeping willow trees, for example, develop branches practically straight from the stump. Once the tree has perished, this gives them a distinct aspect. 

You can guess the thousands of various things you can build with it from there. A nice seat would be one of them. 

The low-growing branches would provide an attractive touch, causing even the most oblivious persons to take a closer look. You may make it even more tempting by adding decorations according on the season (Halloween, Christmas, carnival, etc.).  

12. A Dining Table in the Backyard 

You can always create a table out of a suitably huge tree stump. Species such as sequoias and cypresses may leave massive stumps that can be polished and ground clean of contaminants. This will leave a flat surface on which you may eat with friends or family, or just place beverages. 

If you want to go a step further, you may add a glass or metal top to it, which will increase its beauty and use. And even then, the stump will serve as a basis, albeit a very sturdy one. 

A Bonsai Planter is number thirteen.

If there’s one application for a tree stump that comes close to being ideal, it’s as a planter. It doesn’t matter whether it’s flowers, cactus, or grass.

A bonsai, on the other hand, may not be on your radar. On top of a tree stump, any little bush-like plant would look amazing.

The benefit is that tree stumps are completely safe, frequently assisting in the growth of soil nutrients while also protecting the plant from garden illnesses.

A tree stump may be a great container for plants that struggle with grass or other vegetation, such as bonsai. 

The Throne Stump (No. 14)

Another fantastic technique to put a tree stump to good use is to make a seat or chair out of it. A throne, if you want to go even farther.

A broad and robust tree stump may be carved into a seat, making it the go-to spot for anybody who wants to take in the scenery.

This will not only be a fun addition to any garden or yard, but it may also serve as a means to separate from the rest of the home. It may be used by kids to play with. It may also be a pleasant bed for dogs.

15. Hollow Tree Planter Inside

While drilling a hole in the top of the tree stump and filling it with soil is one option for a planter, a hole in the trunk may also be used.

If you have a big enough stump with a hollow core and a hole, it may also be used as a planter. Plants that thrive in the shadow, such as mushrooms or moss, may be used.

Your tree stump will become much more appealing as the plants begin to develop. The possibilities of increasing it if you employ a blooming plant are exponential.

16. Stump Carvings with a Twist

You don’t have to limit yourself to boring carvings that merely look decent. A hilarious sculpture or carving can do the trick whether you’re just starting out as a carver or want to add something to your yard that people will talk about.

It’s pointless to come up with a pre-conceived notion for this. You’ll have no trouble generating something hilarious or at least moderately entertaining if you’re imaginative and ready to put in a little work.

Keep in mind that carvings are often permanent. So don’t build something unpleasant or strange-looking that you’ll have to take down later. 

17. A Low-Cost Bird Feeder

There’s no need to come up with a complicated plan when something basic would suffice. A bird feeder, for example, is an excellent option. 

If you like, you may even construct a birdhouse. Given that you’ll have to open a lot of holes, this might take a lot more time and work. It may, however, be used to neatly house some birds in your garden.

Make it modest in whichever direction you go. To make use of a tree stump, you won’t have to put in a lot of work – particularly if it’s for animals. 


So, did our list above give you any ideas? We’ll be glad if our tree stump ideas provide you with some inspiration.

Just keep in mind that the goal is to make use of something that seems to be worthless. It has the potential to become much more than a tree stump in your property. So don’t be afraid to utilize your imagination and hands to build something useful out of that stump!

The “landscaping with tree stumps” is a way to use the leftovers from your tree trimming job. This includes branches and logs that you don’t want to take home. The “17 Wonderful DIY Tree Stump Ideas” will show you how to use these pieces of wood for your landscape needs.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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