
17 Types of Desert Plants with Pictures 

 March 15, 2022

By  admin

The world is beautiful. The desert, in particular, has plenty of diversity and interesting plant life to discover. We’ve done some research on seventeen common plants that grow in deserts around the world, with pictures for every one!

The “100 desert plants” is a list of 17 types of desert plants with pictures.

17 Types of Desert Plants with Pictures

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Desert plants are a sought-after feature in gardens all over the globe, despite the fact that sand, dryness, and vast nothingness are not linked with limits of gorgeous greenery and vivid plumage.

This isn’t an unusual occurrence; desert plants may be a treasure in any yard, thanks to their unique look and intriguing traits that appeal to anybody with a yard. 

Choosing the proper desert plant, on the other hand, may be tricky, since many people are unaware of the vast array of possibilities accessible to home gardeners.

This article will assist you in resolving that issue by giving you with a complete list of all the finest possibilities for your yard, allowing you to choose the plants that are ideal for you and your own botanical paradise. 


Desert Plants Types

Cactus de Lime de México (Mexican Lime Cactus) (Ferocactus pilosus)

Cacti are a mainstay of desert flora that represent the ecosystem as a whole. The Mexican lime cactus, with its barrel form, is a striking addition to any garden.

This cactus is an excellent highlight or attractive plant in the yard, thanks to its red spines and tiny, but bright blooms. Fortunately, the Mexican lime cactus is easy to care for and is drought-resistant, making it excellent for hotter areas. 

Cactus with a Silver Torch (Cleistocactus strausii)

The silver flame, an award-winning cactus, is one of the most unusual-looking desert plants you might put in your yard. Its slender, spire-like columns will emerge from the surrounding greenery and stand out as much as possible.

The unusual color contrast of scarlet flowers against a white-green body creates an eye-catching color pattern. 

3. Yucca gloriosa ‘Variegeta’ (Spanish Dagger)

The Spanish dagger yucca is a good choice for gardeners looking for a colorful, decorative plant. Its large and beautiful leaves give it a texture that works well in a bed, as a stand-alone item, or even mixed in with other flowers.

This plant enjoys the sun and thrives in less-than-ideal environments, making it appropriate for any warm region. 

4. Aloe Vera from Barbados (Aloe vera)

Succulents are an excellent option for a desert-themed landscape. The Aloe Vera with its thick tubular leaves, which are rich in color and grandeur, may be a fantastic option for flower beds and edges, rounding off regions with beauty.

You may also benefit from the plant’s therapeutic benefits if you wish to. 

5. Feather Grass of Mexico (Stipa tenuissima)

The Mexican feather grass, bushy and aloof, is one of the most adaptable garden plants.

Mexican feather grass is a popular choice for gardening in hot climates due to its drought tolerance and toughness. It will still look great as a walkway border or inside a flower bed. 

Ghost Plant, No. 6 (Graptopetalum paraguayense) 

The ghost plant, with its magnificent leaf that has haunted gardens all over the globe, is a lovely way to give your yard a Mediterranean feel.

The muted, pastel leaves make this succulent stand out, and its modest design makes it one of the greatest ways to improve a landscape. Ideal for use in rock gardens, beds, and pots. 

Grass of the Flamingo (Miscanthus sinensis)

Flamingo – or maiden – grass is another great plant for edging and borders, and it blooms all year. Flamingo grass’s delicate beauty, along with its simplicity and form, makes it ideal for highlighting other plants.

This plant may also look great throughout the year, since its leaves changes color with the seasons, making it seem lovely all year. 

‘Wild Four O’Clock’ is number eight on the list (Mirabilis multiflora)

Wild four o’clock is often used in gardens to cover huge expanses with a combination of green foliage and lovely purple blooms.

The plant would look fantastic amid a rock garden or as edging, with its strange yet alluring perfume and odd appearance. 

Yellow Bells (nine) (Tecoma stans)

Yellow bells, another bright addition to the list, are attractive and brilliant, making them a good choice for a border plant. The yellow bell plant, with its flaxen leaf, can drape attractively over rocks and walls, or even by itself along a fence.

Those searching for a colorful addition to a drought-resistant, rock, or desert garden can try the Yellow Bell. 

Sage from Texas, no. 10 (Leucophyllum frutescens)

The Texas sage, as its name implies, is endemic to the southern states of America, where it may be found in deserts and arid places. The Texas sage is a fantastic garden plant since it is drought-tolerant and incredibly resistant.

Not only does the bushy plant have a distinctive structure, but it also blooms with fascinating, stunning purple flowers that contrast with the plant’s subdued mint hue. 

11. Bottlebrush in Crimson (Callistemon citrinus)

Bottlebrush plants can be grown in a variety of climates and garden types, despite their desert origins. The green bushes with red accent blooms will brighten any garden wall or fence and add charm to your landscape.

There are several plants in the Bottlebrush genus to choose from, so do some research to choose the one that is most suited to your landscape. 

Arizona Sun, No. 12 (Gaillardia x grandiflora)

The Arizona sun blanket flower is a bold and magnanimous bloom that will brighten up everybody who sees it. The broad petals, which include a rich blend of yellow and red blooms, make for a bold and vivid addition to the landscape. Plant in a bed or among rocks for maximum effect, but it will also look great among other plants. This plant has received several accolades, and its scent is said to attract bees and butterflies. 

Red Hot Poker (#13) (Kniphofia)

Kniphofia is a great option if you’re seeking for something a bit unusual. With its little spines, the titular red rods provide a vertical highlight to a flower bed or garden area.

The gentle and delicate touch of color, along with its form, may be a terrific way to add attention to a section of the yard. Drought, pests, and other potential threats aren’t a problem for red hot poker. 

Purrsian Blue Catming (Purrsian Blue Catming) (Purrsian Blue (Nepeta faassenii)

With a name like ‘Purrsian blue catmint,’ you know this plant will pay off.

The catmint, an annual shrub with blue and purple blossoms, is a garden favorite. To increase the effect of the catmint, combine it with perennials or other desert plants. 

Bougainvillea is number 15 on the list (Bougainvillea)

The bougainvillea is a lovely pink and red blooming plant with a Mediterranean flair that adds charm to landscapes. With its lush leaves, this plant is best placed in pots or beds and will keep the garden company throughout the summer.

This lovely climber looks fantastic in baskets and outdoor plant pots. 

16. Katie’s Flaming (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

There are few plants on this list that can equal the Flaming katie’s level of intricacy. Regardless of its name, the plant looks great in plant pots and beds, adding an exquisite touch to a bouquet of flowers or a patch of greenery.

There are many varieties of this plant, some of which are better suited to tiny pots, but many of which can thrive in a flower bed. 

Paddle Plant, No. 17 (Kalanchoe luciae)

Paddle plants are an intriguing plant with a peculiar base, leaf shape, and blossom. The paddle plant’s vertical attractiveness is difficult to refute.

Planting these plants together may give substantial verticality to a section of the garden, forming a wall of odd stems and foliage. Perfect for rock gardens and tiny pots, these plants can add significant verticality to a patch of the garden, forming a wall of funny stems and foliage. The paddle plant is one of several drought-tolerant jade plants, and it’s a must-have for people looking for a unique way to brighten up their yard. 

Desert plants are popular all around the globe, regardless of the environment in which they are grown. Cacti, succulents, and grasses lend a touch of beauty and elegance to any garden in which they are present. 

We’re here to assist if you’re interested in planting a garden but aren’t sure where to start. Check out our article for a detailed look at how to create your own private green area.

The “desert plant guide” is a blog that includes pictures and descriptions of 17 types of desert plants.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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