
16 Simon Says Ideas (With a Twist) to Play in Your Backyard 

 March 19, 2022

By  admin

This is a list of outdoor games that are perfect for playing in the backyard. Some require children, some can be played by adults and take two to four people, others can be done with just one person.

The “Simon Says ideas for adults” is a game that can be played in the backyard. It has 16 different ways to play, and it has a twist.

16 Simon Says Ideas (With a Twist) to Play in Your Backyard

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Simon Says is a classic game that we all played as children in our backyards and on our lawns. To trigger your childhood recollections, here’s a refresher on the rules of the games. The game’s fundamental setup is that one player is designated as Simon, and the other players must obey his directions.

The only directives that must be followed are those that begin with “Simon says.” When the command “Simon says stand on one foot” is delivered, for example, all of the players must precariously balance on one foot. Orders that do not begin with the phrase “Simon says” should not be obeyed.

Players who obey directions that do not begin with a ‘Simon says’ are removed one by one. The winner is determined by the last player remaining. We’ve compiled a fun collection of Simon Says ideas so that we may play Simon Says with a twist. These are the 16 most interesting ideas:


1. Simon Says Inventive+ Paraphrase: Hopscotch


Both Simon Says and Hopscotch are classic and well-known games. What could be better than combining the two? This not only provides entertainment and exercise, but it also aids in the development of body control in youngsters. Hopscotch also teaches toddlers how to control their body rhythm, which is essential for a variety of other abilities.

Body strength, balance, eye/hand coordination, and other skills are developed via the movements. Musical Chairs, Hide & Seek, and other fun outdoor activities might be used with Simon Says.

2. Imitate Your Favorite Superhero, according to Simon Says


Are you a Marvel or DC Comics fan who can’t get enough of your favorite characters? Playing Simon Says with a twist is a great way to channel them. The Simon will offer you instructions to either re-enact scenes or repeat phrases from your favorite superhero.

Use catchphrases like Thor’s ‘By Odin’s beard’ to give even more spice to this concept. Iron Man’s phrase, “Genius, millionaire, playboy, philanthropist,” is another classic scene that ought to be reenacted. With this addition to the collection of Simon Says ideas, you may pretend to live in Gotham City or fly over the sky.

3. Simon Says: Mentally Solve Mathematical Puzzles


This is an excellent concept for a Simon who loves numbers and wants his players to put their math abilities to the test. Depending on the players’ age and experience, puzzles might vary from basic addition to complex calculus.

Giving the players time limits might add further twists to the game. This is an excellent approach to incorporate learning into ordinary enjoyable activities, making it more holistic and less rote.

4. Simon Says Inventive+ Paraphrase: Tap Dance


Gross motor abilities are motions that make use of your body’s bigger muscles. This includes activities such as jogging and dancing. Using these muscles on a daily basis helps to build the muscles required to do these tasks. Tap dance is distinguished by the use of percussion in the form of metal taps fastened to the heel and toe of shoes hitting the floor.

Play a game of Simon Says with a twist and implement this concept well. Your tap-dancing competition may be held on a stage that you created yourself as a DIY project. The player who dazzles everyone with his incredible dance abilities will be declared champion.

5. Simon Says Ideas: Do as many jumping jacks as you can.


Jumping jacks, like other cardiac workouts, are good for your heart. It regulates your heart rate, improves blood circulation throughout the body, and keeps your blood pressure in check. It aids in the reduction of harmful cholesterol levels in the body and the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

The most essential component of it all, though, is that jumping jacks are an excellent method to combine hard training with fun. The Simon should establish a time restriction and award the prize to the person who completes the most jumping jacks in that time range.

Pretend to Be a Robot (Simon Says Ideas #6)


This unique take on Simon Says is sure to generate a few laughs. The players may walk around generating metallic clanking noises and repeating patent phrases in an automated tone. Simon may join in by impersonating the head robot and commanding all of the other participants.

The game may then be resumed while the robot avatar is kept. This will add to the appeal, particularly for smaller children.

7. Sing Your Favorite Song (Simon Says)


There are few things more relaxing than humming your favorite tune in your peaceful garden, surrounded by nature. To add a twist to this concept, Simon may instruct the musicians to only perform songs from a certain decade. As a result, participants will be able to choose music from the retro 1970s, classic 1980s, or modern 1990s.

Sing along to some music to get the most out of a hectic day. Don’t be afraid to bust out the air-guitar, which is the subject of the following Simon Says proposal.

Play the Air Guitar or Air Drums, according to Simon Says.


This concept is appropriate for both experienced musicians and newcomers to musical instruments. On Simon’s directions, play along with the instrument of your choosing and have a great time. You could even have a mini-concert in your own garden!

This concept is usually best performed when there are more participants and players. Simon may also participate if he or she is chosen.

9. Ideas from Simon Says: Do Yoga Poses


This Simon Says with a Twist concept might be a little tricky. Although mastering many yoga positions might take years, it is necessary to begin someplace. Doing a few yoga postures while playing a game might be especially useful for elderly adults with diseases that impede flexibility and body mobility.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana) and Child’s Pose (Balasana) are two of the most basic yoga postures to learn. Your backyard’s thick grass will cushion and support your body, reducing the chance of cuts and scratches.

Recite Harry Potter Spells on Simon Says.


By asking you to repeat Harry Potter spells, the Simon can bring a little bit of the wizarding world into your day. The participants may be asked to enumerate the spells and their functions, with the winner being the one who gets the most of them correct. If one player yells Petrificus Totalus, for example, the other players should tie their legs.

Other players should start giggling when you cast the Riddikulus spell. Put on your wizarding caps and draw your wands, because this Simon Says concept is going to be a blast.

11. Re-enact an Animal from Simon Says


This one is for those who wish to remember some innocent childhood joy. Participants may perform kangaroo hops or frog leaps while making croaking sounds. The Simon may either direct everyone to re-enact a certain animal or they can select their own animal.

If everyone participates enthusiastically in the game, it may conclude in wild laughter and endless enjoyment. For vintage Simon Says fans, this is a must-try.

12. Simon Says: Make a Laughing Face and then Freeze


This is a classic Simon Says notion that never goes out of style. On Simon’s command, the participants must create a hilarious face and hold it. Simon’s job is to attempt to make the other players laugh. Everyone who laughs is terminated.

In this concept, nothing is off-limits. Despite the fact that tickling is not permitted, most Simons do it, and the effect is very amusing. If you want to get the whole Simon Says experience, this is a must-try suggestion.

13. Simon Says Imaginative+ paraphrase: “Imitate a News Reporter”


Journalists, also known as reporters, are specialists who collect information from across the globe and weave it into useful news for society. You may provide the daily news and be the boss of a news program in this twisted Simon Says concept. This innovative and educative concept will help you channel your inner journalist.

Depending on the Simon’s orders, one player may assume the role of the head anchor, while others take on the roles of cameramen and scriptwriters. Furthermore, Simon may declare any player the head anchor, and the game will be won by the person who presents the most accurate and relevant news.

Walk Like A Zombie (Simon Says Ideas, No. 14)


Another amusing, funny notion that makes everyone laugh out loud. It takes more than a spooky outfit to be a zombie. To represent the undead, you’ll need considerable acting talents.

Allow your body to relax and get a bit sloppy. Stagger and stoop your shoulders like an inebriated person. Don’t blink and take your time reacting. Finally, Simon will decide the winner based on who does the greatest zombie walk.

15. Simon Says: Show Off Your Karate Skills


Martial arts are an excellent type of exercise since they provide several health advantages. Martial arts create the road for individuals to realize their optimum fitness potential, from physical fitness to mental and physical growth. It’s a terrific pastime to take up even if you have no prior expertise with martial arts.

What better time to start a new habit than while you’re playing a game? You’ll have a nice time while learning something new that has been scientifically shown to be beneficial to your health.

16. Simon Says Ideas: Give it your all as a Santa Claus.


Making a Christmas-themed version of an old favorite game is a terrific way to give it a fresh spin this holiday season. Get a few participants, designate a Simon (or Santa), and get rolling with Santa Says.

Tasks such as singing carols or reenacting events from the Nativity play might be included. You may also customize the game by altering the movement instructions to focus on various talents. This is to meet the requirements of the game’s participants.

This game should give a much-needed reprieve from your daily life, much like the Christmas season does.


Simon Says is a game that has been played by all generations at some point. It may be played inside, as a backyard game, with a buddy, or with a group of 100 or more people. In this instance, the more the merrier1

Overall, Simon Says is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-teach game. It’s a game that will undoubtedly be popular for a long time. Incorporating these Simon Says concepts with unique twists can only assist you to make the game more engaging for all participants.

Try these 17 entertaining garden projects if you’re seeking for more enjoyable things to do in your backyard. Making one of these 20 DIY outdoor projects is sure to be both instructive and enjoyable!

The “simon says something incoherent” is a game that can be played in your backyard. The game is simple, but fun and competitive.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make Simon say more interesting?

A: Simon doesnt do anything interesting. If you want to make him say something, try saying I am a sentient robot over and over again for almost an hour.

How do you play Simon says twist?

A: Simon says is played by the person who gets it right having to follow the commands of a Simon (usually the games host) as they are demanded. The first player/person starts with asking questions, while players must pick answers from options given in front of them. Players take turns being Simon.

What are some games like Simon says?

A: Games like Simon says are typically games that require players to memorize a pattern and perform the same task over and over with no deviation. This type of game would be similar in playstyle to Beat Saber, where youd need your hands to follow a rhythm while moving around objects on screen.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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