
15 Types of Tropical Plants for Your Garden 

 May 6, 2022

By  admin

Some plants are more adapted to a tropical climate than others, but they all have one thing in common – their beauty. These 15 types of tropical plants will help you fill your garden with greenery and color year-round.

The “low maintenance outdoor tropical plants” is a type of plant that can be grown in the garden with little to no maintenance. The plants are tropical and have beautiful flowers that will add beauty and color to your garden.

15 Types of Tropical Plants for Your Garden

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There are many different varieties of tropical plants found all over the globe. We’ll go through 15 of the most popular tropical garden plants in this post.

These 15 tropical plant varieties are ideal for a garden in a warm environment. The majority of these garden plants may begin growing at any time of year and produce stunning, brilliantly colored blooms.


Plants for Tropical Gardens: 15 Popular Types

  1. Ears of an Elephant
  2. Paradise’s birds
  3. Hibiscus
  4. Lily of the Canna
  5. Hosta Royal Standard
  6. Nile Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Li
  7. Jasmine
  8. Fern, male
  9. Lady Fern’s Ghost
  10. Lilies of the genus Calla
  11. Bromeliad
  12. Lily of the Kaffir
  13. Ginger that is red in color
  14. Chenille
  15. Primrose Orchid

1. Ears of an Elephant (Colocasia)

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  • Sunlight and shadow requirements: Full sun to moderate shade
  • Water requirements: Water on a regular basis and plant in a humid environment.
  • Colocasia bulbs should be planted in the spring in zones 3–8. Plant and grow at any time of year in zones 9-11.

2. Paradise’s birds (Strelitzia Nicolai)

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  • In a desert environment, full sun or moderate shade is required.
  • Water requirements: Water is required on a regular basis.
  • If you buy a potted plant, put it in well-drained soil in the spring or early summer. In between waterings, the soil should be permitted to dry out.

3. Hibiscus flowers (Hibiscus Syriacus)

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  • Sun/shade requirements: 6 hours of direct sunlight
  • Water requirements: 1-2 gallons of water per day
  • When should you plant: Hibiscus tropicus seeds should be planted in late spring or early summer. Before planting, make sure the soil is rich in nutrients.

4. Lily of the Canna (Cannaceae)

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Sun/shade requirements:

Water requirements: Water at least twice a week (minimum)

When should you plant:

Plant Lily of the Canna bulbs in spring or summer or start the plant indoors in a pot during colder seasons. In tropical climates, Canna Lilies can grow all year.

5. Hosta Royal Standard (H. Plantaginea x H. Sieboldiana)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Needs for sun/shade: Part shade / Full shade

Water requirements: the average amount of water used

When should you plant:

In warm areas, plant in well-drained soil in the spring or at any time of year. Summer brings white blossoms, and the shrub has a strong scent.

6. Nile Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Li (Agapanthus Africanus)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Sunlight and shadow requirements: Full sun to moderate shade

Watering is required once a day.

When should you plant:

Plant the Lady of the Nile in the spring or when the soil temperature has reached 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The best way to cultivate this plant is to use organic compost or fertilizer.

Jasmine is number seven (Jasminum)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Sun/shade requirements: or part shade (6 or more hours of direct sunlight per day)

Water requirements: a large amount of water is required.

When should you plant:

Plant jasmine flowers in wet soil between June and November. Allow plenty of room for the jasmine. For proper root development, SFGate suggests at least 8 feet of space.

8. Fern, male (Dryopteris Filix-mas)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Sun/shade requirements:

Depending on the kind of soil, 1 to 2 inches of water each week or more is required. Ferns that are cultivated in sand need to be watered often.

When should you plant:

Plant in the spring, leaving plenty of room between each fern.

9. Lady Fern’s Ghost (Athyrium)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Part shade / part sun is required.

Water requirements: the average amount of water used – partially drought resistant

When should you plant:

Lady Ferns should be planted in the spring in a shady location.

10. Lilies of the genus Calla (Zantedeschia Aethiopica)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Sun/shade requirements range from partial shade to full sun.

Water requirements: Water is required on a regular basis.

When should you plant:

Lilies of the genus Calla grow best in loose, well-drained soil. When planting Calla Lily bulbs, plant them in a partially shaded area during spring, after the last frost or cold front in a warm climate.

Bromeliad No. 11 (Bromeliaceae)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Sunlight and shadow requirements: Full sun to moderate shade (all light conditions)

Water requirements: once a week watering

When should you plant:

Bromeliad plants may be started at any time of year, although in milder climates, they should be planted in the summer.

Bromeliads will sometimes turn totally green if they do not get enough sunshine. This tropical garden plant is very low-maintenance.

12. Lily of the Kaffir (Clivia Miniata)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Sun/shade requirements: No direct sunlight is required; however, partial sunlight is OK.

Water requirements: Water sparingly and avoid allowing the soil to dry up.

When should you plant:

Between March and May, plant Kaffir Lilies. Late in the summer, it blooms.

Additional information – when swallowed, this substance is hazardous to pets.

13. Ginger that is red in color (Hedychium Rubrum)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Sun/shade requirements: / light shade

Water requirements: Water is required on a regular basis. with WARM water

When should you plant:

Plant a Ginger that is red in color in any season but bring indoors or cover when the temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Chenille, no. 14 (Acalypha Hispida)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Sunlight and shadow requirements: Full sun to moderate shade

Water requirements: Water is required on a regular basis.

When should you plant:

Chenille thrives on soil that is well-drained, such as sand, clay, or loam. Plant in early spring or at any time of year, and bring inside when the temperature outdoors drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

15. Primrose Orchid (Primula Vialii)

Check Amazon for the best price.

Sun/shade requirements:

Water requirements: Water is required on a regular basis.

When should you plant:

Plant these perennials in the early spring and enjoy their blooms until the middle of the summer.

Where Should These Tropical Plants Be Planted?

Plant your tropical garden plants according to whether they need to be in the sun or in the shade. Plant small palm trees or fruit-bearing plants like a banana or papaya tree in the tropical-themed garden.

Remember that tropical plants need a lot of water as well as a lot of sunshine.

Use sprinklers to keep your tropical plants from becoming thirsty, and if you don’t live in a humid environment, consider investing in a greenhouse to help your tropical plants flourish more successfully.

All of these tropical plants have seeds that may be purchased online. You may, however, buy pre-grown potted plants and transplant them straight into the soil.

When relocating the potted tropical plant, apply organic compost and all-natural fertilizer, and hydrate it with warm water to help it thrive.

Allow time for the plant to adjust, and don’t make any further modifications to the soil surrounding it for a few days.

The “tropical shrubs” are a type of plant that is found in tropical regions. The plants can be used to create the perfect garden for your home.

Related Tags

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  • low growing tropical plants

Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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