
15 Different Types of Jade Plants With Pictures 

 March 14, 2022

By  admin

Although commonly found in China and Vietnam, jade is a symbol of wealth throughout the world. Jade can be carved into many shapes and forms to create jewelry or other objects for decoration. The different types of jade plants make excellent gifts because they are not only beautiful but also represent a valuable cultural tradition.

Jade plants are a type of succulent plant that is popular for its beautiful colors and unusual shapes. They can be found in many different colors, shapes, sizes and textures. This article will go over the different types of jade plants with pictures.

15 Different Types of Jade Plants With Pictures

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To brighten your house, grow indoor jade plants – they’re also fantastic in the garden!

Jade plants are easy to care for and can brighten up any house or yard. Let us show you some of our favorite jade plants in images, and you’ll see how simple they are to cultivate. We’ll show you how to cultivate jade plants both inside and out. But first and foremost…


What are jade plants, exactly?

Succulents are plants that have developed to survive in hot, dry environments. You’ll recognize them as a typical houseplant, but you may not realize how many distinct shapes and colors you can purchase.

Their large, rubbery leaves hold water, making them perfect for indoor use. They don’t need to be watered very often, don’t need much trimming, and thrive in a variety of environments.

Many of us have seen indoor jade plants in little pots – but given more space, they may grow to be very large, even small trees. Take a look at the dimensions of our initial pick below.

Crassulas and other Jade Plants

As you’ll see below, several other Crassula species have been developed from the traditional jade plant Crassula ovata. We’ve also chosen some more Crassula succulents that we believe would look great in your pots.

Continue reading for our top 15 picks. These jade plants, as well as its Crassula cousins, are ideal for novice gardeners.

Top tips for caring for jade plants

  • They dislike extremes of temperature — neither too hot nor too cold.
  • Terracotta pots keep the roots well-ventilated.
  • They thrive in tiny pots using cactus-specific potting soil.
  • Indoor jade plants need 5-6 hours of light every day, although they may also thrive in partial shade.
  • Make sure your plants are towards the sun in the morning.
  • Snip off leggy branches if you have a lot of them to maintain the form clean.
  • Allow the soil to dry out between waterings if you’re growing jade plants in trays of water.

Pictures of 15 Different Types of Jade Plants

Ovata Crassula (also known as Crassula argentea, Crassula portulacea)

Jade plant, friendship plant, money plant are some of the common names for this plant. In a large container, it may reach a height of over 6 feet.

If given adequate room, this traditional houseplant may grow to be very large – see the one above! They don’t grow this huge in a day, therefore it’s probably over 20 years old.

The original jade plant is popular because it is evergreen, requires little to no maintenance inside, and looks great. Although jade plants are not generally recognized for their blossoming powers, you may receive little white and pink blooms towards the end of summer.

‘Gollum’ Crassula Ovata

Gollum jade plant is its common name. Height: Up to 4 feet tall is feasible.

This is a Crassula ovata cultivar, as are the majority of the Crassulas on this list. Although the leaves seem to be tubes, they are not hollow. This one is also known as ‘trumpet jade,’ ‘ET’s fingers,’ and even ‘Shrek’s ears,’ and it’s easy to understand why!

There’s considerable debate over whether Gollum jade is different from Hobbit jade. They seem to be fairly similar, but we believe there are some little variances. Hobbit seems to be less tubey.

‘Hottentot’ Crassula x Rupestris f. Marnieriana

Jade necklace, baby’s necklace, bead vine are some of the more common names for this item. If permitted, he can grow to be 3 feet tall.

Isn’t it weird how bizarre they are? They resemble stretched little squeezeboxes to us. Cool. They’re great if you want something to grow over the borders of pots since they trail. A hanging basket or container would be a good choice. Crassula rupestris produces clusters of white star-shaped blooms.

‘Hummel’s Sunset’ Crassula Ovata

‘Hummel’s Sunset’ or simply ‘Sunset’ is the common name for the jade plant ‘Hummel’s Sunset.’ Height: around 3 foot

This jade plant has a beautiful appearance. The red and yellow colors set it apart from other jades, and growing them vertically, as seen in the image above, looks striking when mixed with other plants. They have a wow impact and need very little maintenance. What’s not to like about that? This is one of our favorite sorts of jade plants out of all of them.

Arborescens Crassula

Silver jade plant, silver dollar plant are two common names for this plant. Up to 4 foot tall

Arborescens Crassula has eye-catching silvery-green round leaves with red edges. If you combine this with other jade plants in our list – such as Hummel’s Sunset above – you’ll get some fantastic color contrasts. This will make the plants stand out on a living wall or bring some added variety to your collection of indoor jade plants.

Crassula Ovata Variegata or ‘Tricolor’ Crassula Ovata Variegata or ‘Tricolor’ Crassula O

Tricolor jade, lemon and lime jade, variegated jade plant 1ft in height

The original jade plant in a light green and white striped form. These contrast well with deeper green jades. If they receive enough light, the tips of the leaves may occasionally become a pinkish colour.

White flowers blossom on fast-growing branches. Grow with red-orange Hummel’s Sunset and the silvery-grey of Arborescens Crassula for a stunning pop of color.

‘Crosby’s Compact’ Crassula Ovata

Crosby’s diminutive jade plant is its common name. Height: Keeps to a tiny size: 6-12 inches

Portulacaria afra is not to be confused with Portulacaria afra. Dwarf jade is another name for Elephant’s Bush, which is a completely distinct plant (yep, elephants eat it). Crosby’s Compact has smaller branches and leaves than the usual jade plant. It’s a nice indoor plant for a windowsill since you know it won’t grow to be a monster. With more direct sunlight, the yellow-green leaves become scarlet.

‘Minima’ Crassula Ovata

Small jade, baby jade, tiny jade are some of the common names for this stone. 2.5 feet tall

This blossoms into the most adorable little jade tree. Like many jade plants, the leaves are greenish-yellow with crimson tones. Once it matures, it develops a rather substantial trunk. The blossoms are small and coral pink in color. Another excellent alternative for an interior jade plant or as a patio showpiece plant.

‘Obliqua’ Crassula Ovata

Dollar plant, jade plant, jade plant, jade plant, jade plant, jade plant, jade Over 1ft in height

With its pointed leaves, it differs somewhat from the original Crassula ovata. Obliqua’s leaves also seem to be growing more erect. The blooms develop in the winter and early spring and might be pink or white. This jade plant’s leaves sometimes develop a gorgeous purple tint towards the margins.

‘Pink Beauty’ Crassula ovata

Pink jade plant is also known as Pink Beauty jade plant. Height: up to 5 feet tall

The frothy pink blossoms of this jade plant bloom in the early to mid-winter. The leaves and branches of jade plants are more well-known than their flower displays, but this one is an exception. It’s a gorgeous addition to your lawn or house, and the blossoms are fragrant as well.

Ciliata Crassula

Common name: Ciliata Crassula Height: up to 12 inches

The leaves of this plant have a wonderful soft velvety texture. It’s a fast-growing plant that prefers to grow vertically rather than horizontally. The blooms have a light golden color. This succulent, like many jade plants and cousins, can be cultivated in the yard and would look great in any rock garden.

‘Skinny fingers’ Crassula Ovata

Plant with the common names of finger jade and organ pipe jade. 3 feet tall

With long finger-like leaves that become crimson at the tips, this Crassula looks a lot like the Gollum and Hobbit jade plants. These fingers may reach a length of two inches. If you want your plants to resemble body parts, this is the plant for you! ‘Skinny fingers,’ like other jade plants, features little white-pink blooms.

Crassula Ovata ‘Undulata’ is a kind of Crassula Ovata.

Curly jade plant, undulata jade plant, Crassula curly are all common names for the same plant. a height of up to 2 ft.

This jade plant is known for its blue-green wavy leaves. This curled succulent has a really appealing appearance. It may ultimately grow to be rather tree-like, as with other jades, and will reach a height of around 2 feet if left to flourish.

Erosula ‘Campfire’ or Crassula Capitella

Campfire crassula is the common name for this plant. Height: up to 1 foot, width: 3 feet

This Crassula, with its fiery red to orange foliage, is an explosion of color for your home or garden. This one prefers to grow horizontally forming a mat, so it’d be perfect for a rockery as ground cover. In the summer, it blooms in white clusters. This succulent is just gorgeous.

Perforated Crassula

String of buttons, necklace vine, pagoda plant are some of the common names for this plant. 18 inches in height

This plant, like the baby’s necklace jade plant we discussed previously, has a lovely habit of stacking and twisting its triangular leaves. String of buttons has grey-green leaves that may seem pinkish and become bright red when exposed to direct sunlight, as shown in the variegated form depicted above. Yellow flowers are present.

Are you a sucker for succulents? For additional inspiration, see 19 different species of aloe plants with photographs.

The “22 kinds of jade plants” is a type of stone that has been used in jewelry, sculpture, and pottery for thousands of years. It can be found in China, Mexico, Vietnam, and many other countries. Jade is often carved into various shapes such as animals or flowers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many different types of jade plants are there?

A: There are three different types of jade plants, the Jade Vine, Jade Bamboo and Thai Jadestone.

How do I identify my jade plant?

A: Jade plants are succulents that have a long, thin stem with leaves at the top. They will often form more than one cluster of leaves along their stems. The flowers on jade plants can range in color from yellow to white and even pink or purple.

Are there different varieties of jade plant?

A: There are many different varieties of jade plants, but the most popular is the Jade plant. Some other common types include Spiraea Ulmaria and Sarracenia flava.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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