
13 Different Types of Lilies with Pictures 

 March 15, 2022

By  admin

What is a Lily? Lilium, the genus of plants comprising lilies, includes many species and subspecies.
Lilium comes from Latin word “lilium” which means “daffodils,” which are another type of plant with similar flowers to what we know as lilys. The name was derived from the older term for daffodils in Medieval Europe: Dutch “”gheluvelt”” or German “”glockenwort.””

The “lily varieties names” is a blog post that shows pictures of 13 different types of lilies. The author also includes the name, scientific classification and origin of each type of lily.

13 Different Types of Lilies with Pictures

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Lilies are long-lasting flowers that live up to their reputation. Lilies have it everything, from a spectrum of vibrant hues that can enhance the atmosphere of any flower arrangement to endless forms and sizes that are a gardener’s dream come true.

But lilies are widely valued as garden plants for a variety of reasons, including their irresistible perfume, which can fascinate any personality and elevate any blue moods.

The remarkable beauty of numerous species of lilies, with their large trumpet-shaped blossoms and massive anthers loaded of rust-colored pollen, may artistically appeal to all eyes.

Above all, the low-maintenance requirements of these plants make them an all-arounder, even in the backyards of inexperienced gardeners.


Pictures Of 13 Different Lily Species

Lilies have a plethora of qualities, but what makes them the best? There is a lily out there for every lily aficionado and aspiring grower, from purple pendants to orange trumpets.

To help you choose a lily from all of these dizzying options, learn about our favorites as we go through their characteristics and how to care for them.

Martagon Lily is the number one flower in the Martagon Lily family.

This lily is a native of the Swiss alpine meadows and belongs to the wild lily division. Patio owners admire it for its perpetual potential. With a true fondness for light, this lily species has passed on the useful feature of growing well in bright sunlight to subsequent generations of hybrid plants.

The Martagon lily’s dangling turkscap flowers have a distinctive mauve or light purple to pink tint, with freckles on effloresce on occasion. It makes a superb cut flower since its profuse blossoms hide the little foliage it produces.

Martagon lily, with its seamless beauty, would be a suitable option if you want to add a touch of naturalistic plan to your yard. Furthermore, since these lilies are summer plants, they aren’t picky about soil types and flourish in full light.

Bonus Tip: This plant requires adequate drainage in the winter. As a result, plant these lilies in your garden on a natural slope or add grit to the planting hole.

Lily of Acapulco, No. 2

This lily kind is a garden stunner as well as a hot pink decorative hybrid that elevates flower arrangements to new heights. When used to adorn bedrooms, window sills, and kitchen table tops, it creates a stunning effect. The six petals and conspicuous stamens of these dazzling blooms emerge in early to late summer.

Furthermore, the exquisite smell of the vivid pink blossoms that only intensify in color when grown in DIY gardens. These lilies have leaves that stay green throughout the season, preventing the creation of any boring spots in your garden, thanks to their efficiency in planting.

Acapulco lilies are tall and towering perennials that reach a height of 60-80 cm and may be planted in pots, symbolizing purity, refined beauty, and caring traits. When planted in the autumn, their bulbs offer the finest results. However, the sowing period has been extended till spring.

Tip: This lily’s development is threatened by standing water, so be cautious while watering it.

Tiger Lily is number three.

Tiger lilies are a good performer in backyards, with peachy orange-hued petals that touch the base of the stem by curving backward.

These lilies have strappy leaves and specks of black spots that make them appropriate contrasts to the brilliant orange tones of your landscape since they are a prolific bloomer that produces up to ten blossoms per stalk.

If you plant the bulbs in the autumn or spring, they should bloom by mid- to late summer. Furthermore, these lilies may self-propagate, assuring that you will never run out of Tiger lilies with only one purchase.

On the plus side, this lily type is noted for its hardiness, easily surviving viral diseases and pests. However, if planted near other lilies, possible parasite infestations may go undetected. As a result, planting these lilies in a hidden area of your patio is a preferable option.

While the blooms are edible, the pollen is mildly poisonous to humans. Aside from that, all plant components are poisonous to cats.

Casablanca Lily (#4)

These species of lilies have reddish-brown anthers and thrive in the bright summer light, resembling snow due to their pearl-white petals.

These lilies are a florist favorite because of their superb fresh-cut, dark green stem, and enveloping smell. They’re especially popular in wedding bouquets. The Casablanca lilies, on the other hand, never disappoint in the garden.

These bulbous perennials expand broad and offer a rich richness and texture to your porch. They are suitable for growing in pots and garden beds due to their capacity to endure crowding. Furthermore, when grown in cooler climates with enough of sunshine, this herbaceous oriental hybrid produces the greatest results.

Casablanca lilies, on the other hand, attract bees and butterflies. This variety’s capacity to become a component of moon gardens definitely distinguishes it as a standout choice for DIY gardeners.

Pollen from these flowers may discolor. Avoid ruining bridal clothes by carefully snipping off the pollen or pulling the anthers apart with a tissue.

#5: Fascination Lily

This Asiatic hybrid lives up to its name and enchants everyone who see it with the fiery orange-red hue of its petals. It will bring color and contrast to your garden, making it more energetic. Gardeners may work in a variety of ways with enchantment lilies. They can grow in almost any sort of soil as long as it is well-drained and gets enough of sunshine.

Early summer blossoms, with their large, non-fragrant flowers, are the easiest to cultivate for amateur gardeners. The tiny bulbils sprout at the top of each leaf along the stems of nonflowering plants, making propagation easier and assuring a steady supply in the future.

Lilies may be planted in pots to make landscape borders and used in fresh flower arrangements, and they work well as cut flowers.

Bonus Read: Read our 16 eye-catching landscape border ideas to create a stunning landscape in your garden and enjoy the benefits of an orderly environment.

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Elodie Lily, #6

Elodie lilies are an Asiatic hybrid cultivar with semi-double bloom heads and elegant pastel pink tones with fading raspberry and maroon-colored patterning.

This type is ideal for bedding in your garden because of its robust stems and erect blossoms. Furthermore, this lily is pollen-free, making it readily available for the production of romantic bouquets for those who are allergic to pollen.

Any gardening enthusiast may grow these flowers on their patio and revel in their splendour and summery beauty with the help of a sunny spot, well-drained soil, and a finishing touch of organic matter.

The deciduous foliage of this low-maintenance sub-tropical plant adds to its low-maintenance appeal. It produces unscented lance-shaped leaves and funnel-shaped blooms. Finally, these flowers are more appealing and distinctive due to their container-friendly character.

#7. Lily Regale

These varieties of lilies are also known as Royal Lilies, and they are an award-winning variety that has gained a reputation for its sweet aroma. These lilies will meet all of your demands if you wish to give a noble touch to your landscape.

This lily species has golden throats in the middle of its stunning pure white trumpet-shaped cascading petals. The pinkish-purple streaks that run along the outside of it contribute to the overall appeal, fully altering your patio.

Keep in mind that this bloom should be displayed in groups of three bulbs at a minimum to create a lovely combination with other summer flowering bulbs. Cut down leaves and stems after they turn yellow after blooming has over for pruning.

Tip: If you have a cat, you should think twice about growing this lily in your yard since it is harmful to cats.

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#8. Lily of the Stars

Stargazer lilies are the most common varieties of lilies you will come across if your garden is looking for a sensation to bring spice and color to an otherwise drab atmosphere. The intense perfume of these blooms, which may be nearly peppery at times, can be overwhelming to onlookers.

This lily kind produces upward-facing blooms with tips bent towards the stem, in contrast to typical lily plants that produce drooping flowers. ‘Stargazer’ will be useful as a focal point when you want to throw subtlety out the window.

The bright hues of its enormous petals, which enliven any scene, are especially striking. Its ability to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators, facilitating the pollination process, is another quality to add to the never-ending list of its benefits.

Flowers come in a variety of colors, ranging from pink to red to fading apricot tones, and even white varieties on occasion.

Bonus Tip: Water these lilies anytime the soil seems dry to the touch, since standing water or damp soil conditions may cause the bulbs to rot.

#9 Miniature Bee Lily

When it comes to gardening, having a range of pots and containers to choose from is always a bonus. It’s both space-saving and low-maintenance. Tiny Bee lilies are one such friendly kind.

Because of their adaptability, these plants show to be useful Asiatic hybrids thanks to their dwarf traits.

Lilies are an all-arounder because they can do it all, from providing a bright border along path margins to adjusting quickly in a rock garden.

These lilies develop quickly and offer optimum results even with minimum maintenance, with a life expectancy of over 10 years. Your lily plant will grow if you supply it with proper moisture and a sunny location.

Tiny Bee lilies are particularly well-suited to windy environments, where longer plant stems are prone to snapping and breaking.

To top it off, the golden blossoms of yellow trumpet-shaped flowers have small black specks covering the center of the flower, which mix in well with the environment.

Bonus Read: Having trouble matching the height of your backyard with the aesthetic appeal of your garden? These rock garden design ideas can help you discover a solution to your problems.

Easter Lily #10

These sorts of lilies are well-known for their continuous usage in churches and sanctuaries around Easter. They are the progenitor of certain super hybrids like as ‘White American’ and ‘White Heaven.’ You can keep the Easter mood alive long beyond the holiday by planting this perennial plant with enormous, white trumpet-shaped blooms.

You may plant these lilies in warmer temperatures and add to the beauty of your yard since they are adaptable to both cold and warm climates. If you live in a colder climate, consider indoor gardening and using Easter lilies to adorn your kitchen windows.

For a faster growing period, sow the seeds of these lilies in the autumn or early spring. The addition of these native Japanese plants to your DIY garden will give it a polished and beautiful look.

Plant these lilies in mobile planters so you can bring them inside during the winter and leave them outside during the summer.

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Canada (#11). Lily

Canada lilies can help you get a midsummer vibe on your porch that will remain long after summer is finished. The lance-shaped leaves and hypnotic brilliant yellow trumpet blooms with a hint of maroonish contrast on the interior, giving them a lovely wildflower look.

These lilies come from the Canadian meadows, as their name suggests. These lilies are great garden companions because they have aromatic flowers that attract pollinators like bees, flies, and birds.

The brilliant yellow of downward-facing flowers contrasts well with the Enchantments and Tiger lilies’ clashing orange tones. These lilies will grow if they are given lots of sunshine, somewhat acidic soil, and well-drained circumstances.

Lollypop (#12). Lily

Do you have too many different pinks and whites in your garden? If so, Lollypop lilies will fill in the blanks between these two opposing hues.

This lily kind perfectly balances the tones of your landscape thanks to its flushed upward-facing white petals with rose-red tips. Furthermore, this Asiatic perennial species is container-friendly and easy to cultivate in yards.

Furthermore, these lilies have a distinct fresh aroma that can help you unwind when you are exhausted. It’s also a good bouquet flower because of its perfume-like scent.

If you start sowing these lilies in April, you’ll get blooms in June or July!

Bonus: Removing old stems in the late autumn may assist your lily plant from developing illnesses.

Lily, Night Rider No. 13

Last but not least, there’s this unique lily variety that never ceases to amaze its admirers. These end products are upward-facing and somewhat curled towards the stem, the result of a hybrid between Asiatic and trumpet-shaped blooms.

The rich violet-black to black hue of this lily’s bloom petals, however, is its most distinctive and unusual feature. They have a satiny gloss to them, which gives them a royal and exotic look. Because this is the darkest form of lily that gardeners see in their lifetime, the unique hue provides a sense of mystery to your patio.

These lilies are not only eye-catching, but they can also be grown in containers and pots. Apart from that, the healthy growth of these plants requires an area with well-drained and manure-rich soil, a moist atmosphere, and a sunny environment.


Lilies are a flower with a lot of different varieties and hybrids. Lilies can do it everything, from a big 8-foot monster to tiny miniature hybrids that can brighten that one area on your balcony that has always seemed lonely.

If you look hard enough, you’ll discover a species that meets all of your requirements. Aside from that, you could come upon a mystery hybrid that will become a one-of-a-kind addition to your garden!

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The “types of outdoor lilies” is a blog post with pictures of 13 different types of lilies. The blog post has a detailed description about each type of flower and some information about their history.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many different varieties of lilies are there?

A: There are a total of 18 different varieties of lilies.

How do I identify my lilies?

A: For identification purposes, you can use the flowers leaves to identify your lilies.

Which type of lily is not actually a lily?

A: The plant that is not actually a lily.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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