Garlic is a flavorful ingredient that complements many dishes. It can also be used to prevent disease and boost the immune system. Garlic is one of many vegetables in its genus, Allium sativum, which includes onions, leeks and chives as other common varieties.
Garlic is a popular ingredient in many dishes. It has been used for centuries to help with various health conditions and is also an important part of the Mediterranean diet. Garlic can be found in many varieties and it’s important that you know which type you’re cooking with. Here are 12 types of garlic you should know about. Read more in detail here: garlic varieties chart.
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The majority of individuals like cutting garlic cloves to season their meals. Its distinct flavor and perfume make it one of the simplest ways to add individuality to any dish. Do you have any idea how garlic is grown? How many different kinds of garlic are there? Or whence does it originate?
If you don’t know, you’ll find out in this article. We’ll give you a rundown of all you need to know about garlic so you can utilize or cultivate it with a better understanding of what it has to offer.
We go into all of this and more in the sections below. If you want to start growing garlic at home, this article will be quite useful. Don’t spend any more time; go ahead and read!
Where Does Garlic Originate?
We can’t pinpoint a single location where garlic originated. In Central Asia, however, there are several plants that are similar to garlic. Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan (formerly part of the Soviet Union) boast some of the most diverse wild garlic varieties found in the highlands.
As a result, the most prevalent varieties of garlic may have their origins in this region. Even now, wild garlic may be found in almost every country in Asia, Africa, and Europe, including Ukraine, China, India, and even Egypt. Some even thrive in hotter climates, such as California.
There’s no way to tell where garlic came from since it’s been used as a condiment for thousands of years. However, China produces the majority of the world’s garlic, accounting for 80% of global production.
Why Are There So Many Different Garlic Varieties?
The original garlic (wild garlic) is not the same as the garlic we eat. In fact, if you don’t know how to cook them, the wild species are hardly edible.
This illustrates how much garlic has evolved throughout time. It’s said to be because garlic is one of the simplest plants to epigenetically modify. It doesn’t take long to come up with new garlic varieties.
However, this is an oversimplification of why there are so many different forms of garlic. The majority of the changes occur as a result of environmental variables. It adjusts to its developing environment by altering everything from its color to its size and even its flavor.
Is Garlic Easy to Grow?
Is it reasonable to assume that garlic is simple to cultivate since it grows in so many different regions throughout the world? That’s not totally accurate, but it’s close.
When compared to other plants, garlic stands out for its capacity to thrive in a variety of temperatures, including moderate, warm, and cold.
Garlic grows well in moderate climates in the wild. It requires the proper temperature as well as sufficient sunlight. This species of garlic also reproduces sexually, producing seeds and fertilizing itself, thus a suitable habitat is required.
Garlic, on the other hand, grows virtually unrestrictedly in artificial conditions or in home gardens. Because it grows asexually, it should be planted a few weeks before the winter months arrive. It also grows better in warm climates when planted in the spring (but can still grow almost at any time.)
The soil, on the other hand, requires a high level of organic material in order to grow. Despite this, it can grow practically everywhere, with varying pH levels and elevations.
However, there are other factors to consider. However, garlic is often simple to cultivate, depending on the variety.
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Garlic comes in two varieties: hardneck and softneck.
When we speak about wild garlic, we’re talking about the closest species to the most common option: hardneck garlic.
It makes large gloves and has the strongest odors and flavors. The majority of hardneck species have four to six gloves. In any case, the quickest method to tell whether it’s hardneck garlic is to examine its stem, which is typically hard and thick enough to puncture paper.
This is the sort of garlic you’ve most certainly eaten. However, despite the fact that it is a form of garlic, there are other sub-types to consider. We’ll go through each one in detail below:
1. Oriental
The Asiatic subtype is the most prevalent of all hardneck garlic subtypes. However, Asiatic garlic comes in a variety of varieties. However, the most common one originates from China. It was, however, first cultivated in Korea.
Asiatic garlic may be identified by its white bulb with little purple sections. Instead of white, they might take on a deep purple hue.
This kind of garlic produces 4 to 8 cloves per bulb. The flavor is often spicy, which is appropriate for Asian tastes.
They demand consistent sun exposure and flourish in somewhat gloomy regions when it comes to growth requirements. The soil must be rich in organic matter and well-drained. Most essential, they must be watered on a regular basis.
When properly cared for, the plant may reach a height of 4 feet. What’s more, as compared to other species, it may grow many times a year at a breakneck speed.
Most Asian species can survive for more than 6 months without sprouting or decaying. However, they must do so in dry environments.
Rocambole is number two.
The Rocambole is another widespread garlic variety. It has a white tone and little red streaks all around, similar to the Asiatic. This one, on the other hand, has easier-to-peel cloves, develops 8 to 12 per bulb, and has a brownish clove.
The intense scent and surprisingly sweet taste of Rocambole are two distinguishing characteristics. It is said to be one of the tastiest, if not the greatest, of them all.
However, Rocambole is not without flaws. Unlike other garlic varieties, it demands cold winters and only grows in fresh to cold regions.
It thrives in conditions of steady sunlight and average rainfall. For best results, the soil should be well-drained and loamy.
They may reach a height of 6 feet. The weight of the bulbs, however, causes the plants to bend down.
3. Creole
Creole garlic, which is white on the exterior but purple on the interior, is another popular kind. It has a moderate taste that may be nutty and peppery at times. Regardless, the odor is overwhelming.
Creole flourishes in warm climates rather than chilly climates. It normally develops between 8 and 12 cloves per bulb due to its capacity to thrive in warmer climates.
To cultivate this garlic, you’ll need a location that gets plenty of sun. It will thrive in partial shade as well, however this is not advised. However, the soil should be well-drained and fertile. It also doesn’t tolerate drought, while being suited for warmer customers.
A Creole plant may reach a height of 6 feet under the correct conditions. Unfortunately, it seldom reaches this size in colder areas.
4. Purple Stripe Standard
This garlic is purple in color, as the name suggests. It’s also known as Red Zezan since it has a reddish hue to it. With a striped pattern, this purple emerges straight on the peel. The cloves, on the other hand, are often white and pallid.
But it’s not only the hue that jumps out. One of the tastiest species is the Purple Stripe. It is so delicious that in certain parts of the globe, it is utilized as a dessert component.
It can develop up to 10 cloves per bulb in the correct climate, but up to 16 at once. It thrives in frigid climes, although it may also be used in milder ones.
To make it function, you’ll need complete sun exposure. However, some shade will not hurt the plant. It may grow up to 5 feet tall and bushy in the correct circumstances.
5. Purple Stripe Glaze
It’s a glazed purple stripe if the garlic has a glossy exterior with a purple tone. It has a glossy surface, as the name implies, which gives it a more appealing look, making it a distinctive species to cultivate.
Although the surface is usually appealing, the flavor is one of the mildest. This species is ideal for those who like less spiciness and sweetness.
One appealing quality of this garlic is its shelf life, which may last up to 7 months. This is due to its capacity to thrive in cold climates, since it is native to Eastern Europe.
Most of these gloves can hold more than six cloves, with the larger ones holding up to twelve. The plant may reach a height of 5 feet when cultivated in direct sunlight with well-drained soil.
6. Purple Stripe with Marbles
It’s also known as Siberian garlic and has a purple skin, similar to glazed garlic. This one, on the other hand, has a somewhat less polished look, with cream tones on the surface.
Like the scent, the flavor of Marbled Purple Stripe garlic is a little overpowering. However, it has many characteristics with its gleaming cousin, such as the capacity to survive for up to 7 months without deterioration.
Another commonality stems from its origins in Eastern Europe and Russia’s warmer regions. As a result, this garlic can grow in both cold and somewhat fresh settings without difficulty.
It, like other gloves, thrives in bright sunshine and well-drained soil. It may even reach a height of 5 feet with adequate fertilization.
7. Turban
We’ll start with the garlic varieties that grow in the summer. The Turban, also known as the Chinese purple or Tzan kind, is the first.
This one can only grow in full light with a lot of moisture. It usually takes less water in colder climates. Mexico and the hottest sections of Eastern Europe are two places where Turban garlic may be found.
Turban has a sweeter flavor than other spices, which is why it’s often used as a complete item in salads and soups rather than as a flavoring. It’s also simple to peel and only lasts for around 5 months.
Turban garlic may reach a height of 3 feet when properly cultivated. Each bulb may produce 12 cloves. These cloves are often larger and more uniformly sized than normal.
8. The Middle East
It’s also known as Syrian or Subtropical garlic, and it’s one of the most uncommon varieties. It grows mostly in the Middle East, as the name implies, and thrives in very hot climates.
As a result, this garlic does not grow in cold climates. At the same time, if you’re fortunate, the plant will only grow to be 3 feet tall. Each bulb may produce 5 to 10 cloves.
It has a pleasant flavor. It does, however, have a strong spiciness. As a result, it’s an excellent choice for Middle Eastern cuisine.
The majority of Subtropical garlic bulbs are tiny and white. This makes cultivating, growing, and transporting them much simpler.
Porcelain (9.)
Porcelain garlic is the biggest variety of hardneck garlic. This species’ bulbs may contain up to ten cloves per bulb. These cloves are uniformly sized, but in contrast to other hardneck species, they are enormous.
It’s also known as German White and Romanian Red. It distinguishes out for having a light-colored surface and a thin peel that is simple to remove. The term derives from the tendency to shine when exposed to light.
A porcelain garlic bulb may survive up to 8 months if properly cared for. It might possibly persist longer in rare circumstances. And it all comes down to its capacity to thrive in both somewhat warm and cold settings, making it a species with a broad range of resistance.
Finally, given enough sunlight and rich soil, it may reach a height of 6 feet.
Garlic Types: Softneck
While hardneck garlic is a more controllable kind of wild garlic, softneck garlic is simpler to produce and has a longer shelf life. It is the most common variety on the market, particularly in warm climates near the equator.
Softneck garlic varieties are distinguished by their capacity to produce more than 10 gloves per bulb in most species. The colors, on the other hand, are usually drab and pale.
Look at how white this garlic is to figure out what it is. If there isn’t a hint of purple or red on the garlic, it’s most likely softneck. Apart from that, you can tell because the stalk is bendable, which is why it is usually offered in braided.
There are three sorts of softneck garlic to be aware of.
1. Artichoke
The Artichoke species, one of the tiniest varieties of garlic, originates from areas where cultivating hardneck garlic species is difficult. Europe and North America, for example, have harsh summers and winters.
A single bulb of Artichoke garlic can handle 25 gloves at once because to the tiny size of the gloves. They’re closely packed, asymmetrically arranged, and enclosed in a firm peel that’s notoriously tough to remove.
Artichoke may grow practically anywhere thanks to its peel, as long as it gets adequate light. A single bulb, on the other hand, may endure for ten months without decaying. However, most artichoke plants barely reach a height of 2 feet.
Silverskin 2
Silverskin garlic is the second most prevalent variety of softneck garlic. The shell is often silvery, as the name suggests. It’s known as Polish garlic because of this.
The little cloves that come with it set it unique. While the bulbs are not particularly enormous, the cloves are so little that over 40 cloves per bulb is not unusual. Cloves are typically white in color and have a moderate taste.
The peel is thick and might be made up of numerous layers. It’s difficult to get off because of this. However, it also allows them to survive up to a year in rare situations.
They thrive in warm climates when it comes to growth. However, the plant never grows taller than 2 feet. As a result, they may thrive in even the tiniest of areas.
3. Garlic from Elephants
Nothing will be bigger for your garden than Elephant or Buffalo garlic for those who desire to go the additional mile.
It is, as the name says, a massive garlic variety. Only 4 to 8 cloves come with each bulb. Because of its size, the peel tends to be quite thin, making removal a breeze.
This sort of garlic is more often used in baked dishes than as a condiment. It’s because the taste isn’t overpowering. The hue ranges from light white to creamy white.
You’ll need a rather warm atmosphere to flourish. It won’t sprout if you don’t do this. Elephant garlic plants may grow to be 4 feet tall under the correct conditions, making them the biggest softneck species.
So, did this article teach you about the many forms of garlic? There’s a good possibility you weren’t expecting such a wide range of options. You’re probably a little taken aback.
But now that you know what these sorts are, how they develop, and what you can get out of them, it’s time to get your hands dirty.
If you duplicate their optimal habitat, growing them at home shouldn’t be too difficult. So, what do you have to lose?
There are about 12 types of garlic that you should know about. The most popular type is the Spanish onion garlic, followed by the Chinese leek garlic. Reference: how many varieties of garlic are there worldwide.
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