
10 Tips to Help You Keep Your Inflatable Pool Sparkling Clean 

 April 28, 2022

By  admin

Nobody wants a pool that looks like it’s been seen on CSI. Here are some easy tips to keep your pool clear, shiny and inviting all summer long.

The “how to clean intex pool bottom” is a great way to keep your inflatable pool sparkling clean. Here are 10 tips that will help you get the job done.

10 Tips to Help You Keep Your Inflatable Pool Sparkling Clean

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With the arrival of summer and the need for a refreshing plunge in the pool, it’s safe to assume that people will be filling their backyards with inflatable pools. What many forget is that a simple plunge in a dirty pool may lead to a swim with E.coli and other deadly bacteria.

Although cleaning an inflatable pool may seem straightforward, there are several steps you can do to help the process go more smoothly. If you want to keep your pool in tip-top shape, we have some suggestions for you. 


1. Maintain small pools on a regular basis.

It’s pretty unusual to see children, as well as a few eccentric adults, splashing about in a little paddling pool. When it comes to the former, it’s crucial to make sure they’re playing in clean water that’s free of germs and algae. Water may get stagnant after a day or two in the sun, which is the equivalent of letting your kids play in a filthy pond.

The first step is to drain the water once a day. Yes, this seems inconvenient and wasteful, but it is necessary to avoid sickness. Those who find this aggravating may wish to consider just using the pool on occasion.

2. Make sure you’re using the correct cleaning supplies. 

Cleaning a pool does not need the use of specialized materials, though they may be beneficial. Instead, common home things may suffice. To get rid of any bacterial bugs in your pool, all you need is bleach, vinegar, and water. 

Those with a small pool may want to do this on a regular basis, cleaning the pool surfaces with a 1:25 bleach-to-water ratio. You may use a cloth, sponge, or soft brush for this, although strong bristles should be avoided if you don’t want to pierce the skin. Allow ten minutes for the bleach solution to dry on the pool surfaces before going over it with a towel or leaving it out to dry. 

Cleaning the surfaces and removing any odors from the pool may both be done using a vinegar solution (1:10 vinegar to water ratio). If your children use the pool often, this is a fast and simple method to clean it, particularly if you have toddlers or younger children who are likely to get feces into the pool. 

Remember that pool toys and floats become filthy as well, so keep them clean as well. 

3. Allow your pool to dry in the sunlight.

Inflatable pools should be kept in the sun for four hours to dry, since this is the time it takes for the radiation to eliminate Cryptosporidiosis, a diarrhea-causing parasite. After you’ve let your pool to bake, thoroughly dry it, remove any debris or residue, and store it in a clean area, ideally covered in tarpaulin or in a storage container. 

4. Use chlorine pills as needed 

Large pools are more difficult to drain on a regular basis, thus a coating of slime, debris, and germs will form regardless. Chlorine pills, on the other hand, may be the ideal answer for individuals in need of a rapid clean. Chlorine pills will eliminate microorganisms in the pool and bring the pH level back to normal. 

Chlorine dispensers, which bob about your pool and keep it clean, are another option for those who have a filter in their pool. If you use a dispenser, ensure sure it’s filled with chlorine tablets on a regular basis and that the casing hasn’t deteriorated. 

5. Remove debris on a regular basis.

It’s unavoidable that your pool will collect a variety of detritus, including loose leaves and even dead insects. To guarantee that you are resting in clean water, remove your hair before and after each swim, or at least once a day. 

Depending on the size of the pool, you may want to think about the net you use to skim the surface. To target certain portions and remove garbage, use pool nets or even fishing nets. Larger pools may need a pool net with a telescopic pole or a larger net to catch bits in, in which case you will need a pool net with a telescoping pole or a larger net to collect bits in. 

6. Thoroughly clean huge pools

Even with chlorine pills and a daily skim, a big pool will ultimately harbor bacteria and biofilm if left unattended for long enough. As a result, it’s important cleaning it thoroughly once a week, if not more often. This entails draining all of the water, washing the pool, and then cleaning it from top to bottom using a bleach, vinegar, or liquid detergent solution. 

After washing the pool and allowing it to dry for the necessary four hours, begin scrubbing the sides, removing any extra debris and checking for biofilm. Make certain it has been thoroughly cleaned. After that, vacuum your pool, going into the little cracks and eliminating small particles of debris that will cause your pool to get unclean again. 

7. Get yourself a pool vacuum cleaner.

The pool vacuum should be on the list of outstanding innovations offered to us by modern technology. Pool vacuum cleaners are ideal for individuals who have a big pool and don’t have the time – or patience – to thoroughly clean it on a regular basis. In a hurry, a pool vacuum may suck up any residue or debris on the pool bottom without emptying the water. 

If you have the funds and value convenience, you may spend a little more on an automated pool cleaner that will clean your pool while you sit back and relax.

When your pool is not in use, cover it.

A pool cover or tarpaulin may be a terrific method to keep trash out of the water while it’s not in use, as well as protect it from excessive sun exposure. This may be done for both large and small pools. If you’re going to use a pool many times a day, particularly if it’s a kiddie pool, cover it in between usage. 

9. Take a shower before and after using the product.

It’s tempting to imagine that if you have your own pool, you can simply hop in without bathing beforehand. Showering is vital because it removes germs, grime, and other contaminants that people may bring into the pool, which is why public pools almost always have a showering requirement. 

This is particularly critical if a kid is swimming since they are more likely to bring feces, pee, or food into the pool with them. A fast shower, even if it’s only a hose rinse, may function as the first line of defense between germs and the water. 

10. Replace filter cartridges on a regular basis.

High-end inflatable pools may include filtration systems that must be examined and serviced on a regular basis. Filter cartridges usually say when they need to be changed, but you may double-check by inspecting the end caps or interior pleats for signs of wear. Always have a few filter cartridges on hand in case you need to replace one. 

It will be more peaceful and delightful to lounge about in a clean pool, knowing that there will be no surprise strangers swimming beside you. If you follow the advice given above, you will undoubtedly have a better experience. If you’re having trouble inflating your pool, we have a tutorial for you right here.

The “how to keep inflatable pool water clean with salt” is a helpful article that will teach you 10 tips on how to keep your inflatable pool sparkling clean.

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Emil Schoene

Born and raised in Austin, TX I come from a background of home renovation. By helping my family in my younger years with their construction business, I learned the ropes quickly and as I grew it became my passion that I still do today. Looking to share my knowledge with others. I invite you to leave comments on any post as I know you will have questions that you are not finding anywhere else.

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